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TEXTILES THE COTTON INDUSTRY ‘Although thoce is a lack of socurate sttitin, i ia ly suppowed that China rants third in the wore lotion cfcotton with an sama output oft rlion {tour piculn per bate) India boing rocond with four prion bales ‘end Asserca Rese with at toma! yield. of Porson milion, ban, It tmast be admitted tat very ‘ant caro hs ben given to cotton culevatfon in Chins ‘nly remntly have Chinese cotton morchante been encour fing tho cotion growers to improve the quality sf thelr Sificct and to fnereare she quantity thereof. Exper Erontal work in the introduction of American peode and plimprovemont of native crops are boing empried om very ‘Sectivaly by the Chinese cotton mill ownor association, ‘he ministry of mgricultare and commerce tnd the mis: onary educational intivaions, “Avsording to the latest {rvestigation, there were in China moro than 81 milion fnow of land ‘undor cultivation with'a eid of more than Elon pai cotton i 18,” Xv'a ron af oad inthe Yangtee Valley, the 1919 cotton crop was greatly fouroaged 0 only’ 316,300 piculIn 1020, thore wre shot only foods m Iiangrw and Chokiang provinces, but ‘tfo drvught in the north, he cotton erp was, theretore, MJoceasod to only about seven malion ical “he folowing figures will show the general tend of cation production ineChina from 1018, the crown Feat of {Production to 1992, the yoar of wight recovery vo1s, . *.10,308,680 piculs : 9,316,300 "5, 8r780,000 5,438,000, 7,382,000, Site Nationality Shanghai Taou Kung Mow e oO ‘Total of British Mills (5) fa Shanghai” i. vs Tapinos | a Sbangba 2 : : 8 : my ‘Total of Japanceo Mills (34) in Shanghai Cotton manufacturing in China, in modern sense, is ‘of comparatively recent development. "Before 1890 cotton ‘and weaving in Chinn, thero was only the Te wae 1880 that ‘ly under the name of "Foreign Cloth Factory "which ‘wae’ most unfortunately dewtreyed by fre alter three ine carl planing’ and conirution,” ‘The, Modern ming and Weaving Pactory which starved at the sate ‘ine as complotod, however, in 1800. “Lis plan wee Inter an brought up before the attention of Sheng Kung- pao who was'at that tine & Tientein custom” governor eneral. Shong was fully aware of the importance of Such "an establishment, consequently’ he took up the Teeponsibilty for raising. 600,000 by public sub- eription, ‘The prosperity of the cotton manufacturing {ndastry in Ching, fn not due entirely to the efforts of the Chiness, Out of 120 milla with $650,108 spindles and 21,814 loom, only 80 are entirely owned and by {ho Chinese with 2,221,480 spindles and 20,745 looms. ‘The reatbeing ve of British ineresta with 257,808 spindles {tnd 3,800 loon 36 of Japancan inorosta with 1,070,750 Spindles and 3,900 looms. In Shanghai the number of ‘ills, spindles nd looms owned and managed by the Chinese and J is practically the samme. Compet thon between the Chinese and Japanese is thorefore very Keen.” The following table shows the position of foreign Spindles 73,082) e582) 28,520) bee ¥¥.10,000,000 $9,000,000 2,068 96 REA’S FAR EASTERN MANUAL ‘The above table does not include the Japanese mil fm other parts of Ching, sueh as Tsingtao and Mukden, thee seven tle ae either already eeablishe, ors "The following isa list showing the mumber of Chinese: ‘owned pill in diferent provineer (up to Jumvaary 1922) =~ Cotton Yara Provines Mills Spindles Looms Hands Consump- Pro- tion auction Kiangeu 48 1,307,882 0,124 67,707 1,975,443. 60,536 Chink “0 'aogs52 “800 12,470 "sOTs10 144,510 Hupch 5 1,500 10,900 195,419 "45,669, Honan 4 ‘200 "6.930 165,650 47/920 Ghekione 3 515 $3158 148000 40,000 Shantung 2 ese 144,000 40,000, Anhwot 1 Yo00 "43200 10,800 Hunan... 1 2300 B4o10 35,488 lange” 1 300 Shans 1 Fengtion 1 200 icuang 1 Total 77 2,357,480 12,450, ‘The above Fist indicates that Kiangsu is leading in the cotton tnenuiacturing industey with Chibli in second Place and followed by Hupeh, Chekiang, Honan, Shantung, Sicy hens, Hn, Kwangtng and Fongten fre all in the infant stage "A. country ‘with multitudes of people dependent ssely upon cotton, both in its raw and weovod sea, as {itr fo latex and in many ection where clinala sbulicenty mild throughout tho greater part of the year to permit the general use of cotton cloth, China certainly thaw a very bright furuse in cotton mansiacturing industry. ‘The following table shows the yarn consumption in uring the last decade (10121031) Beats erm, Norcent, congtian. Tagg, | smperiea of ipare Conga riz 74 3,100,000 70 3/800,000 ng and weaving industry started in the British empire, sere cotton machinery was fie invented. "Naturally. the ‘Brith are loading the rest of th world in supplying tho bulk of catton machinery ‘ured in ‘China. Recently. however, with tho return of ‘Amerioan:trained students, America-mado machinery i ‘coming in very rapidly TBeiish Mako™-Ass Leos 287,016 spindles; Howard fand Bullougle’ 210,148, spindles Dobson and Barlow 212,707 spindles; Brooks" and Doxoy. 191,808 spindlee; J. Hothorington 189,004 spindles; Platt 28,118 spindle ¢ ‘Tweedales.Sioalley 14,500 npindios ;-manriiacturers ns known 40,000 spindles; Total 1,100,406 spindles, “American Make Saco-Lowall 614,820 spindles ; Whi- tin. 36,886 spindles ; Woon rocket 85,000 spindles ; Mos 5,000 spindles: manufacturers unimown 10,40 spindle ‘Total 722,096" spindles; other makes, ‘otal 164,080, Spindion. ‘Total cotton’ spindles in.” Chana” 2,000,682 spindles. CHINA COTTON MILL STATISTICS “Number of Spinning Spindles Ring Spindles Spins in couree of erection’ : Avg 1, Feb, Aug. 1, Feb. 1, Aug. 1, Woes” ios’ “Toba” “Toba” “Ya 2907,228 2,903,088 1,972,763. 1,739,632 1,852,050 capes “enone “243282 “TS1'st4 "120,000 (It is ertimated that there exist in the whole country about 2,680,000 spinning spindles, not including those In cour of erection, which are estimated to be 700,000) ‘Quantity’ of Cotton Consumed + (i betes of 500 Ibe.) Holt-Year Ending July, 31, 1593 Chinese Cotton... ‘American Cotton 2 Sart Indian Don fggption ee Sanden 2) 1 : a ‘Total Cotton Mill Stocks =— Gn bales of 600 Ths) Chinese Cotton a. ‘American Cotton ‘art Indian Cotton” eyptian Sondriee LT Short Time — Number of spindles stopped Average number of hours stopped SUREE SPU diy whit tn opinion tron whi et hav bee osivd were stopped Jon, 31, July 31 Jen, 31, uly 3, a ies” See! baa” "sar 42642 493.102 304089 suo.387 318,715 SOAS “5816 "82.958 T1970 “20,ROe i5si4s3 135390 187,961 HOS ONT woo "2500 "aoe "G05 OE Ba aso Bat stab ‘00,219 080,026 60,868 592,257 407,880 ‘Aug. 1, Feb, 1, Aug. 1, Feb, 1, Aug. 1, Tas” “igig” “ie” obo” “Nb 1. ‘ahovs L775 131068 81613 129,047 Toes “20,188 “48'500 | “adinaT—“T3:800 Sqalooa Sols? setae Sor 428 a0 330 Tago T880 10 100 uo ‘2 174223 289,300 277,574 — 268,907 186,108 Halt-Year Ending Joly 31, Jan, 31, Toes” “os . vee 080885 245. goo AS 2313 CHINA SECTION—COTTON MILLS 97 COTTON MILLS eH ANGLO-CHINESE COTTON MFG. CO. (Cues Hus Corrox Maxx) Offce: 65 Poking Road, Shanghai. Mult: 4 Lay Road, Bianghal, - Betalached : 1906.” Capital: 300,000 ; -Resarvo, Ts, 100,000, » Offers + General mam 'V. T. Sin; Mil superintendent : H.C. Chow ince 5 cule: “Anmuad Output Yarn and thread, 6,000 Boney Spindte: 13,548, Howard & Bullough. Power? Steam, 300 hp. Trade’ Moria’ Two ‘Elephants, Two Dragos. ao mM (CHANGCHOW COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Mill: Outside South Gate,” Changchow, Kinnges Provinoo. Shanghai Ofice: Fu Wah Savings Bank, 43 Kinngso Roed, Shanghal.” Kotablished : November, 1020, Repiaered’® May, 1021.” Capital $1,000,000. Ofc Chien Ling au, gencral managee Yu Hwai-ching, an Annual ‘Ouiput: 25,000 bales of yarn. ‘No. of indies: 20,012 (12,000 British and 8,012 American ‘Power: Electo, 1,200 hsp. ‘Turbine motors from Jardine, Matheaon & Coy. "Boilers: 2B. & Wey 2852 oq. Ye haa? ‘uperheaters. Operators’ 966." Trad2 Mark Giel in tho Aeon." Pariewars: The inill owns a site of 43. mow ‘ought from the government, for 83,000. ‘Tho original machinery camo from England. American spindles wero ttided in the summer of 1921.” The water supply’ comes {rom an aresian well, 3404. deep, on tho mil grounds, ‘arenes pump han capac of 100 tik per bot. Tho Fy buallding is of remforced conerate nnd has space for 500 loore: “A°dormitory. built for workmen has 300 room. Te wae reported in Septomber, 122, that thie fall had shut down." Note: In July, 1925, the ofeditors of {his mill obtained olfeal permiaion to liquidate the com ay nling ie lage by pubic tonder Anta tho eg ana, ucngr and ranchers, ato valued at $2,000,000. mem He CHEN HSIN COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO. Seo Hal Sung Ping.” CHENG HUA COTTON MILL See Anglo-Chinese Cotton Mg. Co., Shanghai, a eee CHEN HUANG COTTON MILL Gapital: Ts, 1,000,000. Officers: Lit Two-ching. Hang Teo-ting, mill manager. No. of Spandle 30,786, Aan Loos. "Power: Steam’ Sulzer Bros. nilow ston engine, #10;.h.p, Boilers: 4B. & W.; 8,010 sq.ft, ‘Bmpioyees 000: to perienced hands woro Wachang. This &'« new mille ee KR CHEN SHING COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Location: Wuchih, Honan Provines, | vablished : Janvary, 100. “Registered Decetnber, 1007. Capital: ‘$250,006. "Officers: Chol director: Lo Lien-chen ; General ms 1.9 Haeh tien. annual Coneumption of Cotton ‘BAGO piouls, Annual Outpad of Yarn 1-390 balea, No. of Spindler: 11,000, Saco: Lowel. Pour? Soar, 280 hp. ‘Tiborere: 380." rade. Marks: Shwang Hsi, Aeroplane, Pagoda, CHENG TAI COTTON MILL Seo Chun Tah Cotton Spinning & Weaving Con. Shanghai me wm CHIANG CHI COTTON MILL Location : Tsingtas, Shantung Prov. A Japancea en texpris. Spindles 20,000 projected. ‘This mil Usted (Grithoue details) in the 1025 report of the Chinese Cotton Millowno:s" Association. KON eee CHI TAI COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO, LTD. ovation : Taitaang (near Shan ince Steriod by Ree Kes Go, Sessblshad* Octet, 4s, piaerazs” Osteen 1008. Copal Ts. £00,000 Paid-up, Fe, 300,00, Ofcire: Managem Ching. Palen, Sed Fen Wun-chang (ST manager! Chett Yiyange Ba of Far’ 480 bale," No.of Splat» 22700 Sein of Form to : Petre ion inenss 200 project. Pocers Stour 670 hip. Laborers: 110. ‘Trade Mark. P Hiaeys "The wil was estaba oped china Pa yin» Frome am oly, eprting GPRS (Bod0" duos iy ede tier eal Stpplled tye German “trader, ‘Nemos of shchiney, appli fer ama omy te purchssingsonteast rey hang ted no rourest The Production of yan $e Seen. whi the col consamptlon twas sunt”? Fhe Senge wes forced to sort tho ml at So Yih Ree and 7 Bong Keo ard again tn Ociaber, listo Rung A850, the present operon Ae mo ee CHIN HUA COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO. Head Office and Mill: Yotze, Shansi Provinoe. Branches: 44 China Chen Koo, ‘Heusn Wa Men Wel, Peking: Foo. Kong See, Tung Chi Hw. Yang, Taiyuan, Shansl ‘Province, “Established 1021. Capital: $1,000, 000" Ofteeres dT. Lin, manager J.C. Hsu, chiel Gireetor, Ne. of Spindleg: 12,800, “Brooks, & Doxey. Power! Steam, O40 hip. Particulars» Tho officials of the company reported in dune, 1929 : The mill machinery Inns been flly installed, but the water aupply for operating the plant is inmuficiont. "We are building pipe line from fs spring, 20,000-{ distant from the ill site. "Wo ex ‘Book to Begin operation in the autumn of this year when tbe ‘Pipe line i complotod" i), Kiangas Prov- 1083 V8 REA’S FAR EASTERN MANUAL mee Gepital $1,900,000, Proprican Ze, Ping wo. Ne of can ores Manne Laon oo, Worthen “sa iG FONG IN SPINNING & For ftacina 800 Kp Partioulors? The sata opt WEAVING CO. ‘of yarn—20,000 bales per annum—was used for mal Ofer: Pot Tang, Wosih, Klangra Province, ac: Selon, oth fr fous Bagy forthe Chang Fong Fost ene es BaP ne pn Shor (dane ara Os 2, ae ma etn Sod, eae Sil pea rates 1 Pa cat gay pnt aS BEE, Beet Zt sho binines Bre