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Mendoza, Kathren Jane

1. Describe the character of Gargantua and Pantagruel and identify the

characteristics which make him the protagonist of the novel. What qualities
does Gargantua and Pantagruel exhibit?

 Gargantu and Pantagruel has a characteristics of being large, strong, high-

spirited, intelligent, progressive and crazy about the good things in life.
Pantagruel is a giant son of Gargantua he is a jovial drunkard characterized by
rough, extravagant humor. The story first gets into how Gargantua evolves, going
from being an unintelligent and rude giant to being one of the best soldiers in
defending his land, but conversing values such as kindness at the same time.

2. Explain why the emperor could not make Genji his successor and why he
did not have the power to bring the young boy to court?

 Genji, the hero of the Tale, is the son of the emperor and his favourite
concubine, Kiritsubo. Kiritsubo dies when Genji is only three because of jealousy
and mistreated by the emperor's other wives.An expert in divination from Korea
predicts that if ever Genji acquires the throne the state will suffer a disaster.
Genji is a remarkable young man, handsome, and charming. He has attracted
the attention of his father, the emperor, who would like to appoint him as the
emperor. Yet because of his mother’s status is too low, there is no political
support could raise him to be the emperor.

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