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LAURA ANTON ENGLISH | GRAMMAR PRACTICE THE VERB editat de Arabella Mcintyre-Brown Booklet Editura Booklet . Pentru comenzi: tet 021 430. 3095 021 440. 1002 e-mail: Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Nationale a Romaniei ANTON, LAURA The verb / Laura Anton ; ed, de Arabella Mcintyre-Brown. - Bucuresti : Booklet, 2017 ISBN 978-606-590-463-7 |, Meintyre-Brown, Arabella (ed.) 811.111'367.625 Redactor: loana Tudose Corector: Arabella Mcintyre-Brown Tehnoredactor. Cristian Radu Design si coperta: Anca Vranescu ilustratil: Andreea Chele, Oana Zvanca, Maria Postea @Editura Booklet 2017 Toate drepturile asupra lucrarii apargin edituril TABLE OF CONTENTS [PRESENT FORMS os Present Tense Simple Present Tense CONTINUOUS wn Present Continuous for Future Arrangements =P. 16 p21 p25 Present Continuous vs. Present Simple .. Present Forms: round-up test il. PAST FORMS... Past Simple Tense Regular Verbs vs. Irregular Verbs. p.32 p.38 p.43 P49 p.52 .p.54 Past Tense Continuous, Past Simple vs. Past Continuous... Past Habits. Used to Past Forms: FOUNC-UP t@St neon iil, PERFECT FORMS. Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Simple vs. Present SIMPIE uP. 60 Present Perfect Simple vs. Past Simple P64 Present Perfect CONINUOUS sume -p.69 Present Perfect Simple vs, Present Perfect Continuous, oP. 72 rene 74 Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Simple vs, Past Perfect Continuous... p.86 Perfect Forms: rounc-up test oP. 91 iV. FUTURE FORMS: we 94 Future Simple Tense (Wil oonennn p.94 Future for intentions and Predictions (BE GOING TO} Future Simple vs. BE GOING TO Future Future Perfect Tense ... see. 9B 106 Future Perfect Continuous Future Forms; round-up test. V. MODAL VERBS ..... CaniCan't/Could/Couldn't Have to, Must, Should. May, Might, Must .. Pp Modal Verbs: round-up test p.133 VL IMPERATIVES oP. 136 Imperatives: round-up test senaenrsnnnnps TAL VIL LIKES, DISLIKES, WISHES .... wo. 143 Infinitives ... oP. 147 ING Forms oP, Likes, Dislikes, Wishes: round-up test Pp. 184 VII, CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ......9. 157 Conditional Sentences Type 1 .... Dp. Conditional Sentences Type 2 Conditional Sentences Type 3 Conditional Sentences: FOUNG-UP tt. .snP. 167 1X. REPORTED (INDIRECT) SPEECH ....p. 169 Indirect Questions. Reported (indirect) Speech: round-up test... X. PASSIVE VOICE Tense Changes. ‘Modal Verbs. Passive Sentences with Two Objects... p. 188 Passive Voice: round-up test. 189 XI. QUESTION TAGS ..... p.191 Question Tags: round-up test... . p.197 XI, PHRASAL VERBS ...... oP 198 Prepositional Verbs. Phrasal Verbs: round-up test. ANSWER KEY T. Present Forms Present Tense Simple USE ~]=to talk about facts that are always true: He tikes English. five in London. Children tke sweets. to talk about repeated actions or daily routines (with adverbs of frequency such as often, never, sometimes, always, rarely, or time expressions}. J often read poems. They sometimes go to the cinema. They read the newspaper in the morning. To talk about general truths or laws of nature: Summer days are long, Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, {Fe To form the Present Simp Subject pronoun or noun) and | * the main verb. We add "-s" to the third person singular in the affirmative. in the | | | interrogetive and negative forms we use the auxiliary verb DO/DONT with |, you, | weand theyand DOES/DOESNT with he, she, it Affirmative: I/you/we/you/they eat he/shefit eats Negative: /jou/we/you/they don't eat he/she/it doesn't eat Interrogative: Do i/you/we/youlthey eat? Does he/she/it eat? TIME EXPRESSIONS | in the morning/afternoon/evening, every day/week/month/year, on Sundays, at noon, | at night, at the weekend, at weekends Read the text about Stephen Curry, and fill in the blanks with the correct Present Simple tense of the verb TO BE (am, is, are) My name 1) ._/5_ Stephen Curry and | 2) twenty-eight. | 3)____ a professional basketball player for The Golden State Warriors. | 4) from Akron, Ohio, My parents 5). both former athletes. My brother Seth 6) ____ also a professional basketball player and my sister Sydell 7) ______ a volleyball player. They 8) _____. both single. | 9) married, and my wife's name 10) ____ Ayesha. | have two girls, Riley and Ryan. 111) ___ considered one of the greatest shooters of alltime. a. Complete the email using the correct form of the verb TO BE. Hello, Mark! How 4) _. you? | 2) My holiday 5) __ tired but happy. It3) very exciting because | learn something new every day. Life in the summer camp _3 pam. and right now | 4). in the hammock, OK. My two room mates, Francesca and Sophia, 7) Malian end _very friendly. They 8) both 12 years old, Francesca’s parents 10) _____. professional bailet dancers. The weather 11) sunny and every day we visit new places. Our campsite 12) very close to the zo0 where there 13) ....__.. a lot of animals like tigers, tions, chimpanzees and so on. Do you know that a gorilla 14) the largest ape in the world? it 15} 1.7 m tall. What about you? 16) _____-_ your surnmer job hard? Cheers! David 2. b. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb TO BE (am, is, are) in the Present Simple tense: a. How _ you? f.How old they? b. What time _ iv g What _ Francesca’s parents? ©. Where you now? h. What __ the weather like? d. What ______ your room mates like? |. How tall _ a gorilla? e. What their nationality? 3. Complete the conversation using the right form of the verb TO BE. Albert: Hello. What 1). your name? Claudia: My name 2) _ Ethan. 3). from Spain? Albert: No, 14) =) from France. Claudia: 6) Albert Yes, it 7). this your first visit to England? _- your room mates? 9) like you? Claudia: No,they 10) from Portugal and they 12) twin sisters Albert: | see, When 13)._______ the karaoke show? 14). ittonight? Claudia: No, #t 15), 1816)._____.________ at 9:30 tomorrow night. Albert: 17)____._____ you ready for it? Claudia: Yes, 18) . Albert: Bye, see you later, they English 4, Look at the following table and ask questions to find out what these people have got. f a Swarowski | 30 fridge homemade | crystal duck | magnets Sheltneckiace | - | Mysteter andl v v y x ‘tea v x vy x | Mart and Simone x v x | ov 2 My sister and) __ 8 Swarowski crystal duck. We __ a toy soldier or awooden carving. , b.We.______3 D fridge magnets and @ homemade shell necklace. e Ted a Swarowski crystal duck, He 3D fridge magnets or a toy soicier. d.He also - a homemade shell necklace and a wooden carving, e. Mark and Simone _ 43D fridge magnets. They a Swarowskt crystal ‘luck or a homemade shell necklace. f. They also _ a toy soldier and a wooden carving. 5. Make questions using have got/has got and the prompts below: a, Teddy/hazel brown eyes? b. Anna/straight hair? , They/glasses? d, Annaéa stomach ache? , Miriam/a runny nose? f. Maria and George/a beautiful house? 8B, Your father/a motorbike? 6. Fill in the table with the right form of the verb: Nyoulwelthey he/sheit 7. Read the jokes and fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs in brackets: a Do you know _ {you/know) the ABC?" the teacher (ask) one of the schoolgiri “Of course, | do.” __ __._ (answer) the girl “Then tell me, please, which letter (go) after A?" “All the others,” _ _-(say) the gir. B.How _ oo (a snowman/tose) weight? (wait) for the weather to get warmer. C. What is the first thing a king or queen (do) when he or she ...__._.__ (come) to the throne? They (sit) down! D. How . _(you/catch) the Easter Bunny? You. _ (hide) in a bush and _ E.What (Adam/say) on the day before Christmas? (be) Christmas, Eve! (read) an article to his wife about how many words wornen ---- (act) like a carrot, Answer: It F.Ahusband 8 day: 30,000 to a man’s 15,000. (use) The wife The husband then .. (reply), "It's because we have to repeat everything to men. — (esk): "What? _ (turn) to his wife and _ 8. Choose the right auxiliary: DO or DOES. a. Where dofdoesthe Sun set? . What language do/does the Brazilians speak? ¢. Do/does it snow in the desert? 4. What temperature do/does water boil at? e. When does/do babies start to walk? f. What dees/do Scotsmen wear as a traditional outfit? g; What sport does/do Novak Djokovic play? hh, Where do/does the British prime minister live? {. What do/does frogs eat? j, How fast does/do penguins swim? 9. Look at exercise 8 again, then fill in the right form of the verbs to find the answers to these questions: 4. The Sun ___Se’S_ in the East. Bit 6. No, it . at 100 degrees Celsius. tartan kilts. 15 kilometres per hour. __ around the age of 1 tennis. 9. He at 10 Downing Street. _ _ Portuguese insects, 10. They. 10. Complete the following description with the right Present Simple of the verbs below: be x 2, search, come x 2, lay, care, catch x 2, break, swim, incubate, go, dive, spend, live ‘The Emperor Penguin _ in Antarctica, The biggest penguin in the world 1) 13) 215 om tall It 4) paddles. tt 6) _ most of its life in the water, where it 7)___. _ the emperor penguin and it2), very well using its wings as __--— fish and squid to eat and it 5} Penguins 8). on to land to have babies. The female 9)_ _ one egg and 20). back to the sea, but the male 11)_. _ the egg for about 60 days. The female 2) back when the egg 13)__ _ and 14)... _ for the chick, while the hungry mate 15}. __for food 11. Ask questions for the underlined words: a, 2020 Summer Olympics take place in Tokyo. Where do 2020 Summer Olympics take place? b. The Games last 17 days How tong ? ¢. The new sports in the 2020 Olympics are softball, karate, skateboard, climbing and surfing Which are 2 d. The opening ceremony starts on 24" July, and the closing ceremony is on 9! August. When Leila Liina and Lily triplets from Estonia, compete in the same wornen’s marathon. Who e 2 £. 2020 Summer Olympics feature 33 sports, 47 disciplines and 324 events. How many 2 g- A male gymnast trains around 25 hours per week, How many h. The average gymnast eats 5 times. a day How often _ 12. Put the words in order to find out some tips on how to learn a foreign language a. pocket/Paul/learn/atways/a/wordsicarties/dictionary/to/new. Paul always carries a pocket dictionary to learn new words. Larry/watch/without/and/brother/fims/his/subtitles/never. . English/in/sometimes/Jane/news/watches/the. 4. Ben/books/usually/magazines/reads/English/and. e. speaker/I/native/often/to/talkia. f. London/sometimes/practise/they/visit/to/Engtish/their & Skype/Maria/and/American/pen friends/Dan/always/messages/write/on/to/thel. 13. Look at the pictures and match them to the suitable activity. Then, make sentences using Present Tense Simple. 1. Kate/whisk the cream 3. Mary/drain the pasta 5. Karen/mash the potatoes 7. Sophie/grate the cheese 2.Maria/chop the bananas 4. Anna/peel the potatoes 6. Tom/slice the tomatoes 8 Sam/knead the dough To make some pancakes, Kate whisks the cream. 14, A day in the life of Her Majesty. Read the prompts and write what Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth does every day. Use suitable verbs in the Present Simple in each case. 7:30 am. drink Eati Grey tea and eat biscuits before 4t 7:50 a.m, the Queen drinks Earl Grey tea and eats biscuits. 8:30 am. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh have breakfast. The Queen read the morning papers. 10. am. take her dogs for their morning walk 411-42 am. meet bishops or judges 13 pm, have lunch break 5 p.m. drink tea and eat sandwiches, scones and her favourite Dundee cake 11 p.m. write a page of her diary Present Tense Continuous Teacher: John, can you conjugate the verb “to go" in the Present Tense Continuous? John: Well. yes. |.. am going. you are going. Teacher: Faster, please. John: am running.. you are running. he is running. ~ to indicate actions that are happening at the moment of speaking: He is eating a sandwich to indicate temporary actions that are happening around now, not only at the moment of speaking He is reading a novel about Victorian England. ~ Fo frm the Present Continuous, we use the verb TO BEand he mainveb 7G] | Affirmative: / on reading/you are reading/he/shevit is reading/we are reading! | you are reading/they are reading Negative: am not reading/you are not reading/he/sheiit is not reading’ we are not reading/you are not reading/they are not reading TIME | now at the moment, at present, while, stil, meanwhile EXPRESSIONS ‘SPELLING |-verbs ending in-e drop the -e and take the -ING suffxc — take—taking —have—having make~making - verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants double the last consonant and take the -ING suffix cut—cutting swim~ swimming run—running verbs ending in -ie drop the ending and take -y + -ING: tie tying ie~lying die dying 1. Write the Present Participle of the verbs below and put them in the right column: shop, cry, write, come, stop, jog, run, lie, die, dance, play, sit, swim, see, travel, brush, hit, make, take, type, watch Jouble consonant + | |-ING [Verb +-ING “ie > y+ ING shopping 2. Complete the email using the correct form of the verb TO BE (am, is, are). Dear Sandra, Right now! 1)" ____ sitting on the beach and I 2)__ . wearing my favourite red swimsuit. My brother and his friends 4). _ surfing while our parents 5). __ buying some food. Some people next to our blanket 6)__ playing backgammon. Now ‘a photographer 7)._ coming towards us and he 8) carrying a monkey on his back. A lot of children 9). 10). 22). you having fun on your holiday? What kind of interesting activities 13)... ‘and your cousins doing? writing to you. 13). asking him questions about the furry animal whose name is Chitta. She making funny faces and the people 11) laughing, 114) waiting for your answer! Hugs, . Cathy 3. It’s the evening before the Christmas party and all the girls are preparing for it, Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous tense of the verbs in brackets: a. Jane. a facial massage. (have) Diana and Mary. their hait (colour) b. Betty her nails. (paint) f.lisa her hair. (dry) Ursula. her hai (wash) Melissa her dress. (iton) Anna. inrollers to make her hair hat _my shoes. (potish) curly. (put) _ make-up. (put on} 4. Make questions with the words in brackets. a. | am eating some grapes. (you) — Are you eating some grapes? b. Jack is using the fax machine. (she) ‘c. Mark is ordering some pizza on the phone, (they) d. The manager is talking to the secretary. (Maria) , We are looking at some graphs. (he) £. Claire is signing some official documents. (Ben and Kerry) Gary is watching a comedy. (Tina) ‘Is the Beast having lunch with Beauty? (he/dance) No, he isn’t. He is dancing with Beauty. bs the Little Prince chasing the fox? (he/hug) ¢.|s the Little Mermaid swimming next to a ship? (she/save/the sailor/from the waves) . Is Goliath running after David? (they/fight) €. I5 Cinderella dancing at the ball? (she/cry/her mother's tomb) f.[s Little Red Riding Hood hugging her grandmother? (she/talk to/the wolf/in the woods) Is the prince climbing up the stairs? (he/kiss/Sleeping Beauty) hh Is the frog sitting on the lake? (it/look at the princess/with love} 6. The Smiths are moving to a new house and they are busy doing different activities. Write questions to the following statements: a. Kate and Rod are cleaning up the kitchen. 4. Who ? 2. What b. Mrs, Smith is drying the dishes before she puts them back in the cupboard. 4. Who 2. Where s . Grandma is dusting the furniture in the living-room. 1. What 2. Where ? 4. Mr. Smith is mopping the floor because the washing machine flooded the bathroom. 4. What ? 2.Why 2 e. Grandpa and Mark are washing the doors using water and detergent. 4.Who ? 2.How _ 2 f. Uncle Dan is vacuuming the bedrooms. 1, Who _ 2 2. Which > g: Aunt Doris is organising the books alphabetically by authors. 41.What ? 2. How ? h. Two gardeners are repairing the fence and watering the plants. 1, How many ? 2. What 7.\magine you are now visiting one of the following places. Say what you are doing or what is happening there, using the given prompts: 4g, The Louvre Museum ~ took at Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Mona Lisa {am looking at Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Mona Lisa” at the Louvre Museum a. The Monastery of Voronet ~ pray b. The Eiffel Tower ~ climb stairs 14 4. The Egyptian pyramids ~ visit the inside of a tomb e. Venice - take a gondola ride through the.canals Put the following lines in the right order to form a dialogue. Dan: Cheers, mate, so where are you? C_) Ben: Oh, great. The thing is I'm wearing casual clothes, which may not be suitable. oO Dan: Great, we are waiting for you and Ben. Larry: Hi, Ben, No, Im not. | am going to Dan's place. He is throwing a party at his new house. Aren't you coming? Lamy: So, Ben, you can come, of course, C_) Bert Yeah, it's because all these cars are stopping on the tram line.) Lary: Hi. 'm still on the bus, coming to you. | am with Ben, a fiend of mine, and I was wondering ithe could come,too. C_) Larry: No problem. I'm sending him a message to see if it’s all right for you to come, too. This is so annoying ~ we're stuck in traffic and the tram is moving so slowly! @) Ben: Oh, this is our stop. Let's hop off. Ben: 'd love to, but! don't know him well) Ben: Hello, Larry. Are you going home? @) Lay: Oh, wait. Dan is calling Lary: No need to worry about it. This isnt a formal party it's just a house warming C_) Dan: Not at all Anna and J are tll decorating the room, and Kate and Bobby are laying the tables inthe garden.) Lary:| hope we are not late.) Lamy: Ok. See you there.) Put the following words in the right order: 2a. teenagers/spending/time/more and more/indoors/are/their/free/o. Ie ding more and more of their free time indoors. b. getting/the/is/worse/weather/and/worse. f, autumaicity/the/flats/prices/of/are/downthis/going, Present Continuous for Future Arrangements USE ~ fixed arrangements between people Tiunth verbs of movement and activity (come, go, play, meet iy travel, etc) We use WILL when we know or think that something will happen in the future: They will be mare relaxed tomorrow. TIME Tomorrow, next month, tonight, in three days’ time EXPRESSIONS 41. Say whether the verbs in bold refer to actions going on around or at the time of speaking, temporary situations, future plans or changing situations. Dear Ann, ‘Thank you for your beautiful letter. As you asked me, | a) am writing to you about my holiday plans, |b) am spending my first summer week with my cousins in London. | c) am leaving the day after tomorrow from COtopeni airport. | 4) am taking advanced English lessons because | don't want to depend too much on my cousins’ help when we visit famous sights and need to speak in English, We e) are visiting The Nationat Gallery on Monday and Madam Tussauds’ Museum as well and, if possible, we f) are going on a cruise on the Thames. |g) am currently reading important historical facts about London as weh are also visiting the Tower of London ‘on Tuesday. | hear they i) are repairing the west wing which is now closed, but there will be plenty of other things to see. 16 They say that the weather j) is getting colder so | am packing thick clothes, too. |k) am buying a jacket and @ ew camera tomorrow. | hope | can afford to find an advanced one at a good price although technology, as you know, |) fs developing faster and faster and what is good now is soon out of date. My brother wants to give me his old cam because he m) is buying a new one ~ this summer he n) is working as 3 professional photographer. Still, want to buy myself 2 brand new one. Do you still ike One Republic? Right now I 0) am listening to Counting Stars. | p) am going to their concert in the autumn, My brother is also one of their fans and right now he q) is practising the guitar as his band 1) is playinga gig at the weekend. Cheers, Clarissa Fill in the blanks with the right Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 2. I must study. __. (sit) atest paper on Monday. . 'm calling ata restaurant | want to book a table as we _ «She d.We (eat) out tonight - (go) to the dentist tomorrow. (move) to Frankfurt next autumn. e.He _.... (buy) a car in two weeks’ time, f.'m afraid not. |__ (keep) it for my son because he (come) home next month. 8g, Sure, but bring it back tomorrow as | he {leave} for London. (take) part in the national judo competition in two months’ time. Match the sentences from the previous exercise to the following questions: 1, Why is he training so hard these days? _ 2. Can you lend me your car, please? 3. What is your brother saving money for? ‘4. Why are you giving away your old furniture? __ 5. Can you stilt rent the roam on the ground floor? 6. Why don't you come to the beach? 7. Who are you calling? ___. 8. Why is your sister so scared? 4. Look at the following pictures and write about Mark's plans for next week. 4. Thursday/play tennis e. Friday/repair his bike _f, Saturday/go fishing _g. Sunday/swim in the pool a, On Monday, b. Mark is going out with his friends. e oe & 5. Mary and George are busy preparing for their wedding. Look at their notes and write down sentences about their plans up to the wedding day, as in the example. + make up the guest list- 1% March They are making up their guest list on 1 March. + hire a wedding planner ~ 2" week + search for photographers, bands and florists - 5 week 18 ol + hire a photographer and a videophotographer ~ 5" week + buy the dress ~ 6" week 6. Write questions and then give short answers, using the Present Continuous. a. He/eat outidinner/this evening? Is he eating dinner out this evening? No, he isn't. b. You/see/your friends/within two hours? . They/enjoy/their time/at the cinema/at the moment? d. Matt/travel/on business/tomorrow? 7. Use Present Tense Continuous and the words in brackets to ask questions as in the ‘example: a. Pam is ironing her dress. (where/go/tonight) Where is she going tonight? b. Tom is saving money. (what/buy/next month) c. The students are revising, (whenstake/the test) 4. Gina is looking for a pair of skis. _ (when/start taking ski Lessons) e. Coldplay are busy recording in their studio, (when/telease/their new album) f-Jane is packing her luggage. (where/teave) (how/travel) 8, The following people are talking about their future arrangements. Match the two actions. a. Sandra and Henry are getting matried in two months’ time. Cé) b. Lam going to my friend's birthday party on Saturday. ¢. Dana and | are making pizza tonight. oO d. He is moving house this Monday. fe. They are going to the jazz festival néxt month C_) £. She is going on a business trip tomorrow. @e) , g: Kate is staying in a summer camp for two weeks next summer. CO 1. Her company has booked the flight. 