Staten, Naa! can ancl al : fe come dame: fet of 5,000 kt. by Huplish Electric Co. 3 Br & W. bolor, Base sy. te, hae, with engine stokes and economisee, Particulars: ‘Tho: mil bulling ie of modern relaforeed Gonorete construction, equipped ‘with tbe latest re. ex ingubhing apparatus by Witter & Sons, Ltd. Li CHI MING DYEING & WEAVING CO. Plant: Sia Chiao, Wast Gato, Shanghai. Business Ofice: Nik'Shing Li, Nanking Roa’, Shanghat. “Baal: 1013. Hopisored: My, 1920." Capra! + $800,000, Propriior: Chu Won-ehi. Products: Satin, felt, cloth, fancy pisce-poods, ote, trado mark, “Two Boys”; rod ‘and blue towel, trado' mark, “Two Boys" ; yarns and ‘hreed. ae ee CHING WEI WASTE COTTON SPINNING CO. Offce: 37 North Soochow Road, Shanghai. This is a new ral, ae eH eK CHUN TAH COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Office: Q403 Tiontsin Road, Shanghai. ill: Tous. fold Road, Shanghai. Katablished : 1010,” Capital: Tis £800,000, Otcer s Managing director :C. “¥. ‘Wong PRGMGE, eS Chine! Superintendent aioe, " "No, of, Spindles : 20,120 Dobson & Barlow. No. Doubling “*ol0'Dobegn Barony Average Gounts 40s. "Employees: 2,000.No, of Loome’ 100, Wan Dickinwon. Power: Bloctri, 700 BALD. ‘Partieuare’ ‘The mill derives ite current from the ‘Shanghai Municipal Cowell Hloceriity Department, The ein te era ayia of ot, cach rato Be Ella "leisol njupmnent manufactured by "Brash Elsotrical Rnginoering’ Co. (Calder Marshall & Co, genta) ‘Trade Marks Locomotive, Boat and Balloon, Cuma Deana Wonks, Lzo. ‘The dyoworks aro owned by the mill company and ae operat a confusion with 1 hie i ‘Stuipped sith applances for bleaching, dyeing, Anahi Sha "mporoeraing' manufactured by Sie James Farmoe © Sone, bed. “Oficers of the Dycworks : Managing director Wong Advisor! J. ‘Tomfinson Mil manager : ‘Young. DAH KONG COTTON MILL ‘See Dai Nippon Cotton Spinning Co., Ltd ae mK DAH FOONG COTTON MFG. CO.,LTD. ‘fice: AA3 Kiangse Road, Shanghai, “Mills Tan ‘toe Klang, Pan Kye Wen, Shanghet Eaahtihed 1908 ox. xD Ba a al Stents Sate 0 ie al ml ene cee Se HB We erred eT “elt Te iba as a pr ee tea Pe a kana se Teepe ie aol eee ioral ea Patek ear pacE Sie deat ace ht 2 Se co ad ae, fea ig ae ecient tt ae Se eee areata pe ane Seared fo a Fe eee en elie Sere eae ar aed Zio DR K DAH SHING COTTON MILL Offee and Mill: Shibkiachoang, Chibli Prov, Bata. sxe vector 28, 081. Capital: Ts 00.0 General Manager: BE. Chang. Bruipment® Tho mi Planned for aa ultimate capacity of 0,000 spindles and 1000 ooms. At prent iti running with 20,000 spindles. ‘The picking machinory, cards, draving, slubber, intor- Imedidtes. end. roving Hames am manufactured by” the Woonsocket Machine & Pree Company of Woonsocket, Bly USA. and the spinning feames by the Faden & Tone Machine Company of Pawtuckot, RT, USA ep ye Wah Chang Trading Corporetion 9 Shang halts aoe agente of the above manufacturers in Chin 1h hla al bodiggn are of einforend concrete Bre. ‘Provisions for hesting and vont “fects For 1000" kw, “Westinghouse power plant, seo fend Bower Dope. Humidier System? ry installed in thir mil aro of the turbo type Inanatactured by the Parka & Cramer & Co. "This fires a orm hudity' hroghout dhe mall baling, average relative humidicy im the npinning room is bout seventy, and that in te card room is about ity. Blecric Brive Both group and india peta of lect rie fats employed in tho mill Tho motors wre 40 degree rating Squirrel cage induction type of Wertinghouse memotacture, ‘Thocive and capacity ofthe induction motors wore spociied rectly according to pomer requirements of the spinning frames in ovder to sneure better power factor on the genera for, and therefore higher offcleney-2fistory: Ths. com: ss of 30.000 apna atonal together ‘ith = 000 kw, ‘central power tation within eleven months {s\t record which the Dab Shing Cotton Mill wecomplished. ‘The vompany wae organized in Nevernber, 1921 by Shu ‘Yang lung, President of tho Hupoh Government, Cotton SS aa Feng rey il nagar of he Ha Feng Cotton Mill, Woosung. ‘Tho contenct of eupplying Inachinery” andthe complete rail nquipment including Gdosigning’ and erection wae awarded alter competitive bidding to the Wah Chang Trading Corporation of Shanghai fon Desomber 3, 1921. Plans were completed in January, {022 end construction began tho folowing month. On September 20, the fist, 1.000 kw. turbo:genorator unit ‘rae inatellod nnd tosted aad tho frst 10,000 spindles bo Uo produce yams. By November 1, the 20,000 spindles ‘wore in fall poration. me ® DAH LUNG COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Mill: Outside, South Gate, Changchow, Kiangea Province. Wholemle” Department: Hast No.1 Street, proof construction, Flom are well tazen care. of. Power: details of CHINA SECTION—COTTON Euablohed: February, 1020. Reyiatred: Seip Meee: Gopunt 8,000,000, ere: Lit orpa, BE! ieior "Chang, Kirang i, general mange Ghiang Yuo-ching, vicotmanager Me ‘Brary of the Ging Go, Shanghai, cngineet” Annual Coneumption of Gein: ',000" picals Yearly Owpnt of Cloth? 51,200 No of Spindles» 10,000 Dotmon'& Barlow. Novof Exome—itand Power’ 120;No. of Looma--Powr: 200, Won Dickinson Sons, ‘Pour: Steam Engine 00 LHP. by ‘Hick Hargrewves “& Co. Employees: 1,200 Trade Berks: "Six Crane", “Bagle,” ""Baglo and Globe," ‘utterly and Globe.” eB x DAH SUNG COTTON MILLS (Dan Soxo Costox Smimaxo & Weave Co. Lo.) Head Office: Tong Kai Tah, Nontungshow, Kiangra Provine, Suanghct Opies: 22 chiang Rosa ‘Cable Bias avi gates” Shanghats ocstion of Male: Ri th feng No Cia Lig Son a ¢ af buna te coca, nie, Kangra Prince fo. 9 at Jukams Kuangnu ‘Provineo Now fat Tangtat Klingon Provinfe and’ No. Ta Halon Chen, Tian Province. Rota Gopal of ll: Mie? Tse” 72 (approsimate)-" Offre: Chang Chon, formor Miniter GP Reroutare and Commerce: Proiient Chang ‘Cha, Vion President ;"C. C.. Woo,, Manager; ¥. 30. Teeng, Seerotary. Net Prof: The not profit during the 23 yours ‘of operation, 1890" to 1922, wmountod to Tis. 8,703,783, fand incidantal losses Ts. 97,078 Al the Branches are more or less indopondently organised and tapitalized. But the shareholders of the principal com: PEEzate ts pt aed eon ant are rant the pre al ght of tang on meiny of tho holo tee, thereat bing pent Publ! patton” ‘Tho prod Tne very lange market in North China’ ‘ew cotton is eutheiently obtained locally and in the surrounding dstsiet ‘Trade Marks "Quel Sing” (God of Windom. Daw Sono Mitt No.1 eatin: Tg Kal aah, Nontngshow, inane Bronte Baghehad edt eer goa BepualiBo0800 irbces a i Oe Howe, BEGi0, “Dwr cha Chien fod Chane Che inchoger Cig Ung os nual Connunion of Caton aio pot tuat Oui orm 13 rm 94.00 atin i tym 39,00 als 1/1 rs in blo 0 cra, S00 ln 33cm Tot'blon nea Owed Cih Pay clio 10030 een batt, "36600 we, Nae Sinan Teli ethrngton. ao Cama: on, ‘Lows an Fanny Liven. Sinopec 000" Power Scary 2300 wots eels (fy 1800 panda in) 28h erganeani hdr" Mtg 'The Ba Bag Bc has ellie in OH her the leaders fen. Cheng (Seals tcated about ve mt om Shy prone fetal ap war 1000 ol nd sree wich Soop hn tay te op Soetea by. £00,000 tacts and 20,680 additional Byte term of an imperial chartet te gnats esprit avd th iat of tho Torre term of fftcen years beginning with 1900.” Mr nan enablishedw toxtlo nchool anda. grammer {forthe education of the employees. A'number of Zi ing th Etienne i the {ily and an olf mill with modern machinery in opera : oF cotton toed iy purchasing cotton in tho seed and ‘ting the seed ia the ol mill, considerable wconomy Is MILLS loti in the coat of row material, Most ofthe machinery, {nthe cotton mail is British and iin good condition Das Suxo Minx No. 2. Looation + Chia Tong Chea, Taungming, Teungming Tandy "Kiangia Province, Bablished July, 190% Repinered: "August, 1905. "Tho wall was completed in ‘March, “190%. “Capital: ‘Tle 1,200,000; Hesseve » Tle. 3st, “Ofieers Chong. Shi. yen, masinger: Woo, Ha: ching, mill managers Me. ‘Penny (Brits), snpineer, Gril” Consumption of 30,000 pula. “Arnal Outpt of "Farm 20,000 bales. 20" of Spindle $5,000 Howard & Bullough: No. of Loome 200 under installa Home Employees 3,000. Power? Stour 1,200" b.p. ‘Trade Mark: Showing ™ (Long Life Old Many Dax Sexo Mant, No. 3 Location : Chang Lo Chen, Baimen, Kiangsu Province. Established" 1019. "Capitol: Tie, 2,000,000. Menager Fel Rhan-pen, No.of Spl Operating, 000s under installation, 20,000, "Wer of Loome' 420, HonrygLiveoey, Power? Stam, 1,000 hip. Trade Mark’: “ Shiachsing,” Dax Sexe Maxx No. 4 Leet » Naotangsho, Kiogm Provinon. No.of Spindions 000 projected. ‘am Sowa Bite No. 5 Location: ko, Kango Province. 26.000, projectod. Dax Sve Mas No, 6 Loxton» Tongtal, Kiangra Prove, No pints B00, pojeia “ ‘Dan Sexo Mus No. 7 ocaton + Hsien Chen, Kiangra Province, o, ‘Spindles 28,000, projected a Dan Soe Mus No. # ‘Unies conection in Jane, 1022. Tostion Ouade Soh te Nantangshow, Kiang. ty Provinen, Coptel; "6h, s00,00 "No" of Spins Bhob0: Whitin. ‘No.of Lewes 400 Dam Song Mill No. 9 Location: See-tung ho, Woontog, Shanghai. 18 in snnotond nt tha Dak Sang Cote’ Spining & Wea ing Cos Lilie Hanning foortatiah branch il Now 8 TW ¥hoosing witha capa of Te” 1ysoqo0n 2,600 Srindloe aa TO loo (Amescan) re projet Caton No.of Spindles: aa fH @ & DAH TUNG COTTON MFG. CO. LTD. so Be Rinna Rod, Shanglag, Mil: Twine. 1 olen, KiangouProv. "Oficers 8.6, Yao, managing jector ; 8-8." an gr. je C. Soo, Chinewe secretary + MCF. See, Bnglish secretary C.J. Loo, chief textile dept; 51."Ray chief business dept. ¥. 8. "Vai chief act, dopt ZX. Sto, ciel gon. affairs dopt.: W. Z. Yue, statisticians Eataitighed: February, 1920. Registered June, 1020. Gapitads "B640,000." No. of Spinuiee 10,000, Brooks, & Dosey. Equipment The entio plant was contracted for find imported by the Jardine Pnglnearing Carp. Lid, wh fect as agents in China for the textile machinery Arm of Brooks & Doxey of Manchester, Hugland.. Tho wholo af the mixing, seutching, carding’ ‘and-spinaing machinery ‘was manufactured by’ this tm, end represent the Tose Uupsto-date and Improved types of textile machines made In Bagland. "AC present, the plant is equipped with 10,000 hindi for the production af 10 to 40 counta, but Pro ‘on “hate, ude for conaierabe extensions” fn ‘Addition, the Dah ‘Tung Company intend to install in the hear future» nimber of loume for the manfacturo of Sloth. The power plant consists of two Baboock & Wileox ‘water-tubo botlos, each with 2,010 square foot of hoating Surface, working at 160Ibe, pressure. ‘The boilers are 00 provided with mupeshostors one Green's esonomizar, and wo Waie's feed pumps. in main engine ir Sulsor Brothers Uaidow typn of 400 BLIP. In the se = is alto a 45 kilowatt General Hlaciri generator driven STS 'hp. Eabunks Mors chute Sl engine. Tete sparta ae Tous Ue following machines, ‘from Bova & Dosny (1920), Limits ls breaker, ‘oving waster opener, proved automatic hopper food table, 1 impro Tinproved,porewpige cnginosy 6 ‘Vortionl exhaust ope pitt en 58 each, 18 F ‘spindles each 25. warp ting aploning frames 400 spindles’ each, 3 improved” yan” banding prose Thigh spood 18 spindle raiding machine, 1 patent auto: nate fat grinding mnchin “ @ e DAI NIPPON COTTON SPINNING CO. LTD. (Dax Koxs Cornox Mints) Head Offce: Osaka, Japan. Shanghai, Office : 8 Seschtien Road Cable Add." Dah Kong.” Sanghi. Botablished: Tune, WSO. Capital: 1,000,000. ‘Mitt, No. 1, Dax Kose Comzos Mis. Location 2 Teng Yush Road, Yangiseepoo, Shanghai Optcers 0. Miyauoy mill mge 1 Y. Tekahashi, subsnge, No. of Spindles: Working, 12,000 Brooks & Doxey, and 12,288 Whitin Mach, Wis. ; projected, 10,840. Mux No. 2 oration : 2 Teng Yash Road, Yangtazepoo, Shanghai. No. of Spindies $2,000, projected. ‘Teworae Mix Keaton: ‘Csingtas, Shantung Prov. Established: April, 1820, "Capital: ¥.3,000,000, AM Manager G. Matsicla, No. “of Spindied: 25,344 Platt Bros, and 25,000 Whitin Mh. Whe 5% & W. Boilers, 4310 