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de Puebla



Rigoberto Zaragoza Lavín

8 M A . M E C A T R O N I C E N G I N E E R I N G

Personal Protective Equipment or PPE are equipment, parts, or devices that prevent a person

from having direct contact with the dangers of risky environments, which can lead to injury and


The goal of this research is to assess the state of the laboratories provided by the university for

our career. We need to know how students we are working in, the care we need to have, and

what the university should provide us with. Since without a doubt one of the most important things

is to take care of our health first and foremost.

This work is focused on demonstrating how important each of the things designed to protect us,

the uses that each one has, that it can protect us depending on the area of work, who must

provide these elements, who are responsible for using them and important standards for both the

student and the university.


This research as mentioned above is directed to the Universidad Politécnica de Puebla, being

more specific to its Laboratories of Mechatronics and another that relates it. The university is

located in the Tercer Carril del Ejido "Serrano" s/n San Mateo Cuanalá. Juan C. Bonilla, Puebla,

This university provides specialized education in different areas, offers a wide variety of

engineering and master's degrees to prepare as much as possible for its students.

The laboratories to which this research is directed are located within the university distributed in

different buildings, however, the laboratories available to mechatronics engineering students are

located specifically in the LT1 building, which has workshops or laboratories of pneumatics, tools,

telecommunications, electronics, automotive, CNC, etc. Because the mechatronics race

encompasses a bit of different engineering we make use of virtually every laboratory that is inside

this building.


It is important to mention that outside of surveys, throughout my course of the race I have noticed

and heard some facts that are important to mention.

In terms of personal protection, it has caught my attention from the beginning that when I was in

high school all these elements were provided to us by the school, only we were asked to wear

our own robe for hygiene reasons and even if you did not want to wear the lenses, masks, gloves,

etc. for the state in which they were located and / or by hygiene it was my own decision to wear

new ones or that were to your liking. But whether it was yours or the lab, it was MANDATORY.

These things inside the university don't happen, starting because there aren't many of these

teams. If it is true that we have subjects that go hand in hand with all this, and have been

mentioned that if the company or in our case the university does not provide us with the right

elements, we for personal care we must acquire each of them to be safer within the laboratories.

However, there is another problem and is that within the university many times we do not demand

each of these teams so it is very easy for us to never use them. That is why some rules that

should be applied by the university and supervised by the managers of the different laboratories

will be released, and of course some aimed at the students that they will have to comply with.

To inform us correctly and accurately, a survey was conducted on 12 people, specifically students

of the mechatronics degree of our UNIVERSITY UPPue.

Below you will see the survey that was conducted. It has really been very important to see that at

least the dangers, priorities and responsibility of each one to use personal protective equipment

are known. I suppose this is because somehow we already had training on PPE, the dangers,

accidents, injuries and even illnesses.


1. Which of the following articles are PPE sections?

A. Safety Glasses.

B. Earplugs.

C. The Gloves.

D. All of the above options.

2. Who decides to use PPE when required?

A. You.

B. College.

C. Your supervisor.

3. Whose responsibility is it to provide the required PPE?

A. Yours.

B. From college.

C. A and B.

4. Whose responsibility is it to use the required PPE?

A. Yours.

B. From college.

C. A and B.
5. Which of the following is a valid reason for not using PPE when is required?

A. You're busy.

B. He's just doing a quick job.

C. It's awkward.

D. None of the above options.

6. What is the purpose of a hard helmet?

A. The Stamina of Falling Objects.

B. Protect from dangers above your head.

C. Hearing protection.

D. A and B.

7. Which of the following can cause a severe eye injury if not

is proper eye protection used?

A. Aerial metal particles.

B. Nails or toes.

C. The Chemicals.

D. All of the above options.

8. Safety goggles offer eye-appropriate protection

when you work with chemists.

A. True.

B. False.

9. When noise levels reach 85 decibels or more,

wear hearing protection.

