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Social Institutions
✓ The nature and genesis of institutions
✓ The process of institutionalization
✓ Functions of Social Institutions: Family, Religion,
Education, Economy and Politics.

Q) Discuss in detail how social institutions/organizations have been

helpful in social economic development of society. (2002)

Q) Define social institution and how can religion held in check the
explosive social tensions produced by inequality and injustice. (2004)

Q) Define social institution. What is the significance of family, religion

and education as institutions in the process of socialization? Explain
your answer with examples from Pakistan society. (2006)

Q) Write a comprehensive note (with an outline) on the nature and

genesis of social institutions with special reference to political
institutions. (2007)

Q) How do you perceive the future of family institution/system in

Pakistan? Discuss with examples especially keeping in view marriage,
elderly and youth problems in the families. (2010)

Q) Discuss the structure and functions of Pakistani family with

examples,keeping in view the changes occuring. How do you see the
future of Pakistani family system?Make a research-based argument.
Q) What is mind construction and explain if it can be a planned
activity? Discuss the role of education policy towards the formation of
social mind and also show its importance in a separate

Q) Write Comprehensive note on i) Institutionalized evasions

Q) Discuss the nature and genesis of institutions alongwith the change

taking place in Pakistani family.

Q) What is trained incapacity? Write two examples about two

institutions in Pakistan where trained incapacity is promoted and
where empowerment is encouraged.

Q) Write short notes on (i) Changing family pattern, its causes and

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