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A INFLUENCE OF USE WhatsApp Messenger


By: Moro, H.K.E.P


This study aims to examine the impact of using WhatsApp Messenger on student
achievement in Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training & Education, Ahmad Dahlan
University, Yogyakarta, Classification & Animal Diversity course II. The existence of
WhatsApp Messenger can have both positive and negative impacts on students. With
WhatsApp Messenger, all information can be accessed easily. The use of the internet can help
academics in learning. The interest in lecturing activities will make students motivated to get
good achievements. Achievement is the level of success achieved by someone for a particular
goal. One of the factors that makes learning achievement successful is interesting learning

This study uses a field study research design. This type of research is descriptive
qualitative. The population in this study were students of Biology Education 2013 joined in
the forum, amounted to 41 people. Data collection techniques using documentation. To find
out the effect of using WhatsApp messenger on student achievement The results of the study
showed that there was a positive influence on the use of WhatsApp Messenger as a learning
medium on the learning achievements of biology education students at the 2013 Ahmad
Dahlan University Yogyakarta.

Keywords: WhatssApp messenger, learning achievement


In Indonesia, the use of communication tools has become an important requirement.

This is proven by the high level of Indonesian people in using modern telecommunications
facilities such as mobile phones (cell phones) and the internet. In the past, cell phones only
served as a medium for telephone communication and short messages. Nowadays various
features can be used using cellular phones, for example internet services.

The internet is one of the results of advances in artificial science and technology human.
Internet is an abbreviation of Interconnected Networking which, when interpreted in
Indonesian means a series of computers that are connected in a series of networks. With the
internet everyone can access information more quickly, efficiently and can do various things
with anyone, anywhere and anytime without time limit and place (Surya, et al., 2006). The
internet provides various services that can be utilized easily by its users. The internet has
been embedded in mobile devices to improve communication functions. In mobile phones,
the internet can be used to access information through a browser, follow social networking
sites and download material from certain websites. Examples of social networking sites are
Friendster, Myspace, Flickr, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp Messenger, BBM,
Line, and others. The existence of social networking sites makes it easy for users to interact
with people from all over the world at a cheaper cost than using a telephone.

Excessive use of social networking sites can reduce student motivation. In addition,
the use of this site can also change lifestyles, even change the way they behave,
communicate, and socialize with their environment. Apart from negative impacts, social
networking sites also have positive benefits for students. Social networking sites have a
positive impact if the use is not excessive. Social networking sites can provide needed
information quickly, add insight by finding assignments through existing educational
applications, adding friends, completing assignments by creating special groups to discuss
together (Isjoni et al., 2008). Of the various sophisticated application features, the WhatsApp
Messenger application is one of the tools to communicate used by all groups, including
students who cannot be separated from the need to communicate.

Students tend to only study when there are face-to-face lectures, and less independent
in learning. The discussion did not go well, because students rarely asked questions in class.
Students choose to be passive in class and not be involved in lectures. Some possible causes
of passive students include: students do not understand the material, students are embarrassed
when asking questions in class, students are not interested and do not care about lectures. As
a result, when tested, their grades were unsatisfactory. The situation is a challenge for
teaching lecturers, especially lecturers of Classification & Diversity Animal II. The lecture
process so far is only defined as a process learner through face to face in class. In fact,
through a media that allows learning without face to face, the lecture process can still take
place and learning interactions between lecturers and students can still be carried out (Surya
et al., 2006).

In this study, the lecturer posts lecture material in the form of pictures, ask questions in the
form of chat, or just respond to student conversations to be directed to academic discussion,
then students can respond and discuss the material through the comments column. With the
preservation of student learning activities are expected to improve student learning outcomes
(Riyanto, 2009). Learning outcomes are the most important part of learning and become one
of the elements of the learning process. Nana Sudjana (2009: 3) defines student learning
outcomes in essence is a change in behavior as a result of learning in a broader sense
covering the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor fields. Meanwhile according to Dimyati
and Mudjiono (2009: 3-4) stated that learning outcomes are the result of an interaction of
learning and teaching. From the lecturer side, the lecture process ends with a process of
evaluating learning outcomes. While from the student side, learning outcomes are the end of
lectures from the top of the learning process. Learning outcomes can be seen through
evaluation activities aimed at obtaining evidentiary data that will indicate the level of student
ability in achieving learning objectives. Internal and external factors can affect the learning
outcomes obtained. The use of WhatsApp Messenger learning media can be an external
factor for improving student learning outcomes.

