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Peace ETAL) aor eran en ery amc LEE Cr mL “When English Rings a Bell” SAS Kelas POL Hak Cipta © 2014 pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Dilindungi Undang-Undang ILI NEGARA TIDAK DIFERDAGANSKAN Disklaimer: Buku ini merupakan buku siswa yang dipersiapkan Pemerintah dalam rangka implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Buku siswa ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh berbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan dipergunakan dalam tahap awal penerapan Kurikulum 2013. Buku ini merupakan “dokumen hidup” yang senantiasa diperbaiki, diperbaharui, dan dimutakhirkan sesuai dengan dinamika kebutuhan dan perubahan zaman. Masukan dari berbagai kalangan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas buku ini. Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KD) Kontributor Naskah __: Siti Wachidah dan Asep Gunawan. Penelaah :mi Emilia dan Raden Safrina. Penyelia Penerbitan —_; Pusat Kurukulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemdikbud. Cetakan Ke-1, 2014 Disusun dengan huruf Helvetica, 11 pt Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris tidak dapat dipungkiri adalah bahasa utama komunikasi antarbangsa dan sangat diperlukan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pergaulan dunia. Makin datarnya dunia dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menyebabkan pergaulan tidak dapat lagi dibatasi oleh batas-batas negara. Kurikulum. 2013 menyadari peran penting bahasa Inggris tersebut dalam menyampaikan gagasan melebihi batas negara Indonesia serta untuk menyerap gagasan dari luar yang dapat dipergunakan untuk kemaslahatan bangsa dan negara sebagai akibat datarnya dunia. Kurikulum 2013 dirancang untuk menyongsong model pembelajaran abad 21, Di dalamnya terdapat pergeseran pembelajaran dari peserta didik diberi tahu menjadi peserta didik mencari tahu dari berbagai sumber belajar melampaui batas guru dan satuan pendidikan, Peran bahasa Inggris dalam model pembelajaran seperti itu menjadi sangat sentral mengingat lebih banyak sumber belajar dalam bahasa Inggris dibanding semua sumber belajar dalam semua bahasa lainnya digabungkan, Sejalan dengan peran di atas, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIII yang disajikan dalam buku ini disusun untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa. Penyajiannya adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran berbasis teks, baik lisan maupun tulis, dengan menempatkan bahasa Inggris sebagai sarana berkomunikasi. Pemahaman terhadap jenis, kaidah dan konteks suatu teks ditekankan sehingga memudahkan peserta didik menangkap makna yang terkandung dalam suatu teks maupun menyajikan gagasan dalam bentuk teks yang sesuai sehingga mudah dipahami orang lain. Mengingat bahasa Inggris baru secara resmi diajarkan mulai Kelas VIII SMP/MTs, komunikasi yang disampaikan di sini adalah komunikasi sehari-hari, Bagi beberapa daerah yang telah mengajarkan bahasa Inggris mulai dari Kelas-Kelas akhir SD/MI, materi yang disampaikan di sini perlu diperkaya dengan materi tambahan yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan peserta didik, walaupun struktur pembelajarannya tetap mengacu pada model yang disampaikan dalam buku ini Sebagai bagian dari Kurikulum 2013 yang menekankan pentingnya keseimbangan kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan, kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang dituntut dibentuk melalui pembelajaran berkelanjutan: dimulai dengan meningkatkan kompetensi pengetahuan tentang jenis, kaidah, dan konteks suatu teks, dilanjutkan dengan kompetensi keterampilan menyajikan suatu teks tulis dan lisan baik terencana maupun spontan dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat, dan bermuara pada pembentukan sikap kesantunan berbahasa Buku ini menjabarkan usaha minimal yang harus dilakukan peserta didik untuk mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Sesuai dengan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam Kurikulum 2013, peserta didik diajak menjadi berani untuk mencari sumber belajar lain yang tersedia dan terbentang luas di sekitarnya. Peran guru dalam meningkatkan dan menyesuaikan daya serap peserta didik dengan ketersediaan kegiatan pada buku ini sangat penting. Guru dapat memperkayanya dengan kreasi dalam berbagai bentuk kegiafan lain yang sesuai dan relevan yang bersumber dari lingkungan sosial dan alam. Implementasi terbatas pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014 telah mendapat tanggapan yang sangat positif dan masukan yang sangat berharga. Pengalaman tersebut dipergunakan semaksimal mungkin dalam menyiapkan buku untuk implementasi menyeluruh pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015 dan seterusnya. Walaupun demikian, sebagai edisi pertama, buku ini sangat terbuka dan terus dilakukan perbaikan untuk penyempurnaan. Oleh karena itu, kami mengundang para pembaca memberikan kritik, saran dan masukan untuk perbaikan dan penyempurnaan pada edisi berikutnya. Atas kontribusi tersebut, kami mengucapkan terima kasih. Mudah- mudahan kita dapat memberikan yang terbaik bagi kemajuan dunia pendidikan dalam rangka mempersiapkan generasi seratus tahun Indonesia Merdeka (2045). Jakarta, Januari 2014 ‘Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Mohammad Nuh ® Daftar Isi ci Kata Pengantar Daftar | Useful Tips . First Semester Chapter I. It’s English time! Chapter il. Can you play the guitar?. Chapter Ill, Would you like to come? Chapter IV. You are invited! ChapterV. My uncle is a zzookeeper. Chapter VI. What are you doing? Second Semester Chapter VII. Bigger is not always better! . Chapter VIII. I'm proud of Indonesia! Chapter IX. When | wasa child ... Chapter X. Don't forget it, please! Chapter XI. lam Proud of My Teache! Chapter XII. Mousedeer and Crocodile Let's enjoy the song! Classroom Language for Students. Daftar Pustaka .. Useful Tips! * Make sure you know what you say. If you need to know a word in English or in Indonesian, ask your teacher or friends, How do you say ‘manggis’in English? What is ‘donkey’in Indonesian? + Ifyou need to know how to say or write a word in English, ask your teacher or friends, How do we say this word? How do you spell the word? + If you find any difficulties, you can ask your teacher or your friends. + You may go to your teacher and friends and ask questions or ask for help if you have any problems. + Please use a good dictionary: an English-Indonesian Dictionary and an Indonesian-English Dictionary. In this chapter, | will learn: RO SC au Mey * to check if my friends’ understand cay to give my opinions and ask for my PCC eM Tae Se es aC From now on | will use English in my English class. & Observing and Questioning Im Lina Hi, may | introduce myself My namo is Beni Dae anti @ Observing and Questioning Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures, ) Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and clearly. First, repeat after me. What do you think if we use English in ‘our English class. We will use English in ‘ow class. Do you understand mo? Sit, what did | say? Everybody, may | have your attention, please? We will use English in our’ English class. ) Everybody, are you ready to learn English now? What about you, Edo? What do you think if we use English in our English class? Yes, Ma'am, Yes, we will use English in our English class 5 EN ai @ Observing and Questioning Altention, please! Attention please! (Gara psa alo) By scsi sobg te plage? A 6 you ready to learn? Im so sorry, Ma’am. Yes, | am. \ Yes, Ma'am, Attention, please. Are we all ready to leam English ? Edo, Is English easy or dificult? Itis easy Ma’am. Good oN Ea GD & Observing and Questioning | Excuse me, Ma'am. What is ‘attention’ in Bahasa? Sir, may | wash my hands? Sure, Let's go. & Observing and Questioning } Please complete these following sentences. Write them in neat and accurate handwriting on ‘your notebook. To gether students’ attention Mrs. Tro says severd expressions toher students, |. Together students’ attentionin picture | she says. “Ever oody, eray Thane your attention please: 2 Tagetsitisattentionn picture? she says “at, cond. site 3. Together stuients' abtentioninpicture3 she: ‘Ber yoody. 