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Urban Water Journal

Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2008, 107–115

A power-law approximation of the turbulent flow friction factor useful for the design and simulation
of urban water networks
D. Koutsoyiannis*
Department of Water Resources, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

An approximation of the friction factor of the Colebrook–White equation is proposed, which is expressed as a
power-law function of the pipe diameter and the energy gradient and is combined with the Darcy–Weisbach
equation, thus yielding an overall power-law equation for turbulent pressurised pipe flow. This is a generalised
Manning equation, whose exponents are not unique but depend on the pipe roughness. The parameters of this
equation are determined by minimising the approximation error and are given either in tabulated form or as
mathematical expressions of roughness. The maximum approximation errors are much smaller than other errors
resulting from uncertainty and misspecification of design and simulation quantities and also much smaller than the
errors in the original Manning and the Hazen–Willians equations. Both these can be obtained as special cases of the
proposed generalised equation by setting the exponent parameters constant. However, for large roughness the
original Manning equation improves in performance and becomes practically equivalent with the proposed
generalised equation. Thus its use, particularly when the networks operate with free surface flow is absolutely
justified. In pressurised conditions the proposed generalised Manning equation can be a valid alternative to the
combination of the Colebrook–White and Darcy–Weisbach equations, having the advantage of simplicity and speed
of calculation both in manual and computer mode.
Keywords: urban water networks; pipe flow; friction factor; Darcy–Weisbach equation; Colebrook–White equation;
Manning equation; power law

engineering textbooks and handbooks (e.g. Mays 1996,

1. Introduction 2001, Butler and Davies 2000) as well as in other
Turbulent flow in circular cross-section pipes is of engineering fields (e.g. ASHRAE 2001). On the other
great practical interest, particularly in the design and hand, computer-based approaches gain ground. In
simulation of urban water pipe networks. The Darcy– addition to the computational implementation of the
Weisbach equation (named after two great engineers of Colebrook–White equation, which requires a few
the nineteenth century) is by far the most widely used repetitions, several explicit approximations have been
in flow calculations. Its use is accompanied with the proposed (Moody 1947, Wood 1966, Jain 1976, Chen
calculation of the friction factor by the Colebrook– 1979, Churchill 1977, Round 1980, Barr 1981, Zigrang
White equation (see section 2). The latter equation and Sylvester 1982, Haaland 1983, Manadili 1997). An
(Colebrook and White 1937, Colebrook 1939) is an excellent review and comparison of all approximations
implicit function that needs iterations to solve. Thus, has been compiled by Romeo et al. (2002) who also
soon after its appearance, it was regarded too complex provided another explicit approximate formula. The
to be of practical use (Rouse 1943, Brown 2002). most recent approximation of this type has been
Evidently, the specific form of the formula was dictated proposed by Sonnad and Goudar (2006).
by the need to better fit laboratory results rather than All of the above approximations aimed at convert-
to make it convenient for engineering application. The ing the implicit friction factor formula to an explicit
earliest remediation of this disharmony of the origin one and used the same reference variables (the
and the target of the equation was provided by its Reynolds number and relative roughness). They differ
graphical depiction, the famous Moody diagram in terms of the level of accuracy depending upon the
(Moody 1944). complexity of their functional forms. The more
With the advancement of computers, the use of the complex ones usually provide estimates of high
Moody diagram receded, without being totally aban- accuracy, while the simpler ones can result in
doned. Still the diagram enjoys a good place in water maximum absolute error that exceeds 15% (Zigrang