According to Harun et al. (2003) the benefits of the internet for education can be access to
sources of information, access to resource persons, and as a medium of cooperation. Intensive
and effective use of the internet will have a significant correlation on learning achievement.
Ibrahim (1982) in Dubatar (2008) said that learning media is able to arouse students' interest
and motivation in learning. Internet facilities to support teaching and learning activities
among high school students have started to be implemented. High learning motivation will be
able to support student achievement. This is reinforced by Supartini (2008), that learning
motivation that is measured correctly can see a significant effect on student learning
outcomes or achievement.
From the description above, the problem can be formulated, namely "How the impact use of
WhatsApp Messenger on student learning achievement ". Researchers limit the scope of the
problem to be investigated, namely: 1. The subjects studied were class C students of class
2013 who used the WhatsApp Messenger application and connected with the contact
WhatsApp Messenger forum. 2. Research is only done on the WhatsApp Messenger
application. Research Benefits: 1. For science, this research is expected to be able to broaden
horizons and complement science especially regarding the development of information and
communication technology. 2. For academic practitioners, this research is expected to be a
common reference material and be input for users of the WhatsApp Messenger application,
especially for lecturers and students Isjoni et al. (2008) defines communication technology as
devices hardware, organizational structure, and social value through which individuals
collect, process and exchange information with other individuals. Communication technology
has an important role in the life of the nation and state, because it can be a unifying tool of
the nation and enter various domains of life. The impact of communication technology is the
occurrence of changes in individual behavior that includes knowledge, attitudes, or actions
that occur as a result of the delivery of communication messages (Harun, 2003).

WhatsApp Messenger is an online chat application that is compatible with several

types of mobile phones, including Iphone, Android, Blackberry, and other mobile brands.
WhatsApp accounts were initially made free, but there are limitations. The expire period or
expiration period of the WhatsApp account is one year. If you want to use longer, can make
payments according to the provisions of WhatsApp. b. Have a conversation through the chat
menu, can copy, delete or forward messages. Sent images can be forwarded. It also can send
voice messages and share the location of the user's whereabouts. Also provides a group chat
feature, where users can gather multiple contacts to create a group chat.

The function of high-tech communication media are: a. Efficient information dissemination

b. Strengthen the existence of information c. Educate / direct / persuasion d. Entertaining /
entertain / joyfull e. Social control (Munadi, 2008). The similarity of the article entitled The
People's Choice written by Paul Lazarfeld, Bernard Barelson and H. Gaudet in 1944 became
the starting point for the emergence of diffusion-innovation theory. According to this theory
something new will lead to people's curiosity to find out. Someone who discovers new things
tends to socialize and spread to others.
Munadi (200) detailed the learning process through internet media, accessing relevant
sources, downloading relevant information, interacting with sources, interacting with others
about sources, making analysis about sources, and having suggestions or responses about
sources. Sardirman (2000) states that the things that encourage a person to learn include
always being curious and wanting to fix past failures with more effort.

Research methods

The research method conducted by researchers is the method of field studies. This type of
research is descriptive qualitative. The data collected in the form of words, pictures, and not
numbers, this is due to the existence of qualitative application. In addition, the data collected
is likely to be key to what has been studied. (Moleong, 2001: 6). In this study, the subject of
the study was adolescents aged 18-21 years using purposive sampling techniques. Sample
selection is based on certain characteristics that are considered to have a relationship in this
study. Where the sample used in accordance with certain criteria, in this study was entered
into the WhatsApp forum based on the research objectives. Primary Data is data obtained
from informant sources the first is individuals or individuals such as the results of chat /
interviews conducted by researchers. WhatsApp Messenger users as research subjects are
connected in contact with researchers. Secondary data is data on midterm scores (UTS) that
have been processed by previous researchers. This data is used to support primary
information obtained both from documents, and from direct observation to the field
(Sugiyono, 2008).