4 Toget Edosattention npicture 4 she says 5. Together students attention in picture 5, she says, 6 Toget Payu's attention inpicturre & she says, To getour teachers’ attention we can use several expressions, | Toget irs Ina's attention npicture 4 Linasays, 2 Together Acronis attentininpctare OBerisay, Togetar trina: atterton we cariuse aco ever wer estons [ Tagetattenvon at Exo rendetnpeture Eo say Eee Ge ep) @ Observing and Gueetioning Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and clearly. First, repeat after me. \ Do you know what | ‘mean? Don't you understand of what she said? Yes, she said that we should speak English in our English class. Do you understand the Do you understand of what text? our teacher ask to do? I'm trying Ma'am. How do « you say this word? What is "We should use English in our English itin Bahasa? class. Itis difficut. a Gee ai @ Observing and Questioning What do you think of the Picture? Beni did it well didn't he? Yes, he did. It is very beautiful What do you think? Is English easy or difficult? TTS I think it's easy. | love English, The meal is not delicious. Is that how you say it? don't think so, It’s nice. He's a dilligent student. Don't you think so? Yes, he is. He is dilligent and smart too. ® Observing and Questioning } Great! I think that is a Your picture is beautiful invitation card, beautiful | tke the Ike it \ olor. Thank you. What a wonderful picture! Thank you, Ma'am. Thank you. Collecting Information Please complete these following sentences Write them in neat and accurate handwriting) ‘on your notebook, 9 check cereones versione we tan use sera pressions RA, oe eure brea encod rare lira ciadorWlint aieane ©). Tocrekna stineris wrrsterargin iclre7 Pp ecnon sya © * check Ecos understanding picture 3s. Ina says, th putter es hirekeeereiegh pared iain e Soe See a i ast Tage andack ophians, we can use several exprescors Oa eee rig opetee tecieaya “What do you think of. @ 2 Dek Days corn Inplcture buna says i. 3, Toaskedosophioninpcwure TWansays Re a ee e eRe no mS Toshawour appreciation to others we Can use several expressions. @ | Tshowedos appreciation inpiture She says, ‘Ttsis very beautifus 2 ToshawDayu's appreciation inpicture & she says, 3. ToshawEdo's appreciation inpicture The says, 41 ToshowMrs Inas appreciation in picture 8 she says, 5. ToshawIMr. Adnan appreciation. in picture Bhe says, 6 ToshawMr. Adnans appreciation. in picture ‘the says, 7. ToshawLinass appreciation inplcture 0 she says, & _ToshawMrs nas appreciation in picture she says. 4. ToshawBents appreciation in picture Zhe says. Eee eS ema x Devaar) v Tknow how to get attention, we will say: Attention please!, Call someone's name, w Lalso know how to check someone's understanding, we wil Say: en Ai ()] ‘Associating | Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and clearly. First, repeat after me. Excuse me! peel Hi, Edo. What's up? | want to show you my drawing es What do you think about it? Well, think i's good. —_——=_ Itis the landscape of my L hometown. ae Realy? en Yes, ist Wil you come someday? —$—" veri) a What about your hometown. i Do you think it is good? Yes, it's beautiful —_e_ (That's great i — Gores GD) ee @ Associating Write down the expressions from the box to complete the dialogue! Then, play the roles of the ) speakers sentences correctly and clearly. J 4 Do you think it's good? | think it's beautiful Do you understand? Ws so beautiful Associating Write down the possible expressions for each Pictures. Then, play the roles of the speakers sentences correctly and clearly, ) Associating )] Associating Look, this is my cat. She's cute isn't she? Yes, | think she’s cute. What's her name? She's Putih, Now, please write down some dialogues with from the themes bellow! After that, practice with ) \ your partner! Ere UC Re Ter cy My Journal In this chapter T learnt about. The parts that I enjoyed the most were. The difficulties that I had were... What Thave to do tobe better? From now, Twill By to.use the expressions i've learned in my dally conversation. My teacher wil help me if I find oe atriculties, Chapter Can You Play the Guitar In this chapter, | will learn: SCM CMU ME SM Uo) Eula) CMEC MEMES Ms Lo) something Observing and Questioning Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and clearly. First, repeat after me. Can you play the we 1 Can you play the Angklung? See et “© No, leant. ) vay Sumy ' Yes, I can, 3 Can you do it no i pe aaa (eernnen A conyureoner ele Ke 5 Sa? No, cant.) } Certainly Mae Sane re Ete e Observing and Questioning } Play the roles of the speakers. Say what these people are saying correctly and clearly. First, repeat afler me. ———ee | Mrs. Harum: “I'm very proud of Siti. Now she can help me with the housework. She can get up early herself. She can sweep the house before school.” Rani: “Vuli can make tried rive, and she can fry the egg nicely. She can also serve fried rice beautifully with tomatoes and celery.” . Mr. Adnan: “Itis not easy to read a story to your friends loudly and correctly. But, I'm happy that many of you can do it well. Adi still makes mistakes, but he can read his story loudly.” Denata: “Fatima always speaks softly, but when she sings, she can sing very loudly.” Mrs. Fauzia: “Birds can fly because they have wings. We don't have wings, so we cannot fly. But we can make planes. With a plane we can fly very high and go to far places." Mr. Rendy: “We cannot swim across the sea, but with a boat or a ship, we can go to other islands. Mrs. Gracia: “The text is long and there are many new words in it. Itis not easy to read. But you can work together. If you read it together, I'm sure you can understand it easily.” Widi: “My nephew, Anton, is only two years old. But he is smart. He can go up the stairs himself. He can also go down easily.” Observing and Questioning Now, complete the following sentences accarding to the speakers’ statements. ) The first one has been done for you. According to Mrs Harunt a. Siti can help her with the housework. b, _ She can getup early herselt c. She cansweep the house before school. 2. According to Rant a. Yul can __. b ‘She can... . ‘She can. According to Mr. Adnan, a. Adican __. 4 According to Denata’ a. Fatima can __. 5. According toMrs Fouzia: a b ©. a 6 Accordng ta Mr Rendy: a. Wecannot bb Wecan_. 1. According toMrs Gracia a Wecan... b Wecan... 8 Accordng told a. Anton can. bb Hecan Meare aac Do an interview with your friends to fill in the table by using “Can you...” Can you climb a tree? No, I can't. Nm Collecting Information Alter you interview your friends, please make some statements based on the previous table you've done. One example is given to you here. First, copy the exampl Siti can swim. She can play Angklung But she cannot write a novel l 2 3 4 5 ewe 1 8 4 0. Share your findings to the other groups, Correct any mistakes you find and give any suggestions to improve each other's works. Now, present your works in front of the class — orally. & Collecting Information Write down some dialogues by using “Can you ...?" After that, play the roles of the speakers. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and clearly. \ ee No, leant 9) Associating | Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and Clearly. First, repeat after me. Udin, will you help me to bring this book? Siti, will you come to my Cer” 4 4 LEY Ofcourse. \ will Lina, will you go to the 3 canteen with me? Boniwill you ciose the 5 See eee Will you please pass the salt? Here you are. HM do it eateee ieee) Ce) 2 9) Associating Read the statements correctly and clearly. First, ) je after m ‘Adnan: ‘My mum is out of town today. My dad is also very busy. But he will come to my schoo! to collect my report.” Lathan: “My aunt is often angry with my cousin, Lusi. She makes a mess but she will not do the cleaning. She will not even dean her own room.” Gunawan: “My uncle paints his own house. When he has time he will paint our house too.” Diah: "My brother loves sport. He thinks that exercise is the best way to be healthy. Forhis health, he will walk 2 kilometers to his office everyday.” Puspita: “I will help you to fix the table, if | can. But | can't, so I will not help you." Dewi: “I will get up early and go to swim at six, but we should go home before 10, ok?" ‘Mrs. Wike: "With good examples from the teachers, I'm sure the students will go to school on foot or on a bicycle. " Mrs. Wulandari: “The litle boy is very spoit. He will not stop crying before his mother buys him the toys he wants.” Tea Associating Now, complete the following sentences according to the speakers’ statements. ] The first one has been done for you. According toLathan, we know that: is Dad wil come to is school to callecthis report 2. According to Lathan, we know that His Auntwillnot do the cleaning, She willinat even clean her own room, According to Gunawan we know thathis Uncle wil According to Dish Write down some dialogues by using “Will you ...?” After that, play the roles of the speakers. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and clearly. Please patch at least § pictures from magazines or newspapers about things or activities that can ) you do or can not do! RLS CRE Mela Please write 10 sentences based on the pictures you've drawn before. Write the complete in neat and accurate hand-writing. ) Make sure your punctuation marks and \ spelling of the words are correct. cr Tecan draw apicture ‘Asking for Attention What do your teacher and friends say about. your sentences? a. OF the 0 sentences Ihave made are good 6 The problems with my sentences (or, T have no problems): What Thave todo tobe better (or, Im Fine): Gena Communicating My Journal In this chapter learnt about. The parts thatTenjoyed the most were.. Fromnow, Lwll try touse the expressions ive learnedin my dally corwersatian My teacher wil help meif T find some difficulties eee Corre od Tey elt Would You Like to Come? In this chapter, | will learn: RPE RC My RO i Rng eee ihr ay Pee) You should come! Don't be late! e Observing and Questioning Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences correclly and ) clearly. Fi repeat after me Please put the book ba the table! 2 Allright Come in please! Thank you. Please open the window! 7 Of course! Dose! Tee K & Observing and Questionin Let’s goto the canteer Will you join us to the Ok, but wait a minute, Please come with me to see the principal! Can tjoin you? Sure, please come with met 5 NN aC Observing and Questioning ‘These students are planning to do for Lina’s birthday. Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly \ and clearly. First, repeat after me. — Don't open it here, please. Don'ttell Lina that we will You don't have to buy give her a special git. anything for me, It's not a big deal. Tae) sy ® Observing and Questioning din is telling Lina by phone that he will ‘come to he party. | oy Hello, good moming. This is Udin, I just received an invitation ‘card for your birthday. Yes, | am. Thanks for Se still thinking about actually Il do my best. L_— VANE Oh, hi Udin. Good morning. What can i do for you? You are coming, aren't a 5 —_———_- No problem. Oh ya, don't forget the dress code, of 2) —— Be there and don'tbe late. ) —————_- All right, see you al) e Observing and Questioning Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and ) clearly. First, repeat after me. Hi, Udin. How are Ke you? I'm fine. ee Glad to hear it ——$<$<$<$<— By the way, have you received a birthday invitation from Lina? ) Yes, | have. Y——— Wi you come then? ) ——- ; I'm afraid | can't because I'l have a : badminton competition on that day. } Let's buy a birthday gift for her. | hope ! you don’t mind giving it to her on her : birthday. i Of course. ) ——e = (_ bets go thent i Okay, — EE es & Collecting Information Beni And Udin are going to buy a gift for Lina. Can you help them to find a Suitable gift for her? Patch some pictures from magazine or newspaper ——_—_— feo EL a Pee Oger e Golletng ntormation Please write down some sentences based on the pictures that you've found. ) \ Please tury her a novel Don't buy her Tee ne 7A paaes (9) Associating | Play the roles of the speakers. Say what these people are saying correctly and cleerly. First, ) repeat after me. Beni says, “Please give her a doll. Don't give her a robot, ok!” Siti says, “You can wear a batik shirt or a formal shirt. But please don't wear Teshirt.” Lina says, “For exercise, please run, walk, or ride a bicycle. Don'tuse expensive tools.” Mr. Adnan says, “Please paint the walls or furnish the desks. But please don't spill the paint on the floor.” Mrs. Ina says, “Please all the girls, bring your sewing kits with you on Monday. We will leam to sew. Don't forget to bring some clothes too.” . Udin says, “For your health, do not eat too much instant noodle. Eat more vegetables or fresh fruits.” Tea Now, complete the following sentences. according to the speakers’ statements. ) ‘The first one has been done for you. L_aBeni ves an instruction Please give her adoll & © Hegves aprohbition:“Dorrt que her a robot ckt 2. a Sitigues an instruction: b She ges a prohibition 3. a.lina ges aninstruction: ‘& She gles a prohiition 4. a.Mr, Adnan ges an instruction: tb.He gies a prohitition 5. ailirs.Ina gues anirstruction® She aves a proniittion 6. a.Udin gives an instructiony b He ges a profibitiony v Reflection + To give instructions, we usually start the sentences by using “Please .. + Togive prohibitions, we usually start the sentences by using ‘Don't. Cee IC S Lina Dayu Udin Edo Siti Beni Udin Edo Dayu Associating Play the roles of the speakers. Say what these. people are saying correctly and clearly. First, ] repeat after m \ “Can | use your pen?” “Sure, Take the green one.” “Don't use the red one, There's no ink on it” “Is this seat taken? Can | sit here?” “No, the chair's lag is loose. Don't sit on it." “Please take the seat near the window." “Let's wrap the gift for Lina, Can we it on your table?" “Please do, but don't make a mess.” “Ws very cold. Can | wear your jacket’? "Sure. Ihave two jackets.” “Don't forget to wash before you return it to me, ok?” “Hey, Lina is a gitl. You can buy her a baby doll. Don’t buy her a car toy.” Tea Associating } Now, complete the following sentences according to the speakers’ statements. ) ‘The first one has been done for you La Toask a permission, lina says “Can Luse your per?’ Torespondapermission,Dayusays “Sure. Take the green one” To give a prohibition Dayu says “Don'tuse the redone" 2. a Toask apermission, Udi says . ae To gue a pranition Edo says a ¢—_Torespond a perrnission Edo says 3. a Togve an instruction.. b To.ask for a permission. To respond apermission.. 4.To gvea prohtition.. 4 a Toadk for apermission_. b Toresponda permission. 