ISSN 1573-062X print/ISSN 1744-9006 online

Ó 2008 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/15730620701712325
108 D. Koutsoyiannis

and Sylvester 1982). It can be argued that the a convenient approximation for design and simulation
contribution of all these approximations in practice is purposes, we preferred to express our approximation in
not very significant. Typically, the friction factor is not a simple power-law relationship, which, combined with
the final desideratum but an intermediate result for the Darcy–Weisbach equation, yields an overall power-
calculation of quantities such as velocity, discharge, law equation. This is a generalised Manning equation,
diameter or energy gradient. In most of these calcula- whose exponents are not unique but depend on the pipe
tions, substitution of an explicit formula of the friction roughness. This generalised equation resembles the
factor results in a composite formula that may be again original Manning and the Hazen–Williams equations
implicit in terms of final desiderata. Besides, the (in fact both are obtained as special cases of the
implicit setting of the original Colebrook–White generalised equation) but it is much more accurate
formula is not a serious problem because of its quick (more than five times) than them. Furthermore, the
convergence. For instance, the approximation by maximum relative error in approximating the Coleb-
Zigrang and Sylvester (1982) is none other than the rook–White friction factor can be smaller than the
writing down in analytical terms of two or three simplest approximations of it discussed above.
iterations of the original Colebrook–White formula It can be argued that small approximation errors
with an appropriately chosen initial value. From a can be accepted in practical problems, particularly if
programming point of view, this is more complicated these are smaller than other unavoidable errors
than writing a small algorithmic loop. involved in calculations. Even the Colebrook–White
Thus, despite the large number of approximate formula and the Moody diagram are not fully correct
equations, the problem of simplifying the calculations for all conditions (Rouse, 1943) but perhaps accurate
still remains. A drastic simplification is the use of either only to 15% (White 1994, Brown 2002). Furthermore,
the Manning or the Hazen–Williams equations. Both in calculations of this type there is substantial
preceded the Colebrook–White equation: The Man- uncertainty, both in basic quantities such as the pipe
ning equation was introduced in 1867 by Philippe roughness (which is difficult to define) and design
Gauckler and was validated by experimental data in quantities such as the design discharge (see section 5).
1887 by Robert Manning (Levi 1995), whereas the
Hazen–Williams equation was introduced in 1902
(Liou 1998). Both have the advantage of providing 2. Rationale
convenient power-law correlations of all design quan- The Darcy–Weisbach equation for turbulent flow in
tities, easily solvable for each one. However, the circular cross section pipes correlates the energy
accuracy of these equations can be low, as will be gradient J with the pipe diameter D and the average
discussed later (see also Liou 1998). Another alter- velocity V
native is provided by nomographs of charts that
1 V2
correlate all design quantities. Such charts, which J¼f ð1Þ
evidently manifest power-law relationships, are either D 2g
provided by pipe manufacturers or contained in
engineering textbooks and handbooks (e.g. Butler where g is the gravity acceleration (so that V2/2g is the
and Davies 2000, ASHRAE 2001). However, its use kinetic energy head) and f is the (dimensionless)
has several weaknesses. They are rarely supported by friction factor. The latter is given by the Colebrook–
methodological descriptions and documentation of White equation
their assumptions and derivation and thus one may  
have difficulty to trust them. They may not be 1 e=D 2:51
pffiffi ¼ 2 log10 þ pffiffi ð2Þ
representative for a spectrum of conditions or pipe f 3:7 Re f
materials; they must be too many of them to form a
representative collection for different conditions and where Re :¼ VD/n is the Reynolds number and e/D is
this negates their target to be convenient tools. Also, the relative roughness, both dimensionless quantities,
they do not comply with the need to eliminate the whereas e is the absolute (surface) roughness of the
manual use of graphs. specific pipe and n is the kinematic viscosity. A third
In this study we propose a different simplification basic equation involved in pipe flow calculations is the
of the Colebrook–White formula, in a manner that, one relating the discharge Q with the velocity
when combined with the Darcy–Weisbach equation, it
enables the expression of the friction factor in terms of pD2
Q¼ V ð3Þ
the final design quantities rather than intermediate 4
ones. Theoretically, this could be done at no cost in It is easily seen that the term Re f that appears in the
terms of accuracy. However, as our target is to provide right-hand side of (2) can be calculated by solving
Urban Water Journal 109