qf. hs. superhoster and stokers. = oR DOKO BOSHOKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA (Doxa Sunso Senna any WRavine Co, E10.) Head Ofice: 42 North Soochow Road, Shanghal. Cablo Addy," Dokobo.” Shanghai.” Branch? ojo: Osaka Godo, Hoscki KK, 6 Nishame, Dojime Homa Dor, Kitrko, Osaken apan. fills, "Now land Np. 22 45 ‘Beiabliohed "March 1920 {000,000 paid up, ¥.3,780,000." Directors 8."Teniguch, prndent. Ht. Altpama, M- Somide, 1. io Shanghat Manager N. Yarmaguci. "No, Mal, Sind. a wero ‘ts00 Platt projected, 22,800, ox2 Spindle rfpted, 28mm: Piste, 853. Power? Hletrio, current obtained from Shang! Municipal Count Hietrie" Department, Trade Mark ae A DONG CHONG COTTON MILL Tocation Nantao, Shanghai, stablishad : 1008, by Gh Tena, “Capua: “Te G00.” Offer: Gentral ‘manager; Sten Ming-heion, Mll manager, Shen Chung. Ison. Annual Conn of, Cotton 26,95 pioule, “1,680 bales. Employees? Annual Production” af "Varn: Teo No. of 5} 11,598 (sooond:hand).” Frade Mart: "peacook Paniculars: The cotton, mill company owns and ‘operates tho Dong Chong Oil Mill im conjunction with the s2éon lll The mil und to manutactre cotton wed REA’S FAR EASTERN MANUAL DONG SHING SPINNING AND WEAVING CO, LTD. Sco Doko Boshoku Kabushiki Kalshe, Shanghai. mo m tt EWO COTTON MILLS, LTD. General Managere: Jardine, Mathowon & Co., Ltd., Coptiat : (authorized), ls, €,000,000 ; divided into 4,000,000 ‘tharee’of Tin. 5 each and 10,000 Sumulative preference shuree of Tis. 100 each ; Tntued ‘Fis '4,000,000 ; unissued 1,100,000, ‘This company fa a tion effected in Mareb, 1921, of the Hiwo Cotton Spinning and Weaving Co., Ltd, the ‘Kung Vik Gotton Spinning and Weaving Co.. Led, tod the Yangtsepoo Cotton Milf Led, Une British mila, Ieee in Sng nd contratiad by Jardin, Mathoron 800, wo Mixx acation : 46 Yangtazopoo Rosd, Shanghai. Mit Monae: Fens aon 1805 and in “operation since May, ged wh 72.512 ag etna, Pitt ae ng frases and 812 looms (Platt Bros cy Livesey) besides & waste plant consisting of 31108 mule and rig spindles and 20 looms with, Gjeing and ‘bleaching planta. "Thie is one of tho Ta Ponti immoticely ‘aftr the Sine Japan. ear om {oVaunption that cheap labor, killed management fand abundant supplies ‘of raw cotton would Fandsome promt. "Po inapire confidence, small dividends ‘were paid fa 1802.08 bt in 1902 it was found expedient fo write down tho capital by one-half, or ‘Ts. 760,000. ater in 1910, seven per cent. cumulative preference shares were ianued to the value of Tis 400,000, making total capitalization of Te-1,150,000, Unvder” this” radical ‘change in ite financial aiatas, the company rapidly ex- ‘panded its business, and during the ive years ending 1015 Repaid 16 tasla pet shave, representing 122 per cont. on ‘the reduced capital, with’ a resceve fund of a. 380,000 ‘sad an equalization of divwdond fund of Tis. 500,000. Hest 1807 to 1018 ocoive, Tn 60 sharon 4024755 Ysz2'309 final div. eserves, Ts. 2,087,800, ‘Koxe Yr Maz. Loeation: 18 Robison Road, Shanghai. a ane 1, ath No 20.970, Twoedales & Smalley. No.of Looma' 0, Fats Brows ‘Ths Company was formed in 1907 and was fnoorporat- ed in 1910 with capital of Tix 1,000,000. "Vor the tom ‘Fears of tho coropany’s separate existence the dividends Taal lo ee aLao pee LO anae equvlent to ‘tn annual return of 244 per cent. At tho time of the ‘Shalgemation te oor hands smouited to ‘Ti 10,048, ‘n'a pad-up capital ef Tx 780,000. ‘The progres of tho Company i shown by ches comparative Aguron for the Sone Tol, 81a and 120 To. 191s. 1920, ae te Net Prosts a0si00 2075s 940.518 we “So e148 19% 18 “So Yavorsneroo Mrnt No. of Spindles: 60,582, Platt Bros. CHINA SECTION—COTTON MILLS 101 Nee ee we aa ot tt oe inc a Maile aes le neat Bed RO ioe Wcnstan pany Sa ee Go ae rt eres a Ger che St anal ay Sea oat sear eh rl Bee Re marae ane SEER hi ade ee co ay eed chs sey es ae aces SEs te etn dt pomiandnh ee Se tt ie SE eat Rene eeae oats! Gave Fe Ae meeting Gots tin von tie, Warn a, we vorgunised in 1808 ith capital of & Dysing $900,000 anaiement Hor East gonorally, which was not eatiafectory or proQta at thet tine, and! In addition it faced conditions which ee rie ae Re ee Shoes coe aoe ee ei pr teers ata Geet ae oe atone Sra oe Sa yow reas tauwnar sm Se ee ira a Beis erie dees tira eka eee Snead dope Th pies eraree alam ‘was reconstructed with a capital ‘of $1,280,000 local ot ee Sees ie rere tae fine genet te ek ae Sek Brea Uy Setar Snore ae aca eit eect ice Siete at iecahoeirseatewanarurtaea Fie Sess tt Sse mia nian Prolite ee Depresaton Dividonds on ordinary shares ReaD FU CHANG COTTON SPINNING & ‘WEAVING MILL Tesation: Loon Pabedan, Tingyen, Sukao, Kiangea Provinen, "stained Soptomisr, "i022, ” Capital: Tenoneaay“$4800;000, Nera” Spundie «15000 Leone 260.Promotre:_ she’ Kle.aty "Pan Sing, HE'Ehin and Bevo h:tng mi + © FUjl GAS BOSEKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (Pur Gas Sennen Co) Seo slao Caton Mile, Japan, Head Offee: 115 Gochome, Oskime Machi, Minami Kateothika “Gun, Japan, Mill: Tuingiau, "Shantung Prov. Balaliched: October, 1921. Capital: Y.41,000, 000." Representative: 'H. ‘Tomoda. No.of. Spindles: (projected) 31,900 Platt Bron, 3B. & W. boilers, 4470 Sp ting urls, with raperbeater, oly ‘ta ‘Sharghat ‘company has projected spinning ill fm Shanghai with 0,000 spindles. me DK GREAT CHINA COTTON MFG. CO., LTD. Location :Pao-shan hsion, Woosung, Shanghai, Kiang- iu Provinee. Shanghai Offer: 98 Seochuen Road. Cable Ada,“ Chinagroat,” Shanghai, Eutablished: June, 1918 uh operation, pal 4 1085. Capital: Originally Tl S00 eres! Ts" 120,000 and again 108, to 600,000. Present property, ineleding’ bids. and 000." Profs, a Be sipment : 11,000 American Spindles 000 British Spindlay (Brooks, Doxey Map of China. 2 (Baco:Lowel) and. Co.) sone 1,000 ke. turbovalternmtor (German) GMA. ‘9n0 1,000 lw: turbo alvernator (English, Dick, Kerr Works, ‘Baboook & Wileox boilers Heavier Inachinery, such as mixers, acutching. machines, elo divided ‘between Suoo:Lowell (Ameriena) "and Brook, Doxey’ Co. (British). “The machine shop is equipped with ton lathon planing machines, save, chiseling machines ‘od grinding tunchines, all of Brita make, “This shop ‘andinctures scceasorca in addition to Making repaie Water ‘Supply! Tho. water ie taken from the river and from an artesian well "The pumping. plant, located on the river bank, project Uy a concrete cinbenkinent. Buildings: The factory building, 120 by 700-ft covers 12" mow: reinforced. conerata, construction two stories: ‘Aul motors are installed on, platforms, 0.ft. above. the round. Separate fice building of two. stories. A. Sormitory for company’ officials haw 44 oma brick structare, Workers’ dormitory” Bas 132" rooms with ‘sccommodations for 1,000 porsons. Hislory "The com. any waa promoted in uno, TO18, by CC. Nich and overal asaociates when there sae ® strong demand for Ghinage cotton yams aaa result of the boycott against tho apances. ‘The fie sharsholder” meeting “was eld, ‘Gctaber 12, 1919, and the company was registered with ‘tho Ministry of Agriculture and Comnorce in Tuy, 1920. ‘Note Owing to depression in the cotton markat, this mill, ‘losed temporarily for two month, beginning July 1, 1828. aa Rk HANKOW DEE YEE (FIRST) COTTON SPINN- ING AND WEAVING CO., LTD. Offce $3 Marin Skaia, B.C., Hankow, Hupeh Prov. Mill: Bao Ma Loy Wuchang, Hupoh Prov.” Officers: Lee ‘Tso-wing, managing dle. grand ao. Haw Feng-ehna, till manager. “atblished: Jenuary, 1810, “Heyistered’s "June, 1020. Capital: $8,000,000; reserve, $120,000.., Annual Consumption of Coton : 44,419, ula,” Annual Output of Yarn: 12,000 bales. No. of spindice: Operating, 33.440 Aca Lee & Co. projected, 5152." Employees! 3,800. ‘Trade Marke’ Huang Ho ou Nine Site Plant: Power, steamy 6000 hp. ‘Aun Lee & Co. Westinghowse motors. ‘The til i fitted throughout by the Grinnell sprinkler system, supplied by Mathor & Platt. Blectriity is obtained from the Wuchang, Electric Light Go, mes wow HANKOW NO. 2 SPINNING AND WEAVING MILL Looation : Wuchang, Hupsh Prov. ‘Tee-ing, gen. mgr of No. 1 Bll. Baia HENG CHANG YUEN COTTON MILL Soe Sung Hsing Cotton Mill, No. 2, Shanghai. me & Mt HENG DAH COTTON SPINNING AND WEAVING CO., LTD. 1 Chin Yung Li, Peking Road, Shanghai. fang Seo Bridge, Yang Sze Siang, Pootung. Preston) ; 4 Bing 102 REA'S FAR EASTERN MANUAL Wished: Fobra ,gieed: April 1020, Cepia: | Annual | Consumption of Caen: 87,000 pics 41,000,000. ‘Moh, “chiet ‘diwnctor and Annual Ouput of Yarn: 11,100 bales. General manager; T. H. Chung, mall manager. No. af "Power? ‘Tho power plant, wolated froin the factory, Spindles 15,989 Baco-Lowel “Power : Fleets 400 b, Laborers: Di0.. Trademarks; Golden Cock, Buttery, Flower and Buiterfy. wm mw HENG FOONG COTTON MANUFACTURING CO, LTD. Shanghl. 8 Whashing Ron, Yangtn 9, image Road, Second Mor, Shana B 1600, "Bopites “Tse 1,080,000. "Opies 7G: Nieby Managing Diteotor :C. L Ninty MEM) Mestagor | 5.5. Gu’ LG Sow and 8 Foo, engineer, annua Gaton Consumprion : 04,104 pious Anouad Ouapue ‘Yam 30,280 bate; cloth (in pecs) 398,112." No. UA Nor of Spindles: 21,690 British. Now 2 aft: Ghinewe New Cotton Spinning Company." was promoted dy HE. Li Hung Chang and some prominent business xen of Sangha! in 1800, and is, therefore, one of the Very ‘oldest in the industry. "Te bogan spinning with the old fgehoned ter cur whic, fe 1015, wore eupemeded by ‘evolving flat cards and other moder machines, ‘The whole of the original equipment England.” Tho yall was acquired by the Nish femily’ i 1007, and has since then, been run by them es © private concern under the management of Mr. C. Nich and his brothers. ‘Tho new owners, realising the suporionty of tic over steatn power, woro the fist in China to install ‘loctricity asa motive power. No.2 Mill: This, ono ofthe ‘aeat mir mls I Chinn, commenced wore 1910 ‘with American-made. machiary, excepting” thet of the Blowroom which iv of English take, “Tho building is 9 ‘a thieestoriod one of reinforced concréts construction. ‘The "Cloud Stork” yar of those mills is the standard ‘hop of tho first Cotton xchange, known as tho Chartored Stock and Produeo Exchange, on which are based. the palsesafomer chore. “Both the yam and cloth produced 77 thos ‘mills, owing to their popolanity, ate in good demand in various paris of the country. ee tt HENG YUAN COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. ofr ond ata Yu Wet to, Hop, Tentsn Ci prone BT Tas nc Erie, Zonet “i helio: le Sloss Seated 19 Eu rte! ia ant 0000 Taos Resa Bh Ope’ Pr L Baa el covagr of nl Boge ice on i: Cade Whaat a Wes are ak shot Vacs tah er efelcn wi to wit pee ea Sener LR Le eee or he ee ci ey 1 ee Sein hy "fonds Bly” ae et Mic aot aS? aatin EDT" ous See Boeimeties we employed toronghows the wl, “In the Sieg rd iy ec, oe ee BES Se See, SEs She PEE peas Sea son naan eo thelr Sono tawel "posal ra Pa Mee these Be EaR hy at eS Sa Tih kW, pay aed was imported from tang ee any Wags on ee SEMEN ad Ee Sas Bee Se, Sopot, sta eer suet ers chee Rhian s opine, Me cca Ra an Ee apace Employees; 3,627, Trademarks: Pine and Crane. nivel nae a Bale: ook and by anne ig cat al nd a hR Saree ale ee ane gala Soteafteunta inv acta’ Sire pad Se peace etal Saas saa ae ea HO FENG SPINNING & WEAVING CO, LTD. Location: Ningpo, Choking Province. Babiisked September, 1005, with & paid Up capital of $600,000. Tepiwered ‘December, “1008. Capitals | $1,500,000 alien of $100 increased fron $000,000 in Apri, 1022, ‘ifs: Chit director: Tat Su-ehing General manager: [ee ching. nual Consinpion of Coton 900 onl doa ip 2600 Sook un No. gf Sine zi ‘Brotha ‘Dotey. Power: Seam, 8) hp. Laborers: 31500, Trade” Alaris, “Unicorn, "Wave, Seo Moon,” Pariulares ‘Ph capital of the company waa Feribed tyChineny tel Hagan operaion ae pment. ‘The tan an Pe Shun ie England’ by'n Japaneee export The ‘umber f spindle “{1s600-han ow sore than Sable Fianna ety oma ex Plane, aad spare power "ia sold for ightng ative city, In 1018 tho company bought the factory tie of "Tang Che own’ Cotton BH destroyed fire in 1017, ‘Bho Tung Chia Yoon, abit wae foun Hl" fad a etal and 22,900, spindle come, (Rosi) 0" et whieh 30,548 wae placed fn tho mee it HONG CHANG COTTON SPINNING, WEAVING & DYEING CO., LTD. ats 88. 