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Investigation of Gut-Associated Bacteria in Tenebrio molitor

(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Larvae Using Culture-Dependent
and DGGE Methods
Key Laboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest Management of the Ministry of Education,
Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China.

Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 1–9 (2015); DOI: 10.1093/aesa/sav079

ABSTRACT In this article, the composition and distribution of bacteria associated with the gut of Tene-
brio molitor (L.) larvae were investigated using both culture-dependent and culture-independent dena-
turing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) methods. This work compares bacterial species associated
with four different parts of T. molitor larvae gut: foregut, anterior midgut, posterior midgut, and hindgut.
Five genera, Weissella, Lactococcus, Rahnella, Cronobacter, and Enterococcus, were isolated using nutri-
ent agar. All of these strains were present in the posterior midgut and hindgut. The strains with milk-clot-
ting activity in selective casein-plates assay were sequenced and identified as species of genera Weissella
and Lactococcus, and those with proteolytic activity as Rahnella and Cronobacter, implying that they may
be involved in protein utilization. But none of these strains showed cellulolytic activity. In DGGE experi-
ment, 19 isolated bands belonging to nine taxa (Spiroplasma, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Bacillus, an
uncultured Bacillaceae, Clostridium, Enterobacter, Pantoea, and an uncultured Clostridium) were ex-
tracted and identified from DGGE gels. These species could be assigned to three phyla Tenericutes, Fir-
micutes, and Proteobacteria. According to the DGGE analysis, the bacterial communities of the four gut
regions exhibited some differences, with the hindgut showing the highest bands abundance and diversity.
The genus Spiroplasma, which is generally regarded as pathogen or male-killing bacteria in insects, had a
high abundance in the gut environment, their potential role is worthy of a further study.