equation (1) for f and then substituting it into the keep our expressions more convenient without loss of
quantity Re f. The result is generality and consistency.
pffiffi 21=2 g1=2 J1=2 D3=2
Re f ¼ ð4Þ 3. Formulation
The power-law approximation is perfectly convenient,
Setting D ¼ e/(e/D) in equation (4) and then substitut- because it results in simple power-law equations
ing the result into (2) we obtain correlating all design quantities J, D, V and Q. Such
! equations can be written in a generalised Manning form
1 e=D 1:775 n ðe=DÞ3=2
pffiffi ¼ 2 log10 þ ð5Þ V ¼ ð1=NÞ Rð1þbÞ=2 Jð1þgÞ=2 ð10Þ
f 3:7 g1=2 e3=2 J1=2
where R ¼ D/4 is the hydraulic radius and N is a
generalised Manning coefficient:
Now we define a normalised roughness
 2 1=3 N :¼ a1=2 ð11Þ
n 23=2þb g1=2
e :¼ e=e0 ; where e0 :¼ ð6Þ
Note that equations (10) and (11) are dimensionally
and we observe that e* is a dimensionless quantity homogeneous. For convenient reference, various forms
always known in all practical problems (because g and of the power laws resulting from equations (10) and
n are constants in any design or simulation and e is also (11) and also involving Q are given in Box 1.
known given the pipe material and general technical Having determined the form of the approximation,
conditions). The characteristic parameter e0 has units it is a matter of numerical optimisation to determine its
of length and assuming a standard value n ¼ 1.1 6 parameters b, g and a (or equivalently N) for a specific
1076 m2/s, it is easily seen that e0 ¼ 0.05 mm. e (or e*) in a manner that the maximum relative error
By virtue of equation (6), equation (5) can be (precisely, its absolute value) within a range is
written as minimised. The range of application can be defined
! in terms of the diameter D and velocity V. Obviously,
1 e=D 1:775 ðe=DÞ3=2 the narrower the range, the most accurate the
pffiffi ¼ 2 log10 þ 3=2 ð7Þ
f 3:7 e J1=2 approximation is. A range of diameter 0.05 m  D 
10 m, of velocity 0.1 m/s  V  10 m/s and of rough-
which shows that f is a function of the normalised ness 0  e  5 mm (0  e*  100) covers all values
roughness e*, the relative roughness e/D and the energy met in practical problems; this will be referred to as
gradient J, all dimensionless quantities. Because e* is global range. A narrower range defined as 0.1 m 
always given in any practical problem, we seek a D  1 m, 0.2 m/s  V  2 m/s (with the same interval
function f* of e/D and J determined for this specific e* of roughness) covers most cases in urban networks;
this will be referred to as usual range.
f ¼ f ðe=D; JÞ ð8Þ Determination of a set of triplets b, g, a and the
corresponding N for a specific value of e is a routine
For reasons stated in the Introduction, we abandon a task given the widespread modern computational
requirement for perfect accuracy and seek an approx- tools. One forms a computation grid of values of D
imation by a power law and V within the specified range, calculates the
accurate values of f from equation (2) for each grid
point, assumes some initial values of b, g and N (e.g.
ðe0 =DÞb b ¼ 0.33, g ¼ 0, N ¼ 0.010), computes the approx-
fa ð9Þ
Jg imation of f from equations (9) and (11) for each grid
point and determines the maximum, over all grid
where a, b and g are coefficients depended on e*, i.e. points, relative error. Then one lets an optimisation
a ¼ a(e*), b ¼ b(e*) and g ¼ g(e*). To avoid an infinite procedure to modify the initial values so as to minimise
a when e tends to zero we have formulated equation (9) the maximum relative error. Here an evolutionary
in terms of (e0/D) ¼ (e/D)/e*. Had we used (e/D) in lieu commercial solver (by Frontline systems, http://
of (e0/D), a(0) (the value of a for e ¼ e* ¼ 0) would be, was used. Owing to the roughness of
infinite (because f has a finite non zero value for the surface representing the objective function (i.e. the
e ¼ e* ¼ 0). Thus, with the particular formulation maximum relative error) the evolutionary solver was
used in equation (9) we avoid infinity problems and proved to be superior to other tried options (based on
110 D. Koutsoyiannis