Qualitative data analysis techniques for the data analysis process in this study went through
several stages. In analyzing qualitative research there are stages carried out, including: a.
Organizing data b. Grouping by category, theme and answer model c. Test the assumptions or
problems that exist with the data d. Writing the results of research from descriptive statistical
analysis (Irawan, 1995).
Results and Hacking

Informants used as research samples were 41 (forty one) users of the active WhatsApp
Messenger application representing the population of class C students in Classification
courses & Animal Diversity II (KKH II). Based on the results of research through chat /
interviews with 36 active students in the forum shows that WhatsApp Messengger can be
used as a communication medium for information sharing sources, especially lecture
material. Users are interested in using this application as a source of information because this
application can provide information, appearance that is simple and more creative and follows
the development of technology. Most of the students who use this application are interested
in using it as a medium for announcing assignments and lectures, question and answer
material, and sharing photos. Attractive facilities and tend to be used in the form of audio
(one time), video (never before), images (144 times).

The creation of a communication process in the media in the form of WhatsApp Messenger
making interpersonal communication that is established will have the potential to influence or
persuade others. The lecturer was involved in 102 conversations to provoke questions or
direct the discussion, while 36 students from 41 students using WhatsApp chat, answer,
debate, ask questions or just respond to vary between 1 to 39 conversations per person. If
related to the theory of social penetration (Lazarfeld et al., 1944), it is explained how in the
process of dealing with others, various gradual processes occur, in which a kind of adaptation
process occurs between the two. At the beginning of the group / forum creation on the 25th
February 2015 is still limited to entering groups and joining requests. It was only on April 1,
2015 that the forum was more widely used to confirm assignments, share information, and
comment lectures. On April 23, 2015, it was the last documented activity with more activities
to question and answer materials, correct each other's understanding of the material, and
share exercises on questions. In communication on WhatsApp there are three aspects that
support motivation such as the opinion of Uno (2006). First, forum communication will
succeed if there is positive attention p yourself. Second, forum communication will be well
maintained if support for others is communicated. Third, a positive feeling in a chat situation
is useful in making the discussion effective.
The use of WhatsApp is seen in terms of its effect on learning achievement compared
to students who take part in the WhatsApp Messenger KKH II forum with those who do not
participate, as well as students who are active in chatting with those who are not active. Three
active people (more than 25 conversations) are Nurmaida, Vellin, and Audyna Riomi, while
those who are less active (less than 5 conversations) are Renny H, Weni Listia, Rosalina,
Atikah, Nining, Arif Erlangga and Wahyu W. UTS Value the class averages 67 out of 61
students. The highest score of 92 was obtained by Rosalina (less active in the forum), while
Vellin 88, Nurmaida 80, and Audyna Riomi 88, which were active in the WhatsApp forum.
The lowest score of 20 was obtained by Ratih, Rifki and Robiatun who did not enter the
WhatsApp forum. From these results it can be seen that there is an influence of activeness in
the WhatsApp forum on learning achievement, in this case the UTS score.

There is something interesting in this research, where the winner of the highest UTS score
(92) is actually not active in the forum. Rosalina was only involved in one conversation with
the contents of the confirmation material. This shows that not always the activeness and use
of WhatsApp Messenger has a significant influence on learning achievement. The
contributing factors are: 1. Being active in a forum with a number of chats is not an actual
learning measure, but the content of the chat is more decisive 2. Learning is a unique
combination of actively asking questions, and confirming problems, not just asking and
answering. This is the same as the opinion of Sagala (2008) and Djamarah Z (2006).

From the results of the study, it can be concluded that: The Whatsapp application can be used
as a medium of learning outside the classroom between lecturers and students and other
students, especially as a learning media that is simpler and more efficient. The use of
WhatsApp has an effect on student learning achievement, although it is not the only factor.


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