2. | have bought himn a nice present. 3, They have bought tickets 44, She has bought a modern tent. 5. We have bought the ingredients. 6. They have sent out the invitations. 7. He has packed all the things and booked a transportation van, 9. Fill in the blanks with the correct Present Continuous form of the verbs below: stay x 2, leave, meet x 2, visit, move, wait, have, fly Dear Matt, | am 50 anxious to go on this trip to Europe. | make plans every day about how to spend what | hope will be the most beautiful holiday of my life, lwant to tell you about my plans and help me take the best decisions, 1) me at Vaclav Havel airport in Prague. For the first two days | 3)__ eet their new born child, ivan. They have @ spare room as their elder son 4)___ an international Summer School on the day | arrive at their place. __ from Gatwick next Monday and my friends, Aneta and Antonin, 2). — with them because I want to _to Norway to toa hotel near their house. There | 6). On Wednesday ! 5)_ ___.a group of friends who have booked rooms at the same hotel in Prague. In the morning we 7) - Prague Castle the largest ancient castle in the world, which includes Gothic St. Vitus Cathedral and several museums dedicated to Czech history. To save time we have already booked tickets ontine. After we finish visiting the historical “lunch ata traditional restaurant located on one of the banks of Vitava river. compiex, we 8) ‘This is all about the first days of my trip in Prague. Keep in touch, Mark 20 Present Continuous vs. Present Simple 1. Complete the following statements with Present Continuous or Present Simple: We use _to talk about a temporary situation We use to talk about permanent situations or states. We use to talk about a changing situation. We use to talk about what people/things are like We use to talk about what people possess, Weuse _ to talk about personal arrangements or fixed plans for the future, We use to describe what is happening in pictures and photos. Read the following sentences and give short answers, using do, does, is, am, are. If the information is false, rephrase it, using the given prompts in brackets. Eg, She reads news online every day. YES Yes, she does. He is writing in his diary now. NO (email) No, he isn’t. He is writing an email a. They go to work by car. NO (bus) b. Harry likes fish and chips, NO (spaghetti) . The Earth goes round the Sun. YES d. | live in Manchester. NO (an the Isle of Man) @. He teaches French. NO (Geography) f. We are visiting Paris this summer. YES g, Tina and Gina are dressmakers, NO {nurses) fh. Jake knows how to swim, YES i, The Sun sets in the East. NO (West) j. The teacher is seeing Sam’s parents tonight. YES k, We are thinking of moving to a bigger flat. YES |. Dan and Frank speak Russian very well NO (Portuguese) Change the following sentences using the right tense and the time expres: brackets, asin the example: Eg. am jogging now. (every morning) 1 jog every morning. a, Andra is reading at the moment. (often) bb, Michael cooks pasta in the evening. (now) My father is smoking now. (rarely) 2 4. My favourite teacher. Complete the following description with the right verb: know x3 love x2 understand _ remember 11) tike best teacher! 3) above all, he 5) - 8) we 9) _ strict, but he also 10) _ and! 11) _. my new Maths teacher very much and 12) He 4) 5. Circle the correct answer. 2. Grandma CB tasting) /tastes the soup to see if itis tasting/stes)g000 b, Mary smetls/is smelling the red roses. They smelU/are smelling great. ¢. | see/am seeing a plane in the sky. Can you see it? __. children a lot. He 6) and interesting ways to teach his subject. We 7) think ke not want believe he is the teaching Maths but, _ lot of creative everything so well that we important ideas and formulas for along time. Sometimes he gets upset because to work more, but he easily forgives us when we start to make progress. He is _- how to make his classes enjoyable. My classmates __we are lucky to have such a good teacher. 4d. | can't come to your place as | see/am seeing the dentist at 2 pm. ¢. He is not feeling /doesn't feel well today so he must stay in bed f. This material feels/is feeling so soft. g. | feeU/am feeling he is wrong, Mary thinks the same thing, too, 6. Write questions using the given prompts in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. a. What/Kate/took at/now? b. He/like/Biology? ¢. The cake/taste/good? 4d. Theyfhave/dinner? f. Henry/knaw/Helen? g. She/look like her mother? hh. You/have/a driving licence? i, Whathe/think about/right now? k, What/Ken/taste/now? 7. 1n outer space. Match the two halves of the sentences: a. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Marshave. C1) b. The astronauts are training. C_) & Mark is ooking 4. Shooting stars took.) @. NASA thinks. C_) f.Tedisthinking C_) g.Itappears. C) by, The annual Perseids meteor shower appears. 1. a hard surface because they are made of rock. 2. for their new space mission which is to reach and explore Planet Mars. 3. in the sky at the moment, and can be seen best in a dark sky. 4, that we are not alone in the Universe. 5. of becoming an astronaut as he is fond of the Universe and its mysteries. 6. that the Moon is hollow which means it is empty inside. 7. through the telescope trying to see the briltiant Venus, 8. like stars that move rapidly across the sky. Present Forms: round-up test 1. Look at the following texts and put the right Present Tense forms. Say in which context these extracts could be found: a. This intelligent cleaner {cost) £190 and (have) a special sensor which have) three different settings for various room sizes. It also (stop) it from falling down stairs. It {be} easy to use - you just (press) the button and off it . . In this inspirational drama Cliff Curtis (play) @ chess champion who, after a nervous breakdown, (train) a group of disadvantaged kids. ¢. The Little Red Chairs written by Edna O'Brien .. _-{be) a novel which (tell) the story of a disguised war criminal who _ _ {arrive} at a small trish community. His, presence in that litte village —_ (make) the people very suspicious. Stil beautiful Fidelma (fall) under his spell, who is suffocating in a lonely marriage, d. Rooney _ - (pass) the ball to Van Persie who _. (kick) it high over the __(be) the new World Champion. goal post. The whistle __ {go} and Spain _ e. Dear Lena, | am sorry | can't come to your house in the countryside, but I (study) : for my BA degree. | hope you (enjoy) your stay there. | (think) _ that itis the right thing for you to do after such a busy period at the office. | (take! my exam next week and then | (come) _ _ to you right away. | (understand) that there is a river not far from your cottage, so | am sure that Karen will come, too. You (know) how much she (enjoy) . _ swimming and that she never (miss) _ any occasion to go for a swim. Mark is as free as bird. He (now sunbathe) and (swim) hard. That's life! at the seaside while I (study) f. Hi, Emma. | am OK. Mum (plant) some flowers and Dad (cut) ‘the hedge in the garden, Grandpa (mow). the lawn and uncle Jack (put up) some barbed wire around the vegetable garden. See you soon, Lena 2. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in the right tense: waite, not write 1a. Erin is an associate editor at Glamour. She 1) _ _ about sports and fashion. When Erin _ she's taking care of her rose garden in York or watching an episode of Downton travel search b. Marcus 3) __ for acting, sport or business. Now he 5) __ 6). _. allover the world and he 4) __ for talented people by ferry to the Isle of Crete. He _ for a young man to play in the American film My heart in ruins. play, have ¢. LeBron Raymone James 7) for Cleveland Cavaliers and he also 8) ___._ his own charity foundation, At the moment, he 9) _ a photo shoot for the new NIKE commercial. IT. Past Forms Past Simple Tense and said: ‘Name two pronouns” | said, Who, me?” When ! was o kid, my English teacher looked my =) / i = ° aS ae (FORM iesereertes| uses of the verb TO BE ‘of REGULAR VERBS | Whe/sherit WAS "infinitive *-ED———=—=—~—~*(' A. finished actions in the past youlwe/they WERE Ben and I played chess. 2. repeated events in the past | Expressions used with the Past Simple: yesterday, last Sunday/week/month/veor, four days/ | wetsmontsyeors «ago, in 2010, in September 1. Read the following extracts from two conversations and circle the correct answer. 1.4 How(@as}were your birthday party? B: It were/was fantastic A: When were/was it? 8: Last Friday. A Were/was there many people? 8:Oh, quite a lot. There was/were around 50. The music was/were catchy and the food was absolutely delicious A: Were/was all your classmates present? B:No, they wasn't/weren’t. Some of them were/was invited to take part in the Annual Youth Theatre Festival, so they couldn't make it A: Really? Where was/were that? 8: In Brasov. They were/was veally good. The public and the jury was/were all impressed by their performance, They were/was the winners for the third year in a row. a M.A: Was/Were you at the barbecue last week? 8: Yes, we was/were. The kids were/was more than excited, It was/were their first day out in the forest, A; What was/were the weather like? B: It was/were sunny. ‘A: Was/were your brother with you? B: No, he weren’t/wasn’t. He was/were on a business trip to Amsterdam. He works for a company that has its main office there, What about you? Where was/were you? ‘Ac My wife and I was/were at the seaside, Answer the following questions. You can use the internet if you don’t know the answers. - What was Pinocchio made of? Pinocchio was made of wood. b, What was the first house of the Three Little Pigs made of? c. Where were Hansel and Gretel lost? d, Where was Rapunzel locked? e. Who was the owner of the Chocolate Factory? f. How many adopted girls did Gru have? . Who joins Zootopia’s police force? hh, Who was Harry Potter's Godfather? as. 3. Look at the two maps and write about the location of the most important city buildings then and now: ‘espita, pesteffice, park, police station, bookshop, museum, chemist’s, hotel, cinema Eg, A: Where was the hospital? *~ B: [twas on Camp Avenue, but now it's on River Street ‘A: Where were the post office and the park? 8: The cinema was on Sun Street, while the park was on St: Peter Street ‘4. Mark, Jane and Tim like travelling a lot. Look at the following table, fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb TO BE in the Past Simple, and then answer the questions: 2008 2010 Prague Tokyo London Bratislava | | Brussels Copenhagen 95_______ Mark in Prague? He was in Prague in 2004. b. Who in Vienna? __ Jane and Mark in Paris? __..... Tim and Jane in 2010? Jane in Vienna or in Oslo in 2007? i. Where Then 1. Iwas as free as a bird 2. Iwas happy and re pedaltetine 3. Iwas afraid of mice 4, he was fond of sweets 5. his favourite subject was PE. 6. our hobby was playing outdoor games 7. her favourite food was mashed potatoes with herbs 8. her favourite season was winter 9. they had to walk a lang way ta school 30 ___ Mark and Tim in Tokyo? _ Mark when Tim was in Brussels? Childhood Memories. Look at the two columns and compare the memories of the past with the present situations, as in the example: Now a. | am afraid of the dark b. he is fond of fruit c-his favourite subject is Maths 4. their schoo! is close to their house e. her favourite season is summer f her favourite food is pizza g. our hobby Is watching films h. Lam sometimes worried j. Lam always busy working Eg. These days ! am afraid of the dark, while then ! was afraid of mice. 6. Put the words in the correct order to make question: a. pet/What/the/was/name/your/of/first? “What was the name of your first pet? b. teacher/English/your/Who/was/ first? . What/Christmas/first/your/was/gift? 4. book/read/What/name/was/the/of/first/you/the/that? ¢. friend/Who/your/was/asfa/child/best? 8, you/happy/when/Were/school/you/started? hy favourite/What/your/was/toy? 4. summer/Where/hotiday/were/you/on/first/your? 7. Turn the verbs in the following sentences into negatives using the words in brackets: Eg, They were tired yesterday evening. (she) She wasn't tired yesterday evening, a, He was on a trip last week. (They) b, We were happy to see Jack, (I) . Tim was my friend when we lived in Paris. (Jim) e. My uncle was a successful businessman. (Her uncle) Regular Verbs vs. Irregular Verbs Tn the Simple Past tense irregular verbs don’t take ~ED, but have specific forms: | Example: ‘Mark and Jane went to the market yesterday. (TO GO) | I bought a new cell phone forjust $50. (TO BUY) | shut the window because of the cold. (TO SHUT) | 4. Complete the sentences, using the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. Then write what each of them expresses using the given prompts: i. single actions in the past ii, repeated actions in the past ii. past states a.Tim _{play) football yesterday. . b.He (study) the planets all his life. _ They. {tive) in Matta when they were young. d. Jack and | sometimes (play) basketball in the garden at the weekend. e, Laura's father {love) animals, especially cats and dogs. ~ fl (get) a good mark although the exam was very difficutt. g. Mylittle brother always _. (get) angry when | _ (know) the names of all the generals in the civil war... _(beat) him at cards. fh, My grandfather _ a 2. Complete the joke with the right form of the verbs in brackets. A Frenchman 2). _..(walk) into a bar with a cat on his shoulder. The cat 2)__ _ (have) alittle baseball cap on its head. "Hey, that’s cool"3)__ ____ (say) the bartender. “Where 4). _ {you get) that?” “France,” the cat 5) (say), “they've got millions of them.” 3. Put the following verbs into the right column: ‘wash, sail, cry, want, dance, study, play, look, answer, ask, hurry, receive, belong, try, love, hate, move Yod+ED 4, Patrick was a successful athelete and he worked hard when he was on the Olympic team. He is a trainer now and he is telling a reporter what a typical day in the life of an Olympic sportsman was like. Look at the notes and write sentences using the Past Simple. Diary 14 ~lift weights 6 am. —wake up and have breakfast. 414.30 - do 45 minutes on bike and 45 minutes on 8 am.—do stretching and warm up exercises treadmitt 1030 a.1m.—take a break, drink a smoothie and have ‘16.00 ~ relax: some peanut butter 17-swim 411. am.~watch training videos with coach 418.30 ~ have dinner and eat baked sweet potato, 12 ~ have lunch and eat whole wheat wrap with baked fish or chicken, 1 cup of brown rice, broccoli turkey, lettuce, tomato, mustard 21~go to bed 13 relax Eg. | woke up at 6 a.m. every morning, and I had breakfast 5. Here is a short biography of two famous peopl pilot, and Ferdinand Magettan, the first man to circumnavigate the globe. Read the texts, find the verbs in the Past Simple and put them in the right column: REGULAR VERBS, IRREGULAR VERBS became The first woman to fly a commercial jet plane Beverly Burns became the first female airline pilot, who commanded a Boeing 747 in 1982. At first, she was 2 flight attendant but she decided to become a pilot after an officer told her that women were not smart enough to become pilots. On her historic flight, she took off from the Newark, New Jersey airport and landed in Los Angeles, California. She married fellow aviator Robert Allen Burns in 1972. Beverly received praise from President George W. Bush for her service. The first European man to circumnavigate the globe Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe on his ship Victoria. He was a Portuguese explorer who decided to sail from Europe to the East. Unfortunately, he fought in the battle of. Mactan in the Phillippines and died in 1521, Most of his ctew died, too, from hunger or disease. Sea captain Sebastian Elcano led the others who remained and managed to complete Magellan's planned voyage. They returned home to Europe, weak but triumphant, in 1522. The Magellanic penguin was named after him and he also named “peaceful sea” the modem Pacific Ocean. 34 6, The Inuits are the people of the Canadian Arctic and they were called Eskimos (eaters of raw meat) in the past. Complete the sentences about their life now and then using the Past or Present Simple of the verbs in brackets. Pay attention to the words in capitals next to each sentence. Agriculture 1) /5.____ (be} not possible because it 2). (be) cold. NOW AND THEN The inuit only 3). (eat) meat from the animals which they 4) ______ hunt). THEN They 5). (live) in small colourful wooden houses called *matchboxes" with running water and electricity. NOW The seal 6)________ (be) the animal which 7)______ (give) them everything they 8) (need) to survive. THEN They 9)... {be} nomads and 10}. (move) from one place to another. THEN At school, they 11) (help) them understand the TV _._ fuse). NOW (travet) in kayaks _. (learn) English which 12) programmes they 13), On land, they15) across water. THEN They 17) __ {watch} and the computer programmes they 14) (use) dog sledges to transport things, and they 16). _ (buy) the things they 18). (need) in their daily life from supermarkets and _. (have) motor vehicles to travel or transport things. NOW {wear) modern clothes tike jeans and baseball caps. NOW 7. A group of friends went to a picnic last weekend. Complete the sentences with the activities they did or not, using the given verbs: a. They {g0) there by car. (yes) b. They {lie} in the sun in the morning, (yes) They _ _ (stay) under a tree, inthe afternoon. (yes) z d.They _ ______. (swim) in the lake. (no} e. They - (wear) straw hats. (no) f They flay} board games. (yes) ge They (eat) sweets. (no) h They a - (listen) to the radio. (no) i they (go) fishing (yes) j-they (pick) flowers. (yes) k, They (walk) barefoot on the grass. (no) \they __(come back) home late. (yes) m.they (have) fun. (yes) a. A day at school. Mark is a good student and he always does his best at school. Choose the right verb and fill in the blanks using the Past Simple to describe his activity at school last week. help, write, do, get, come, listen, answer, not make a.He to class on time. be all his homework, He to the teacher d.He ________ everything in his notebook eHe good grades. f.He ___________ any mistakes in the English test. g.He __ correctly all the questions in the History test. heHe the teacher to clean the board 8. b, Unlike Mark, Alexander doesn’t like studying. Write sentences about his school activity using the verbs in 8.2. Eg, He didn’t come to class on time. 9. Complete the extract from the story below using the Past Simple of the verbs in the box, ‘enter, study, move, think, practise, answer, hate, search, decide x3, offer, quit, phone, be, want, receive x 2, pack, prepare, pull, check, hurry, wait, look x 2, call, stay, arrive, visit, check in, betong, manage, organise, sign, read, invite ‘Although he 1). ated ig cities, Rob 2) ___ his job and 3) _ to London three years, ago.He 4)____...__. to make a change in his life, so he 5). to find a job there. He 6} for a suitable job according to what he 7)... at University, He 8).______ up to get jab ads by email and he finally 9). an interesting job offer. He 10)___ __ the ad very carefully and then 14). for a taxi to take him to the station, When the train 14). to go to an interview. He 12) __ his things in two suitcases and 13)_ __ into the station, he 15). athis ticket and then 16).____.___to find his place on the train, Allhis journey he 17)______ for the interview and 18) _ how to answer possible questions. When he finally 19) he 20) _at the Luxor Hotel where he also 21) when he 22)__ __ some friends last summer. He 23). the address of the company once again and 24) __. to walk there as it 25).________not far from the hotel. He 26) the building that 27) ster he 28) After the interview he 30)... thathe 31)________ to get the job because he 32 ___ him the job and a place where to _ to one of the biggest international IT companies, for half an hour, the Human Resources manager 29). him into his office, all the questions very confidently. Indeed, the company 33).. stay. He immediately 34}... his friends in London and 35)_____annight out in the city 10. Make questions in the Past Eg. She watched CNN last night. (he) Did he watch CNN last night? iple tense with the words in brackets: a. He liked the film. (she) b. My parents moved to Prague two years ago. (you) ©. They heard the news two minutes ago. (we) e. f. The Thames froze last night. (the Danube} | made 2 mistake in my test papers. (your colleagues) hh. They went on a holiday in Paris, (your friend) a” Past Tense Continuous A lady was walking down the street and suddenly she saw a man who was walking towards her. The man was talking to himself, waving his arms around his head and jumping up and down three times. He was repeating this continually. The lady asked the man what he was doing. The man replied that he was keeping the pink elephants away. ‘he lady replied, “Why? There are no pink elephants around here. The man replied, “I know! I do a great job, don't 1?” Affirmative V/she/he/it was reading 1 To describe an action in progress ata time in the past welyou'they were reading _| She was reading the newspaper at 10 o'clock yesterday —— — ————} morning. Negative \ishe/he/it wasn't reading | welyou/they weren't reading [interrogative Was \/she/he/it reading? 2. Two actions which were in progress at the same time in | Were we/you/they reading? | the past: ‘She was reading while he was writing an email Short answers Yes, lishe/he/it was. 5. To talk about something that was in progress when an Yes, we/you/they were. event took place: | No, Vshe/he/it wasn't She wos reading the newspaper when the door bell rang. | No, we/yourthey weren't | 1, Alot of celebrities were doing ordinary jobs before being famous. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in brackets in the Past Continuous. Then, guess the person (you can use the Internet). Before becoming famous, ate __...... (deliver) fridges. Brad Pitt b.He a {fold) clothes for GAP - He __ (call) people and (sell) ___. pens to them de __{work) as a lawyer eHe (study) biomedical engineering at the University of lowa f. She _ (work) a5 a cashier at a supermarket, (sell) shoes. (clean) his cousin's recording studio. (drive) a Red Cross ambulance in France at the end of World War I 2, Look at the picture and write down what the people were doing at thi: Use the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets. time last week. a. Dana and John were talking (tatle, 4. Tim be Mark __ (drink) juice. @. Jodie and Dave _ (dance) fesDaniny eae (text) messages onhis—f. They _ {all/have) a good time, phone. 