Box 1. Basic forms of the generalised Manning Table 1. Optimal a, b, g and N values for the most typical
equation and its parameters, useful for application. design roughness values used in Europe.

e (mm) 0 0.1 0.3 1 3

Definitions of the characteristic roughness e0, the
normalised roughness e*, and the generalised Global application range (0.05 m  D  10 m; 0.1 m/s  V
Manning coefficient N  10 m/s)*
a 0.1273 0.1602 0.2200 0.3397 0.6458
 2 1=3 b 0.31 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.32
n g 0.104 0.054 0.029 0.014 0.007
e0 :¼ ¼ 0:00005 m; e :¼ e=e0 ;
g N (SI units: 0.0070 0.0093 0.0109 0.0128 0.0149
b=2 m, s)
e0 1=2
N :¼ a Usual application range (0.1 m  D  1 m; 0.2 m/s  V
23=2þb g1=2  2 m/s){
a 0.1376 0.1599 0.2115 0.3804 0.7886
Relationships among energy gradient J, velocity b 0.33 0.30 0.29 0.31 0.35
g 0.109 0.069 0.037 0.015 0.006
V and diameter D
N (SI units: 0.0065 0.0083 0.0101 0.0121 0.0139
 1þb 2 2 1þg
1  2 2 1þb
1 m, s)
4 N V N V
J¼ ; D¼4 ; *Maximum relative errors in estimation of J, D, V, Q: 10%, 2%, 6%,
D1þb J1þg ðB1:2Þ 6%, respectively.
1 ð1þbÞ=2 ð1þgÞ=2
Maximum relative errors in estimation of J, D, V, Q: 2.7%, 0.6%,
V ¼ 1þb D J 1.5%, 1.5%, respectively.
2 N

Relationships among energy gradient J, discharge After a set of triplets b, g, a has been determined for
Q and diameter D several values of e, it can be attempted to establish
 1 functions b ¼ b(e*), g ¼ g(e*) and a ¼ a(e*) or N ¼
43þb N2 Q2 1þg N(e*), give them mathematical expressions, define their
J¼ ;
p2 D5þb internal parameters, and determine the numerical
 3þb 2 2 5þb 1 values of the parameters by a global optimisation,
4 N Q ðB1:3Þ
D¼ ; now considering all values of e* simultaneously for a
p2 J1þg specific application range. The laborious task in this
Q ¼ 3þb Dð5þbÞ=2 Jð1þgÞ=2 problem is to find the appropriate mathematical
2 N expressions for the functions. To choose these expres-
sions, graphical depictions of the values of b, g, a, N,
Optimal dimensionless parameters a, b, g and determined for a specific e, versus e*, are helpful. Once
dimensional parameter N (in SI units m and s) the expressions have been defined, the estimation of
from normalised roughness e* for the usual range their internal parameters can be done using the same
(0.1 m  D  1 m, 0.2 m/s  V  2 m/s) solver as above. The established functions a(e*), b(e*)
0:02 and g(e*) for the usual range defined above, are shown
b ¼ 0:3 þ 0:0005 e þ ; in Box 1, along with the maximum relative errors in
1 þ 6:8 e
estimation of J, D, V and Q. Similar functions for the
g¼ ðB1:4Þ global range as well as other useful sub-ranges are
1 þ 0:31 e
shown in the Appendix.
It can be seen that the errors increased in
comparison to those in Table 1; this is because of an
a ¼ 0:0037ð1 þ 1:6 e Þ0:32 ð80 000Þb ;
ðB1:5Þ additional error in the fitting of the functions a(e*),
N ¼ 0:00687ð1 þ 1:6 e Þ0:16 b(e*) and g(e*). Thus, the error in the estimation of the
gradient J increases from 2.7% to 5%. The specific
Maximum relative errors in estimation of J, D, V, forms of the functions a(e*), b(e*) and g(e*) are simple,
Q: 5%, 1%, 3%, 3%, respectively. with linear and hyperbolic components. The exponen-
tial term in a(e*) has been included to simplify the
resulting expression of N in SI units, which in
gradient optimisation methods) in locating the global application replaces a. Indeed, as shown in Box 1,
minimum. Values of b, g, a, N, determined in this way which contains the equations for final application in
for the most typical values of e that are used in urban SI, N has a very simple expression. Graphical
water systems in Europe, are shown in Table 1 both for depictions of the variation of all parameters with
the global and usual application ranges. roughness are given in Figure 1.
Urban Water Journal 111