61 Martham Bout, Sheng Offers con BS. Merete a cobtet So Se ae tee ial Eat Bi Le. Ones oh ela ager We EE Soa ii ig SRE Nef Sek TR ep Ce pio 2 Repti: Rie Me 885 ae alas er Te lh Niall oa ins Pees Eaten th ant wos pom by hare Fe ee ae ree ee Se Ope eee gar ao mH eM HONG YUE COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING MILL CO., LTD. Head Offer: 60 Kinogee ond, Shanghal, Mill 35, Masthart Rol, Shanghai, Hnblshed® 10163, 10° free T8N0.Gapa 180,00," rere, ae Fos’ Oiieres Wok ie ping, Director Chen Ben, General stunager; Kok Taino, Supt W.G. Seeds, Sceriry, BE Lover and Chen fohnen, Mil Men Novo Spindice: Operating, 27,648, Ann Lew in project Tovrt2, Aan Lace." No.of Teoma: 240, Henry Lavery. Bnployn® 1206, Power Bacio, 140. Bae: PRE. ie ante has nual Consumption of CHINA SECTION—COTTON MILLS Cee Pa are Pine et Cah, eos Ber Jenting, ee. mee HOU SUNG COTTON MILL, LTD. Mill: 22 Seoul Road, Yengtzapo0, Shanghal. Of ‘Alsi'San Wo Li, Kangoo Roed, Shanghai, Zstabla i 1917. Stated ‘June, 1018, Copii at Munietpel Cound "Plant andh amen Ts pete ae ore, Gaia a ie Salton: dat igh 2 gee Seca aan eae Bi FA ctl TY ac Tie iti ee ee at Bee fen ea a Aeroplane; 12D. drils, ‘Three “Riches; 12-1b- jeans, SSOP tte Bd Ee! campy Benschad atti He fo0000 ag aia SoS Se ET a = ae mw ® HUA FENG COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Mill: Wan Teao Pang, Woosung, (Shanghai) Kiangsa Provinon, Tot Ogee B90 Nanking Hoste Sangha Gable Aca." Husteng,” Shanghai, Bxablihed : August, 1020" “Repistereds Decomaber, 1020. "Capital: Ts, 2,000, 000." Oficore and Stag’: ¥_ML Chien, President ; De. ©.'T. Wang, General Manager ; , Ml. Wong, Associate General Manager; C'S. Tool, Acting Manegor for Dr. Wang ‘Singno Toe, Chiet Secretary; LH. Chow, mill manager eo ew HUA HSIN COTTON MILLS (Hoa Hsns Texmx Co. Lao.) ‘ientsin Mill: Soaow Yu Chowan, Ho:Pel, Tiontein, Chinlt “Provinen. Business Offer: 19. Corso. Vittor manuel Hatin Conca enti Eaased Wigust, 1910. Registered: "September, 1018. 2 $32420,0007 reserve $179,700." Offers: W. Y. ing Directors HE Ling, Genera, Manager| ©.6. Wang, Business Manager ; K. B: Yang, Mill Manager, daaat Grant of Craon 0000 Bie. Are Output of Yarns 24,000 bales.” No. of Spindle: 27,072 StcbiLtall. Power 1800" Kew. Tri nero end 15,000teve-urbo-Cenerator. Einployecs 1,200. ‘Trade- ‘arts: San Sing, San Yuan, Shih Chuan. Hoa Ham Mont, No. 2 Location: Chih Mu Hsion, ‘Tsing, Shantung Prov noo. “Business Often: Men Chorang, Tientin, Chill Prov ince, Batablished 1017.” Capital: $1,200,000 ; reserve, '$20,000. Ofleere: Chou Chih-so, chief director; Pel Ching yuu, ‘manager; Suan ‘Chueu-yi, mall manager "Consumption of Coton: 45,000 “arma ‘Basput: 13,000 bles of yarn.” No. of Spindles: Operating, foo general manager. 27,000 Whitin Moh. Ws. 5 * Bicam, 000 hp. Ziyploycee: 3,000. ‘Trademarks: Fa Lo Show Kouy Five Sona: Partieulare: Plan, spec ‘one and equipment were supplied by Gaston, Wiles Wigmore, Note: Tho mill was granted exemptions from Tkin ence arch 22, 1923. Hua Hatx Mizz, No. 3 Location: Tangshan, Chibi Provinos. Business va Shan Lee, Hentai Chiblt Provines. Betalish- ‘Capita $800,000, Managing Director: Wang offeas aries Siaovting. ‘No of Spindles: 24,000, Hetherington. nari: ive Sond. Ha Har Mrut, No. 4 Location: Weihaiwel, Busines Offee: Men Cherang, ‘Tientainy | Beablished? 1920.” Capital $2,800,000.” Of “Ya Yuo-met, chief director, Chang Hsun-peby "No. of Spindles: 22,000.” Operators F000 Beales in these mille shore are in uso six B. & We oot, 18,310 09, ts a. jauperbestors and stokers HUA SHIH KUNG SSU See Hunan No. 1 Cotton Mil, Changsha, Hunan Prov. eH HUNAN NO. 1 COTTON MILL (Hiva Siam Kuso Sev) ‘Location : Changaba, Hunan Province, Established: 1910; began operation, 021, General anager : Hua hin Kong Sas. No. of Spindles: 40,000 (Asa Lees) half of mhich ay in tse, “Power Stoam turbine, “Boilers Sip & Wor 3,862 aq, fi. ha: suporheatars, inployees 3,600. Montidy Output: 1,120,000lbs. or 2,800 bales of yarn ho yar i tld ely,” Portela: With the ‘Xeaption of the generators and dynamos which eame from, Germany, all mechanical equipment is of British mak. ‘Tho milla under the comtzol ofthe provinclal government. ‘After the mechinory hed been installed it wae handed over {the local suthorties to lua Shih Kung Seu, and oper {on bogen easly in 1621, but not until experianced work nen imported fom Hanicow snd Shangbet had been went ack end replaced. by Hunaneso operators. Concerning {his il the marttisne customa reported for 10227" The Hunan No. 1 Cotton Mil has, with a short break due to a ‘Succeusfal strike for higher wegee und better treatment, ‘oem in full swing, turing out some 96 bales of yar daily, pertof which finde ready eal locally and part of which Eaten by ‘iangst end Kiveichow ‘Tho avorago price bout $210. per bale. About 60, per cent. of the raw ‘olton consuibed ig purchased locally, the remainder com- fig trom Mupohs" Profta:. $162,026.24 (July, 1O8t— ‘Tune, 1022) and about $160,000 (Tuly, 1922—~Furo, 1025). Subsidy for Provincial Government? About $46,000 for roat-1923, - mk i HUPEH GOVERNMENT MILLS (Woewaxe Corrox Mars) Location: Wuchang. Lessees: Teu Shin Co. Capitals ‘Tia 780,000. General Manager Shu Yung-tang, Annaat Consumption of Cotton : 130,000 picus.Annuat Ouipat: 530,000 Beton (420 lbw. per bale) of yarn and 18,000 Eales ef piece goods. No. of 3} 6, Brooks Dosey: Piste “Bios aad” Asa "Laws. No, of Looms: Employers 6100. Trade Marks. Soo Fis and Sen To. Ponicdars; ‘The four mills, generally known aa. tho Wachang ‘Cotton Mills, wore ‘erected by the Chine Governments” ‘The nt unite nl l—wae built i ‘the direction of Viewroy Chang’ Chih-tang. “ml waa eetbliched in 1894.” The lot REA’S FAR EASTERN MANUAL before the revolution they ‘Company, with a capital of Tl 700,000, After working ‘the milla for about a year with somo moses: the company ‘eld tho lence to the compradore of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, who is suid to have mado a proit of boat Ts, 200,00 i ono yar” In 1018 the Government fade now lease egrooment with the ‘present Tessoos, tho ‘Tsu Shin Company, for a period of tan years at an ‘annual rental of Tl 130,000, “The capita of the company [tie 700,000, made up of ‘ls 270,000 preference shares, held by tho organisors of the new company, and."Ts. 450,000 ordinary checes given to the shareholdrs of tho ‘ld concern asthe price of thelr sights. ‘The new company fies now been working the milla for threo. yoors, aid ‘in each year 100 per cent. and 60 per cont. dividends bave ‘bean paidon the preference aid ordinary shares respec. Hvely, Tee four factories are (1) Tho Cotton MI? (2) ‘The Cloth Factory : (3) The Sil Filature; (4) Tho China- ‘gram and Jt ‘Coton Mill: "Ti il hag boon worked fl pressure 17 Dogan operstions. The arm i epun of Bhenai and local cotton, ho formes pre: Ponderating ou ccount of ite botter quality and longer aple. Clos Factory: There are 1,600 looms which tara ‘Oat 16,000 bales of cloth annally woven out of Yara ‘obtained from the. cotton mill: "This factory also works te fll premure. Silk Piature: ‘There aro 1,000 spindles fand the anual out turn haa varied from 170 0 200 pica, ‘Chinagrase and” Jute Mill: Thin ml daton from 1808, fut appears to have boon ential’ neglected until 1915 ‘en the present leseea took itm hand and began the Tanfacture of canvas and gunny’eloth eee A JAPAN-CHINA SPINNING & WEAVING CO, LTD. (Stews Boswer Kanvanrsr Kars) General Offces: 56 North Szechwen Road, Sh Cable “Add., "Hine". Branch 13 Nichome, No ‘hima, Rite, Ona, Japan Holblhed © July, 1018 Capiat: feuthorized), 10,000,000; Paid-up, 8 9,00; egal ere, ¥78,000, Directors Was (Preidens)"E Teuace (Monaaing daweton 3 Kia TKawaseli, R. Oshima, T. Ito, 8 ibige and K, Yano. ‘Manager? #. Ochi. “far: No. 1, formerly International Cotton Mil ein Bosane” diet Sa Mane: 2.006 Ape Lean NS of Lome 30, Graton € Mn. ee Ae aes © ho Porat this ah om, ‘1 tho oldat sls in Chia, wee acquired bay the Jo ‘hie Spinning & Weaving Gov in 1618. inglah machin: Sy wal wad nrooghowt tho rall a esta mal of celina euspet bndBor unwed ole ho at fron bug By th. Japenese. owing nancial Tater wae ieee ‘December, 1919, at the end of toot year far 50 saad iso i Stored ‘Root and 0488 wa cami Reward Mus No. 2 Location: Rooting, Shanabat, No. of Spins: a oih Batt bree Ne of Loom 90, Grogion Monk Poe Plt: Hk Barghaver Mae No. 3 Lozatio: Opposite 11 Robiron Road, Shanghai. No. ea’ S88im “Pie ‘Brom woking, proecad, be nny ecu for tbe a, a Dec Fund, 400,000. Settlement of the profit for the 2nd Hall-jear, 1820 waa. Not Profit for tho 2nd. hall 1020, ¥-i,900,247 Balance brought over from the Task aecotnt,"¥. 012,084; Total, ¥. 2,181,331? Logel, ‘¥500,000 ; ‘Oficials'” Bonus,” ¥.i60,000; Dividen ¥1,200,000 (at 40 per oont. par year, ¥.8 por share) Balance’ carried forward to tho neXt account, V-031,331 Maz. No. 4 24,800 projected, me eA KIU AN SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. “Looation; He An, Nantangshow, Kian Province ‘Shanghai Ofice: 8 Chusan Hod. “020. Begun operation, Apr 124, Catal £300.00 in 8000 hues of $100, "Managing Directors 1a Chihaion. No. of Spindle 10,440, Whitin Moh, Wha.” Power: Hieeiri, oie. KIU CHENG COTTON MILL See Sung Hsing Cotton Mil, No. 2, Shanghat. HBR A KIU SHING COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO, LTD. Zon Kony Pa he, Pinhiogsno, akong BGM aebituca 10 Reprod: August.” 1023, ee Pas ‘Shscazuen, ee Ar ad aaa Ee NOEs ol Searle tee naman Power ite 300 bow. Famers Amant the promos ware Sun, Sae-hooy Fe Rhings Past¥or ia and Chow Reo“ Ghang Shien "igvetsa "$106,000" and’ Geawral “Chang ‘ease ‘100,000. KUNG DAH COTTON MILL ‘Seo Shanghai Silk Spinning Co.'s Cotton Mill. mM ie KWANG CHING SPINNING AND WEAVING co, LTD. Head Offee: Peiteng, outside North Gate, Wusih, Riangau Prov. Mill: Chang Yoon Kiso, ovtaide Nort Gator Wusih. Established : December, 1910. Regitered: December, i921. Capital: $1,000,000." Oficers: Chow Chita, Chow Tal pu, Chow Teiehin, directors; Lia Hsiang, ‘son, "Vang ‘Bai-nan, auditors. Annual Consumption of Canton $0,000 "picule. Annual" Output: "(Yarn an ‘Thread), over 11,000 bales." No. of Spindles: 22,848, Hethortgton, “Power Sto 000 hp: 5 ots Dra Imade, Opersors’ 2,000." Prademarks: Tuan Ho, Chit Ho. oH KWANG: SING COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO. ocation: Outsid tho Rast Gate, Changchow, Kinng- sex Province, | Baalished: Nowembae, 1020. Repitred: Apri 081s Capita: $240,000." Partieulare: ‘This new 2 prmsta Ey Changshn maha wun aldo Sheng iveving ad Ko Shao-ching, Chokiaag merchants, for 126,000 tn 1022 before operations had Been neared: ee eR KWANG YIH COTTON SPINNING MILL, LTD. Looation: Changte, Honan Province. | Capital: $1,600,000," offera General managers, 2. Mua CHINA SECTION—COTTON MILLS 105 tod Q. 8 Koo; Mill superintendent: 8, 6 Yuan; ost, Mii: ‘This ill wes eatablished in 1908 and started operations ‘on January’I1, 1909. At that time it wae the only mill {in the five northem provinces, purchasing ita” Gotton {rom local “growers. Although” conditions tro now ‘iferent, the following estimates and cone given in ita ton aro of teresa cotton wan paid for ae Elo"eorh. per catty. Hach belo of yarn requires” 330 catia of tan, sting 70,200 cath, or about Tn 32.50 at 1,500 cash to the ‘ost of production was estimated st about ‘Tin 15, ‘The comt foF oe! faa $8.30 per ton obtained from the near-by mines of 1 Ho, ‘ow, with