5 a Togve aninstruction_ b Ta gve a pronbition SOEs S o Associating v Reflection To give and respond instructions, we can say: To give and respond to invitation, we can say: To give prohibitions, we can say: SNA vied Let's prepare the gift for Lina! ~—_——_————_’ Do you see my jacket? Is it yours? No, I's Edo’s jacket. Our jacket are same but the sizes are different. May | wash my hands? Certainly. I don't have scissors. Here, | bring it. You can use mine. Would you like to bring me our ribbon? ee Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and ) Clearly. First, repeat after m (Easuse me! Oh, hi Udin. Come in, please. Thank you. Wow. There are so —eex\= many people here. it seams. \ ana he party has just begun Not yet actually. We've been waiting for you. v) & Really? ~——— Yes, could you put your jacket over there on the Ohyes, sure. And what's hanger? _) Please write down your name here. _) k, but ! don't bring —_—_~ any pen, May | borrow urs? SS ee oy ——ene Thank you. By the way, happy birthday! Nothing | could say but everything for \ your best always Its very kind of you. Thanks a lot, Ben. Let's start the ; party then. | Tea Communicating Tell your friends what to do and what not to do for the following activities: oasene To go on a camping trip. To green the school To spend the weekend. To play in the school ground. To work together with friends. . To celebrate your grandma's birthday. Make the list of instructions and prohibitions for those activities ) Please report it in front of the class. Activities that I shoulddo Activities that I should nat do Coes S Communicating } My Journal In this chapter Lleamt about. Fromnaw.I wiltry touse the expressions ve kamnedin my dally conversation. My teacher wilhep meif T find sore afficutties een AiG erate Clg You are Invited! In this chapter, | will learn: Oe ORT ea nual eee Tec ne e Observing and Questioning This is Lina’s Birthday Invitation card, Who is invited to \ the party? arty? Who celebrate the birthday? x When will the party \ begin? Where will the party begin? Tea ® Observing and Questioning } IN THE CELEBRATION cram anauce tte She fe Observing and Questioning } an CEN AiG & Callecing Information Now, create your own personal invitation card! ) \ Coes S Associating Now I'l show you some greeting cards that my classmate and | made © \ for Lina. Here they are! fi Will Udin come to the party? 1} SSS a VTE ai Here are other examples of groating cards. so Thanks for being O71 _, there through the tears, laughters and dirty You've been blessed with a son. To ill your life with fun. CONGRATULATIONS Ill ()] Associating | i ee My Journal In this chapter Learnt about. The dfficultles that Lhad were. What Ehave to do tobe better? a CUENTA erate Clg My Uncle is a Zookeeper In this chapter | will learn to communicate states and events that happens routinely or as general truths, in order: Petru) Cee uke) SOO EU CES Please observe the picture below. Can you describe it? @ Observing and Quectioning Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences correctly and ) clearly. First, repeat after me. How many visitors There are few visitors in we there in the z00? the zoo. A EM Pen ORS How much food . doos the elephant Not much, jst hal a Ke bucket of food. eat? Observing and Questioning How much water do - eemety horses drink? They drink a lot of water.) ———— How many zookeepers are There arent many there in the 200? zockeepers in the 200. — EN Ai & Observing and Questioning What do zookeepers do? ——~ Read the sontences correct She prepares foods and drinks for the animals every moming. He feeds the animals everyday. ‘They clean the animal's ‘cages every morning, He regularly repairs the animals cages. She takes care of sick animals regularly. Te eater Observing and Questioning Now, write down in your notebook why we have to thank the zookeepers. The first one has been done for you. | First, copy the exampl Mr. Ahmad feeds the animals everyday, Mrs. Siska —. Mr. Hart and Mr, Gino Mr Warta and Mr. Kina SWC A & Observing and Questioning i What do the animals eat?) The tigers eats a lot of meat in the morning and the afternoon. The elephant eats a lot of grass in the moming and the afternoon The monkey often eats The bear eats alot banana and peanuts. of fresh fish day and night. The deer eats grass. he cat eats rice with fish eee S ee Observing and Questioning Please complete the following sentences according to the previous statements. Make sure your punctuation marks and spelling of the words are correct. 1. Thee eats a lot af grassin‘the moming andin the afternoon. en Ai & Collecting ntormation Observe the backyard at your school, then write | the people, animals, and things there! \ and people you have drawn! —— \ Now, let's count the number of things, animals How many cats are there in the There are two cats in the \L _baciyara? backyard. J) q 1 English Rings a Bell 7 51 ae ® Observing and Guestoning ‘They get up early. They make their beds. They also help to prepare the breakfast for the ‘They never get to school late. They are always on time. Some walk to school. Some take public transport They do the housework. Some students wash the dishes. Some students clean the bathroom. ‘Some students water the plants, They use English with their friends and teachers. They ask questions in English. They answer questions in English too. After schoo), they go home straight away. They do not play in wrong places in their uniform. CUTE A Late aftemoon, some students ‘exercise to be healthy. Many students some do extra-curricular activities. They do the house work again, ‘They sometimes play the games or chat with friends. They have dinner with their family. They don’ forget to pray first before they eat. They help their Parents to wash the dishes. They do their homework. They study for the next day. Then, they go to bed early. & Collecting Information ! Now, write down on your notebook what smart students do everyday in neat and accurate hand writing. Make stire your punctuation marks and spelling of the words are correct. Inthe morning they getup early. They make thelr beds They also hap to prepare the breckfust for the family. They do the housework. Some students wosh the dishes Some students clean the bathroom, Some students water the plants. ‘At schoo! In the afternoon Atnight RUE e Me a & Collecting ntormation ‘What are your daily activities? ] Write them down here! ae ea eee ea 5 Collecting Information ‘Ask your friend about their daily activities! ) \ What time do you get up? ier aeacen toviperSiamn: ) —_—_— . No. Activities. dome of NES e 1 bd e.: 4 els el. 7 @ 5 9 @ i e an ena ()] Associating Do you do the same things as the zookeeper does? Puta check (v) for the same activities and cross (x) for the ferent ones! j ist the activities below! o Associating Now, please write down the statements based } on the table in the previous page! First, copy the examples. |. T take abath everyday, so does tne zookeeper. 2. IwatchaTV everyday, but the zackeeper doesn't ()] Associating Please describe the animals below! Lion ig a wild animal ‘thas sharp teeth. Rabbit is a tame animal has two tong ears. It eats meat. Meats carrot Itiives in the tar, {tives in the burrow. It can run fast. Itean hop. hen English Rings Bellt EE) wae activities. If it is possible, you may put some pictures of yours! Please make a poster about your daily ) an Gena Communicating } My Jounal Tn this chapter Tleornt about. ‘The parts that I enjoyed the most were. eae cee ee) Soe, OF TeV eo) Cel In this chapter | will learn to communicate states and events in progress, in order: ec ker Sars nn er cy ® Observing and Questioning Sitiis mopping the floor. | Lina is erasing the whiteboard. | —<$<$<$<$F No. The ribbon is white. There is a sticlor on the cover. It's shiny, while, round, with a picture of an \ orang-utan, It must be that one over there, on the teacher's desk. Yes, you are right. Thank you. Tea Observing and Questioning What do the shoes look like? went to the market. In the big shoe shop, near the barber shop, | saw very beautiful shoes. You must like them. es Really? In fact I need to buy plestic shoes. This is a rainy season. I need plastic shoes to go out when it is raining. Yes, there are beautiful plastic shoes