3. Complete the short answers. 2. Were you listening to music at two o'clock last night? No, L b. Was he wearing thick clothes last summer? No, _ ¢. Were they having a party before the exam? No, d. Was she going to schoo! last Sunday when you met her? No, e. Were they eating cakes at her party this time tast month? Yes, oe f. Was she training hard for the Olympics five months ago? 4, Find the opposites of the underlined verbs and then make sentences according to the model. Make the necessary changes. sell, relax, leave, faugh, turn on, teach, answer, close a. Ben was crying, No, he wasn’t. He was laughing, b. She was opening the garage door No, ¢. Sandra was coming home. No, she, 4. Dan was working Noy He - €e Gina was learning French NO, She . f. The students were asking questions. No, wo They g. Henry was buying food. No, on. - He - bh, They were turning off the Christmas lights in the city centre, No, They 5. Complete the sentences using the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets and short forms. @ This one runs on fat and saves . rents Ik ————— z This one runs on money and) > makes you fat (S _..(spend) my holiday with my aunt in Malaga, Spain. My cousins and | __(think) of how to spend that Saturday and finally we decided to go to the beach, _ {try} to do a lot of physical activities because we wanted to lose weight. The (shine) and the wind 5)__ (blow) softly while my cousin __(Grive) his car through the city, We 7)____ __(not/hurry) as we had plenty of time. Suddenly we saw a well-built man who 8). (ride) his bike in front _.. (wear) a T-shirt with Go Green written on it. Other people who ___ (wear) the same T-shirts 11) __{follow) him closely. We _..{try) to overtake them when they suddenly stopped on the side of the road. 6. On the Beach. Look at the picture and write what the people were doing on the beach during their weekend, Use the Past Continuous Tense of the verbs below. ‘build, write, dig, have, lie, windsurf, fly, pick up a.Sondra___ building sandcasties. b. Timmy words in the sand with a stick while Sam _ a kite. ahole to fillitup Maria _ __ shells and pebbles while Jack __ : with water. d. Dan and Gerard _ e. Lara and Gina a swim in the sea while Dennis _ in the sun, 7. Where were the following people at this time yesterday? Match the sentences to the right location: a. was writing notes on my notebook. : Z ». He was going through Customs. c. They were picking up sea shells, _ 4d. We were cooking dinner. e. Sam was doing physical exercises. f. Pam was brushing her teeth. g. He was carrying a tray with glasses and plates bh, They were watching a film and eating popcorn. i. They were playing against Manchester United, __ 8. Park Hotel was a busy place last night. Use the prompts to ask questions about what people were doing. : a. Ted/pay his bill? Wos Ted paying his bill? b, Samantha and Sandra/check in? «¢. Lily/go upstairs to her room? 4d. The porter/carry the luggage? ¢. Jerry/take pictures in the lobby? f. Tina/talk to the receptionist? g. Amy and her friends/play Divit? j. Danny/make a reservation for his private party? 9. At the weekend these children were home alone. When their parents came back home, they asked them what they were doing at that time. They told lies. Complete the sentences using the Past Continuous of these verbs: chase, water, listen, ride, clean, put, read, help, steal, improve, try on, polish, do, play was watering _ the flowers, but he __ Was stealing a. Frank told his parents that he _ cherries from their neighbouts' tree. _to b. Ann told her parents that she _her piano skills, but she hip hop music. ¢. Mark totd his parents that he _ his shoes, but he toothpaste on his grandpa’s hair comb, _ his room, but he = di Jake told his parents that he motorbike. e, Maty told her parents that she __ __ her homework, but she her mother's dresses and shoes, an f. Tim told his parents that he _ _ his little brother with his homework, but he _ DOTA g. Dan told his parents that he “Oliver Twist’, but he __ Pokemons, 10. Match the two halves of the sentences. a. It was getting dark so 2. | went to have a rest b. itwas getting late so 2. she started to work harder to improve her Maths skills, c. Her grades were getting worse so 3. they turned on the lights, 4d Tom was getting hungry so 4. he stopped eating bread and sweets. e, Kate’s hands were getting colder so 5. they took a taxi f Larry was getting fat so 6. he started to look for a place to have lunch, g: las getting tired so 7. she put on her gloves Past Simple vs. Past Continuous = The Past Simple and Past Continuous are used together to indicate a past action which was in progress when another sudden action interrupted it. + We use the Past Continuous tense for the longer action, which was in progress. * We use the Past Simple tense for the shorter action, which was accomplished before the moment of speaking. Eg, They were swimming in the lake when the rain started. in the blanks with do or make in the Past Continuous. a. Mum __was making a cake when the cat broke the vase. bi my nails when he entered the door. Romania peace with the United Nations in 1944 when the Russian army invaded the country. 4. She _-.... het homework when the telephone rang. e. They - physical exercises while we were playing football fdack a phone call when his battery ran out of power. @They__________ business with the Chinese when the war started. h. The comedian _____ fun of politicians when the alarm went off. ithe children __... a lot of noise when their parents came horne, je Helen the dishes while her husband the shopping 2, Mary and Jane visited England and stayed at a house which was said to be haunted. ‘They had a lot of strange dreams. Describe their nightmares using Past Continuous and Past Simple. wos climbing saw a. Mary _ (climb) the stairs when she (see) a green cat b.Jane __ (cross) the street when a German tank. ____ {appear} Jane oe _ (ride) her bike when an UFO in front of her. 4. Mary : {look} at a famous painting when Leonardo Da Vinci (say) Hito her, ____ (have) dinner at the restaurant when Hitter _-_-~.—.-- (bring) her the bill. ______— (watch) a film when Tom Hardy, the main actor, no (Call her name, ___.. (sail) a boat when Marco Polo _ (come) out of the water. he Mary (have fun) at a party when all the people {turn) into stones. 3. Complete the following conversations. Use the Past Simple of the verbs below. go, travel, steal, see, strike, meet 4. A: What were you doing when they your wallet? 8:1 was looking at a shop window. 2. A: How did you find this job? B: | was reading the morning paper when | the advertisement 3.8: What were you doing when the earthquake 2 B:1 was brushing my teeth, ‘4, 8 How did you spend your weekend? B:1 went to the countryside. There | __..-. my friends and we. 5, Ac How long did you study Chinese? 8: Five years at a language school. | also China several times. Write full sentences. Use the Past Simple and the Past Continuous. a. while/the plane/take off/the flight attendant/give/us/the basic instructions The flight attendant gave us the safety instcuctions while the plane was taking off b. a baby/cry/while/the plane/tand 5. Dog adopts piglets. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous. Mario, a boy from Cuba, 1), - (be) very happy when one of the sows on his father's farm 2h - (give) birth to six piglets. He 3)_. (take) him to see the young pigs. The boy and his friend 5) __ (be) very happy when his father 4) (play) with them alt day long Sadly, three days later the sow 6)__ (die) so the man 7) Hes) (think) of what to do with them while the boy 9) __(cry). Suddenly, he 10) _ _ (take) the piglets home. __. desperately _- (have) an idea~he 11) (put) the little animals close to his dog who 12) 33). (give) them milk. Now she feeds her own babies and the adopted ones as well. Tina the dog is naw famous in (feed) her puppies. At first, the dog (not/show) any signs of interest in the piglets, but later she 14) town and everybody knows her story. 6. a, Complete the extract from an email. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets. Dear Julia, | am finally at home, safe and sound. | am still dreaming of the piaces 1 1)___Visited_{jsit) last month. | am more than happy to share my memories with you about Lower Manhattan in New York, where George Washington 2). myself in the 18" century and 1 4)_ (become) the first president of the USA. | 3) (imagine) (go) _ (coexist) in harmony. (follow) in his footsteps a5 | 5) along the streets where sinall townhouses and tall skyscrapers 6) You know that I'm an early riser, so, one morning 7)... (get) up at Sam. and 8) (eo) to see the sun which 9) _.. (rise) over the East River and the Brooklyn Bridge. There 10)_____ (be) water everywhere and everything 11). ing_the harbour and then 1 13) 14) (discover) beautiful views. (be) magnificent. 112) (spend) the whole day yi (take) a_boat tour and In the evening, while the sun 15) 16). the thousands of people who 37) 38) around the twin memorial pools. - (set) behind the Statve_of Liberty, | (walk) towards The National 11 Memorial Plaza which reminds the visitors about _.. (lose) their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attack. Feeling sad, | __{look) at the names of those who 19) (die} inscribed in bronze Around 10 p.m.1 20)... _- (go) back to the hotel which 21) (be) {ocated ina beautiful and enjoyable area where! 22)____ ___ find) a lot of restaurants, boutiques and more. This is about one day in New York, but | have a lot of other things to tell you about. {ican hardly wait to see you and talk over a cup of coffee at our favourite cafeteria Hugs, Bianca * b, Read the email above and ask questions for the underlined words. Eg. Who became the first president of the USA? re nd but J! ze nd ne An urban legend, popular legend, urban myth, urban tale or contemporary legend is a form of modem folklore consisting of fictional stories, often with macabre elements deeply rooted in local popular cutture. 7. Fillin the right form of the verbs in brackets: The Hitchhiker Ghost ~ (drive) alone at night. He 2). ~ (see) a young gist who (stand) on the side of a quiet country road. He 4) __— (stop) the car (offer) to give her a ride as she 6). (take) her to her house, 8) (watch) her go inside. As he 10)__ (want) to go home. He — an. (drop) her off and 9). (drive) away, he 12) _ (notice) that she had left her scarf in the car, so the next day he 121 _ (go) back to her house to return it. An old woman {say) “Your daughter 15). (reply) (answer) the door, and he 14) (leave) her scarf in my car last night” The old woman sadly 16) possible. She 17)__ Im sorry, sir, but that is not die) 30 years ago" 8, Read the following extracts from two conversations and fill in the blanks using the Past Simple. Make the necessary changes. Then write next to each sentence the type of conversation it is a police investigation or a holiday. a. When did you go, bed yesterday? Around eleven o'clock. | always go to bed around lice investigation this hour, ACD-player and 200 pounds. a. No, we didn’t. We rented an apartment, _at a hotel? e. Where your holiday? At the seaside. f. How there? By train, & masks? No, they didn't. | could see their faces. Yes. love water sports. i. How tong _ Two weeks. 