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Beni: Hi, how are you, guys?

Dewi: I’m fine as always. 
Budi: I’m also fine. How about you, Beni? 
Beni: Good. Thanks. 
Dewi: How was your holiday? I bet it was fun. Mine was so-so since I
didn’t go anywhere during the holiday. 
Budi: That was too bad, Dewi. If I had known you going nowhere during
the holiday, I would have asked you to come along with me to Bali. 
Beni: Yeah, Dewi. I would also have invited you to come along with me
during the holiday. 
Dewi: It’s okay, friends. Even though I stayed at home only, my holiday
was not that bad. 
Beni: Really? 
Dewi: Yeah, my cousins from Palembang visited us. We had family time
during the holiday. You know, we had barbeque party and played some
family games together. 
Budi: That was great. 
Dewi: I know, but it would have been even greater if I could have spent
the holiday outside the town. Anyway, how was Bali, Budi? Was it fun?
Budi: Of course, it was. Me and my sister went surfing in Nusa
Beni: Wait, you can surf? 
Budi: Yes, I can. 
Beni: I didn’t know you can do that. 
Budi: Well, now you do. 
Dewi: Did you only go surfing when you visited Bali? 
Budi: Of course not. I also visited some cool places there, such as Mount
Batur, Uluwatu Temple, and Ubud Art Market. Speaking of Ubud Art
Market, I brought you some souvenirs from there. Here they are. 
Beni: Wow, it’s so cool. Thanks, Budi.
Dewi: Yes, it’s really pretty. You’re the best, Budi. 
Dimas: Hallo, what are you guys doing? 
Budi: Oh hi, Dimas. We’re talking about our holiday. Come join us. Oh,
and this is a souvenir from Bali for you. 
Dimas: Thanks, Budi. I went to Jogja on the holiday. 
Beni: Really? I went there too on holiday. How come we didn’t come
across each other? 
Dimas: I don’t know. It’s strange, right? 
Dewi: Perhaps you stayed in the different part of Jogja? 
Beni: Dewi might be right. I stayed in Bantul during my visit in Jogja.
What about you?
Dimas: It is no wonder, then. I stayed in Sleman. 
Budi: But from Sleman to Bantul is not that far. You both could have still
met each other by chance. 
Dimas: Yeah, I know. I think we weren’t meant to meet there. 
Beni: It also didn’t happen because Dimas and I didn’t contact each other
during the holiday. 
Dewi: That’s right. Communication is important. Next time we should
inform each other on holidays. 
Budi: True! So, Dimas, Beni, would you like to share your adventure in
Jogja? What did you do in Jogja? Did you visit interesting places? 
Dimas: I just visited some of my relatives’ places. I’m from Jogja, so I
have many relatives there. What about you, Beni? 
Beni: I’d like to share my holiday story, but the bell is ringing. The lunch
time is over. We’d better hurry up to go back to the class. 
Dewi: You’re right. You owe us a story, then.
Beni: I’ll tell the story to you guys at tomorrow’s lunch. I promise.
Enggi : Hi Dimas, this semester will be finished soon. Do you have an
arrangement for occasion?
Ria : Yes Dimas, you should?
Dimas : I don’t have the foggiest idea, I haven’t set it up yet.
Ria : Hmm, that is an awful reply. In the event that you don’t have any
arrangement, you can run with my gang. Beijing is our predetermination
this year.
Enggi : Beijing? Is it accurate to say that you are certain? That is an
exceptionally pleasant city to visit. I need to say salutation for you on the
grounds that my guardians will just give me a chance to take an occasion
in Indonesia.
Dimas : Beijing is an awesome place yet I accept that numerous spots in
Indonesia are on a par with that city. Where will you visit Enggi?
Jogjakarta for sure?
Enggi : I want to pick a little place in Lampung in view of the huge wave
for surf.
Ria : Is that Krui?
Enggi : That’s privilege Ria. Just a couple individuals who realize that
Krui has a major wave for surf and it should not be occupied like Kuta in
Dimas : It sounds great. Let me know more. That is to say, in what
capacity would we be able to accomplish there?
Ria : The spot can be come to so natural. We simply go there via auto and
I hear that the street has officially great.
Enggi : Off course it is simple as Ria said. The offices is finished. You will
effectively discover shop, and surf focus. It likewise should not be difficult
to go there.
Dimas : And the wave?
Enggi : You can discover vastly improved in among the shorelines of
Dimas : I run with you. Might I?
Enggi : Off course. Set up your surf board Dimas!
Ria : Cool fellows, howdy that is David!
Enggi : Let me yell him. David! Dave! Come here!
David : Hi, I have weighed my score in the room of Math instructor and
the score is awful..
Dimas : Don’t stress and don’t say anything in regards to Mathematics
score here.
Enggi : Yes, so do us. We got a misfortune in Math.
David : So, what we are going to examine in here?
Ria : Holiday. I am going to go to Beijing while these two gentlemen are
going to Krui.
David : Krui? Lampung? I have such a variety of family over yonder.
Enggi : Really?
David : Yes, on the off chance that you wanna stay in the Krui, I will call
one of my cousins to give you a chance to live for a couple of days at their
Dimas : Thanks David and why not run with us?
David : Nope, I have to stay at home this occasion in light of the fact that
my guardians choose to redesign our home and I have to help them in
observing it.
Enggi : Oh, no issue.
Ria : The ringer is ringing, we should back to the class..
Dimas, Enggi, and David : Ok, how about we back!

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