there. Different colours. Some have holes, some have flowers in the front, and some are plain. Nothing on them. I need shoes with a strap, and open in the front, like sandals. It's always hot here, and my toes need air to breath. | agree. | saw many sandals with a strap there. They have low heels, and xe they look comfortable. ———— OO Great. Ill go there tomorow. Thanks. Peary @ Observing and Questioning What kind of T-shirt do you want? Il leave for Bali tomorrow. What souveneer do you want me to buy you? Wow, thanks. That's very mindful of you. What if you buy me a T-shirt? ‘What kind of T-shirt? I want a white T-shirt, with short sleeves. | ike a sporty and casuel one. ae Alright. Do you want ‘a plain one? No, not a plain one. | want one with a picture, a small one, in the front. It should be a picture of anything about Bal. Sure. _—~ Tea Observing and Questioning Complete the descriptions of Edo’s notebook, Lina’s house, the shoes in the big shoe-shop, and the T-shirt Mr. Hidayat wants Mr. Gani to buy him The first one has been done for you. First, copy the example, Work with your group. If you have any problem, go to me. Edo's notebook is _ Thereis _on the cover: ts Edo's notebook is thick with able hardcover, Tthas a white ribbon. ‘separator, There |s a sticker on the cover. Its shiny, white andround witha. Thebig shoe-shop near There ore afferent. of shioes. some shoes have T-shirt _ short sleeves Its a ‘about Ball one, He wants one with, Devaar) Bae Observing and Questioning learning now. With the table below, you can see that the description of Lina’s house consists of (1) states of the objects and (2) activities of the objects. Copy the table in your notebook. Then,do the same to look into the other descriptions. | will lead you to reflect on what you are ) Statos of or related to Lina’s house aera ws a = = appre ay whamareoare = E a = . ainennahanya a = et acre . asi ni . rex tenants yee : seg sora er z : enero we : akan rts i a roraergcn s re some chigren attanaplay there Q Collecting Information Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences meaningfully, loudly, ) correctly, and clearly. First, repeat after me. Beni is describing Simon to make him stand out, so that Udin can find him. ee Which one is Simon? Hallo. 'm in the bus terminal ow, but | still cannot find ‘Simon. What is he like? a He's tall. He's got a fair skin. ) Many people are tall and ——_- have fair skin here. Is he ve wearing jeans? / No, he’s wearing a uniform, black pants and a blue shirt with long sleeves, | see three people wearing the same uniform: Hees abit fat anc a) He's wearing a black hat. Oh ya, | see him now. He's walking toward me. He's carrying her —ev—— Ithink so. Ok, see you later. ) ears Bae Cee Information Lina is describing Sofia to make her ( stand out, so that Siti can find her. —— Which one is Sofia? Hallo. I've received the family photo. Thank you very much. Which one is Sofia?” ZA Sorry | don't have the photo with me now. But, this may help. She's tall and thin. I see three girls here, and they are —$<$$<$<$<—= all tall and thin. Is her hair straight \ and long, in a pony tail? ——=———$—$<—~> No, that’s Rina, my niece. Sofia’s hair is curly, usually in plats. She has a fringe. Two girls is wearing their ————_— hair in plaits. They both have a fringe too. ight. Sofia’s standing, not siting She's wearing a yellow night dress, with a picture of a sleeping baby. Got it. Wow, that chubby little girl five years ago is now a i beautiful slim girl? Yes, she is. SD ———— Collecting Information Dayu is describing Mrs. Herlina to make her stand out, so that Lina can find her. Which one is Mrs. Herlina? Is our Science teacher, Mrs. Herlina, here? I've never met her. ze Yes. She's here. But | don't know where she is now. She's in bati and black pants. But, all the ladies here are Wearing batik and black pants! You are right. Sorry. Ah, there she is. She is the big lady with glasses. She sitting on the bench in front of the Principal's office —_—_—_—_— Which one? Two ladies are big and wearing glasses. Is she wearing a scart No, she is not. She's the one carrying a pink purse. ) ———=__ Alright. il meet her now. When Engl 4 Bae ry) e Collecting Information The following texts are the descriptions given by Beni, Lina, and Dayu about Simon, Sofia, and Mrs. Herlina. But they are not yet Punctuated nor written properly. Rewrite them in good sentences. The first one has been done for you. First, copy the example. Work with your group. If you have any problems, go to me |._simon is tall he has a fair skin he is wearing a idue shirt with long sleeves he is a bit fat and chubby he's wearing a black hat he's carrying a backpack jenon is tal. He has a fair skin. He Is wearing a biue shirt wt He isa bit fat and chubby He's wearing a black hat He's carrying a backpack Soflals tall and thin she has curly hair in plaits she has a fring she's standing not sitting she's wearing a yellow nignt cress with apicture of a sleeping baby shes nota Ite chubby grt shes a beautiful sim gr! ars. herinaiis a lig lady with gasses she is wearing batk and black pants she Issitting on the benchin front of the princbals office she’snot wearing a scraf she corrying apink purse. SNA vied & Collecting ntormation These students are saying good things about their objects because they are proud of them or love them Play the roles of the speakers in the picture. Say the speaker's, sentences meaningtully, loudly, correctly, and clearly. First, repeat after me. My father is a good man. He loves his family. He does not get angry easily. He talks to us, his children, about many things. He and my mum often go out together to enjoy the evening, He is friendly to the neighbours. > My father is friendly, too. He knows almost everybody in the neighbourhood. He always goes to the neighbourhood meetings. He is never absent from the Cleaning Day. Ho is a good volleyball player. He plays volleyball with our neighbours in the community centre every Saturday. Hove my mum very much. She is an Elementary Schoo! teacher. She is very patient. She is never angry. She always smiles and never complains. My mum is my best friend. | can talk to her about everything. Oh ya, she can sing! She has a beautiful voice. I'm proud of my English teacher. She is smart and very friendly. Her English is very good and very clear. She speaks English to us, and we speak English to her too. She often reads us good stories from different parts of Indonesia. She knows many stories from other countries too. ‘Aunt Dina is very healthy. She is rarely sick. She is married and has two children. She is more than 40 years old, but her skin is smooth and her face always looks young and beautiful. Oh ya, she exercises almost everyday. She works at a bank. It is almost 2 kms from her home. She has a motorcycle, but she goes to work on foot. | love my cat, Manis. She makes me happy. When I tickle her, she rolls around and taps her paws on my hand. | like the feeling. She has three colors, white, yellow, and black. She often lies on my feet when I study or watch TV. Sometimes she sleeps in my bed with me, on my feet. It feels warm. ——_—$—$" @ Assodialng ‘What make the girls and the boys love their father/mother/English teacher/aunticat? The first one has been done for you. First, copy the example. Work with me. If you have any problems, go to me. @ |. Uanis saying that his father is « good man, because ~ _ helovesiis famly. - hedees not getangry easly. @ - he tas to Fis chicren about many things - _heandbis mather of ten go out together to enjoy the evening @ —~ Pe Friend to the nexhbours 7. Linals saying that his father & « good man, because e e 3, Dayulovesher Mom because e . 