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This research was intended to analyze the development of cotton growing from 1980 to
1995, time of the emergence of the Bicudo and the decline of the cotton economy in the
Northeast states, including Rio Grande do Norte. Our problem was how men
experienced the Bicudo pest, and from that, the disruption of a strong trade in cotton
and economic decline in the state. In the development of the research was analyzed the
socio-historical context, during the pest of the Bicudo in Rio Grande do Norte, in the
last years of the twentieth century (1980-1995), thus, we sought to identify the human
actions in this crisis, as public policies of farmer protection that the state has adopted,
and its impacts on society. Finally, we analyze the actions of the Bicudo plague at the
state level and in the city of Pedro Avelino, and the results that it caused for the local
economy. In order to obtain the evidence about the problem, a documental analysis of
cotton growing and the Bicudo insect was carried out through a bibliographic search of
authors of the area, analysis of newspapers circulating at the time (Natal's Diary and
Poti), and oral sources (interviews). The dialogue with the Environmental History was
opportune for the construction of our interpretations in this research. In short, we
believe that the Bicudo plague was one of the responsible for the decline of the cotton
culture in the state and for the economic crisis that the city of Pedro Avelino suffered in
this period.

Keywords: Cotton growing; Bicudo; Economy; Rio Grande do Norte; Pedro Avelino.

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