4. Who My neighbour, because he heard some strange the police frst? noises. ar 9. A burglary happened yesterday just before 10 o'clock in the morning. The thieves stole $5,000 from the Smiths’ house. A detective is now investigating the case. Look at the pictures and write what each suspect was doing at the time of the burglary. Use the given verbs. talk, drink, watch, write, sleep, plant, play, ride, read Eg. 1. Detective: What were you doing at 10 0' clock yesterday morning? Suspect 1:1 was talking on the phone, Past Habits. Used to 1L to describe a state or habit in the past which does nat exist in the present | used to play hide-and-seek when | was a child but | don't any more. 2. to indicate an action that happened regularly in the past, but no longer takes place. 1 didn’t use to like him, but now do. 3, We also use it for something that was true, but no longer is, in order to make questions we USED TO. | use an auxiliary (did, didn't Did you use to play hide-and-seek? ce the negative we use DIDN'T USE TO: | didn't use to play football when I was a child. 5, The Past Simple only refers to an action that took place at a definite time in the past: I went to school yesterday. NOT I used to go to school yesterday. 1, Life in Medieval England, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of USED TO: a. Poor people used to live. in one-room mud huts. (live) b. Chairs __ very expensive, so they on benches. (be, sit) A fomily _. from wooden bowls. (eat) 4, Wealthy merchants .. _ . stone houses, (have) e. Men tunics and tights while women _ __ woollen gowns. (wear) £. Rich people __ good food such as beef, mutton and venison, and they _ fish from their own ponds. (eat, catch) Meat _ _....8 luxury for poor people, and they _ only one cooked meal a day. (be, eat) h. Lords . their free time hunting, and in the evenings they —_ sand _ backgammon. (spend, dance, play) board games such as chess and i. Knights for days (take part in, last) 4. Childhood _ k. Boys early for children in the Middle Ages. (end) _ how to fight when they were about 14, and girls how to run a household. (learn) Lin rich famities girls _ as young as 12 and boys as young as 14, (marry) 49 2. Write questions for the underlined words, as in the example: «2. Leonardo Da Vinci used to be the apprentice of the painter Andrea del Verocchio. Who used to be the apprentice of the painter Andrea del Verocchio? b. He used to tive in Flore \ce before he moved to Milan. Where - So 2 «There he used to work as a military engineer for Duke Ludovico Sforza, For whom _ Co - 2 d, He spent 12. years in Milan before the French invaded Milan. How long _ — eee 2 e. He used to travel to Venice and Rome after he left Milan, Towhich cities - é oo £. Da Vinci used to invent useful things such as the flying machine, the parachute, the robotic knight or the. eal. city What useful things w MAKE, DO and TAKE. Fill in the blanks with the right verb and then match the two halves of the sentences. a.lusedto 9% ‘the shopping at the weekend, C b. They used to amealin the evening C_) Sammy used to his homework by himset, C_) 4. Mum used to. the housework by herself, _) e. Paul used to milk in his coffee, C_) f. Students used to written exams, _) g Mark used to his car to work, @_) hFrankused to alotof money, 1, but these days | order things online anytime | want. 2. but now he copies it from his classmates, 3. but naw he doesn’t because he works asa freelance. 4, but nowadays they are tested ontine. 5. but now he drinks it black 6. but now she calls house cleaning professionats to help her. 7. but now he takes the metro to avoid the heavy traffic in the morning, 8. but now they only have breakfast and lunch, 50 4, Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of USED TO: Eg. had two dogs, but now I have a cat. Jused to have two dogs, but now I have a cat. a, My grandfather was a teacher, but now he is retired. b. In the past, people didn't send emails € Did you cry a lot when you were a child? i. Was he in the drama club when he was in high school? 5. Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs and USED TO or the Past Simple: cat, play, go, have a lot of meat, Now he is a vegetarian. a delicious shepherd's pie when he was in England two years ago. «Maradona = __ professional football for Argentina, Now he is retired. d. Maradona _.. friendly football game to support autistic children, e.We to Egypt on our holidays but we stopped going because of the tense political situation, We ____. to a party last night and we met alot of old friends, ee hi a wonderful time at the jazz festival held in Sibiu last week. a lot of picnics in the forest, until the authorities cut it dawn, bt Past Forms: round-up test 1. Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, has been very busy lately and she has performed a lot of royal duties, Make up the sentences using Past Tense Simple to find ‘out what she has done. 2a, She/shoot/an arrow/on the tour/of India and Bhutan. c. She/play/basketbatl/at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Parkfin Stratford, East London, 4d. Sheigo canoeing/in Canada e. She/plantia tree/in Ottawa, Canada, f. She/dance/with the Aboriginal dancers. 2. Fill al b.they He d. They e.We f. He took the wrong way because he g. The judge _. hl i. Pam protests jelane 52 the verbs see, look, watch, hear, listen using either Past Simple or Continuous: _ to the radio when | _the news, a ____ the dolphin jumping out of the water. at the map when he __ the short route to follow. to the teacher as they were playing cards under the desk. _______ tumours about Paul Pogba being transferred to Manchester United. not the road sign, ____to the witness and then he asked the lawyer to cross-examine him all the historical sights of Prague so | will go back another time. her favourite show when they interrupted it for a live broadcast of the local Henry at the party although he was invited 3. Choose the right verb and complete the text about Saint Christopher: tell, name, be x 4, work, wait, die, ask, go, say, leave, follow, search, become Once there 1). a big mén, almost tike a giant. His name 2). - Christopher and his ambition 3). toserve the strongest of kings, so he 4)_______., but he couldn't find one. He 5)___________.__ near the river, carrying the travellers across to the other side, while he 6) __—for other people, a child 7)__ ___tocarry him across. While he 8) through the water, the child __ so heavy that Christopher could hardly reach the riverbank, ‘the child that he was surprised to see how heavy he __ The child 12). ‘world and its sins. lam Jesus Christ, the mighty king you seek.” Then Christopher 13 behind and 14) Christ. After he 15) _ for his faith, the Catholic Church 16} ‘Do not be surprised. You have just carried the whole everything __ him the patron saint of travellers 4, Circle the right form: a. Tom played/was playing football when he sprained his ankle. b. Jack was seeing/saw the thief while he stole/was stealing the money. Henry wrote/was writing a greeting card and took it to the post office. d. Helen tiked/was liking the way he talked to her, . Mum was making/made dinner while | was laying the table. f. When did you meet/were you meeting Francis for the first time? g. Who was driving/drove the truck at the time of the accident? 5. Complete each sentence with a suitable ending. You can have more than one ending. a. His father used to give him good advice.) b. Florence didr't use to eat healthy food. My family used tive ina small cottage A 4.1 used to get bored «: Michae Phelps broke the world recordin 2016 4. Lara didn’t use to wall much) . but she had to stop doing it when she felt ill - but he never listened to it which made him the first swimmer to win gold in four consecutive Olympics. - 50 she put an a lot of weight In the countryside, but they moved to the city. . whenever Tom told me the same joke. ou ruNne 53 LT. T. Perfect Forms. Present Perfect Simple [USE] actions that occurred in the past and have results in the present | 1 have done my homework. (its ready now) | - actions that occurred in the past at an unspecified time: | They have visited alot of foreign countries. Tr 7HAS + the Past Participle Affirmative: she/he/it (has) eaten \/welyourthey have) eaten "Negative: she/he/it hasn't (has not] eaten we/you/they haven't have not) eaten | Interrogative: Has she/he/it eaten? Have lyou/we/they eaten? 1, Choose the right auxiliary. a. Janegfias)/have sent several emails. . Mark has/have saved all the information in anew file ¢. The detectives has/have stored all the criminal data in the computer system. 4, The students has/have browsed a lot of websites to collect information for their project. e. Larty has/have emailed at the address found in the paper. f. You has/have opened the wrong document. g: Have/has Mary printed the invitations? h. Sandra has/have downloaded the wedding pictures in her own computer. xv Make questions with the words in brackets. Make the necessary changes. a. | have passed all my exams. (he) Has he passed all his exams? b. Danny has done very well in his exams. (you) d. Frank has failed his Maths exam, (Miriam) e. Ursula has done her homework. (Ben) We have obtained a place at university. (she) g, She has received a scholarship. (we) h. Maik and Tom have studied Latin in school. (he) 84 3. Match the pictures to the sentences: 2. Have you seen the new film? C8) b. His favourite tearn has just won the match.) «Her parents have bought her anew bike. >) Bere ter Ca) e. Wie have visited the oldest monastery nthe country. f Mark has done all the difficult exercises. ) Cc g. Luke has fallen off the apple tree.C_) h. He has eaten some bad food and now he has got a stomach ache. C_) 4, What has happene you see: a. a child who is alone and is crying? (lose/parents) He has lost his parents. b. a broken window? children/throw a stone) c.a boy an the ground? (fallibicycle) d. aman with dirty hands? (repairicar) fe. a woman with her wallet missing? (thiefisteal) f. an ice cream on the ground? (somebady/drop) g-a boy with torn trousers? (dog/bite) 5. LEAVE, CATCH or LET? Choose the right form of the verb and then match the two halves of the sentences. . a. Danny doesn't have his wallet because C1) b. The neighbourhood is safe now, QO Henry is arich man now as) 4. Sarahis very sad as) ¢. Mark is absent from school, C_) f. Matthew is a spoitt child as @_) g Mum was not at home) h. The plate didn’t break, as @_) 4. We are tired because we have run after the bus) J. My teacher is angry with me because C_) 2. he has(efi/let it at home, 2. he has caught/left a serious cold 3. and we are lucky we have lefUcaught it ‘4. she has just left/caught her boyfriend with another girl. 5. she has caught/let me copying the exercise from my deskmate. 6, he left/caught it before it hit the ground. 