3 = 4. Edols prolid of lis Englsh teacher because e e 5 e @ © Siilovesthis cat Manis, becouse e e EEE Kes ey Associating In the following texts, the students do not only say the good things about their objects. They also criticize them. Play the roles of the speakers in the picture. Say the speakers’ sentencescorrectly and clearly. First, repeat after me. ''m proud of my school. Our teachers are smart. We have many good books and magazines in our schoo! library. The classrooms are not big, and they are clean and tidy. But, the school yard is very small There are not many plants, so itis very hot in the afternoon. We only have the terrace when we are not in the classrooms. So the terrace is. very crowded during the break. [lice my classmates. We are close to each other. We tease each other, but we do not get angry easily. We play together. We study together. But | do not like a number of things about them. Some are not discipline. They do not do their work seriously. They Iitter. So, our classroom is often messy and dirty. They also write bad words on the desks. During the class, they move around and they make a lot of noise. Pak Bacu is a janitor in our school. He is a hard worker. He sweeps the yard every moming and afternoon. He washes the tiolets clean. Like him, because he is friendly, and he knows our names. But sometimes he is annoying. He often teases me, and laughs at me in front of my friends. He is sometimes fussy too, He tells us not to litter, again and again. He gets mad when we do not put our rubbish in the rubbishbin, Teac Associating | My brother is very smart. He is also a good football player. He is generous. He is funny, too. | love him very much. But | don't like some things about him. His room is always messy. He puts his things everywhere. Sometimes he is smelly because he is very sweaty after he plays football and he does not take to bath straight away. He drinkstoo much soft drinks. He does not lke fresh water. Im often worried about his health. Like my hometown. It is cool and green. There are many new buildings. The streets and the markets are clean. There are many plants on the sides of the roads. But | don't like some things about my town. The traffic is rather dangerous. Some people drive too fast. Many young people ride carelessly. They stop in wrong places and often block the ways. You have to be very careful when you cross the road There is a lake near my hometown. I's very large and panoramic, The forest around the lake is very green and cool. But, | wantto say me sad things about it tis very dirty and the foods and drinks are very expensive. People litter everywhere because there are not many garbage bins there. The vendors leave their waste everywhere. Some wooden benches are broken, so we cannot sit on them. Sees eat Associating about the people and the things they are describing. Use the table to list the things that the students like and do not like ) The first one has been done for you. First, copy the example. ‘Work with your group. if you have any problems, go to me. What Siti likes and does not like about her school: THINGS SHE LIKES THINGS SHE DOES NOT LIKE ~The teachers are smart, ‘The school yordis very smal = Tt has good books and magazines Inthe schoollibeary, There ore not many plants, solt is very hot in the afternoon. - The classrooms are not oj. but they are clean and tidy. The students only have the terrace when they are natin the classrooms, The terrace ls very crowded during the break Cr 8 KELAS Vill SMP/ MTs wall magazine. The teacher is helping them. Read what these students say. The map will help you to The students are working on a project to write a text for the understand what they mean. Repeat after me to say the INDONESIA AUSTRALIA Communicating We are all proud of Indonesia, aren't we? } Let's describe it together! Indonesia is a big country. Itis between two continents, Asia and Australia, and between two oceans, the Pacific ocean and the Indian Ocean. iis the largest archipalago in the world. There are more than seventeen thousand islands in Indonesia. We have a lot of istands. The big ones are Papua, Kalimantan, ‘Sumatera, Sulawesi, and Java. Of the five islands, Java is the smallest, but itis the most populated one. We can find people from around Indonesia in Java. Indonesia is on the equator. Itis a tropical country. The brightly everyday, so it is mostly hot. It has two seasons, the rainy season, and the dry season. oa een Ai Communicating } Thore are many seas in Indonesia, the Java Sea, the Bali Sea, the Arafuru Sea, the Banda Sea, the Timor Sea, and many others. We also have many straits, ike the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra, the Lombok Strait between Ball and Lombok, and many others, Indonesia also has many mountains. Many of them are stl active n erupt any time. We call them volcanoes, like Sinabung and Marapi in Sumatra, Merapi in Java, dan Lokon in South Sulawesi When they erupt they bring out very hot lava from inside the earth 7, | i VAS ea eee (FR) corres’ The students are proud of Indonesia. These are the features they are proud about this country: V the location v the size V the archipelago v the population V the islands v the waters V the mountains and volcanoes v the climate Please find the details of what they say about each feature. The facts about the location has been listed here for you. Examples are given to you. First, copy the example. Work with your group. If you have any problems, go to me. The Location Tt is between two continents, Asia and and Austraita, and between twooceans, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian | Nina Oceans, 7. Indonesia on the equater. Yulus fam ai Communicating } Repeat after your teacher to say the sentences correctly and clearly. ST The landis very fertile. Farmers grow many kinds of vegetables and frults. They also grow coconuts.Indonesian people eat a lot of vegetables like spinach, carrots, long beans, egg plants, cabbages, cucumbers, tomiatos, onions, gatlic, chillies, , kangkung and many others. These students also say good things about our country. ) We also grow many kinds of fruit. We call them local fruits, ike guavas, bananas, rambutans, durians, mangoosteens, soursops, papayas. pineapples, and salak, Some people call it a snake fruit. They are all very nice, sweet, and juicy. We eat them fresh. We also make delicious juice of them. We also dry many kinds of fruit to make crackers. Indonesia is also rich with spices, ike pepper, corriander, ginger, clove, cinnamon, tumeric, galanga, lemon grass, bay leave, and so on. We use ther to cook very spicy Indonesian foods. People also make nice healthy drinks \ from them. They are useful for our health, Many kinds of fish, big and small, fve in the Indonesian seas. Most of us eat fish with our meals. We also eat shrimp and different kinds of shellfish. But we don’t eat big fish, like dolphins and sharks. We protect them.We also protect our turtles. Indonesia also raise different kinds of animals for thelr meat, like cows, goats, pigs. We get beef from the cow, mutton from the goal, and pork from the pig. Sone ethnic groups even eat horse meat. Our milk is usually from cows. Of course we also hhave chickens. ———~_ Us meat and eggs. Renae ea eee Communicating } Complete the sentences with what Hetty, Puli, Silvia, Danu, and ‘One example has been given to you. First, copy the example. Work with your group. If you have any problems, go to me ‘gusare saying ) Udin s showing her pride of Indonesia's land. This & what she is saying: The lands very fertile. Farmers grow many kinds of vegetaldes and frutts, They alsa grow coconuts. Indonesian people eatta lat of vegetables tke spinach, carrots, long beans, egg plants, calbbages, cucunibers, tomatos, onions, garic, chiles, kangkung and many others” nats very proud of Indonesia's local fruits. Ths is what hels saying Dayuls taking about Indonesia's splcestris is what he & saylng *_” Sttlls proud of Indonesia sea animaisThs s what he is saying Berlis talking about Indonesia's Farm animalsThis § what he ls saying VANE Communicating Tho students thon put their ideas together on paper. Lookat what they have done! The ttle is “I'm Proud of Indonesia’. Iryou and the other students in your class work together, you can also do a big thing! 