KEY WORDS Tenebrio molitor, larvae, gut bacteria, DGGE

Animals evolve in a bacterial world and occupy various in several aspects including digestion, nutrition, de-
ecological niches with the help of microorganisms fense, reproduction, and host metabolism (Dillon and
(McFall-Ngai et al. 2013). An estimated 10–20% of in- Dillon 2004, Engel and Moran 2013). For example,
sect species bear intracellular symbionts, which may more than 300 microbes coexisting in the hindgut of
play essential or beneficial roles in host development; termites aid digestion of cellulose, nitrogen fixation,
these have been described in aphids and many other and carbohydrate fermentation (short-chain fatty acids),
insects (Gil et al. 2004, Douglas 2007). As a relatively and the gut microbiota coevolve with termite species
open environment, the intestine is very densely colo- (Warnecke et al. 2007, Hongoh 2011). Insects that dis-
nized by microbes in most insects (Douglas 2011). play dietary plasticity (i.e., omnivores) were once be-
Insects also develop specialized gut structures to har- lieved to rely less on microbial symbionts, because
bor symbionts, such as crypts and enlarged hindguts these insects are able to self-select nutritionally optimal
(Kikuchi et al. 2005, Nardi and Bee 2012, Chapman diets from their environment (Buchner 1965). With
et al. 2013). It has been suggested that the communi- more and more experimental data, microbial symbionts
ties of insect guts may be shaped by the host’s immune are gradually known to play a role in facilitating this
system, the microhabitat of gut regions created by the omnivory in a number of cockroaches, crickets, carpen-
pH and structure, and environment factors such as ter ants, etc. (Kaufman and Klug 1991, Gijzen and Bar-
diets and environment pressures (Douglas 2011, Engel ugahare 1992, Feldhaar et al. 2007).
and Moran 2013). For some insects with social behav- The yellow mealworm is an important economic in-
iors, such as cockroaches, bees, and termites, there is a sect, which is mass produced for animal diets. It is also
transmission of gut microbiota between individuals and commonly used as a model insect for experimentation
generations (Engel and Moran 2013). (Lord et al. 2012). It is omnivorous and can quickly
There is growing evidence that the gut microbiota of adapt to many environments. Researchers in China
insects play an important role in the adaption of hosts have tested the possible ways of feeding yellow meal-
worms in bioregenerative life support systems as a
source of animal protein for humans (Li et al. 2013).
The Tenebrio molitor (L.) larval midgut is special with
Corresponding author, e-mail: a pH gradient ranging from 5.2–5.6 to 7.8–8.2 from
C The Authors 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America.
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anterior to posterior part (Vinokurov et al. 2006, Prab- unique putative species, at least two clones were
hakar et al. 2007), and the hindgut has complex struc- sequenced.
ture with the function of water and nutrition Genome DNA Extraction. DNA extraction was
reabsorption (Grimstone et al. 1968). We have investi- performed using a standard method for bacteria with
gated the bacterial communities associated with the gut some modifications (Wilson 2001). Gut homogenate
of T. molitor larvae using the culture-dependent and (50 ml) was resuspended in 500 ml TE buffer, 3 ml of
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) meth- 10% SDS, and 20 ml of 20 mg/ml proteinase K, mixed
ods, because we are interested in variations of the bac- and incubated 2 h at 37 C, then added 100 ml of 5M
terial community in different regions of the gut and NaCl, mixed thoroughly, followed by adding 80 ml of
interaction between host and gut microbiota. CTAB/NaCl solution, mixed and incubated 20 min at
65 C; then followed by the standard phenol/chloro-
form/isoamyl extraction with isopropanol precipitation.
The DNA sample was resuspended in 100 ml TE buffer
Materials and Methods
and frozen at -20 C until use.
Sources of Insects. T. molitor used in this experi- PCR Amplification and DGGE Analysis. The V3
ment were reared at the Key Laboratory of Plant Pro- region of bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments from
tection Resources of Northwest A&F University for 5 DNA samples were amplified using the bacterial
yr, fed on wheat bran and various vegetables. For con- specific primers: 357F and 518R with a GC-clamp
sistency, all larvae used for bacteria investigations were attached at the 5’-end of primer 357F for DGGE anal-
about 0.1–0.15 g per individual, 1–2 mo after hatching, ysis (Myers et al. 1985). Touchdown PCR was
when they were in an active feeding or “gluttony” performed using C1000 Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad,
period. USA). The 25 ml reaction mixture contained 0.2 mM
Dissection of Larval Guts. Healthy larvae (active dNTPs, 3 mM MgCl2, 0.8 pM primer, 1.5U of Taq poly-
without wounds) were chosen for the study and under- merase (Takara, Recombinant TaqDNA Polymerase,
went starvation for 12 h. They were then externally Japan), 1 ml temple DNA, and 1 PCR buffer. The
sterilized with 75% ethanol for about 2 min and rinsed reaction conditions consisted of initial denaturation at
five times with sterilized water. A single insect was then 94 C for 5 min, 5 cycles of denaturation (30 s at 94 C),
placed on a disposable sterilized glove, the posterior annealing (30 s at 65 C), and extension (40 s at 72 C),
and anterior tips of the larvae were removed, and the followed by 25 cycles of denaturation (30 s at 94 C),
gut was pulled from the posterior end using sterilized annealing (30 s at 55 C), and extension (40 s at 72 C),
forceps. The fat body and Malpighian tubules were then a final 5 min extension at 72 C.
carefully cleaned. The gut was carefully separated into PCR products were separated by DCode mutation
four parts: the foregut (F), the anterior midgut (AM), detection system (Bio-Rad, USA) according to manu-
the posterior midgut (PM), and the hindgut (H), as facturer’s instructions. Samples (25 ml of each) were
shown in Fig. 1. These four parts were placed in differ- loaded onto 1-mm-thick (16 cm by 16 cm) 8% polyacry-
ent microcentrifuge tubes (1.5 ml) and gently washed lamide gels with a denaturing gradient of 40–58%
three times with sterilized water. A total of 20 guts (100% denaturant is defined as 7M urea and 40%
were fully homogenized with sterilized plastic pestles. deionized formamide). DGGE was performed at 60 C,
Homogenate (50 ml) was used for DNA extraction and 50 V for 1 h, followed by 60 C, 90 V for 10 h with 1
50 ml for bacterial culturing. All work was done in a TAE buffer. Gels were stained with silver nitrate (San-
laminar flow cabinet. guinetti et al. 1994). The gels were photographed by a
Culturing of Bacteria. Serial dilutions were pre- digital camera and analyzed by Quantity One (Bio-Rad,
pared to reach a final dilution of 106 for each sample. USA). Dominant bands were excised from gels, and
The 100 ml dilutions from 103 to 106 were spread on DNA was eluted overnight at 4 C in 80 ml sterile dis-
plates of Luria-Bertani agar and beef extract-peptone tilled water. Eluted DNA was then reamplified using
medium, and this culturing was repeated three times. primers 357F and 518R (nonclamped primers) as
Plates were incubated in a growth chamber at 25 C. described above without the first 5 cycles and purified
After 2–4 d of culturing, the bacterial colonies with dif- from agarose gels for subsequent cloning and sequenc-
ferent morphologies (shape, elevation, surface, size, ing. The diversity of the microbial community was
opacity, pigmentation, etc.) were chosen for polymerase examined by the Shannon index of general diversity
chain reaction (PCR) amplification using 16S rRNA (Vallaeys et al. 1997). Principle component analysis
gene primers: 27F and 1492R (Marchesi et al. 1998) (PCA) was conducted to get the relationship the bacte-
and sequenced for species identification. For each rial community using Canoco 4.5 (ter Braak and
Šmilauer 2002).
Nucleotide Sequencing. All sequencing were con-
ducted at the Shanghai Sangon Biological Engineering
Technology and Service Co., Ltd. in China. Sequences
were blasted in GenBank, and we obtained the closest
match or closest affiliation when the closest match did
not have clear affiliation.
All the sequences were deposited in GenBank. The
Fig. 1. The gut structure of T. molitor larvae. 16S rRNA gene sequences of cultured bacteria are

