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Mohammed Zaki Ahmed .

Strengths Insight Guide



Father of Strengths Psychology and

Inventor of CliftonStrengths

(Mohammed Zaki Ahmed .) 1

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Mohammed Zaki Ahmed .


1. Achiever

2. Learner

3. Input

4. Discipline

5. Focus

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People exceptionally talented in the Achiever theme work hard and possess a great deal of stamina.
They take immense satisfaction in being busy and productive.


What makes you stand out?

It’s very likely that you aspire to head up a large enterprise. You feel you can transform this hope into
reality by working quite hard. Driven by your talents, you labor tirelessly when you know your
performance and results are being compared to those of other people. You probably find it hard to
recall a time when you failed for lack of effort. You are naturally motivated to be the very best — not
merely one of the top finishers. Your satisfaction comes from being “number one.” Because of your
strengths, you periodically leap into the middle of difficult tasks. Perhaps you take over projects that
must be done meticulously and accurately. Occasionally you feel you are the only person who can
produce the right outcomes. Why? You likely set high standards of excellence for yourself and others.
Often you trust only yourself to reach them. Instinctively, you usually work earnestly for an authority
figure who takes an interest in you as a human being. You probably just do what is expected when
teachers, coaches, or supervisors treat you like an underling, consider you hired help, or ignore you.
Chances are good that you traditionally determine for yourself and others what should be done. After
you have made up your mind, you typically waste little time moving forward with projects or


1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to you?

2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

Depending on the order of your themes and how you responded to the assessment, some of your themes may share identical insight statements. If this occurs,
the lower ranked theme will not display insight statements to avoid duplication on your report.

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People exceptionally talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to
continuously improve. The process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.


What makes you stand out?

It’s very likely that you yearn to know a lot. It makes little sense to you to skim through a book and
read only the highlights. You delve more deeply into intriguing subjects than most people do. You love
to gather all kinds of information. This explains why you take time to grasp ideas that appear in print.
Instinctively, you earnestly direct your attention toward the ideas, issues, situations, or possibilities
that stir your curiosity. In fact, you devote more time than most people do to exploring topics,
problems, prospects, opportunities, or techniques that pique — that is, arouse or excite — your
interest. When something has to be completed, you are eager to acquire the necessary knowledge or
skills to meet the challenge. Because of your strengths, you endorse the importance of acquiring
additional knowledge and gaining new skills. You regard education as an ongoing activity. By nature,
you habitually bring together all sorts of information so you can refer to it later. At the instant you
collect a fact, example, story, or piece of data, typically you are eager to use it. You trust it is valuable.
Your fascination with knowledge has probably been part of you even before you formed the words to
ask your first question. Chances are good that you can block out distractions when you are working or
studying. You are seldom pulled away from a task. You probably desire to understand ahead of time
what needs to be done. You also expect to receive background briefings and/or a list of a project’s
criteria. Armed with this information, you move closer to your goal. With ease and certitude — that is,
having no doubts — you determine what is and is not important to know about an activity, event, or


1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to you?

2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

Depending on the order of your themes and how you responded to the assessment, some of your themes may share identical insight statements. If this occurs,
the lower ranked theme will not display insight statements to avoid duplication on your report.

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People exceptionally talented in the Input theme have a need to collect and archive. They may
accumulate information, ideas, artifacts or even relationships.


What makes you stand out?

Because of your strengths, you pay close attention to current events. Numerous people merely
recount what they heard, saw, or read. Typically you dive deeper into the topic. You are likely to
generate theories, concepts, or philosophies to explain the reasoning behind newsmakers’ decisions.
You routinely gather information about events, policy statements, people, or crises. Your fresh
insights are likely to draw equally engaged thinkers into the conversation. Driven by your talents, you
can simplify the most complex, convoluted, or intricate procedure. People usually rely on you to offer
clear and easy-to-comprehend explanations. By nature, you eagerly welcome opportunities to think
out loud about ideas, theories, or philosophies. You derive pleasure from conversations that force you
to ponder matters that exist only in the realm of thought, not in reality. It’s very likely that you collect
as much information as possible about past events and people. Often these stories and facts raise
your spirits, renew your faith in humankind, or fill you with hope. When you find another thinker who
loves conversing about the recent or distant past, you are delighted. Few things please you more than
delving deep into the lives of people whose deeds were especially heroic, generous, daring, kind, or
original. Chances are good that you commonly reflect on tomorrow’s possibilities and their potential
impact on your life. Understandably, you seek the company of intelligent, forward-looking individuals.
You talk with them. You listen. You ask questions. You offer your own ideas. Every step of the way,
you keep pulling together intriguing bits of information that can help you shape your future. There are
thoughts you treasure even though they are not immediately useful.


1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to you?

2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

Depending on the order of your themes and how you responded to the assessment, some of your themes may share identical insight statements. If this occurs,
the lower ranked theme will not display insight statements to avoid duplication on your report.

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People exceptionally talented in the Discipline theme enjoy routine and structure. Their world is best
described by the order they create.


What makes you stand out?

Because of your strengths, you typically document your goals and outline your action plan. By
faithfully executing each step, you usually accomplish exactly what you intended. Driven by your
talents, you thrive in settings where you can accomplish things. Of course, you have your own step-
by-step way of performing repetitious tasks. As long as you can stick to your preferred plan of action,
you usually enjoy handling the details and deadlines related to jobs, chores, projects, hobbies,
assignments, or errands. Instinctively, you feel in control of your final scores, outcomes, and overall
performance when you first outline a detailed action plan. Timelines and deadlines probably are very
important to you. Your attention to the little things tells people you are quite serious about being
“number one.” By nature, you diligently apply yourself to organizing various schedules, projects, or
action plans. The anticipation of an event probably delights you much more than the activity itself.
This explains why you pay attention to minute — that is, very small — details. You likely derive a lot of
satisfaction from being well-prepared. Chances are good that you typically check and double check
your work. You need to ensure everything is in order. You likely adopt a serious-minded approach
when evaluating the accuracy of reports, research results, evidence, data, or facts.


1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to you?

2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

Depending on the order of your themes and how you responded to the assessment, some of your themes may share identical insight statements. If this occurs,
the lower ranked theme will not display insight statements to avoid duplication on your report.

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People exceptionally talented in the Focus theme can take a direction, follow through and make the
corrections necessary to stay on track. They prioritize, then act.


What makes you stand out?

It’s very likely that you aim to deliver the best performance in specific areas. You use every bit of the
knowledge, skill, talent, and energy you possess to snag the topmost prize. You probably let little, if
anything, distract you from your goal. Because of your strengths, you thrive in environments where
goal-setting discussions are commonplace and clearly defined objectives are agreed upon.
Instinctively, you use your mental and physical energy for hours when the situation demands such
effort. You generally persevere and push yourself to keep working on assignments until you finish
them. You refuse to quit until you reach your goal. By nature, you derive satisfaction from working with
others to identify goals for individuals, yourself, or the group. You probably want everyone to agree on
one process for narrowing down a number of possible objectives to a manageable few. Participating
in orderly meetings that produce worthwhile results is a good use of your time. You are apt to dislike
chaotic, unstructured sessions where little, if anything, is accomplished. Chances are good that you
center your efforts on making improvements that you decide are intriguing and relevant to your life.
You devote a great deal of time and energy to acquiring the knowledge and skills that you sense you
lack. You regularly challenge yourself to address your shortcomings.


1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to you?

2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

Depending on the order of your themes and how you responded to the assessment, some of your themes may share identical insight statements. If this occurs,
the lower ranked theme will not display insight statements to avoid duplication on your report.

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