wages at 280 cash per day, ‘The total cont of ‘inie"of arn was worked. ut at le 6780 and ‘the oariby market in the adjoining’ provinces alied for 60,000 valen per year at rates, then preva, of Tix, ape me me Ae LAOU KUNG MOW COTTON SPINNING AND . WEAVING CO., LTD. General Managers and Apts; Mort & Gon Ti 4 ‘Tho Bund, Shanghai io Neretnpes Road Shanghai. Esitlished: 1805." Capital: (paxdup), Sin000 ia 8000 shares of Ts. 100 Stef: Wabator, manager G, Frankland, engineer ; ©: Koarley, carding antor: JA. Ryley, ‘astor (. Soutiworthy ‘weaving mantor. "No. of 8 086, Tweedalos aad Emalley. No of Looma's 313. slecounty for eur ending Decembor 81, 10227 Taw, Tia, 244,860.51. Against this Togs thovo was a sun of Fs, 340,000 set aside aa develop iment. muerve,” inaugurated in Febroacy, 1980, "During ‘ho year, Ti. 70,547.12 was apont on ropaits and renewals: Hisory? This mill wee established by ‘British merchants {nthe same yoar as the Fwo Cotton Spinning & Weaving Go. Eid. In 1890 the Lou Rung Mow mill started an Jangraion ip cotton buying mathode by esta ‘chain of purchasing stations n the principal cotton growing Aistecte of Chine.” ‘This field work was a chargo of A, Be ‘Rosenfet, head of tho present frm of A.B. Nenenfold & Bon, eotten merchants Cea es LEE HSING WEAVING, DYEING AND FINISHING CO., LTD. Head Oftce: Oateide Kwang Fo Gate, Wosih, Kiangxa Prov. Plants Ton-wat Koad, Wusih. Shanghas Ofte 52 Ching Zung Lee, Poking Road. Buatlished :Juntary, 1920." Capital: “a, 000,000. Office: '8._D. Donk, chairman's C.D. Chen, goneral manager; G- Thomas, ftivieer Eruipments Blenching, “dyeing and Gniching Iachinery made hy Sir James Farmer Sona, Ltd. 100 Wm Dickinson Tome, Power plant, Marshall installa " eR A LEE MING COTTON MFG. CO. Location: Changchow, Kiangs Prov. ‘This mill was projected by Chores marchantst pin waste cotan, “It Wikted (oithowtdewals) in th 1994 report of the Chinese Gotten illowners” Amociation. mom eH LEE YOUNG COTTON SPINNING CO., LTD, ovation: Kiangyin, Kiangsu Province, | Relabished Buty, "1005. fannary, 1008, "Capital ‘Tia'720,000 ; Reserve, ‘Tis. 100,000. ‘Hsueh Lie chuan, chiot ‘director ; Chien Yi-hsiang, general manager, Anna of Cotton: 28,000 pioule. Annual utp of Farm 800 dalon” No. of Spindles 15,00, Soe. Steam, 00. hp. 33. boilers History: "Phe. company was organized by ‘Ying in 1905, and the mall began operation in 1908 with fan inadequate cepital of “Hs. 300,000. "The ground, Brug nd pment ha cont Ml 4.00 an became nevensary to mortgage the plant to the Hou Sang Coy of Soochow fore loan of ‘Ts, 240,000." Ia ‘Secofdance ‘with the tarts ‘of the loan, the ‘Soochow ‘concern tool over the operation of tho plant for e period ‘of Give years irom the autumn of 1810. When the lease expired in 1015, the original shareholders resumed the anagement, increasing the eapital from s, 300,000 to ‘Tia 780,000,'which ineluded “Tis. 360,000 subscribod. by Hmach Bao Yung. asa LOO FENG COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO, Location: ‘Tainan, Shantung Province. Established 1917, "Capiuat : $1,200,000: Haserve, $13,000. 0 ‘Pan Fu, general manager? Chin Yung-yua and Loe Fithsin, ‘iectar: Le HZ. Chow, ‘mill manager: MM, C. Y. Kung, aginer, | Annual Consumption of Coton: 38,000 pals, Arnel Ouiput of Yarn 13,400 belos, "No. of Sp 27,316, © Hetherington, | Power? Sten, — 500 hip. Laborera: 1,684. Frade Mart’ ‘Pao Ping (Lack Lami). Plant 3 boilers; one Uaiflow Engine 500 ih.p.+ T bale ‘breaker T'winnow machine; 2 utomatic fooders:" 4 Ssoutchers; 60 cards; 7 drawing frames, euch containing B deliveries, and arranging in 3 process 8 slubbing framoe, each 92 spindles} intormodiate, exch 140- spindles; 38 roving ramos, oach 180 spindles; 44 ring frames, ach 364 epindles 120 ‘winding machines; banding ‘machines, ‘Porticulare: ‘The mill was estebishod in 1917 under an Fs Seton wh Capa of $0000." “Al the ‘hiner was ordered {com J. Hetherinagton and. Sona, jan, through Reis # Co. The -oquiprat wee ats fn ‘T01O"and. the same” year’ the capital ‘Wes incensed £0 $1,200,000, "The mill iy managed. ae Conling w Amorim methods. ‘The mill superintendent, fe Chow, nan American retarted student. A wooving rit of 300 loom is under prepacation. ‘The ll hag ‘pened an evening school foF laborer, and established ‘loving ‘pictores for amusement. "The “mill als has Fath “foome and a hospital for the” workers, Tt iz Ennoonced "that. this company’ ig planning. to, build ‘Sree now ‘ris in Shan ‘te “sini, Kinsing end “Tehchow. aa ww MANCHURIA WEAVING CO., LTD. Location: International Settloment, ‘iebling, Fong- tion Brow Bogan operation in Ape 1582 "Ofer 7K Yamada, ‘manuging dirctor, with 5 colleague ont divectorstay including 1 Chinese, n addition to 3 auditors, {inclusive of I Chinese, "Capital: G.¥.760,000 :eno-quarear aid up. Loomas Stoel looms for minor width, 180; Those for major width, 180. Output: Native imitation ‘loth, 730 ploos (ples being 23 yards long end 1/5. Sri} por day and 22 cols (I roll being 40 yarde long and Bpfe wide) of grey shooting, 26 daye, average working faye por month. Passer One steam engine of 100 Water applied from a well. Employees: 20 Japanose and Chinese cer, 638 Chinese workmen, 12 Japaneso ral hands, and OY Chinsye fomale hands total, 701. Pu uta: Th plant ciety pete the conier foods ike Dative imieathon loth, grey sheeting, ete and principally ‘ators to the interior trae. ‘The mill hax boen shore of fads from the start, and nearly ¥.50,000 ts paid annually [Sv inteseat on loans.” Alon of about ¥-10,000 as incurred 106 REA’S FAR EASTERN MANUAL fn tho latter hal of 1922, With eoficiont working capital ea Si Staroondh th sal snight rele’ 6 far prose “s re NAIGAI WATA KAISHA, LTD. tt Ow Factores MANSHIU BOSEKI KAISHA Xo. 1 Mil, Dembo, Oma, (laxervnia Cortox Seniomsa & Wravixe Co.) Ho. LM Demo, Que ection; Linoyang,, Fongtion | Prov, Faumders No. 5 Mill, Went Soochow Road, Shanghat. goon isting tall in EOkyo March 16, 1082. “Omics No. 4 Mil, Went Soachow Rond’ Shanghai w cieitonmeation ie ihe spring of 1824, Capsil: No. Mill West Seachow Road, Shangha ERB paclupee AON, thesia slike Nov EMI Shoat, Ragas eee keen'bees telan wp by the Bu Spinning Mil, No. 1 Mill, Went Soochow Bond, Shan ‘amoont of 35,000 shares, the romeining $0,000 shares faving been cflered for Public wubseription. ‘The fist Installment of the share capital was Paid in on Feb IaH to fe flowed by fiw second inetallznnt payabio fon arrival of the spinning machinery. Area) Bile. 16,000 teabo (1 teubo oquis 38 aq. f)-” Spindles: 30,000, projected. Leome!” 1,000 ‘projected. Power: Bleckriy Tis00 kes, “Output: The estimated daily output will be 76 bales of cotton yam of 164 on an average and 1,750 sxe af cotton loth. (on the basis of rey sheeting), piece being 23-yard long and 1'1/6ft, wide, "Build Gantraet: The ontenct for balding th piant was wwarde {to the Hasegnwn gum! of Manchuria, Moy 28, 1023, on a bid of ¥.840,700. Tho work includes the construction of ‘the spinning mull No. 1, the warehouse, the quartore for ‘epateae and Chineee factory hands, a elub, and wuiiary Duldings, having a total loor area Of 000 tsubo ; to be fotmpleted at the end of November, 1925 me me MING SUNG WASTE COTTON SPINNING AND WEAVING CO., LTD. Offce: 40 Peking Road, Shanghai, Milt: 1A Warren Road, Shanghsl, Keablihed: 1021. Capital Tia. 350,000." Optewe Nich Yan-dai, Moh New-t0o, ‘lrvotors; Woo Pi-riang, Chen Talsbao, auditors. Spindle mo Hx K MUKDEN GOVERNMENT COTTON MILL (Tunez Eastenx Pzovnsces Corvox Minx) Location: Ovtside West Gato, Mukden, Fengtion Boy." Srnied [0B, a ser gserament ener, yon operetin in July. faptal» Tho 0 ‘capital was, 4,500,000, increased to 8,000,000 in. 1923. ‘The ‘Fongtien Provincial. Government subscribed for 145,000 shares, one-half of tho original number losoed, and fhe oor gc ait was maori hy Chinese rare ter jan, managers Han. Kong-chin, ub: mnonger; W. F. Ma, engineer. Spindler: 20,480, Sa00- Lowell, Looms: "200, Compton & Knowles. Power Bloctrc, 14000 kew, “Aron of Site: 280" mow. Water ‘obtained from wall. “Daily 1923: Averaged 85 Balas of 16%. Particulars: In addition to cotton weaving ‘he mill Ietor will engage in. wool weaving. A tum $3,500,000 has ben set aside for the purchase of cotton ‘rom various districts, and a set of regulations for tho en: fcouragement of eotton culture har boon drasen up at {eliowe: "I, The imposition of wy embargo onthe eaport coon from: the These astom Previn” 2 ‘Sisteibotion among local farmers. of pat ing ‘method of Seti etre 3. Parmry nho Tack the necessary for planting cotton may, with a guarantor ‘of good credit, or with proper ocurty, contract for a loan From this mill at a low rate of interest. 4. "The dispatah of delegates to varions districts to encourage the farmers {0 grow cotton. Owing to tho inferior quality of Fengtien totton and the Inck of experiance ‘om the pert of mall ‘Workers, the operation of the mill for the prevent will bo oniined to yarns of 15 to 20 counts, 8 Mill, Wost Soochow Road, Shanghai. Schenk Serene ienrat Sith ke elton Beton Pre ttn Opie, Daina Maaco Oks rei, St el oe Oe Sa cae conti PR, Re a ei, eer an bel Ps ba: sees Sate ie Sar Cee ee ee Sit RSG on AINE ADA Rieter Soci ei ae ls etree ney eg dena aah Sa Bletaets tin! Rata ie Haro, oat ce, Kutna gee SS oul a 8, Mer fice ala Seale Sea eee Sadi a Se Sah Heke, ch ea elton BE) Speen callie tne sta tt es a sh er Se si pater ttng eNOS ced Tee Syghetraeln oer ates ole Tien Usp codec "He fort sit pede Perens Tera ie als Bi on antec co Lee Rida ar aoe hela ening Som gum AGS artis Salns aaah a ieee Terentia at et Gand atelelfe p SORT oi Gig Sn eran TR UROTEOS SAT ent ae Scat e ae Se ee ee SURE EAI HG MSceieeNS ale Ron Ree igo eon" pe et Sora hoa uct Tattle iis Satie ln eae a ior a ae Saget oc at Soa .eas alert abe hr ete succes a Settsacet ganas deter TRPEST AS Sa AR SL DPE Taeieadslngaut aA whee No. 8 Man ovation :Yehang Rond, Shonghal. Established: 1011. Mili ‘Managers S. Miyake. "No. of Spindiees 23,080 Platt Bro No. 4 Max. “ Zocation:, Tehang Road, Shenghel. Beabished: 1012, Atl Manager? J. Suouki. No.” of “Spindles: 40,000 Howard & Bullough. No. 5 Mint Macuo Road, Shanghai. Botablshed : 1914, Locatios Bild Manager °°.” Manage. No. ‘y Spondees 824 ‘Howard & Bullough. Sx * CHINA SECTION—COTTON No. 7 Minx ovation: Macao Roed, Shanghai. Eetablishod : 1918. Mal Manager 4. Yogie No.of Looms : 800 Toyoda No. & Mu. Looation + Macao Rona, Shanghai. Hstalished : 1918. Mili Manager: ‘Se Mavauno. No. of Spindlea 20,768 ‘Saco-Lowell No. 9 Mux (Fonwency Yo Yoxx Minn). LLooation : 00, Markham Road, Shanghai. Established: 1021. "FIM Manager: N- Naleashizan. No. of Spindles: 28,260 Dobson & Barlow. No.of Looms : 800 Toyods. No. 12 Mz. Tosation + Macno Road, Shanghai. | Established : 1921, eu Manager: 5 ogt.” No of Spintn 120,800 Dobson ‘& Barlow. No. 13 Ma. Location : Robison Road, Shanghai. Rstabished 19221 “Mill Manager B. Kawamura, No. of Spindles: 24,060 Dobson & Barlow. No, M4 Mx. Looation: Robieon Rosd, Shanghai, Established: B. Kowamura. No. of Spindles: 28,000 Dobson & Barlow. No. 15 Mars. Location: Gordon Road, Shanghai, etablished: 1928. "Mill Manager: Ke Nagaye. "Noo of Spindles £32,060 Dotson & Below. No, 16 Mn. A new mill project for Shanghai with 20,000 spin ‘Termazao Macs Representatives for the Tsinglaw Branch: K. Sasals, ‘Arakawa, Subsmanoger. Office ut No. 6 ‘Mill, Sofang, Teingtau, Coble Add," Naigni,” Teingtau No. 6 Mist. Location: Sufang, ‘Tsingtau. Established : 1917. Milt Manager: ‘M. Balewashi, Vo. of Spindles: 20,800 Platt Bros. No, 10 Miran. Location: Safang, Tvingtau. Eetabliohed: 1023. Mati Manager: Me Bakasshl. No. of Spindler: 20,000 Plate Bros. No. 11 Max. Location: Sufang, Taingten. Etablished: 1922. Mat Manager: Me Sakasi. No. of Spindles: 23,200 Plate Bros Curonow No. 1 Mant. Location: Chinchow, Fengtion Prov. Mil site adjoins 8,24 Tey. aren ond has a railway siding, Patablished: 1922. "To. “bngin “operation in 1024. "Capital: GY. 800,000, "AMIE Managers Me Murayama. Spindles 34. 