7-the police has just caughticatch the dangerous criminal. 8. 50 | have left/let her a message. 9. his parents have let/left him do whatever he wants. 410. his father has left/tet him a considerable sum of money. 6. Look at what George has/hasn’t already done this week. Write sentences using these prompts: Eg. write/homework X He hasn't written his homework yet. wash/his father’s car V He has already washed his father's car. his cousin in America x b. finish mending his bike X _ c. take his cat to the vet v _ 4. dust the furniture v e. plant the trees X f.clean the attic ¥ - wash his sports clothes. v _. fh, throw away the litter x 4. go to the swimming pool ¥____.. j. iron his trousers x 56 7. Change the following Present Simple sentences into Present Perfect ones using already or just. Make sure that they have the same meaning. a. The litter bin is empty. He/throw away He has already thrown away the litter b. The room is clean. I/tidy ¢. Dad is at home. He/come back d. They are married. They/get married e. Mohammed Ali is dead, He/die f. My hair is red. dye g. We are on holiday. School/end hh. My phone is missing, Someone/take 4. Dinner is on the table. Mum/cook 8. Jack Brown is an adventurous person, but he hasn’t done a lot of things yet. Write down sentences about him using the given prompts and yet. 2. walk to the South Pole e. goon safari I haven't walked to the South Pole yet. b. swim the English Channel f.ride a camel in the desert crunamarathon Bride a Segway 9. Fillin the blanks using since or for: a eight days f ages b. met you last May a yesterday he was born a two months i, ________last summer e 2009 tee _we moved here 10. Fill in the blanks with the right time expression. a. | frst saw The Empire State Building 10 years ago. It is 2017, Itisthas been 10 years since | first saw The Empire State Building b. My parents first gave me this cat 5 years ago. itis 2000. I have had this cat for - Ihave had this cat since ¢. Today is Sunday. He arrived in London three days ago. He has been in London for He has been in London since d. My husband and | are celebrating our twentieth wedding anniversary today, We got married in 1997. It is the year of 2017. We have been martied since . We have been married for _ e. Sam graduated from the Law School three months ago. It is September. He has been a lawyer for He has been a lawyer since 14, Complete the conversation by putting the verbs into the Present Perfect. Miriam: What 1) ___has happened Helen: There 2) _ {happen}? (be] a terrible earthquake in italy (they/be) affected? (die). Miriam: How badly 3)__ Helen: 247 people 4) Miriam: Oh, dear! How many people 5) (they/save) so far? _...-{not/say) yet, but they 7) a _...... (help) her get out of the rubble. Helen: They 6) (just/find) a girl called Julia. A firefighter 8) Miriam: | think most of the town of Amatrice is in ruins. Where 9) (the peopte/go)? Helen: The Civil Protection agency 10) (displace) 1000 people so they 58 way a __. (move) to safer places. Miriam: 12) _------. (youscatl) aunt Gina? You know she 7) (be) in Italy for some months. Helen: You're right! | 14) ______.... (forget) about her. Let's call her right now! 12. Fill in the gaps with the Present Perfect of the verbs below. read, help, be x 2, not lose, decide, enjoy, eat, keep, hear, have x 2, offer, buy, join, lose Dear Daniela, Thave been on a diet for two weeks but | stil 1) any weight. You know that | always - eating sweets, but | not... any dessert since I started the diet and stil mo results, My mum 5) also tohetp me: she 6) - ___a season ticket ata fitness club ce Fecently . gym and she a member for two months, She 9]_ _ __. already weight and she is much slimmer now. She 10) - _not a strict diet like Ido, and still she 14) better results 112) that going to the gym can be tricky as you can develop your muscles but not lose weight, 13) _---...... a lot of health magazines but ! am confused. | think that | must ask for professional help. So | 14). _ - _ to write to you as | know you 15) alot of people lose weight, Hugs, Laura Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Simple 1. Put the time expressions under the right tense. Some of them fit in both columns: since one o'clock, yet, already, for five years, ever, ust, everyweek, today, on Mondays, usually, often, at ni daily, so far, never, recently, in the morning, still PRESENT SIMPLE every week | PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE 2. GIVE, BREAK and KEEP. Choose the correct time expression: a. Do you call your motherc&véry evening) /so far? b. Will ofteniatready gives me a lift home. «. He has just/yet given me a hug 4, Henry always/already gives me good advice. €@. The kid has just/ever given me a smile f. Michael Phelps has just/sometimes broken a new world record g. They have broken the law for many years/stilt hh. We have seen five European cities so far/every year. i. You always/already break my heart when you leave j. The girls have been on a diet for two weeks/yesterday. i Mark has kept a diary on Tuesdays/since childhood. L The manager has kept us waiting for one hour/on Mondays. 3. Ask questions beginning with the given words. Pay attention to the tenses ~ Present Tense Simple or Present Perfect Tense. a. Erin usually spends a lot of money at the mall every weekend. Where _40es Erin usually spend a ‘ot of money every weekend b. Erin has already spent over £1000 at the mal since the end of August. Where - «. | always have dinner before 6 p.m. ight, d. | have just had dinner, What — 7 e, Laurie is a student at Harvard University What f. Laurie has been a student at Harvard University for 2 years. How long __ g- Mum washes our clothes every week. How often fh. Mum has already washed our clothes, Who _ Complete these sentences putting the verb in the correct tense, according to the given prompts: 2. Go sightseeing/a lot/every summer He _____g0es sightseeing a lot every summer. b. Take pictures/during the last few days We Have/a great time/every time/he visit Prague Henry 4. Buy/souvenirs/already The tourists e. Visit/Big Ben/never Olive £. Stay/at the same hotel/always They g: Travel/to Cluj/by plane/at the weekend He. hh Set up/the tent/just My family 4. Be on a cruise/since Monday Mary and Martha ____ Complete the conversation, Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Perfect Simple: Anna: Hil Nice to finally meet you! Andrew 1) (always/say) good things about you! Violet Thank you! He 2) (atways/do) that. He 3)___ _-(tatk) nicely about everyone 61 Anna: | 4) _ (be) glad that 5) {offer} to show me the city Violet 17) (be} in London at last and you 6) {always/help) Andrew's friends. 8). {be} you at the same college | with hin? Anna: No, 19) __(be/not) a student anymore. 10) ____ (already/start) | ‘working 111) ____ be} a graphic designer for an advertising company. Violet: How interesting! How tong 12}__ __..(you/work) there? Anna: For one year. Viotet: What 13) Anna‘! 14), (yourdo) exactly? _(illustrate) promotional materials for different projects. | 15) passionate about image and | 16 _ (create) animations for promoting children’s clothes. 6. Fill in the blanks using never or already: a. Go and brush your teeth f. Are you nervous about the flight? 1 — _ (brush) them, You bet} _ {not be} on b. Let's have something to eat a plane before. ho - _.. (eat). g- Don't forget to send the email to Kate. Would you like some wine? She receive) it bo ____ (drink) some. fh. Have you bought the new car? 4. How many countries have you visited? Yes, and |. 7 (have) such Sn (60) abroad a cheap yet fast car. e. Can you make an appointment with the doctor? io __. (cal him 7. Match the following idioms to the right definition: a. He always acts like a bull in a china shop = 1.1 know you swim like a fish, b. They always drink like 2. by telling nasty things to his classmates. Adam's new car goes like a bomb 3: like the back of his hand. d. He has stept ‘4, even on rough terrain, e@. Her new dress fits her 5. since the beginning of the match. f.We are penniless 6. fish at parties. 8: Ask Frank about this, He knows Ancient History 7..a8 we have spent money like water lately. hh. Dad has been like a cat on hot bricks 8. like a log for two hours. 4, We can go to the new pool. 9. like a glove. eo 8. Rephrase the sentences using the words in brackets. Pay attention to the tenses! a. | have never talked to an Englishman. (rarely) a Irarely talk to English people. 4. They have never gone to the seaside. (every summer) e. The children never eat sweets. (today) 4. My grandfather has just planted some trees. (often) J. know Mr, Brown. (for six years) The postman hasn't come yet. (every day) 9. Put the verbs into the right tense and find out what Katie does to hold on to the holiday feeling. 11) Yediscovered (discover) a few clever tricks to bring back that holiday feeling into my daily life. | 2) (love) the sun, and 13). to Croatia. Now | 4) (go) to several sunny places in the world, from Thailand _ (be) a mum to an 18-month-old boy, Rudyard, and | usually 5). (spend) my holidays here in cloudy Birmingham. But |6)___ (find) a way to bring back the old sense of adventure into my life. My wardrobe 7]__ (be) full of bright colours which 8) (spend) in the Mediterranean Sea. 1 (remind) me of some relaxing holidays | 9)_ 10)___.._{enjoy) cooking and most ofthe time 111) mysterious Asia, 12) On hotiday, often 13). (use) spices which take me back to ind) a deti shop where | buy delicious products. --—{spend) 20 minutes outside, doing the gardening Lately, (plant) a lot of colourful flowers like Prairie Glow or Thalictrum “Splendide” which 35) (make) my garden fresh and bright although summer 16). {come} to an end, Lately, 117) (meet) my friends at our local coffee shop. Instead, we 18)_ (g0) fora walk and 19}.______ (have) a chat in the open ait, enjoying natural light even on a grey day. Present Perfect Simple vs. Past Simple 1. Put the following time expressions into two groups: A. those which refer to the past actions; B. those which refer to actions which started in the past and continue up to the present. 1. since one o'clock 7. ten years ago 33. already 2. for five years 8, yesterday 14, just 3. last week 9. today 15. last Monday ‘A.when 10. at four o'clock 16. yet 5. how long 11. lately 47. 50 far 6. recently 32. ever 18. never Answers: 1-8, 2. Choose the correct time expression and put it in the right place: a, We have been to Amsterdam and we are thinking of going back soon. (alfeady/yesterday) b. Have you been to France? (ever/in 2014) ¢. Jack went scuba diving. (yet/last summer) d. Erin has been a student. (for five years/yet) €, This building has been here. (ten years ago/since | was born} f. Our parents got married. (Last year/for a long time) 1 2 3. Match each sentence to the right explanation: a, We have lived here since we got married &, Paul has gone to buy coffee for his colleagues. QWe still live here. 1 His colleagues are waiting for him to return, 2. We moved to another house. 2. He has just come back to his colleagues. b. | have been a nurse for ten years, h. Lionel hasn't been to his parents’ house for two 1.1 don’t work as 2 nurse anymore weeks, 2. Lam still a nurse. 