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Name: ________________________________________________ Grade/Section: __________________ Score: _______

Direction: Arrange the statements in each number as they would appear in a paragraph. Write numbers only.

1. A. Each member of the family is encouraged to speak and open up as parents try to establish a climate of
sincerity, openness, and pleasantness.
B. Here, everyone is made to fell he belongs and is accepted for what he is.
C. Daily healthy, lively, and family interaction is necessary, for it makes for better companionship.
D. This forum can also be growth inducing, for the young can learn from the experience of the old; and the old
can learn fresh and novel ideas from the young.
E. The exchange of stories and ideas between the old and the young is important for the continuity of
generations and may serve as training for adolescents who will become spouses and parents.

2. A. It is advisable to wear sunglasses only when needed.

B. Wearing sunglasses more often than needed prevents the pupils from its natural reaction and makes the eyes
more sensitive.
C. Our eyes, though have their own natural defense against glare, that is, the pupils constrict upon exposure.
D. Overexposure to ultra-violet rays hasten cataract in old age.
E. Long exposure to the sun’s glare also causes headache or dizziness, a discomfort which sunglasses are
supposed to prevent.
F. Sunglasses serve an important function, that of protecting the eyes from the glare of the sun especially from
ultra-violet rays.

3. A. The participation of Elementary school pupils in the national sports competition has been found out to be
giving more harm than good.
B. The sport fest pose a danger to children particularly in games where much physical exertion is needed.
C. In addition, their academic development is adversely affected, for they are out from their classes for several
weeks during training periods and during the actual sports fest.
D. Every absence from class prejudices the academic welfare of the child athlete who is still incapable of
independent learning unlike his high school or college counterpart.
E. A national sports fest is perhaps not for school kids; for they cannot be expected to compete with more
mature and more skillful athletes.

4. A. The production staff must know exactly what they are responsible for, and must perform such duties with
B. The first step in choosing a paly to be presented is to consider the number of people in the cast, the expected
audience, the funding, the stage, and the hall.
C. All aspects that make up a play must be planned and fitted together if the play is to be successful.
D. The presentation of a successful play takes a great deal of time from its organization and the rehearsals to
opening night.
E. Many rehearsals are needed. The first rehearsal should be spent by the teacher in explaining the ideas behind
the play.

5. A. They also spend precious minutes applying the product they have chosen.
B. They spent a fortune to procure products that can preserve the youth and beauty of the skin.
C. Most women work hard to protect the quality and youthful appearance of the skin.
D. Only a few are, however, endowed with impeccable skin; and many must cultivate their skin with care and
patience to have a good complexion.
E. A smooth, radiant, trouble-free complexion is one of a woman’s most valued possessions.

6. A. The poison is found in a gland in front of its ears.

B. Only a tiny bit of the snake’s poison or venom is enough to kill an elephant.
C. A few drops of the poison are squeezed out and run down the fangs into the victim’s body.
D. A poisonous snake’s teeth or canine teeth have a special channel for poison.
E. When a poisonous snake strikes, the muscles of the jaws which make its teeth meet also squeezed its glands.

7. A. In buying a ring, it is more important to consider the quality of the stone than the setting; for the stone last
forever, while the setting may be changed according to the fashion of the time.
B. Though the marital trend now is for people to marry at a latter age, the problem of deciding on a wedding
ring has persisted.
C. As the diamond has long been considered the symbol of love, a man may wish to buy a diamond ring for his
D. The selection of a ring depends on what the man wants to buy and how much he can afford.
E. In the end, he may settle for a less expensive stone if his funds are limited.
8. A. The syrup is boiled in pans until small crystal appear on its surface.
B. The juice is fed onto a large steam-heated boiler until it turns into a thick surup.
C. The sugarcane is passed between crushers to squeeze the juice out; and the flattened cane is passed between
rollers to squeeze all the juice.
D. The syrup is next passed into heavy metal drums with holes and with fine mesh screen lining which spin at
high speed and continually throws out the syrup.
E. The juice that has been squeezed from the cane is strained and pumped into large tanks where chemicals are
added to make the juice clear.

Identify the topic sentence and draw its placement.

A.) People do it every day. They log on to their favorite website and browse for hours, checking out bargains. They dump
every possible wish into their shopping carts, knowing they can cast each one aside before they realized their
purchases. On the way, they may enter a sweepstakes in the hopes of winning a trip to Cabo San Lucas, or maybe even a
new SUV. And then, when they have decided on their purchases, they enter private information without giving it a
thought. With a keystroke, they release their personal data into what may or may not be a secure zone. Despite what
much of the public believes, internet shopping is not safe.

B.) When a camera ash is used in a low-light environment, the subject’s eyes may appear red in the nished
photograph. What is known as “red-eye” is the result of light from the ash re ecting to the pupils of the eyes. The
phenomenon of red-eye can be lessened by using the red-eye reduction feature found in many SLR cameras. This
feature activates a lamp which shines a small light directly into the subject’s eyes. When this happens, the
diameter of the pupil is reduced, thus tightening the opening in the iris. Since a smaller pupil means a smaller host for
the re ection, the chances of red-eye occurring are greatly reduced.

Revise the given paragraph. Apply what you learned in the discussion and write the revision below.

A family is made up of parents and children. Children should always respect their
parents. Without parents, there will be no kids. Sometimes, parents don’t allow their kids to
do something. Don’t rebel. Don’t argue. Don’t resist on things parents don’t wish us to do.
Try to talk with your parents first. Problems are best solved by talking.

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