Figure 1. Variation with roughness e of the dimensionless parameter a, b and g, and the dimensional parameter N (in SI units m
and s) in the generalised Manning equation (10) for the usual ranges of diameters and velocities.

in the previous cases. The optimised parameters are

4. Comparison with the Manning and the shown in Box 2.
Hazen-Williams equations The maximum relative errors are also shown in
Apparently, the Manning equation can be obtained as Box 2. It can be seen that the errors are high in both
a special case of the generalised equation (10) setting cases, about five times larger than those of the
b ¼ 1/3 and g ¼ 0. Similarly, the Hazen–Williams proposed generalised Manning equation. A graphical
equation can be obtained setting b ¼ 0.26, g ¼ 0.08. comparison of the approximated f values with the
Then the parameter a (or n ¼ N for the Manning Manning and Hazen–Williams equations with the
equation or C ¼ 1/(0.85 N) for the Hazen-Williams Colebrook-White values for the usual range of
equation) can be estimated by minimising the error as diameters and velocities and for e ¼ 0.5 mm is given
112 D. Koutsoyiannis

Box 2. Constants a and b and optimal n or C as

functions of normalised roughness e* for the Manning
and Hazen–Williams equations in the SI system (units
m, s) for the usual range.
Manning equation

V ¼ ð1=nÞðD=4Þ2=3 J1=2 ðB4:1Þ

b ¼ 1=3; g ¼ 0; N ¼ n ¼ 0:009ð1 þ 0:3 e Þ1=6


Maximum relative errors in estimation of J, D, V,

Q: 34%, 7%, 23%, 23%, respectively.
Hazen–Williams equation

V ¼ 0:85 C ðD=4Þ0:63 J0:54 ðB4:3Þ Figure 2. Comparison of approximated f values with the
proposed generalised Manning equation (10), as well as the
original Manning and Hazen–Williams equations, with
the Colebrook–White values for the usual range of
b ¼ 0:26; g ¼ 0:08; diameters and velocities and for e ¼ 0.5 mm.
N ¼ 0:008ð1 þ 0:22 e Þ1=6 ; ðB4:4Þ
C ¼ 1=ð0:85 NÞ
true for free surface flow in pipes as well as in lined or
Maximum relative errors in estimation of J, D, V, unlined open channels and natural channels. In this
Q: 36%, 8%, 27%, 27%, respectively. case the breaking of the perfect symmetry that is
present in closed cylindrical pipe full flow makes the
applicability of the Colebrook–White equation ques-
in Figure 2. Values estimated by the proposed tionable. On the other hand, there exists a large body
generalised Manning equation (10) are also given in of experience for the successful applicability of the
this figure. Clearly, this figure demonstrates that the Manning equation.
performances of the Manning and Hazen–Williams On the other end, for small roughness the Manning
equations are not satisfactory but the approximation equation has very poor performance, so it cannot be
of the proposed generalised Manning equation (10) suggested for small e. In contrast, the Hazen–Williams
can be acceptable. This result harmonises with earlier approximation can be acceptable this case. Indeed, for
suggestions (e.g. Liou 1998) to avoid the use of the e  0.1 mm the maximum relative errors in estimation
Hazen–Williams equation and this is the case also for of J, D, V, Q by the Hazen–Williams equation become
the Manning equation. 10%, 2%, 5%, 5%, respectively (more than three times
However, it can be seen from Figure 1 that the better than in Box 2). Again, however, we cannot
parameter g of the proposed generalised equation (10) suggest the use of the Hazen–Williams equation even
tends to zero for large roughness and simultaneously in this case: the proposed generalised Manning
the parameter b becomes about 1/3. These are the equation can perform more than three times better
values of the original Manning equation and thus this than this if fitted particularly for this range of
observation supports the use of this equation for large roughness (0  e  0.1 mm; the fitted equations are
roughness. Indeed, it was found that for e  1 mm the not reproduced here).
maximum relative errors in estimation of J, D, V, Q by
the original Manning equation become 9%, 2%, 4%,
4%, respectively. Interestingly, for large e, neglecting 5. Error comparison
the term 1 over 0.3 e* in estimation of n by equation The judgement of whether an approximation error can
(B4.2), we obtain n ¼ e1/6/26 (e in m), which agrees be acceptable or not should be done by comparing
with known earlier results (Meyer-Peter and Müller with other alternatives and with other types of errors.
1948, Henderson 1966, p. 98, Julien, 2002). All this As mentioned in the Introduction, the original
discussion can support the use of the original Manning Colebrook–White formula, which was the basis of
equation for large roughness. Particularly, this can be this study, is perhaps accurate only to 15%. The
Urban Water Journal 113

