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I think the most important artistic event in my life was dancing La Danza de Las Tijeras in the
last year of high school because it was the last year as a promotion in 2013 that we won the
dance competition in our school and we needed the prize money to go to holidays. That day
has been for me the happiest moment. Dancing was very tiring because you need a good
physical condition. At the end of the competition, we expect them to name the winners, there
were high expectations that we would win, but in the end we won a prize of 500 soles. So far I
have had the photo of that day in my room. I have never forgotten how happy we were.

Yes, I’d like to, but it would be playing the electric guitar. I have liked rock bands since I was a
child and especially those musicians who play electric guitar. This instrument has strings. I
think that the sound electric guitar make puts the power to rock concerts. My favorite band
has been Linkin Park and the guitarist is Mike Shinoda. For me he plays too well. I have never
had time to play electric guitar but very soon I will try to do it. In my opinion a rock band
without electric guitar isn’t a rock band. The song I like the most about Linkin Park is What I've
Done. I have heard this song in movie Transformes. This movie has been one of my favorites

I don't like classical music because this type of music bores me. The last year I heard a classical
music with my Last year I listened to classical music with my friends because we thought we
would study with this music but everyone fell asleep. I haven't listened to classical music since
that day yet.

Since I was a child I have liked rock, it is one of my favorite types of music, when I was in high
school I started to like romatic rap because it was very popular but with time I stopped
listening to it, when I entered university I started to like salsa because my friends listened to
this type of music. Since then, I have liked salsa a bit, but currently the lyrics of salsa songs
don't have originality. For me salsa has had a lot of changes. Also some songs are very sad. I
think now I've been interested in listening to electro because there are more effects in music.
One of the electronic music DJs has been Alan Walker. He has had many fans since he started
as a DJ

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