000" Howard & Bullough. Datly Capacity 80 bales. Power: Flecteie, 800 kv, purchased from the 8. M. Ry: ‘Water is obtained from a well at Palichuangtun end earned in iron pipes, the distance of 8400 ft. This mill was Planned land built by the staff at th company's No. 6 full st Taingta ao mH NAMAN BOSEKI KAISHA (Soorm Maxcuuata Corsos Smmesa & Wnavisa Con Exp.) Zocation: Mukden, Fengtion Prov, Capital: G.Y. 3,008,000," "pald ps Spe: 3,000" projected ‘erent ut ths mt wae ma nin by the ann Spinning & Weaving Cow East Ite Beeson Eide fomer eithtrew tom ie" entorprike and ie ia now managed as ing Deparument of the Hast Asie Development. Cow Lie ‘MILLS 107 ‘Tentative arrangements were made in 1923 to lose a ste (OF 18000 truvo from the SME Ry Coz” ‘The project es Sou developing salty ed i arte he Ccrean obwervers that the enterprise eventually’ will be Sbandoned. npme ¥ a emo NISSHIN BOSEKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (Sussme Senonxe Co,, La.) Head Ofte: Tokyo, Japan. ‘Tingtou Ofc; Masako ono Hite Shits Bas tame Thing Copal (00,000. Firanch:Eatablshed + April, 1082. Representa eer: Pulsubhuan, No.of Spindies (projected) 30, (00, Platt Bron OH ORIENTAL COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Location: 34-38 Yangtezopeo Road, Sha General “Managers: Arausld “Bros, Go. Kcfukiang Road,” Shanghal, Eatatiohed : 1805. Mi ‘Managers J. Welker. Captial: Tix, 2,000,000; increased, ‘April 15, 1020, {rom Ta. 1,000,000 by 1,000 new pref. ares of Tle. 100 and 80,000 now ord, of Tis, 30. Reseree ‘and Depreciation Punde Tl 1,000,000, Annual Ousput of arm About 38000 “leg” 14, count, Nes af Spindlens 64,508, Ana Lees,” Now of Looms? 440, G, ripley. ‘Power Stet ood toshino # balers foam engine, 000 hp.; average. daily coal consump- Hone 25) ta The new” machines ase deren sloctcieity, “purchasod “from tho. Shanghet Municl Council Bee.” Dept. “Trade Marky Anchor and Marriage. Eaborere’ “About, 2,000. History: This till ‘wna reorganized from the "Soey Chee Cotton 8 Gow, Lea. established by a German in tho seme yeur wit the Bwo Cotton Spinning and Weaving Co, Ltd, Part of the capital was eubseribed by British merchants, Company Accounts for goat ending December Sl, 10212 "Balance at the credit of profit and lows account, Including the carry forward froxt 1020, ‘Tia 678,701.10. {rom thie waa dedueted the interim dividend absorbing ‘Tia 210,020, leaving for distbution. the amount of Tix 258,871.16, as follows > 1, ‘To pay a final dividend of Tis 0.50 por bare... 109,960.00 ‘To general managers” commission aesording 1 ‘agreement. ae 25,608.35, "To carry forward to now account 225,302.80. Te 358,871.16 Plant and Machinory—An_ item of, Tis 3748.56 represanta necsorary additions to the spinning machinery. {orbring itup to date. On the recommendations of the now staf, the company expended considerably more than ‘curtomary on repairs and renewals, As a romult of these steps, the efcleney of tho plant has been materially tm- red." Weaving’ Plant "This now stands at Tis, 135, Be6.28, showing an eddiiion of ‘Tie, 40,00001. "Daring tho year the mil's activities were confined to pinning, ‘Twolthleds of the looms were in peition in March, 182 fand the department ready for oparation. me OT PAO CHEN COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. General Offee : 94. Robison Ba., Shanghai. Mille: Noa. and? in Shanghai, and No, $n Tentsin.” Offers Liu Poovung ehih director and general a en.sung, mill mavager In. Shanghal; hm Til manager in Tien, Note It was reported in ts Dress that this company borrowed "¥.5000,000 fom {he Hast Chinn Industhial Development Gn, February I. 10%, giving © mortgage on the three mills, 108 REA’S FAR EASTERN MANUAL Mus No. 1 Location: Robizon Road, Shanghai. flee: 242.44 North Soochow Rod, Shanghai. Eoablished : March, "November, i919.” Capital: Tis. 1, re, Tin 250,000, Annual Conewmption of ‘Shieang Hal; Pagoda, Goud and Lion; ‘Thre Tigers, Aeroplane, ee, ‘Partidare: When Tanning to eapacity the rill will Ihave 100,000 pindleg, 400 loorn, and 1,500 wast epindles, ‘The machinsry ia housed. inn three-story. reinforced Laborers 2,600, ‘Marke ‘ror scsi Haw predate enact SF'100,00 pounds of yarn 8 day ‘he voxtile mac loin tho Seco-Lowell "Shops, Alans, CAA. The contract wes handled by" Anderson, Mayer & Co, nd ex cuted by Tom Wong, a graduate of Harvard and. the ew Bedford Teste School An ingpection of the mill reraaled hand reoling equipment, and the explanation was inde that with the cheapness of labor this ayster ia Se eh Sead just at esimora ae resin By Mux No. 2 Zocation : Robison Road, Shanghai, near Mil No. 1. Betabished March, 1020. Hepisered: January, 1021 Gapial "Tis, 2,400,000. Annual Consumption of Cation? No, of Spindles :69,082, Saco-Lowel Taborore? 4.300, “Hottera: ‘The Shanghel mills are. using O°B. EW. boilers; 8,040 9g, ft hes all equipped with ‘mechanical stokers and supesheators- Mu No. 3 Loention + Sino Chen Chiang, ‘Tientain, Chiblt Pro: vince, "Registered: November, 1621. Capital: $3,000,- Got.” ann Cotton Gon.” 70,200 pioula.” No. of Spind- lin: 614042, Snco-Lowell Power? Blectrio, Em pleyees M00 Tirade Mark: Ja Yi. me A PAO CHANG COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO. Zoxation: Siaohaichen, S.,, Nantongehow, Ki Province, Capa autharid),"850,000 in 810, sare: Paid,” $250,000, Betalished : Apel, 1922.. Promoters? Chang Si shay Chow Chik-an and Wong Chiehing ee. No. of Spindles 1,120, projected. Plant! 1}G.8. 10 kw. generator; one 45 hp steam engino and boiler. PAO FENG COTTON MILL Location: Shanghai, ‘This mill burned in 1020. PAO TUNG COTTON MILL ‘See Su Lun Cotton Mill, Soochost, Kiangeu prov. a 2 hw eR PEI YANG (COMMERCIAL No. 1) COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. cation : Kwa Chia Chib, Tiontain, Chili Province Established, "Novernber, 1015" Repiatered : A Gopal: $2,000,000." Offers: Ba Erector Hoang “fsin-teen, snes ‘Peetsing, mill manager No” of Spindles 25,630, Saco. Lowell Power: Electric, 800 Eve. Bolera: 3B. & W., e288 ag.ft hia: 2 muphorbeators. "Laborers: 1,520. Trade Marke Boo tiger, Gun. mee em PU YIH COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO,, LTD. fice: P. 676 Nanking Road, Shanghei. Copital: {$2,000,000 Renerve, "$150,000." Hatablished: Noveraber, Ble ogi uly O11, cern Caner anager Hea "Chis itl manager? Wang Hau-tung rade Marte" Atlas, Crickst, Black Dragon: Maz No, 1 Location: Comor ‘Tongking and Robison Road Shasighal. Annual Consumption of Cotton : 60,000 piculs ‘Annual Output of Yarn: 16,000 Balen.” No. of Spin 0, Howard & Bullougit: 1,200 doublom. Power lctrie, 800 h. p. Laborers: 1,60. ‘Mitt No. 2 Location: Godon Road, Shanghai Capwal: "Us, 1,000, (00, "No of Spindiee? 24,000," Howad & Buileugh. No, of Leome, 500, Henry Livesey, Now This is a won ‘ehh bogan, operation in the spring of 1022" The tins sito of 40 mow. no Rh me hom SAN SING COTTON MANUFACTURING CO,, (1923), LTD. Head Offer: 7 ‘Tho Bund, Shongbsi, Mill; 87 Yangtezepo0, Koad, Shanghei. eablished: 1805. Ca- ‘Pitas. 1,500,000, Directors: hong Ensyih (chairman), Ke Newman M, Reader Harry Sheng Zong, Shen Suing'yee, Sheng Yoh-chang, Gordon Morris, "P. We Gainey Opsrts HEC Massa actg. chit ag Shong Yulin; mill mgr. ; J. M.P. Remedios, see. Cotton Used Armually 146,000 pica. Yarn Output tnnwally + 60,000 Bolas ; Avarege Counts 14s. ‘Trademark: Tramear. Ne. of Spindice 63,000, Dobeon & Barlow 12,880, Howard & Bitlough : on onder, 4,000, Dobson & Baslow. No. of Looms : 1,000 Japenese, Toyods Loom Wha.” Power Stour, 1,400 idipes Hloctri, 1,215 bhp. Boiler, 1 B. & We 4,020 6q fife; mocharicalstokors and superheatar. Laborers: 4.883. ‘History: This wes the first" modern ‘otton mill in Chinn, “Extablished im 180L by a seule ‘ficial Chines syndicato, the concer lost. money and experienced warious misfortunes and changes before the ‘business was finally placed on a sound basis in recent years: no of the chief organizers was HB: Li Hung Chang.then Superintendent of Northern ‘Trade ; ‘end _the Dowager Hmprese is said to havo taken © personal intoreat in the ‘During the carly yours of the sisations of the syndieatn, and the name was changed ‘uo Sing and later to Chih Chen and Snally th original ‘ams. wan resumed. “Ta one. of the resdjustments Controlling interest was obtained by ex:Viceroy” Sheng Kung Pao, and his relatives ace tho chiot owners et hit fimes ‘The company was, placed under British regiatry Jn 1012 since which time the sll har beon managed unde Buta sipecvision. When, the ‘mill was established, HE. 1 Hung Chang and his amocinter clsimed for ‘thommslven 8 guasl monopoly, and” prohibited outsiders ‘who. were not prepared to pay'm fited royalty or the Drivilge from engaging in aumilar undertakings. Although Srtain Chinews accepted this onerout condition, foreigners sented itas en undue inteeforenco with their treaty ita, and it wae only when Japan, in 1805, after bor war ‘wlth ‘Ching, inserted’ in the Treaty of Shimonoseei an frtilo providing for the fruedom of Japancio subjects £0 ‘ngage in all Kinds of mantacturing industria in the open. ports of China, and permitting them to import machinery {orsuch purposes, tat outsiders were afforded an oPpOr- ‘tunity of exploiting the rich feld Yor commercial davelop. CHINA SECTION—COTTON MILLS 109 ment thonsby thrown open. Accordingly, so soon, at fhe Jepanose treaty came into force no time war Tost n’tumsing this particular claus to account, and the ‘rection of loa than 1 snlle-Chinese a foreign ‘rae taken i hand eo wb SHANGHAI COTTON MFG. CO., LTD. (Snaxouar Bostoxtr Kawvsnrer Kaisa). Offee: 49 Ssochuon Road, Shanghai. Mille: No. 1, 468 Yangtezepoo Rond No.2 and 3, 00 Yangierepoo Road! Shanghai, Directors: M. Nodaiea (chairman), J- Prentice, W.J.N. Dyor, H. B. Morrie and K, Otani Mitsui Bussan Kaishe, Lid agents, “Ofteere: i. Kuroda, mgr. Enjoji chief eng. K. Kojima, mill manager. Kotablshed 1008;" roconstructed, 1920. "Capital ls, 6,000,000, {nomacod from Tis. 4,000,000 in August, 1023." Arena Consumption of Cation: 272,680 picts. Employees am Mux No.1 Location: 68 Yangtszepoo, Road, Shanghai. Reta. inked: 1806, "No. af Spindice’ 20,302, "Howard & Bollough and Ase Lees ‘Mo. of Zooma’ 370, Platt Bros Poser Plant: J. © Wood (Brit) Mu No. 2 Location: 90 Yangtszopoo Road, Shanghai. Esa: ited 1805. No of Sinden 26,480, Dotan & Barlow. No of Looma' 510, 7 ‘Sia ¥. Watanabe, mil ‘manager ; ajo} Power Plant: Lamberton. Maus No. 3 Location : 90 Yanstszepo0 Road, Shanghel. Rata. buiseds "1010, "No.of Spindiea 00,002, Plate Bros. ‘Power Plant. Musgrave. History: The Shanghai Cotton Manutaccuring Cou tds, with « paid-up capital of Ts. 1,000,000 was incorporaied tinder tho Hongkong Ondin aancee, Docoraber 6, 1908, for the object of taking over aa foing’concoras, es from July J, 1908 tho respective ascots find thoriness of the Shonglal Cotton Spinning Co.y Led, Sind that of the San-tai Cotton Spinning Co.,Ltd. "ines Simete "compriod'" At 68. Yangtasepoo Road »—land, Salidings, power piant ‘and texile machinery (23,000 spindles) known aa the No. 1 Mil. Within this ompound ‘rar wali lature, forvign machinery, Which had but Hetle Yale, having for youre been worked by a Chinese lasee, often’ ata lost. Aan tenant was not available, ie was ‘vcied to realize upon the machinery and to demolish tho ‘buildingr; upon this ame site ienow located No. Waving Mil'with ies own power plant, sta which was {ntallod and brought to the producing, sad earning during 10141013" AL 90" Vangtasepoo Road, was to No-'8 Spinning Ail compriaing’* and, buildings, poter plant, and textile machinery (28,000 spindles). With the Exception of the mill proper, the