Table 2. Comparison of approximation errors and errors the roughness of steel pipes ranges from 0.03 mm (for
owing to misspecification of roughness in the estimation of new smooth pipes) to 6 mm (for pipes with severe
the energy gradient J (for the usual range of diameters and
velocities). tuberculation/incrustation). In both theses cases the
highest value differs from the lowest by a factor of 100
Maximum approximation error 5% or more. In this respect, Table 2 provides a set of error
of the power-law equation values in the estimation of the energy gradient due to
Maximum approximation error 34%
of the Manning equation misspecification of the roughness by a factor of 2, 5
Maximum approximation error 36% and 10. It can be seen that these values are much
of the Hazen – Willians equation greater than the maximum approximation error of the
Maximum error due to
misspecification of e in the
same quantity by the power-law equation.
region 0.1 – 1 mm (using the
Colebrook – White equation),
. . . by a factor of 2 19% 6. Conclusions
. . . by a factor of 5 36%
. . . by a factor of 10 44% Equation (9), which is a power-law approximation of
the Colebrook–White equation, enables the expression
of the friction factor in terms of the final design
quantities. In turn, combined with the Darcy–Weis-
simplest of the existing approximations (see Introduc- bach equation, it yields an overall power-law relation-
tion) are accurate, as compared to the Colebrook– ship (equation (10)) that is a convenient approximation
White formula, to about 15% too; obviously if these for design and simulation purposes. This is a general-
maximum errors happen to be simultaneous (at the ised Manning equation, whose exponents are not
same conditions) and on the same direction (e.g. both unique but depend on the pipe roughness. The
positive) the resulting total error could reach in this exponent parameters b and g and the generalised
case 30%; however statistically this is very unlikely. Manning coefficient N are given either in tabulated
Roughly, the percentage 15% can be regarded as an form (Table 1 for the most typical design roughness
upper bound for an approximation to be acceptable. values) or as mathematical expressions of roughness
The Manning and Hazen–Williams equations exhibit (Box 1). The maximum approximation errors in
errors that can exceed twice this value and thus they estimating the energy gradient is no more than 5%
must not be regarded as acceptable. On the other hand, for the most usual range of diameters and velocities in
the proposed generalised Manning equation (10) gives urban water networks. The corresponding error in the
errors smaller than 5% for the usual range of estimation of diameter is 1%. These are much smaller
diameters and velocities and thus it can be acceptable than other errors resulting from uncertainty and
with this logic. Even in the global range the errors are misspecification of design and simulation quantities.
smaller than 10–12% (Table 1 and Appendix). The small errors render the method a useful substitu-
However, the comparison with other sources of tion of the Darcy–Weisbach and Colebrook–White
errors is more enlightening. Uncertainty or error exists equations for both design and simulation. In the design
in all involved quantities. The pipe roughness is difficult phase, it can be argued that the simplification of
to define and its value is very uncertain (Noutsopoulos calculations by the proposed equation is considerable
1971). The discharge is uncertain too, particularly in the and that the cost is almost negligible if compared to the
design phase of an urban network. The energy losses uncertainty of unknown future design quantities and
can be measured but in complex networks it is difficult conditions. But even in simulation of existing urban
to distinguish the friction losses (and thus the energy water systems, where uncertainties are smaller, it can
gradient) from form losses. Even the diameter of the be assumed that the proposed method could be worth
pipe may by uncertain due to manufacturing defects or trying, because of the expected reduction in computer
owing to deformation and waving (Xanthopoulos time.
1975), and particularly due to incrustation after long The original Manning and the Hazen–Willians
use. Thus, a maximum error 1–2% in diameter equations have been also examined in this study as
estimation, which is the maximum error of the proposed potential alternatives for simplification of calculations. In
generalised equation, could be acceptable. fact, both can be obtained as special cases of the
Particularly, the uncertainty in roughness can reach proposed generalised equation by setting the exponent
one to two orders of magnitude. For example, Butler parameters constant. It turns out that the approximation
and Davies (2000) suggest for concrete pipes e in the errors of both equations are much higher than those of
range 0.06–1.5 mm if the pipes are new and 1.5–6 mm the generalised Manning equation and thus their use
if the pipes are old. Also, Chaudhry (1996) reproduces cannot be encouraged. However, for large roughness, the
experience charts (from USBR), according to which performance of the original Manning equation is
114 D. Koutsoyiannis

