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First Day at University

I got admission in Bahria University which is known for its quality education and it is one of the
leading public sector universities of Pakistan, It has campuses, research institutes and colleges
all over Pakistan which work towards grooming today’s youth.
Since High School I was only waiting for this important day of my life when I get into a
university. It was my first day I was too excited to enter in a new place, meet new people. I
woke up early and got dressed nicely for the first day and excitement was too high so I reached
at university earlier and I was hoping that time would move a lot faster because I wanted to
find out about what was going to happen next. But it is a common fact that if we are anxiously
waiting for something, time would seem to crawl a lot slower.
Finally I head to the campus and hoped that everything go fine. I was seeing someone who can
inquire me about my classrooms, as I got instructed which classroom to go, I started walking
and I was feeling different feelings, I was excited but also nervous at a time. When I got into my
classroom seeing class and classmates my heart just stopped for a sec, the feeling was not
explainable. I moved to my seat and met my classmates. I made new friends and they were so
nice to each other. After attending class me and friends together visited the campus Library,
Auditorium, Ground. It was too much fun, finally in the end we went to canteen it was nice, we
ate there and had a conversation about our life, our objective, and how we got to know about
the university etc and then got back to our homes that was the end of day full of fun and

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