available under accession numbers KM088087– showed cellulolytic activity. Milk-clotting activity was
KM088094. The sequences of different DGGE bands identified in strains of Weissella and Lactococcus,
are available under accession numbers KM088072– which accounted for the major part of the cultured
KM088086 and LM643863–LM643866. bacteria. Strains of Rahnella and Cronobacter showed
Separation of Functional Bacteria. Congo red proteolytic activity.
agar (10 g/liter carboxymethyl cellulose, 5 g/liter pep- The DGGE Analysis of Bacteria Communities
tone, 0.5 g/liter yeast extract, 1.5 g/liter KH2PO4, 0.2 g/ in Different Gut Regions of T. molitor Larvae.
liter MgSO4, 5 g/liter NaCl, 20 g/liter agar, 0.05 g/liter A total of 20 isolated bands were extracted from the
congo red) was used for the isolation of cellulolytic DGGE gel. All bands were bacterial genes except band
microorganisms. Two kinds of casein-plate (CASN: 5 g/ 17, which was a contamination from the host gene
liter casein, 0.5 g/liter beef extract, 1 g/liter yeast (BLAST analysis showed these were coleopteran 18S
extract, 1 g/liter NaH2PO4, 0.5 g/liter KH2PO4, 20 g/ rRNA genes; all further analyses excluded this band).
liter agar; and CASG: 5 g/liter casein, 1 g/liter glucose, Among these bands (Fig. 2A and Table 2), band 1,
1 g/liter yeast extract, 1 g/liter NaH2PO4, 0.5 g/liter band 2, band 3, band 4, band 10, and band 11 closely
KH2PO4, 20 g/liter agar) were used to isolate proteo- matched an uncultured bacterium (DQ163951), with
lytic bacteria and chymosin-producing bacteria. Plates 98–100% sequence identity. This bacterium was associ-
were incubated in a growth chamber at 25 C for 3–5 d. ated with T. molitor in research that simply mentioned
The cellulolytic and proteolytic activities of microorgan- this sequence information as a control (Dunn and
isms were detected by a clear zone around the colonies, Stabb 2005). These sequences were affiliated with Spi-
and the curdy precipitate around the colonies was an roplasma (94–95% sequence identity). Band 7 and
indicator of chymosin-producing bacteria. band 8 closely matched an uncultured bacterium
(FN823944) associated with Artemia sp. (crustacean
Tkavc et al. 2011) with 96% sequence identity. The
closest affiliation (87%) was an uncultured Clostridium
Cultured Bacterium From T. molitor Larvae (KP106087). Band 9 closely matched Bacillus sp.
Gut. An average of 0.29 6 0.16  105, 1.28 6 0.30  (EF589780) with 98% sequence identity, and this band
105, 1.38 6 0.27  106, and 6.64 6 1.20  106 CFU (col- was only detected in the hindgut. Band 13 and band
ony forming unit) per gut were enumerated in the fore- 14, which were again only in the hindgut, were closely
gut, anterior midgut, posterior midgut, and hindgut, related to Clostridium cellulovorans (CP002160) with
respectively. Eight bacterial species were isolated in 98% sequence identity. Band 19 and band 20, which
total, as listed in Table 1. According to their 16 s rDNA were detected in posterior midgut and hindgut, closely
sequences, they belonged to the phyla Firmicutes and matched Enterobacter sp. (JQ917113) with 99%
Proteobacteria, including five genera: Weissella, Lacto- sequence identity. The composition and distribution of
coccus, Rahnella, Cronobacter, and Enterococcus. Lac- bacteria in the T. molitor larvae gut were clearly
tococcus was the most abundant genera and accounted observed in the DGGE profile (Fig. 2A).
for 40–50% of all colonies. All bacterial strains were In terms of the DGGE profile, the Shannon index of
present in the posterior midgut and hindgut, with Rah- general diversity of each region were F ¼ 0.7453,
nella, Enterococcus, and Cronobacter absent in the AM ¼ 0.6230, PM ¼ 0.7507, and H ¼ 0.9002, respec-
foregut and the latter two absent in the anterior midgut tively. The bacteria species were in three phyla: Teneri-
as well. We did not detect any bacterial strains which cutes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria, with Firmicutes