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Appendix. Optimal parameters for additional diameter
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124 (9), 951–954. global range (as defined in section 3) as well as for two other
Urban Water Journal 115

sub-ranges of it, referred to as usual þ small and

usual þ large ranges and graphically depicted in Figure A1.
Note that the three different ranges examined here are
deliberately wider than the usual range and overlap with each
other as the purpose is to provide convenient additional
information for wider spectra of applications that are not fit
into the usual range. As D increases, V is expected to be
larger and this was taken into account for the construction of
sub-ranges in Figure A1.
The following equations replace (B1.4) and (B1.5) of
Box 1 for the respective ranges and produce the errors given
below, which unavoidably are larger than in the usual range:

Usual þ small range

ð0:05 m  D  1 m; 0:1 m=s  V  3 m=sÞ

b ¼ 0:32 þ 0:0006 e þ ;
1 þ 12:1 e
g¼ ; ðA:1Þ
1 þ 0:32 e
0:32 b
a ¼ 0:0033ð1 þ 1:92 e Þ ð80 000Þ ;
N ¼ 0:00648ð1 þ 1:92 e Þ 0:16 Figure A1. Definition sketch of the ranges of diameters and

Maximum relative errors in estimation of J, D, V, Q: 9%,

2%, 5%, 5%, respectively.

Usual þ large range Global range

ð0:1 m  D  10 m; 0:3 m=s  V  10 m=sÞ ð0:05 m  D  10 m; 0:1 m=s  V  10 m=sÞ

0:024 0:043
b ¼ 0:25 þ 0:0006 e þ ; b ¼ 0:27 þ 0:0008 e þ ;
1 þ 7:2 e 1 þ 3:2 e
0:083 0:1
g¼ ; ðA:2Þ g¼ ; ðA:3Þ
1 þ 0:42 e 1 þ 0:32 e
0:28 b 0:3 b
a ¼ 0:0045ð1 þ 2:47 e Þ ð80 000Þ ; a ¼ 0:0039ð1 þ 2:38 e Þ ð80 000Þ ;
N ¼ 0:00757ð1 þ 2:47 e Þ N ¼ 0:00705ð1 þ 2:38 e Þ0:15

Maximum relative errors in estimation of J, D, V, Q: Maximum relative errors in estimation of J, D, V, Q:

8%, 2%, 5%, 5%, respectively. 12%, 2%, 7%, 7%, respectively.

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