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 There is a yellow shopping mall, there is a american flag in the shopping mall

 There is a purple house acros

 The mall
 The garbage truck is front of the mall
 The garbage truck is picking up the garbage and cleaning the city
 The garbage truck color is green and yellow
 There is a woman driving down the street on a car
 The car color is red
 The woman looks surprised because of the close road
 One blind man is crossing the street
 The blind man is wearing purple shirt and grey pants
 The blind man is using a cane to help himself
 Next to the blind man is another man walking
 He is wearing green shirt and red pants
 He is also walking with a briefcase
 The taxidriver is stranded
 Something may have been wrong with his car
 Next to the taxidriver there is a guy riding on his bike
 The guy is a drinking water and his bike colors green
 Next to the ciclist the is a purple house, with two window
 Another man is walking
 Next to the house with some papers on his band
 Between the mall and the garbage truck there is a boy skating
 Next to the boy there is a woman with a lots of shopping bag
 She must have made some purchase in the mall
 The baby is crying
 The guy is wearing a red tshirt
 Next to the guy is a playing the guitar
 In front of him there is a cat begging chase by a dog
 One injured man s next to the day
 This man has injured his foot
 Behind this man is a statue made of bronze
 Someone is seating in front of the statue
 This man is reading the new paper

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