Table 1. The composition and distribution of cultured bacteria from different gut regions of T. molitor larvae

Strains GenBank Closest match in GenBank % Identity Distribution of strains

accession to closest
no. match F AM PM H

BCH KM088089 KJ095645; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; 100 þ þ þþþ þþþ
Leuconostocaceae; Weissella
GD KM088090 AB911503; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; 100 þ þ þþþ þþþ
Leuconostocaceae; Weissella
ZKNR KM088091 EU600924; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; 100 þ þ þþ þþ
Leuconostocaceae; Weissella
SCH KM088088 HF562963; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; 99 þþ þþ þþþþ þþþþ
Streptococcaceae; Lactococcus, Lactococcus garvieae
BYZZ KM088087 NR_102968; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillals; 99 þþ þþ þþþþ þþþþ
Streptococcaceae; Lactococcus, Lactococcus garvieae
PRO KM088093 GU299866; Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobac- 100 / þ þþ þþ
teria; Enterobacteriales; Enterobacteriaceae; Rahnella
BYP KM088092 JX307659; Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacte- 97 / / þþ þþ
ria; Enterobacteriales; Enterobacteriaceae;
LBTR KM088094 NR_113935; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; 99 / / þ þ
Enterococcaceae; Enterococcus
þ, Present, the number of þ represent the abundance; /, absent.

Fig. 2. (A) DGGE profile of 16S rRNA genes from the bacterial communities of the four parts of T. molitor larvae guts;
(B) The bacterial community variations in the hindgut of T. molitor larvae. H in (B) is same as in (A), H1 is the hindgut bacteria
community of larvae feeding on sterilized food. The rest are random individuals in the laboratory population.

dominant in all gut regions, accounting for 79.47% (F), 29.03% of the entire community), then the foregut
85.03% (AM), 51.18% (PM), and 49.28% (H) of species (n ¼ 6 species and 17.63% of the entire community),
respectively. Based on column chart shown in Fig. 3, it and the anterior midgut (n ¼ 5 and 11.52% of the
was clear that bacterial diversity and abundance were whole community). It was obvious that Spiroplasma
different among the four gut regions. We identified the accounted for a large percentage of bacteria in the pos-
highest diversity and abundance of bacterial species in terior midgut and hindgut, the proportions of which
the hindgut (n ¼ 9 and 41.83% of the entire commun- were 38.84% and 30.74%, respectively. The proportion
ity), followed by the posterior midgut (n ¼ 7 and of Spiroplasma was also the major difference between

