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Basecamp Capability 1 Assignments

This document covers list of assignments/exercises related to first capability of
Basecamp program:

 Use programming elements to store, load and clear data

KO: 1. Ability to implement right program structure - initialize variables
KO: 2. Ability to work with different data types - String and primitive data types
KO: 3. Ability to work with Loop - while, do while and for loops
KO: 4. Ability to work with conditional statements - if else, else if ladder and switch case
5: Ability to do type-casting of both primitive and user defined objects


Exercise 1: Factorial of a number

Write a program to calculate factorial of a number.
Example: 5! = 5*4*3*2*1.
Initialize/receive an integer value
Factorial of a given number is 120.

Exercise 2: Multiplication Table

Write a program that accepts an integer as input and prints the table of that integer up
to 12. For example, is the user enters 7, the output should be:

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Basecamp Capability 1 Assignments

7 x2 = 14
7 x 12 = 84

Exercise 3: Hailstone Sequence

Write a program that reads in a number from the user and then displays the Hailstone
sequence for that number. The problem can be expressed as follows:
 Pick some positive integer and call it n.
 If n is even, divide by two.
 If n is odd, multiply by three and add one.
 Continue this process until n is equal to one.
Your program should be able to produce a sample run that looks like this:

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Input is a positive number
Output is a series of steps showing how it reached the number and then should return
total count of steps

Exercise 4: How to get input from user in Java?

Analyze following two programs to understand how to get different types of input from
keyboard in Java.

Program 1:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class KeyboardUtil {

* @param message
* message to print on console
* @return int fetched from keyboard
public static int getInt(String message) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
return scanner.nextInt();

* @param message
* message to print on console
* @return Double fetched from keyboard
public static double getDouble(String message) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
return scanner.nextDouble();

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Basecamp Capability 1 Assignments

* @param message
* message to print on console
* @return String fetched from keyboard
public static String getString(String message) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
return scanner.nextLine();

Program 2:

public class KeyboardDemo {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int number1 = KeyboardUtil.getInt("Enter a number");

int number2 = KeyboardUtil.getInt("Enter a number");

int sum = number1 + number2;


Exercise 5: Introducing Functions

Write a program to accept employee id, job band and department code and to validate
the job band and department code using functions/methods. The valid job bands are
“C1”,”C2”,”C3” and “C4”. The department code must be in the range 110 – 125. If all
input are valid then display employee details.
Employee ID, Job band and department code

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Error message if any of input is invalid otherwise Employee details

Exercise 6: LCM and GCD

Write a program which accepts two integer numbers and displays their LCM and GCD.
Create methods/functions.
4, 6
LCM: 12
GCD: 2

Exercise 7: Fibonacci number

Write a method that returns the sum of all even Fibonacci numbers. Consider all
Fibonacci numbers that are less than or equal to n.
Each new element in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, etc.

public static int evenFibonacciSum(Integer n){}

Exercise 8: Convert algorithm to Program

Convert following algorithm into executable program:
Step 1: Get input ‘a’ and ‘b’
Step 2: print “invalid’ and exit if a> b
Step 3: print “invalid” and exit if a<=0 or b<=0
Step 4: do following task for 10 times

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Basecamp Capability 1 Assignments

Print value of a and b

Exercise 9: Lottery Ticket

You have a green lottery ticket, with int a, b, and c on it. Write a method which returns
appropriate integer number based on following conditions:
 If the numbers are all different from each other, the result is 0.
 If all of the numbers are the same, the result is 20.
 If two of the numbers are the same, the result is 10.

It should support following test cases:

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Basecamp Capability 1 Assignments

Exercise 10: Pyramid structure

Write a program to make a pattern like a pyramid with a number which will repeat the
number in the same row
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4

Exercise 11: Number of digits

Write a program that reads a positive integer and count the number of digits the

Exercise 12: Find the output

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Basecamp Capability 1 Assignments

Exercise 13: Find the output

Exercise 14: Find the output

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Basecamp Capability 1 Assignments

Exercise 15: Find the output

Exercise 16: Find the output

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Basecamp Capability 1 Assignments


You must have learnt following concepts:
 How to write a basic program?
 How to declare primitive variables?
 How to get input from console and display?
 How to use conditional and iterative statements?
 How to define functions/methods?
 How to pass arguments to functions?
 How to work with local variables?
 How to do typecasting?

pg. 10

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