'm proud of Indonesia Indonesia Is a big country. Its between two continents, Asia and Australia, and between two oceans, the Pacific ocean and the Indian Ocean. Itis the largest archipelago in the world. There are more than 17 thousand islands in Indonesia ‘There are many seas in Indonesia, the Java Sea, the Bal Sea, the Avaluru Sea, the Banda Sea, the Timor Soa, and many others. We also have many strats ike the Sunda Stait,betwoen Java and Sumatva, the ai Strait between Ball anc Lombok, and mary ethers. We have a lato islands. The big ones are Papua, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Sulawesi, and Java. Of the five 'slands, Java the smallest, but t's the most populated one. We can tind people from around Indonesia. Indonesia also has many mountains. Many of them are sill active and can erupt any me. We call ther volcanoes, ke Sinabung and Marapi in Sumatra, Morapi in Java, dan Lokon in South Sulawesi. When they erupt they bring out very hot lava fram inside the earth Indonesia is on the equator. itis @ tropical county. The sun shines brightly everyday, soit is mostly ho. Ithas two seasons, the rary season, and the dry season. ‘The land is very fertile, Farmers grow many kinds of vegetables and fruits. They also grow coconuts. Indonesian people eat a lot of vegetables tke spinach, carrots, long beans, ogg plants, cabbages, ‘cucumbers, tomatos, onions, garlic, chilies, , Kangkung ané many others. We also grow many kinds of fru, We call them local fruits, lke guavas, bananas, rambutans, durians, ™mangoosteens, soursops, papayas, pineapples, and salak. Some people cal ita shake fruit They are all very nico, sweet, and juicy. We eat hem frash, We also make delicious juice of them, We also dry many kinds of fut to make crackers, Indonesia is also rich with spices, tke pepper, corriander, ginger, clove, cinnamon, tumeric. galanga, lemon grass, bay leave, and so on. Weuse them to cook very spiey Indonesian foods. People also make ‘ice healthy drinks trom them, They are useful for our healt, Many kinds of fish, big and small, live inthe Indonesian seas. Most of us eat fish with our meals. We also ‘eat shrimp and diferent kinds of shellfish. But we con't eat big fish, ke dolphins and sharks. We protect them.We also protect our tures. Indonesia also raise lfferent kinds of animals for their meat, tke cows, goats, pigs. We get bee! ftom the ‘cow, mutton from the goal, and pork from the pig. Some ethnic groups even eat horse meat. Our milk is Usually from cows. OF course we also have chickens. Thay give Us meat and eggs. Class Vill B, SMP Muda Berkarya, Bandung January 2014 Communicating } Now, describe your school. Work in a group of five Each one of you should contribute at least five sentences. Then, put the ideas together on paper. Give ita title. Hand-write it on a piece of paper, in your very neat, accurate, and clearhand-writing. Don't miss any information. Make sure your punctuation marks and spelling of the words are correct. You may put pictures or stickers to make it more beautiful. Don't forget to write the names of the authors (you and the other members of the group), at the bottom of the paper! Ifyou have any problems, go to me. Communicating { My Journal Inthis chapter Learnt about. The parts that Tenjoyed the most were. od aTeT elt When | was a child In this chapter I will learn to communicate states and events in the past in order: Oe MCI uN Se Une uc) Observing and Questioning Play the roles of the speakers in the pictures. Say the speakers’ sentences meaningfully, loudly, ) correctly, and clearly. First, repeat after me. This is me when | was a baby. | was, ‘three point four kilograms and fitty two ‘centimeters long. Now | am fity kilograms and ane hundred fifty centimeters tal. | was bald. had no hair. Now | have long hair. What are you carrying? ‘They are toy cars, | collected them when | \as in elementary school. | do not collect toy cars now. I'm going to givethem to ‘Ucok, my younger cousin. This is me and and this is Rani in Grade Vl We were not clase friends at that time. We did ‘not study together. We never played together. Now we are best friends. We study together, Play together, and cry together, too, Det Hey, look! They are playing marbles. it was ry favorite game in primary school. | played marbles everyday. But now | never play marbels, anymore. | have so many things 10 do at home and at school, Did you play marbles too? ——— Yes, | did. But | did not do it very well. | always lost the game. z 2 hen English Rin ma hee) Observing and Questioning You did not like Math in s Edo here? No, | did not ike Math because the teacher did not explain it clearly. But now it is my favourite subject because Mr. Sihombing explains it clearly. No. He is sick. He caught the flu yesterday. He walked home when it was raining hard. ‘Are you going to eat your lunch now? No! It is my breakfast. | did not have breakfast before | went to schoo! this morning. ! woke up at six because | went to bed very late last night. | did my homework until ten. You know I never come late to school. But this moming I got a flat tire. Then | walked with my bike here. I got here at six fifty, and the gate was already closed. So here we are, rot attending the flag ceremony, an Oe SN AiG Observing and Questioning Now write down in your notebook the speaker's statements about ‘themselves in the past and at present. Don’t miss any information. Make sure your punctuation marks and spelling of the words are correct. ‘The first two have been done for you. First, copy the example in your notebook. \ Werk with your group. l you have any problems, goto your teacher. gsm students Inthepast Now Dayu She was ababy, Shels an SMP student (a teenager) = shewas 34kg Shets50kg, = She was 2m = She is 506M tal = She was bold, = Shehadnohar. - Shehhaslonghar SitiandRani_—_|-Treywerenot dose friends. | - They are best friends = They did nat studytogether._ | - They study together. = They never played together._| - They play together. They ory together, toa Self evaluation! What do your teacher and friends say about your sentences? a. 0f all sentences I have written, ore wrong. b Theproblems with my sentences (or, I haveno probiems) What I have to do to be better (or, mine) & Observing and Questioning } Now copy the table of words below in your notebook. The words are those verbs in the speakers’ statements written in underlined and boid letters. Say each word correctly when you are copying them. Work with your group. If you have any problem, go to me e to. resent Fast +r tobe 5 was beng e we aa te ay tobe ore were bang e soho have ad ang tostuay | study tude stuayng e da stuay to pay pay played playing ry toy ay cred eryng tocary [cary caved camry @ socotect | cotect colected calectrg a covet e tose we gave gvng ogo ge went going Oeics? aR 5 ca soppy pay a peay playing e ode eo a ong do tote ese lost sig ® tone we kea ng fam ai Observing and Questioning ® tocaten | catch caught cate say uk: ] towak woke wake vata e a] tora ron rane ranng 8 toeat eat ate eaing tohave ene vad hag ® aa_have e towake woke woke waking tego ° went ng 5° todo 5 a cong e ante bee ron are tocome | come came comey, e toget et pt gett e reattena | attens attend attend Tae) ae @ Observing and Questioning | will lead you to reflect on what you are learning now. Complete the statements in the box. v know that Im now earning to. v Tknow that averbhas. _ dfferent forms. a. thePast form has -edin