Table 2. The bacteria from DGGE bands

Bands GenBank Closest affiliation in GenBank % Identity to closest

accession affiliation

Band 1 KM088072 NR_121702 Bacteria

Band 2 KM088073 Tenericutes; Mollicutes;
Band 3 KM088074 Entomoplasmatales; 94–95%
Band 4 KM088075 Spiroplasmataceae;
Band 10 KM088079 Spiroplasma
Band 11 KM088080
Band 5 KM088076 KF148720 Bacteria; Firmicutes;
Band 6 KM088077 Bacilli; Lactobacillales; 99–100%
Streptococcaceae; Lactococcus
Lactococcus garvieae
Band 7 LM643863 KP106087. An uncultured 87%
Band 8 LM643864 Clostridium
Band 9 KM088078 EF589780, Bacteria; Firmicutes; 98%
Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae;
Band 12 KM088081 AB852173. Bacteria; Firmicute; 99%
Bacilli; Lactobacillales;
Lactobacillaceae; Lactobacillus
Band 13 LM643865 CP002160. Bacteria; Firmicutes; 98%
Band 14 LM643866 Clostridia; Clostridiales;
Clostridiaceae; Clostridium
Band 15 KM088082 EF663420. Bacteria; Firmicutes; 98–99%
Bamd 16 KM088083 Bacilli; Bacillales; An uncultured
Band 18 KM088084 AY935243; Bacteria; 99%
Enterobacteriaceae; Pantoea
Band 19 KM088085 JQ917113, Bacteria; 99%
Band 20 KM088086 Proteobacteria;

anterior midgut and posterior midgut. The insects feed- Lactococcus was detected by the DGGE method. This
ing on sterilized wheat bran harbored more Spiro- suggests that the DGGE method may underestimate the
plasma, which might indicate its uniqueness. A further abundance of some species to some degree, which may
analysis of PCA (Fig. 4, the distance between the sym- be caused by the DNA extraction and PCR amplification
bols in the diagram approximates the dissimilarity of procedure (Shi et al. 2010), or the sensitivity of the
their species composition, measured by their Euclidean DGGE gel itself may influence the result. While rela-
distance) showed that the bacterial community of the tively few bacterial species can be cultured, DGGE can-
four regions exhibited some differences. The foregut not detect some culturable strains that are low in
and anterior midgut had similar species composition, abundance. Here, we get a better overall representation
and the posterior midgut bacterial community was of species by using both methods. Bands 8 and 9 had a
more similar with that of the hindgut. We also made a low identity with known species, indicating that there
comparison between the hindgut bacterial communities are some novel species; besides, the information of V3
of individuals, revealing some differences between indi- region (16S rRNA) is really limited (we failed to con-
viduals under similar feeding conditions based on the struct a reliable phylogenetic tree), so a comprehensive
band diversity and abundance and PCA analysis study of the bacterial community is necessary.
(Figs. 2B and 4). Intestinal bacterial communities of insects have been
widely studied, and their diversity and abundance
exhibit huge variations. The number of major gut bac-
Discussion terial species vary from one to hundreds (Fukatsu and
A total of 14 groups were identified from the gut of Hosokawa 2002, Nakajima et al. 2005). Our results
the T. molitor larvae using both culture-dependent and showed that the gut bacterial community of T. molitor
DGGE methods. The DGGE method detected more was very simple. This corresponds with the research of
species than the culture-dependent method, but among insect intestines from other insects such as honeybee
those cultured bacteria with low abundance, Weissella, larvae (Babendreier et al. 2007, Vojvodic et al. 2013),
Rahnella, Cronobacter, and Enterococcus were not aphids (Haynes et al. 2003), ant lions (Dunn and Stabb
detected using the DGGE method. Among the cultura- 2005), and gypsy moth larvae (Broderick et al. 2004).
ble bacteria detected, only the highly abundant The low complexity of T. molitor larvae gut

Fig. 3. The composition and distribution of bacteria from the DGGE gel. The amount of each isolated part was evaluated
by the relative density of the DGGE bands. (A) Both the total abundance and diversity of the four gut regions. (B) The
composition and relative abundance of the bacteria in different gut regions.

communities may be due to the simple, efficient, and observe some differences in the bacterial communities;
well-organized gut environment (Grimstone et al. 1968, this probably is the result of complex physical and
Vinokurov et al. 2006, Prabhakar et al. 2007). Although chemical conditions that result in regional differences
the overall pattern was simple, we were still able to of the gut environment (Egert et al. 2003, Lemke et al.