various buildings were of ‘iptllaneous clase ahd some wore razed, During 1011 1012, within tho No. 2 compound was installed tho re guiaite buildings for power plant and 510 looms. which store brought to the producing and earning stage and are Imown ar No.2 Weaving Mil. By purchase the nnea of Ind at both compounds whe increased. The combined ftnote of tho two companies: land, buildings, power plant ‘tod 45,822 spindlon, had in July 1908, m ego val of ‘Ts, 603,003," Pursuant to resolutions’ pred ab general ‘meotings of the shareholders on June 30 and July 19, 1920, the company. was changed from British to” Japanese registry. aban SHANGHAI SILK SPINNING CO’S COTTON ‘MILL (oxo Dax Corres Mizz) Ofice and Mitt: 200 Pingliang. Road, Shanghai. (eked : 1921 ; bogan oporation in May, 1032, Capial ‘Tia 10,000,000. Managing Director: S. Karachi. Spin. dice: 42,000 Platt Bros. doublers, 7,000 Platt_ Bros. ‘Power Hlectric, 1,000 kw. cursent obtained from Shang: inal Mnicipal Cotined! Electricity Depts sdmownt of Haw ‘Material Conmumed Annually: 40,000 bales raw colton Chinese, Amerioan and Indian. "Annual Output? About 51,000 betes of 400 lbs. cach. Prademark: Paw Kwenge Extensions Mle. Kurach’, the mannging dissctor, stated ta ‘lone, 1923, that the company anteipated extending the plant to tho river sido of tho Chinese toad to. Wootungy Gpon the compotion of this extension, considerable now ‘equipment wil bo purchased, eo RH SING CHIH COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Opie: 18 Chi Ci Ha Tong” Peking, Ui; Poot, Huge Peking nlite ia." Capitals p00 ra: Wa Sung-chie, general anager; Chang Yau-ting, al manager, “dnl Sonsumpios of ‘Colom 4608 Picula of Spindice’ Operating 1030; projected 12,400, Doteon'& Barlow. Phoers Biot, 860 hp. alorer ao ae SU LUN COTTON MILL (P10 Toso Comox Maxx) Location: Outside Pan Men Gate, Soochow, Kiangau Province. Halablished: 1806, Capital: Tie: 887,600 0 bbe increased. "Operated by the Sheng Kee Co.? Chang Tang, manager Annual Cotton Consumption «Over 455,000" pious. annual Output: 16,600 bales of yarn $ 10, 12, T4'and 18 counts, quipment: 22,568 spindles, Dobson “& “Barlow 10 carding, machines, Debuon i Barlow; 1 compaund engine, John & Edward Wood, Hagland ; 2 electric generetors, 00 iw. eeoh'; 3 boilers, ‘Thomas ‘Boaly Hyde. -Zaborere: 3000. Trade Mark? ‘Tien Kwan.” History’ Thi mill waa closed a few years after its establishment because of bad management. In 1017, Liu Pai-sung formed the Peo Tung Co. and ronted {he il‘ te, when there was tong der for fotton yarn. Profits, consequently,” were large at fret ‘The company began to lose money before tho expiration of the Siyore louse, and the mill was opernted for about fone your by Wong Sheng-tao and Wong Chiasioh. In the spring of Top he Shag Kee Co, ranaged by Chang Ie pang Iearod the mill, epaying His. 140,000 which had been spent on improveznants by Wong and Wong. The rll was closed during August, 1922, for a complete over hauling’ of the ‘machiuery. About’ $100,000, was spent by the Sheng Kee Co. for fopalrs. ao om SUNG HSING COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Head Office : 88 Kiangso Road, Shanghai. Cable add., “Mowuiflour,” Shanghai. Geveral Manager TK. Yung Mall Managers :Y. K. Yuen, U-5. Yung, ¥. C. Yung and 10.2, Ting. Butabliched - August, 1018, with 12,370 spindles sand 250 Toome in Mill No- ly and capital of $200,000. ‘Branches have sinoe been established at Shanghai, Washi ‘aid Hankow. ‘The average working daily output Js 90 bales of cotton yan and-1,000 pietes of cloth. About 400 pices of cloth aro used dally Yor raanufucturing Hour bage supplied to nine flour milla under the management of fi Sung, genaral manager ofthe cotton mill company. Maxx No. 1 Tocation: Brongn Road, Shanghal. Eaablished = 1Me. “Registered ©” July, 1952.” Capital: $3,000,000. ‘Mut superintendent? ¥.'R, Yung. Annuat Cotton Cone ‘sumption "82,500" picuis, Anvual Output: Yarn and 0 REA'S FAR EASTERN MANUAL ‘Thrvad ; 74,300 baler: Cloth, 180,000 pleees. No. of Spindles: 39,752 ; $0,328, Saco-Lowell, and the rast” Asa eos. No. of Looms’ 1,100, Taya Loom Works, aud Grogaon & Mole Power: Electre. Employees: 4000. rademarks: Mao. and Ball, ‘Maxx No. 2 Loraion: 4 Febang Road, Shanghal, Eablnhed: 1907. “Capital: $1,000,000." Stu Superintendent: Ting. St’ Coton Connmmption 1.000 peas, As ‘ual’ Outputs Yar ond "Thread, 31,000 bales. No. of Spindles 34,054 Whitin, Patt Bros, Dobson & Barlow No. of Loome: 200, Wan. Dickinson, projectad.. Power ‘Electro and steain. Employees: 1,800. Trademark “Yarn and, Pad’ Fiying Hore. Hlatry; Chines apd toerthante established the mill’in 1907 ndor iP asm of Riu Cheng Cotton Mile 224 spindles, sno by Dotwon & Barlow in 1894, wor brought from Japan ‘was obtained by Japanese. Aft the mil had operated alow for some youre it was eloera in 1016. ‘The follow: {ng your & Chinese concer, the Heng Chang Yuan Cotton Splaning & Weaving Co. Lid. orguntued hy Two Lan Fong, ecg el nd grad for several om win Be was bought by. Mus. No. 3 Leeation: Weat, Gate, Wsih, Kiangma Province. Eutabiished 1021. Capital: $3,000,000. - Mill Managers: iS, Mang ond NS Yun "Ne. of Spina 3608, Saco-Lowell, Howard & Bullough, Whithin. Loom Stewed Coton’ Con: 04,000 fice. Employes” 3,800, eretamgene tS00hp. Bolles Lamson. fee WO {mil aggrogate 1,600 hp. Boilers, 44,780 a. ‘with rupethters,stokere, economisors, nduord draught an, food purnpe, ete; mappied through Jardine Ragineer- Ihe Corp Led” Nove: "Rm mill wan granted exemptions From likin, March 25, 1923, Mus. No. 4 Location : Kino Kow Wei, Hankow, Hupeh Province Eubivshad 1921. Coplial $500,000,” Employees: 100, Antal Cotton Gon, 31,000 pies. Power: Steam, "No. 2f Spindices 15,000, Saco-Lowell. 2 EH DAH COTTON SPINNING CO, LTD. Ofer; No. 1 Tain Yuen Leo, Poking Ron, Shanghwi. ait 36a nah Shanpha’ “Baiiaieg foe th ato 3060. Cea Pe 1,000,000. Offer (F, Mob, General Manager ; 8. C: Moh, Ofice Manager ‘EY dvang, Mill Manage!) T.K. Zee, Bagineer. antaal ‘Row Coton Coneumption : 39,000 pica. “Annual Output: Farm and’ thread 10,000. bales. Spindle 2.880" for Shread and “16140 for gam, John ‘Hetherington. 2m poor a Bowers Hts tee. odie fre, 1's, 10, 20°, Pagoda; 32% and 42's thread, Cviiod Beauty. aa tw R . TIENTSIN COTTON AND WOOL WEAVING ©O,, LID. Ofice: 4 Sixth Road, Italian Concession, ‘Tentsin. Cable Adds, Mentokesisa."” Cotton and _ woollen hoads, baskets ; wool snd cotton whipped. Weavia as yee ga ‘achines, ” Baie: 10 ¥.200,000, one quarter paid "up. "0 SriEapaina: naneging decor K. Gel chief engine HE Ujihare, manager. eo TING SING COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Tocation Keng Chen Bridge, Hoochow, Chek Brovinse. Whanghas Offer: 0. S67 Paleo Road. Hates Hiekeds i900, "Popiads" $400,000. "Optra Managing Girector: S.-C. Kao Mill manager: KG. Kao. Cotton WredAnoally = 42,000 pieuls. Yearly Oulput of Yarn 12,000 bales. No. of Spindies 20,860 J. Hetherington & Sons, ta, and Doboon & Taslow, Led. "No.of Eeomat 875. "Power Steam, 50 ip. Trademarke: Unieors, Wave, Son hon for yarn :'and Unicom, Deer, Elephant ion for cloth. Note: Taw ‘goton has been imported from abroad increasing quantities to moot the requirements of the Ting Sing Cotton Mil "The cotion grown in the Drovinoo is also used, aa wll ox cotton from ‘Tungehow find Shang, but for the finer counts it haa been found fmential 40 roly on the American article becauso of Hts fonger staple. ‘The products of the ‘Ting Hin Cotton. Milf wfico to supply the needs not only of the immediate neighbourhood but ® growing maskt at places south of Shanghal a eR ea ee TOKWA BOSEKI KABUSHIKI (Corsea Sena Co, Lap. ocuon: 91 Ward. Road, Shighal- Ofte: C: supay"managor distor: Me Haba director, Rsand get %Opinoy manager: Ti, chi englem 5. fengineer. "Capual:, (authorized), Y-20,000,000. im Too shares at 20 per Share; Paidup, ¥°10,80,000. (Yl. pee share) Repinered:. Apri 10, 102 itn japanese ‘Consulate ‘in Shanghai." Byuipment: TOW000 spndlcsarein operation ot Mil No, 1 Shanta Ordon have Bese "plicod (Hathoriagtn) or 48.300 spindles for Mall No. 3, and £0,000 spines for Mill No. Be both ills to be in Shanghai, "Note: The ‘Tokwa ‘oscki ‘Kabushiki Keisha, with an original enpital of ¥.70,000,000 mos empelgusbated Ss May, 1021, with the Ghaalowe Naori Kabushikt Kaisha which had an authorized ital of 100,000 with 2 00,000 pau, making ‘Bk Re aio capital of ¥.30.000,600 Tor he “ocounts, “Marek 31, 1921': Lands, ¥.388,588, Factory ‘equipment’ and implements, Y. 24.2005 Buildings, 281,108 ; Resorvo implements, ¥. 97,968 ; Machinery, ‘¥.1,004,530 ; Weaving Machinery Depeslt, ¥.1,055,4585 Machinery Ytdsid; This” tors Tous, itn Yisa0.07F; Low Belance’ cared forward ‘othe ex ssooune, ¥te 00. Re th Fe TOYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA. (Tove Comox Srnexine Co., L2D,) Operating Yu Fong Cotton Mills. Town Ofice: 6 Kivkiang ‘Roady, Shanghal. Mili: 163 Yangtanepoo Rond, Shanghai. Cable Add, eee na ge. de Nehaya Nishimora, chit eng. stablished » June, 1017. 1 ¥,80,000,000 Ald Sie: 0-mow.. MU Wa. Ie Sa ee te apie 8 eens TOYODA COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING Businese Office: 09 Saschuen Road, She Estabtished : May, 1921, Capital: Ti. 6,000,000." Loca Hons No. | and No. 3, 97 Yu Yaen Road, Shanghai, Mux. No. 1 No. of Spindles: 30,120, Platt Bros. Minx. ‘No. 2 No. of Spindice: 18,812, Whitin Machine Wks. 5 projected, 3,744. CHINA SECTION—COTTON MILLS «om ‘TTSUNG YUEN COTTON MILL Location: Teington, Shantung Prov. A. now enter. [prise promoted by Japaiess. Spindies 10,000 projected. ‘Tho mills listod {without details) inthe 1032 report of the Chineso Cotton Millowners' Association. TUNG CHU COTTON MILL S00 Ho Feng Spinning & Weaving Co, Ltd., Ningpo, Chekiang Prove * Per ee aK wo TUNG WEI KUNG COTTON MILL Farm: 8,000 balee. No. of Spindler: “10,920 (project 1,640), Brooks Doxey, Lard Powers Steam, 320 Ripe Taboreres 738.” ‘Trade Mark Lily Flower and’ Boe. wea ‘TUNG YIH COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO, LID. o 1 Wjenten Road, ‘Shanghat, Mill: aoxtltbas Raed, Shanghai, “Babich September Tea Reyer Become 1520, ‘Copel Te F800 008, hese ‘Yorn chvang, tnnwal’ Consumption of Coen $8,008 picoia’” Ameuat Ouipue of Yarn 10,000. bales, No, of Spindles 35,112, Saco-Lowell,” Power: lectic. 1,400 hu. Laborera: 3,400, rade’ Marke: ‘Teh Li ‘Toan Lung Flower, t eo ue WEI TUNG COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING FACTORY, LTD. Lectin: Cor Pnglang and Lay Roads, Yengtasepoo, Ton Opes St Avanos Baar Vil Snog™ hha, "Busbihed October, 1918, ‘Repitered: Fobraaiy, {ttn, “Canal $1000 denal Aone Gna Keabiah, “annual Onipat of Yarn? 18340 balen’ Nov Spindles Operating 00k; under Snetalaton, 10°, Boone’ a "Boney Oo" No. af Toone 200." Power! Elect, 920 pe Laborers? 