the endof the word, for exarrple — for example: © some fast vereshave totaly dfferentfonms fram the Present forms. for example: wv Tknow that 4. we use the Past form for. €. Weuse the Present form for Uren ai Collecting Information Dayu is learning to write about herself. She is doing Read each entry correctly and clearly. First, repeat it litte by little everyday. Now, she has 8 entries, } after me \ Day1 When | was a baby, when | could not do anything, my parents and my elder brother took care of me. My brother is five years older than me. I didn’t sleep with my mum. | slept in a baby cot in my parents bedroom. My brother slept I his own room. My mum breastfed me for two years, Day 3 I started my kindergarten when | was five years old. | did my kindergarten for two years, one year in Kindy A and ‘one year in Kindy B. My kindy was near my home. | walked to my kindy with my mum or my sister. Sometimes went with my dad on his motorcycle. Day2 When | cried, they calmed me down. When | was afraid of something, they comforted me. My dad often carried ‘me around in the moming sun. When | got older, they spoonfed me. | played with my brother. Iwas naughty, but he never got anary with me. He was very patient with me. Day 4 In the classroom, my teacher read us stories. We sang happy songs, we coloured pictures, and we played with dough and colorful paper. In the playground, we played sliding, we ran around, and we also played hide-and- seek. Eee SD Pact =a) & Collecting Information Day 5 i 1 [started my primary schoo! when | ! was seven yoars old and finished | when | was iwelve. | also walked to 1 school, because my schoo! was only {200 meters from my home. | went {to school with my brother or wth my 1 friends. Sometimes my dad took me to school on his motorcycla. Sometimes | walked to school by myself Day7 | have many sweet memories in my primary-school. My friends and | often teased Pak Min, the janitor. We hid his broom, his duster, his mop, and his bucket. But he never got angry. My Physical Education (PE) teacher, Mr. Laode, often took us to walk around the hills and along the river near our school. We took a rest under the trees when we were tired. Day 6 earned many new things in primary school. | learned to write and to read in Grade 1 and Grade 2. My favourite teacher was Mrs. Ningrum. She was very smart. She taught us traditional dances and songs. She also taught Us to plant trees and take care of the garden. One day she took us to the local library to borrow books. Day 8 Hearned to ride on a bicycle in the school yard in the afternoon aftor school. And then | could ride in the small streets in the neighbourhood with my friends. My friends and | often spent hours chatting in the small green yard near the Kelurahan office. The boys elimbed the big trees. We also swam in the river. It was still very clean at that time. It is very dirty now. Now work with your group and read each entry correctly and clearly. Correct any mistakes you to one another. Make sure you read them } hear. = Tea & Collecting ntormation Write down in your notebook Dayu's statements about her in the past. The first one (Dayu when she was a baby) has been done for you. First, copy the example in your notebook. Work with your group. If you have any problems, go to your teacher. AYU INHEN SHE WAS A BABY She could not da anything 2. Her parents andiner elder brother took care of rer, 3. Shedianit sleep withher mum. 4. Shesleptina baby cot inher parents’ becroam. 5. Her sbrothersiept in his own bedroom 6. Her num breastfedher for two years 1. When she cried, her parents andher brothercalmed her down, & When she was afraid of something they comforted her. 9. Her dad often carriedher around in the momning sun 10. When she got older, they spoonfedher. I She playeciwtth her brother, 12, Shewas naughty, ut her brother wos very patient with her. Now do the same with 1. Dayu when she was in kindergarten 2. Dayu when she was in primary school 3. Dayu's sweet memories in the primary school Seif evaluation! what do your teacher and friends say about your sentences? a Of al sentences Thave written, — orewrong e The problems withmy sentences (or, T have no problems) WOON a i & Collecting ntormation Copy the table of words below in your notebook. The words are those verbs in Dayu's statements written in underlined and bold letters. Say each word correctly when you are copying them. Work with your group. If you have any problem, go to me. oe to resent Fost 9 e to tae ake took aking toseep seep sept seeping e tolreasteed treasteed breasted ireastfeeding toca cain calenea caer © rocomtert comfort comterted | comforting e +tospoonfeed spoonfieed spoonted spoanfeedng tostart tact started starting e toread read read reading tosng sing song. singng e tocolour coor coloured coouring torn nin ron runang ® tolearn tern ‘earned earning e ‘toteach ‘teach taught ‘teaching ‘toborrow berrow borrowed borrowing ‘to tease ‘tease teased ‘ecsing e ‘tonde ride ha riding ‘anide rice rose nang ® so spend spend spent spending See eee End 691 () Associating In the following entries, Dayu is comparing her states and activities in the past and at present. Read each entry correctly and clearly. First, repeat \ after m Day 9 Now, here lam in this SMP. Last ‘ ' ' t Last year was my first time to learn { year! was in Grade Vil, and now | dispel { { t ' English. | learned to greet other people in English, to introduce myself in English, and to ask and answer questions in English. We also learned to describe our family, our friends, and our school in English. | sang my first English song. | also read my first am in Grade Vill. This school is two kilometers from my home. | learned many now things in Grade VII. It was my first time to go to school on my bike. I met boys and girls from different 1 parts of this town. | was very happy 1 when Hirst wore my blue-and-white ( uniform, English story ' Day 13 bard’ We have no helper, so my mum, my dad, my sister, and I do the chores, ourselves. We make the bed. We wash and iron our clothes. We also dust the furniture. We sweep and mop the floor everyday. | often go to the shop to buy sugar, soap, oil, sat, tice, vegetables, fruits, and so on. In the past only my mum cooked for us. Now, my brother and | often cook for the family. We fry eggs and make fried rice or noodles. When | lost something, everybody else found it for me. Now, when | lose something, Ifind it mysetf Tea Copy the table of words below in your notebook. The words are those verbs in Dayu's statements written in underlined and boid letters. Say ) Associating each word correctly when you are copying them, ‘Work with your group. If you have any problem, go to me, to Present Past ng tolearn barn learned earning tomect meet. met meeting towear wear wore wearing togreet geet greeted greeting tontroace | introduce niroauced intrecucng toask ask asked asking toarsner answer answered orewesing todescrbe | describe desorbed descr tosng ng sang ‘angng todo oo d..0 ong ojo Jan Jered Jpning topractee | practne Practiced practising towerk work worked working tome roake made roaking towach wach washed washing toron Fen tronea Fong ‘todust ast, dusted ‘austing tosweep ‘sneep snept sneeping tomep mop mopped mopping toby buy bougrt buying tocook cook cooked cooking tofry fry fried frying ‘olose bse lost bsing tofind find found finding en English Rings a Belli’ o Associating Nowy fll n the table with facts about Dayu in the past and at present, Some sentences have has been done for you. First, copy the examples in your notebook ee ASASTUBENT IN GRAPE VE NWS ASTUDENTIN GRADE VEE ‘Srewnain Grave VEL year SebinGrode VETE na ‘Shetecrredrony ren tang ge ____ theatre ‘her ade waschostoner tke fa te ace Once VET frst te Ge ___ te te tor nereae

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