Fig. 4. PCA analysis of the DGGE profile. The bands are scored as present or absent (binary method).

2003). It should be noted that the hindgut bacterial above 90% in some samples (Jung et al. 2014). These
communities of T. molitor larvae were relatively diverse authors also demonstrated that after 10 d of feeding
and abundant, similar to the situation in several other bran and soil, the gut bacteria in T. molitor was domi-
insects such as termites, crickets, cockroaches, and nated by Spiroplasma; here in our study, the yellow
some beetles in which the hindgut bacteria aid host mealworms raised with sterilized wheat bran also har-
development in various ways (Kaufman and Klug 1991, bored more Spiroplasma in hindgut. Noting the rela-
Gijzen and Barugahare 1992, Morales-Jiménez et al. tive lack of reports of Spiroplasma inhabiting the insect
2009, Hongoh 2011). As an omnivorous insect, gut bac- gut, Jung et al. (2014) suggested that their prevalence
teria of T. molitor may be important for host adaptation in the gut might constitute an unusual situation among
to different foods. Genta et al. (2006) indicated that gut insects. We also found that the Spiroplasma sequence
microbiota might play subtle roles in the life of the was closely related (97–98%) with those of another
T. molitor, being involved in the digestion of refractory omnivorous tenebrionid, Gonasida inferna (Casey)
food, detoxification of secondary plant compounds, and (Colman et al. 2012), even though the authors did not
modifying the volatile profiles of the insect host. How- mention the abundance of the genus. We could infer
ever, the functions of gut microbiota may be subtle and that Spiroplasma may be heritable and coevolve with
only detected in certain situations such as unbalanced the gut of T. molitor, or they are just more competitive
diet and controlled environment (Dillon and Dillon than other bacterial species. Apart from reproductive
2004, Lundgren and Lehman 2010, Storelli et al. regulation, Spiroplasma can convey increased resist-
2011): for instance, we know that that Pantoea agglom- ance to nematode infections in Drosophila (Jaenike
erans in the insect gut participates in nitrogen fixation et al. 2012) and improve overwintering ability in the
and the production of antifungal phenols (Bridges leafhopper Dalbulus maidis (DeLong & Wolcott)
1981, Bridges et al. 1984, Dilion and Charnley 1996, (Ebbert and Nault 1994). The potential role of Spiro-
Vasanthakumar et al. 2006), while Lactobacillus, Clos- plasma in T. molitor should be explored further
tridium, and Bacillus are sugar-fermenting bacteria in because they appear harmless to the host (they are
some Coleopteran insects (Rajagopal 2009). More pathogen to some insects such as honey bee) and do
research will be needed to determine the role of micro- not show male-killing characterization.
biota in T. molitor. The gut bacterial communities can be shaped by cer-
Spiroplasma, normally viewed as a male-killing sym- tain diets. A case in point is that several cellulolytic bac-
biont or pathogen in arthropods (Gregory and Francis teria were isolated from the T. molitor larvae gut after
2000, Jung et al. 2014), is widespread in insects. In this treatment with lignocellulosic waste for 2 wk (Qi et al.
study, several bands with a few sequence differences 2011). But in our study, we did not detect any cultura-
belonged to Spiroplasma, demonstrating both abun- ble cellulolytic bacteria in an aerobic environment.
dance and heterogeneity; however, neither sequence This may to some degree reflect the process of coevolu-
matched any species in the database. Prior research on tion of insect-microbe interaction. Microbes that have
the gut bacterial community of T. molitor also showed adopted endosymbiotic life styles not only have evolved
that the proportion of Spiroplasma was quite high, to live in specialized habitats within living organisms,

but the living habitats have also evolved to accommo- infected with Spiroplasma kunkelii (Mycoplasmatales: Spiro-
date them (Nardi et al. 2006). Since some proteolytic plasmataceae). Environ. Entomol. 23: 634–644.
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Genta, F. A., R. J. Dillon, W. R. Terra, and C. Ferreira.
We sincerely thank Prof. John Richard Schrock (Emporia 2006. Potential role for gut microbiota in cell wall digestion
State University, USA) for reviewing this manuscript. and glucoside detoxification in Tenebrio molitor larvae.
This research was supported by the Special Fund for the J. Insect Physiol. 52: 593–601.
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