1. He went to them two weeks ago. My father ran a successful company for 30 years. 2. He is visiting them at the moment. 1. He stillruns it §. He broke the world record for staying underwater the 2, He doesn't run it anymore. longest. 4. Ron and Fiona didn't go to Jane's wedding party. 1. He is planning to stay underwater the longest. 4, They are preparing to go to the party. 2. He has already achieved that. 2. The party is over and they missed it. J. They have been marsied since 2010. e. The tourists have been at the airport for half an 1. Theyare still married hour, 2. They got divorced. 1. They left the airport k. John didn’t do his homework, 2. They are still at the airport. 41. The homework is not done. f. [haven't given Emma her book yet. 2, The homework is being done now. 11. Emma has her book. 2.1 still have her book. Gina is at the post office because she has just sent a letter containing some documents to her friend in Manchester. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Simple, and then arrange her actions in a logical order. al - (write) the name, address and postcode on the enevelope. bil = (take) itto the post office el - __{put) the stamps on it al (buy) an envelope, el __{put) it in the letter box. fA {pay) for the stamps. - 4. b. Two hours later, she is telling her little brother what she did at the post office. Turn the sentences from above into the Past tense Simple. 5. GET meanings. Fill in the dialogues with the right meaning of GET in the right tense. Make the necessary changes. FETCH EARN TRAVEL BY ou Read the following riddle and fill in the suitable phrase: An old man was dying and 50 1). 2). _. He gave them equal money and asked that 3), them that he would give all his money and property to the son 4)__ ‘their ving room entirely. He told the first son bought sticks and tried to fill the room 5)__ second son bought straw but he also wasn't able to fill the room. The third son bought only two things and he 6 oe the room completely and thus earned all the property and money. What did he buy? _ a, them to buy something b. who was able to do this task as asked ¢. but he fell short of sticks d. he called his three sons e. could fill f. was able to fill 22 Look at the following pictures and write a polite request using the given prompts. Use can or could: Qe c. carry my suitcase | help him with his homework | I J e.givea glass of water f. open the door a. Can you help him with his homework? er Write the value of the modal verbs next to each sentence. Choose from: possibility, ability, past abitity, permission, interdiction, ability in a specific situation, request Can | go out tonight? — permission b. Can | see your photo album? — Persons under 18 years old can’t drive, ~ . When my grandfather was young, he could climb this tall tree. — e. | was able to catch the bus yesterday. £..Can birds swim? — g- You can ski on these hills in winter. — hh, Grandma was able to cross the street alone yesterday, ~ 4. You can't use your mobile phones here. ~ j. An American was able to eat 20 burgers in 20 minutes. ~_ 125 HAVE TO, MUST, SHOULD MODAL VERB USES ] EXAMPLES, . ‘MUST ‘We use MUST when we want to express an_ | / must give up smoking. ‘obligation. in the Present Simple, MUST Affirmative: //you/he/she/it/we/yourthey shows that it is necessary to do something | must study. that somebody else decided. Negative: I/yourhe/she/it/we/yourthey must not (mustn't) smoke. | Interrogative: Must I/you/he/shevit/we/ | you/they go? ‘MUSINT In the negative form, MUST + NOT You mustn't cross the street on red. (MUSTN'T) expresses prohibition. HAVE TO We use HAVE TO when we want to express | Affirmative: I/you/we/you/they | that it is necessary to do something and have to eat somebody else decided that. he/she/it has to eat Negative: I/you/we/you/they do not have (don't have) to eat hesheit does nat have to eat (doesn't have to eat) Interrogative: Do I/you/we/you/they have to eat? Does he/she/it have to eat? a = SS DONOT (DONT) | We use the negative form, DO + NOT I don't have to read this lesson. HAVE TO (DON'T) HAVE TO when we want to express | lack of necessity (not necessary to do something) ‘SHOULD SHOULD and SHOULON'T are most You should prepare for your exam. commonly used to make recommendations | You should see the Eiffel Tower when you or to give advice. visit Paris. SHOULDNT You shouldn't eat so much bread. He shouldn't smoke so much. NOTE: We use SHOULD and SHOULDN'T for giving mild advice. We use MUST to give strong advice. 1. Fill in the blanks with should/shoutdn’t (mild advice) or must/mustn’t (strong advice): a. You've got a temperature. You USt_call a dactor. b. | saw The Revenant. You really _ I don't think you 4d. He is always calling me names. |. e. Dentist Henry 326 see it. It's a brilliant film, swim in the lake, The water is too cold. tell my parents, _ eat so many sweets, it's bad for his teeth. f.1 think we goto bed so late. g-| don't think you hi _ do your hair like that! it doesn't suit you well ‘stop complaining all the time! Everybody avoids me now. 2. Make sentences using the given prompts. Use HAVE TO or MUST. a. I/practise more to take my driving licence (I want to} { must practise more to take my driving licence. b. he/stop smoking (another person says so/rule) . he/have a new modern haircut (he wants to} d. they/wear a suit (another person says so/rule) €. she/eat more fruit and vegetables (she wants to) f. he/go on a business trip (another person says so/rule) 8, we/be at school at 8 (another person says so/rule) h, you/leave immediately (another person says so/rule) i. they/bring the essays until tomorrow (another person says so/rule) 3. Match the two halves of the sentences. a. | have run out of bread ek 1. He had to wake up early. . William left to the airport early in the morning) 2.1 have to go and buy some. «. Itwas a formal party. 3. Ihave to be 18. d. My TV set is out of order. ‘4, | must study a lot, e. | can't drive 5. I have to call for an electrician. f. Sam took a test last week. 6.1 must lose weight. 8 My parents went to a party. 7, She had to take some pills every day. | he Lwant to take the best grade in the test. 8. | had to wear a smart suit, | A. My trousers don't ft me anymore. 9. He had to learn, J. My sister was ill. 10, | had to babysit my little sister. 4. Complete the sentences. Use have/has to or don’t/doesn’t have to. at ___dont have to * buy mineral water. My mum had already done it | b. Karen a go to work. She is on holiday. ! ¢. Grandma wear glasses, She can't see well “ work d, Jake has inherited a large amount of money from his dad. He _ anymore. fe, Ron can't come to the concert tonight. He study for his exams, f. Tomarrow is my mother's birthday. | remind Dad about it g. You . h. We i, The students pay for the tickets now. Next week will be fine. hurry as there is plenty of time. __ do this exercises at home. They did them in class, hl. a - _ pay my phone bill or ! will get disconnected 5. Rephrase the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. Use MUST, MUSTN'T, HAVE TO, DON'T HAVE TO: Eg.a. It is necessary to buy another car. (We have made the decision) We ___muist buy another car. b. It is necessary to bring our passports. (Someone else has made the decision) We __ have to bring our passports. c.Itisn't necessary for the workers to come to the building site tomorrow. (manager's decision) The workers 4. Itis forbidden to take alcohol on the plane. | You ' f. It is necessary for Gina to apply for this job. (her decision) Gina g- Itis forbidden to watch TV after 10 p.m. (our parents’ decision} We We _ i. Itis necessary for the employees to wear a safety helmet. (manager's decision) The employees j. Its forbidden to tatk to each other during the exam. (teacher's decision) we 6. Choose A, B or C so that the meaning of the given sentences stays the same: a. Dad didn’t have to water the garden after all. td, Paul had to take care of his brother. rained a lot yesterday. ‘A Paul forgot to take care of his brother. A, He watered the garden. B. It was Paul's duty to take care of his brother, @ Itwasn't necessary for him to water the garden. C. He was able to take care of his brother. C.He had already done it. e. You mustn't play loud music. b. Lhave to shop for food. A. You can listen to loud music, A. have bought food. B, You don''t like listening to loud music, 8.1 must buy food. C.You ate forbidden to listen to loud music. 1 buy food only if | want. You must check the time of our departure. ¢ You mustn't do the repairs while they ate working. —_&_ You have to check the time. A. You can repair if you want. B. You can check the time if you want to. 8. Repairs are not allowed. C. You don't have to check the time. C. You don't have to do the repairs. 7. Fill the right expression below: should find, should take, must find, mustn’t keep, should decide, shouldn't worry, mustn't drink, should manage, should do x 3, must do, should make Dear Dana, | need your help! | have a lot of things to do and that's why | am always stressed. | feel that | 1) __ show something about it but | am not sure what. | am reading a lot of self help books on how to deal with stress, but | don't know what advice | 2) 3) - What do you think | 4) _ Cheers, Theo My parents think that I my time more wisely as ! am always in a rush. 15) a solution, otherwise | will go crazy! Dear Theo, A lot of people deat with your problem, so you 6) 7) . something about it to help you feel better. First! think you 8) _ time to meditate at least 15 minutes before you go to sleep. Also, you 9) caffeine or alcohol before you go to bed! It can affect your sleep. Second, you 10) _ on the most important things that you 1). _ for your job. You can't put all of them on the fist place! Lastly, you 12) time for your friends and meet them at least once a week Have a chat with them about your difficulties and maybe you can find a solution together. You 13). to yourself what is bothering you or else you will live under a lot of pressure which is not good at all! hope my advice will be useful to you. Write to me soon. Allthe best, Dana ! Stil. you 27 8. Make sentences using should or shouldn't and the words in brackets. a. lam bored with my job. (try something new) I should try something new. b, We'd like to see London (book a holiday) | 9. Now use the words in brackets in the previous exercise to turn the sentences into interrogative. Use should. Should | try something new? b. « 4. e f _ MAY, MIGHT, MUST MODAL FORM AND USE EXAMPLE | [MAY/MIGHT/COULD | + Present infinitive expresses a present | may/might visit Italy next summer or future possibility (Perhaps | will visit Italy./It is possible for me to visit Italy) He could be in Italy. (It is possible that he is in Italy./Perhaps he is in Italy.) I s = = MUST/CAN'T + Past Participle are used for logical and | She must be at home, the light is on in negative logical assumptions her room, Kim can't have done the shopping, she has been reading until late at the library [Must only used for positive logical assumption He must be rich as he has three vacation houses. (I'm sure he is rich.) a Maybe itis a painting by Van Gogh. C2) b. Maybe he is an archer.) © Maybe itis upiter.

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