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GD.B 11136485 YAYASAN AMBULANS GAWAT DARURAT 118 The 118 Emergency Ambulance Service Foundation Sertiftkat Certificate % 2 Z BASIC TRAUMA & CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT Diberikan kepad ‘This is gp certify that Pity Fahtens, LMA KG sornplete PELATIHAN BASIC TRAUM/ ‘The BasicUrpiima rs dengan baik sesual standard Roleyi onesia (KIBI), Perhimpunan Dokte! Sree sia (PAPDI) Persutyan Perawat Nawtona! ipdonesth (PP!) dan Yayasan Ambulans Gawat Dardhit 118 TAGD 118) According to the standard Tig College of Suggeons of Indonesia, “Te Indonesian Si af Internal Medicine, ‘The Indonesian Na Association, and The 118 Em rvice Foundation. Diselenggarakan di / at Pusat Penanggulangan Krisis Kesehatan Aceh, Tg! s/4 9 Apr 2036 Di Kota / in Banda Acch Masa beriaku / valid through ..2 Aprll2020 ‘hres si Frrsntaan Forme Nano! tame (PFS SCThitier Pestana te Preena DBKP) YAYASAN AMBULANS GAWATDARURAT 18 THE 1I8EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE FOUNDATION KOLEGIUM ILMU BEDAH INDONESIA THE COLL IF SURGEONS OF INDONESIA 3B Frccnorensenc t pert KV, FRASIM, FACC, FESC, FAPSIC Dr, Kiki Lukman, dr., M(Med)Se, SpB. KBD, FCSI ie MATERIAL Sistem Penanggulangan Gawat Darurat Terpadu (SPGDT) (Emergency Medical Service System) Bantuan Hidup Dasar (Basic Life Support) Penilaian Awal dan Resusitasi Penderita Trauma dan Jantung (Initial Assessment & Resuscitation of Trauma and Cardiac Patient) Jolan Nafas dan Pernafasan (Airway and Breathing) Cedera Thoraks (Thoracic Trauma) Cedera Abdomen (Abdominal Trauma) Penanggulangan Penderita Syok (Management of Shock ) Trauma Kepala (Head Trauma) Biomekanik Trauma (Biomechanics of Trauma) . Luka dan Fraktur (Wound and Fractures) 11. Ekstrikasi, Stabilisasi dan Transportasi / MEDEVAC (Extrication, Stabilization and Transportation) 12. Luka Bekar (Burn) 13. Skenario Triase (Triage Scenario) 14. Keracunan / Intoksikasi {Intoxication} 15. Pengenalan EKG (Introduction of ECG) 16. Pengenalan dan Penanganan Gawat Darurat Jantung (Introduction and Treatment of Cardiac Emergencies) 17. Trauma pada tbu Hamil, anak, orangtua (Trauma in Pregnancy, Pediatrics and Geriatry) YAYASAN AMBULANSGAWATDARURAT 118 THELINEY VLANCESERVICE FOUNDATION Dr. R. Suhartono, SpB-KBV dr, HT. Fart ‘SpB (K) Trauma Ketua DirekturPelatihan \ Chairman Course Director

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