1400, Trade Mork; Golden Heal Bokcoc. Sboranirrs "he thie sharchoes of the Eoeapaay are Cheng Yerting sod Cheng Wrje, bot ot Gkanchow, Kmangig. "Ens company es orptcised fa 219 "and the factory” ulldinge were completed the summer of 1020." ‘The Tecan) ta hash aren of 28 few,“ ain baling rere) bo or ih Ted'has door space ah GAT ads Tw: grom alt dorm role “tting‘thop, boller ce Sa dormiteey, godowee Biting ‘op, bol aie te aa ae act ‘enneraretion,"Hlctic power ie hain fom te Shanghai! Montcipal Counc > ee of HP. No, of turns partment fotors each per minute Cotton Biting Room we ae BOP g8O. Cotton Purigeation Room 1 Ga 73, Gotten Carding Room 11130 Thick) Yarn Room Bali ‘Room * 2 200730 ‘Thin Yarn Room 2 go Ro Fitting Shop 1 Total” 020 hp. Machines (all {rom Brooks & Doxey Co.) un No.of No.of No. tums per H.P. each “minute requires 008 fos 3 os ot wee ms me 0 10 fo "8 te Sars Bi we eral on 3 800548 oy asad 2 on 6 fost 8 1 Sm} 2 Cutting’ Up Boarde Splicing, Machines with Mea: Polling.on Machines Roller Ending: Machines with Fan Gompicie “Automatio Rallor Calenders” Steipping Appliances -- mB RK WING ON TEXTILE MFG. Co, LTD. amie: Wing On Co. (Shanghai) Lid Nanking Read Shanghal Mls Hain Hang, Yangtazopoo, Shengha aaa. Wg Shaul Seaehe 1Rt poration in October, 1025. Gap: Ti, 6,000,000. ra? Kp ay chief discior; I Shen, gener! Tanager. oe 0,250 Seco-Lowell, designed to spin 10'* and 36e"yara, Powers Elastic, Tralemart : Engle Mit Buiudng Tho main sal balding is 808, by 120.1. two ‘orien witha two sory Le B04, by 80g” Te val ne {foro eonorste Shoughos with stl wash and bas two ‘ouitor 40.fe wide extending practically the length of ‘he bullng, wile incor lght"and sentation for the Xap for. “hnroughowe the Ping hardwood Aoors ste ‘Shar a worn apace hee ne hs sneas for tonvoying atock from! one foor to the other and several sire eo enone ‘ot. he ate tril netuogey all ite ripped with totale: Fectors of approved design nnd all wring for motors and Ming i oe teal andy mil» ted rom ite own a 1 room i equ With automate aprile. Spitning (oom? In! the ‘Pom ‘tor ar riety pining fri, the standard ‘Pitame motor deve boog uid. Mise motores se wall ap fi othem i the mil woe supplied by the Intention tric Company. The, arrangement of me chnry inthis oom alls lant of working pace and th ‘natural lighting a excellent. Bieating Plant Plant is located spproximately 390-ft from tho main ‘sytem in sed with tovo 5-48-10, 12 REA’S roan hae teen ain the bole rom for thn ia Praise utente Waals? Wea ay i Rtn are ett P'S teats fe ERT pean pang eed tae ones seer ae aat Coms Fess aa aati feere eeaca ttt A Wochington vacua Kath sth, east ond Saas ta aa aaa os eatin fr eo se ste Aaa ten sien hs Femur aeschear he ete pan eat SSE ae ast Sean, we seed Seay dahoe deer la se elite sl ae earn a a wat tell i polaron, hich were feria by local concerns. FU, ohn denon atin Wha Su Conta, SEO tae os Seana ng en eat yal aa ey eh Epsin sydneys Agate ith departments sore,- Since Sea ates Oe Conrad? hae eon sare i Hahn Sgt ac call ao Sng Here a recP ie ouput hacen sl wi Bo Maal edn te compas dopatoant sone YAMATO SENRYO SEIFU KABUSHIKI KAISHA (Yaar Dee Srurr axp Crors Myo. Co.) Head Office: Xo. 00, Chiyoda-cho, Dairon, Capital (authored) 5.6.4. 3,000,000. paid up, J.G-¥ 500,000, Profuse’. Cotton cloth, earpets, ete” Manuinetarers testile trade. ‘of yee and chemicals used in me Hh YEH CHIN COTTON MILL Location: Hain Lung Bridge, Wosih, Kiangen Prov: non, “Operated by the Feo Chen Co, Capital: $800,000, Gers SC” Yang. panaging tors. K ‘Yang, mil manager, fC. Chang, business manager, Annsial Consumption. of Colton” 20,000 piculs. Annual ‘utpne : 500 betes of yarn : 12, 14'and 10 counta,” No. of Spindle 13,882, Dobson & Barlow. Power: Steam, fn. for eotton tilly 100 hp. for gia howe. Gin than ono 10 Kew, slocteig gonorator, Japanese make. Taborere: 1200," rade. Mart: See "Hai Son ‘Pin History: The Yeh. Chin "Cotton Mall waa promoted in 1806 by Menara. Yang Tong end Yong Ousong with 2 spiel of $200 0005 The buinea did not prosper fand the ill was rented to the Fu Cheng Co., in 1008 for four years. The Tang T Co. took over the operation of ‘the plant in 1013, "In March, 1916, the Foo Chen Cow, (Gaplet, $200,000) leased ‘the’ mill for ten ‘years at ait ‘Situal rental of $80,000. ee me ‘YU CHUNG (NO. 1) COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO. Location : Tao Kou, Wah, Anhwwoi Province. Shang- hot Office: 801 Honan’ Road. Established : 1019. Mstereds” April, "1021, Capiil* $1,000,000; resorve, ‘2 meet 40 ineroaso the capital from $800,000 to. $1,000,000 and {to make theoo additions in physical oquipment 6,000 to" cost” $273,000) "other machinery to ‘cost 7,000 ; ‘and a warehouse to cost $60,000. FAR EASTERN MANUAL YU FOONG COTTON MILLS See Toyo Boseki Kabushiki Kaisha, Shanghai. ew ik Mi YU FOONG COTTON MILL Head Office: 18Ts Kiangse Road, Shanghei. Branch Offce: 17 Shensun 2nd Roed, Hankow. Afi: Cheng tow, Honan Province. Cable Add.” 8700." Bata Blied Fine, 1919.” Capital: Tis. 8,000,000. "Offers EY At, minagingdiretor 6: Woo, uperinndent ‘and businear manager. Annual Consumption of Catton 190,000 picula. Arnal Output: Yar, 42,500 bales loti, 8,000" pioces. "Spindice: 61,840 " Seco-Lowell Teoma; 200 Compton and ‘Knowles. Power: lectie, 5,000" ew." Other: Equipment: Foundiy, machine shop, ie. Employees: 4,460." "Prademarks: 108 yarn, Double Happiness and Aeroplane ; 12s, 18s, Pagoda ? 10er Pagoda, ‘Aoroplana: 20, Pagoda, Aeroplane ; 12-Ibe. drily Five Elders; 1S-bs. shecting. Precious Hook, Hemarks: The ‘machipory is from tho Saco-Lowell Works of Boston and the electrical equipment from the Intemational General Electr Company’ of New York sapplied and. installed ‘rough Andersen, Meyer & Company” of Shanghai. ‘The Inlll it Tocated atiout 18 ‘les from the Yellow Riven, Decesitating the sinking of soven artesian wells, 250 to '800.t-daop for tho rll wator cupply. Several other wells fare to be sunk for the supply of the workers. ad a ee YU HOU COTTON SPINNING AND WEAVING CO; LID. Changsha, twas purchased in Shanghai i Masch, 1923. The promo: ters were Tai Lien, Hing Pangeliand 23 other men. The mill was established to supply the demands for cotton ‘yarn in Honan Province which excesded the output of Exiting mills.” The promoters of the new entorpeite con Eider that cotton mille in Hunan. Province have these lsdvantages over the Shanghal mille: ‘The choupness of foodstuffs and wages in Hunn, the nbundance of cotton fand coal, the lange demand for cotton yam in the neigh boring provinoes of Kwangtung and Kweichow and the Aificuity in importing yarn from Shanghai and Hankow ‘daring the latter part of suturon and only part of winter, Me SR YU HUA COTTON SPINNING AND WEAVING CO, LTD. Ofice: Sen Chong Li, Hankow, Hupoh Prov. Milt ‘Sha “sin Ho, Wacbang, Supe’ Prov. Capital Tie, 1,560,000. “Beabished 1921; hogan operation in’ April 1992" Oftceres Haw Yung-ting, chairman of the Bosrd of Directors; Chang Sung-ehsna, manager. Spindice 30,000, ‘Aaa “Lacs: Looms : 800, G- Keighley. Daily. Oujput: 430,000 ibe of 16° cotton yarn and 100 pisces (each 40 yd Jong) of shieting, “Bmployes's 1100+, Pacer: Sted nilow engino. Boilers, 3B. & W., 2,080 sq.ft, has? ‘lant capacity” 1,800 hp. Prades + “Bvergroon.” Tse, Altar of “Boule eodkn™ Me eit YU KONG COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO. LTD. Tesation: North Gato, Wosih,, Kiangsa Province. Eatgbished Novorabor, 1920. Registered April, 1921 Gapieal:" $800,000." Offers: Hisuch” Nan-raing.chiek irwotor; “Hang, Shou-yi, general manager. No. of ‘Spindles: 14,000 (British), “Power: "Steam, 600" hp. ‘Laborers: 1,200. CHINA SECTION ‘COTTON MILLS us ee KH YU TAH COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING Co, LTD. Offce: 24 Hsin Tein Li, Japaneso, Settlement, ‘Tientem, Chili Province. All: Laoyentow, Tahchikosh, ‘Tientan, ‘Chili Provinen. Batablaked May, 1030 Registered: Sune, 1922. Capital: $8,000,000 ; paid-up, $1,500,000.“ Oftcere: Wong Ke-min, chit director: Chon Huabsong, general manager; Ko ‘Teh-yi, mill manager, Now of Spindles: 36,712, Saco-Lowall. Power: ‘Wloctric 1,500" tew., Wostinghouso. Laborers: 2,000, Trade Mark: San’ Kuang.” Trade Morke? ‘Yarn’ and Thread ‘Dragon, Aeroplane. ae ew ‘YU TAI COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO, LTD. Location: Chitang, Changin, Kiangea Province. Rataisahed Foy, 1805. Repistered + Tassaary, 1008 Gat“, 300,50. "Genera Manager» Ga Cuong raat Conmanpton of Caton: 5,00 oan Aru tap of Farm 0 tig” No. Lafenae 18,000 {8,000 ea’ Toes). "Power 3 oom Tre ark Weaving “Girl 1 or Mie e17, jperating st lose, Chu leased tho mill in Jol ‘Shon Keo Go. for five years at-an ania! rental Sf Tle, 20,000. Hung Mfing-tu and Chu Yao-ching formed the Shen Tee Co. with w capital of Tl, 50,000. "When ‘the Tease expired in July, 1982. Chu operated. the mill ‘until Jenunry Ty. 1923, when he leusod the plant to Koo Hsin Tat an antl rontal of Ms. 40,000, "An additional £5,000 rpindles will be_parchared. ee mR YU YUAN COTTON SPINNING & WEAVING CO., LTD. Head Offee: Kotobuki Road, Japanese Concession, ‘Tientein, Cable Address "Yuyuan” or "4701". Mant {acturors and sellers of cotton yarn and cloth. ila: No Spinning Mill, No. 2 Spinning MU, No. 8 Weaving Ml, tnd No. T Woeving Mall located at Siao Liu Chorang, ‘entain. | Eaablishad: Noveraber, 1918. Registered : 101, Capital’ $3,000,000 ; Rowwrve, | $258,000. Offers Geral manager! Chto Pinghing; Mil managers Chao Ghing-ming ; Directors: Wang we tung, Tuan Huo helang, Nee Ping-won, Wei Sing-ehen and Woo Chih:nan. No. of Spindion? "T1,840, Saco-Lowell, No. of Louma : 300, Compton and ‘Knowien.. Laborers; “4,200.” Power? ‘Electro, 1,000 kw. "Boilers, 6B. & W., 13,380%q. fea: ‘tokers nd muperhoaters. Preduction "A daily output of 2000.16. of yarn germrally is conmmed in Mentain and fhe "neighboring istrict: Annual’ Oulput of Yarn: 26,191 bales ‘Remarks: Tho Sext unit of the mill waa constructed in 41017, and was under operation in 1018 with 26,000 spindles. ‘The promote are high ollcals, and tho mill has been Enanced by a few men, ‘the Grst three. youre ‘enormous profit was realizd, and with this the socond ‘extonsion of 25,000 spindles was made in 1920, and a ‘third extension of 21,810 more spindles and 500 loom waa Iminde in 1021." ‘Thus with a total of 71,540 apiadles aod 1800 Tooms, i. becomes tho ‘mill undar the same ‘management, in the North, and one of the largect "alle in'China, Among tho factory that havo eontsiouted £0 i ion av fone ad finn on Sh ar of the tegehor with ood ystems of bockkceping, recording. of production, and laborers, ote.” ‘The i fmploye practically all young men, called apprentices, from 12 Years old and upwaris, with w fow women-op- ives. Lodging and food are provided free to the a= [prentices and mechaniow’ families. ‘The tonoment roots fre built of one story near tho mill for al operativen, ‘Be daily production par opine for 10 yar for so-calod 2 hows ie over iby and for 10' nearly 3b, On the ‘avornge the percentage ix from 5 to 10 higher than other Chiness milla ‘The breaking. strength of 16's yarns is nearly 00, and of 10's over 1101. ‘two things have ‘made’ tho’ mill succeaefal in. tho manufscturing” end. Roving, draw frame and epinsing frame operatives, aro nid by Sanka. Ta average. Chinoso milly there aro about Eo {empresa 10,00 spider oth dey and iat 1 hia mill employs 5 to. 10 per cent loms “Tn ‘ther calle many emall children, not tll enough fo Feach, {the front ral af spianing frames, aro employed ; in thia ‘mill o peraon under 12 years of ego ls eraployed.” Dining halls are provided for operatives outside the mill proper. ‘Tho welfare features for tho employees have been dovelop- cot "Foa ronan sl coal etarng yaa, reding Foor, library, ete, are provided. Neaty every operating ‘oeeiven a bonus tice year af from $10 to $150. Every: Snlariod man receives more then 200” percent. bone monthly. The shareholders have bees receiving. over 50 por cont, dividends besides the additional shar for tho”now additions. American equipment mipplied through Andorsen, Moyer «Co. ee RK YUNG YU COTTON SPINNING CO., Office: B.A93 Sines Road, Shanghai, i: NW Soochow Crock, Ferry Rotd” Shi Batabiihod + August, 1910, 1820," Capial: Repitired Saouarye EW 00. act anaes Sang sun”e of Srna 14600 rake Bote. Loma: 0." Power: Steasn, S00" hp. Laborers B80. rade Mark: Great Chins” aoe ZOONG SING COTTON MILLS LTD., ‘Toon Offor: 8 Row Dui Consaet, Shanghai. Mill: Pang Poo, Den Ki Doo, Shanghes “Agente: RD. Tate Shanghal, Haabtised: Sunes 1920.” Capel Ts 20002 000. "Directors: B.D. ‘Tata (chairman, Zao Sung a Woo Linga, E. Nissim and a. David. Stags B. Ht Chavale, anager G20. Mavelvaia, nrding and spinning Soaster.” No. of Spindiess 30,000, Howard © Bullgughe Power’ Sisam! Pradonark tober * SM ji-ducah

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