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Silent Generation

Depending on our age, it is the importance we give to certain basic aspects of our life, such as acquiring
our own home, saving for the future or our consumption habits. We tell you about 5 generations and
their financial practices. Which one do you belong to?

• The majority grew in difficult economic times due to the wars and the crisis that was lived.

• They faced challenges due to economic changes, food shortages and other supplies.

• Most of them forced to take great care of their money. Therefore, they monitor their expenses more
and limit their purchases.

• 48% of these people argue that their debt motivates them to be more careful when they spend.

• 37% generally pay in cash to avoid additional debts.

• Among its main aspirations: stay fit and healthy.

• Your favorite source of news is television.

• Reading is your main activity.

• This generation considers as dream jobs, those related to health and science.

• Only 28% save enough money each month and are sure of their financial future, while 38% are not and
34% do not save

Events that marked the generation: the Great Depression in North America that affected world
economies, the rise of Nazism and World War II, among others
Baby boomers generation

• It is named for being the one with the highest birth rate.

• You have had some problems managing your time and money, since you take care of your parents and
your children.

• They are interested in saving for retirement.

• They opt for the contracting of services such as insurance and protection through trusts; They prefer
caution to impulse purchases.

• Several of the electronic technological advances were born, but they are not always up to date.

• 67% pay more for food with health benefits.

• Among the activities they do in their spare time, their favorite is watching television.

• 74% are satisfied with their current occupation.

• Education and Training are the fields of work to which they would be dedicated, if they could do so.

• Only 23% save enough and are sure of their financial future, while 41% are not and 36% do not save
for their future.

Events that marked the generation: the arrival of man on the moon, sexual freedom, civil rights
movement, feminist movement, among others.
Generation X

• Some have the opportunity to train as entrepreneurs and own their own businesses, they have even
seen them grow.

• Financial products are not unknown to them, and they are the first to plan their withdrawal.

• They hire credit cards, medical insurance, even educational for their children.

• They have a higher level of indebtedness.

• His main aspirations are to stay fit and healthy, have time with his family, make money and have a

• 75% strives to lead a healthier life.

• In their spare time, they prefer to watch television and contact family or friends.

• The professions to which they would be dedicated are Information and Technology.

• Half saves every month without being sure of your financial future.

• 46% are motivated by their debt to be more careful when they spend.

Events that marked the generation: black and white television until the screens were inserted in the
market. They played marbles, string, Atari and also PlayStation, among others.
Generation (Millennials) Y

• A defining fact is that recent technology accompanies them at all times.

• Professional growth goes hand in hand with a comfortable economic position.

• They have a lot of information literally "in the palm of their hand" but they don't know how to plan
their finances because they respond to the "urgent change" of the time.

• They are the ones that consume the most technology.

• They think of business with immediate success and renting a place to live seems good to them.

• Most do not think about retirement, because they consider being productive all the time.

• In their free time they like to watch television and contact their friends or family, mainly.

• Your priorities are to be fit and healthy, followed by making money, spending time with your family
and having a satisfying career.

• More than half prefer to live in big cities.

• Acquiring a house is a priority for 22%, getting married is important for 17% and having children a goal
for 13%.

• They prefer search engines on websites more than other generations.

• 6 out of 10 eat out at home at least once a week.

• 81% are willing to pay a higher price for food with health benefits.

• More than half are satisfied with their occupation, colleagues, work environment, boss and work

• They are more likely to quit their job after two years, compared to generation X and baby boomers.

• Among his favorite professions, Information Technology stands out.

• 34% save enough each month and are sure of their financial future, while 48% are not and 18% do not
save for the future.

• Because their credit situation is long term, they are more likely to refinance their debts to reduce

• They also feel they must incur debt to acquire what they want and need.

Event that marked the generation: Generation of entrepreneurs. They have used the technology for
entertainment: Internet, SMS, CD player, MP3, MP4, DVD among others
Z generation

• They are so young that they have no idea of their personal finances. The answer to everything seems
to have the application or the program that solves a specific thing.

• Your financial goals are immediate term: have money for electronics and go out with friends.

• They usually do not pay their bills, as long as they can link their parents' account to any application.

• While “leveling out” as in a video game, they have everything resolved.

• Your work as well as finances should be flexible and for this you want to modify your environments by
following online tutorials, to always seek comfort, not stability.

• Their future aspirations in order of importance are: making money, having a satisfactory career, being
fit and healthy and finally having time for the family.

• 78% choose healthy food options.

• Among their favorite activities for leisure time, they are in order of importance: listening to music and

• Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are the fields of work to which they would be

• 47% save each month without being sure of their financial future and 21% do not save.

Event that marked the generation: They do not conceive access to information without the use of the

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