A. True.

B. False.
10. The PPE offers little or no protection if not used correctly.

A. True.

B. False.

11. All gloves provide the same basic level of protection.

A. True.

B. False.

12. How often should you inspect your PPE to ensure that it is in good condition and operation?

A. Before each use

B. Once a week

C. Once a month

D. When necessary


Without a doubt the most controversial question is one conducted within the survey, which has

been number 3, which asks us about who is responsible for providing us with the required PPE,

the vast majority of the sample of 12 people has responded that the university, however, on the

other hand is also our responsibility, "if we know that the university does not provide us with

security equipment, we must see our own safety"

So through this we have a solution aimed at both parties, we as students many are foreign, which

we often decide to invest our money in other things and not in security equipment, but I think if

we are so aware of the consequences and problems we might have we must make the effort to

buy some elements of personal use, such as tampons, lenses, gloves, and others of not very high

price. But all those who are of a higher price could ask the career management or the university

to provide them to work in a safer area and feel more comfortable within it such as masks,

helmets, eye wash, etc.

Another very important thing is the rules, maybe we are no longer small enough that they are

taking care of us, but for something there are the rules and rules, and there must be someone
within each laboratory who corroborates that we are actually using each of the protective

equipment well.

In this way and unconsciously perhaps a habit will be generated which will continue generation

after generation avoiding accidents or worse even serious injuries.

There are things so basic that many times when we start we don't know, so it's important for

someone to guide us in the course of time or time that we're inside the lab, because small

oversights can pass us bills.

On one occasion I was in an industrial mechanics laboratory in a CTis in which I was studying,

and a colleague forgot to pick up his sleeve before using the lathe, so he started from a thread to

pull until he took his robe completely, he managed to take off his robe but a few more seconds

and probably would have taken his arm , the truth was that it was a very shocking moment for me

apart from many others and that is why I began to take so much importance to all the protective

equipment apart from almost losing the arm in an accident, I appreciated how important it is to

have a limb, that if it were to be missing in your body you would stop doing things as you usually



I am sincerely very happy to know that the few colleagues who have responded to my survey

have mostly done it correctly, that tells me that they are somehow alert to something that may

cause them an accident or injury. Since I do not wish anyone any kind of accident inside the

laboratories and less without having the right equipment both to prevent and to attend to any


On the other hand, there are people who do not yet take enough importance to take care of

themselves, despite carrying materials such as maintenance of machines in which all these points

are seen and continue to take it as a game. Or many others simply don't have much knowledge

of it, which is why I will provide brief explanations of some of the protective equipment and a guide

that will need to be done in virtually every laboratory to make them as safe as possible.

Basic safety standards are a set of measures designed to protect the health of all, prevent

accidents and promote the care of laboratory material. They are a set of common sense practices:

the key element is the responsible attitude and awareness of all:

Rules that may be used may include:

- Leave the tool in place.

- Wear special helmet, lenses and shoes.

- Wear appropriate clothing for the place.

- Cutting machines must have their insurances.

- All outlets, must have a lock or a box for each certain number of outlets, and signaling.



It is recommended to wear a hat or hard helmet in the work area of the plant. The helmet prevents

injuries and blows to the head from the impact of a falling object. The hat shell is composed of a

high-impact plastic designed to withstand a bump without slitting or breaking an edge along the

top, and helps deflect objects when falling to reduce their impact.


Gloves: The protection of hands and arms is very important; this varies depending on the

operation to be performed. Gloves must be loose enough to be able to pull them quickly in case

of accidents due to jams, burns, etc.


Appropriate footwear is very important for work areas for two reasons:

• Presence of slippery surfaces

• For the danger of bumps to the toes from a heavy object, or the danger of a sharp or sharp

object that endangers the sole of the foot.


Aprons and sleeves: This type, is used in machining and welding work for several reasons among

which are the protection of burns by means of heat and radiation to the body and arms.

Any rotating machine, such as turbine shafts, pumps, belts, compressors, poses safety risk when

excessive noises exist must protect the ears as the noise is an irritant and ranges from 90 to 140

decibels. It is in these areas where ear protection is required and is depending on the place and

intensity to use or choose the necessary protection within a wide range of existing items among

which we have plugs, ear cap, etc.


In the eyes it is always recommended for any working plant. Lenses can be made of safety glass

or plastic, for example, googles. Plastic ones are lighter but glass ones show greater safety and

scratch resistance, and have a longer life. The bouglies are available in soft plastic that fits on a

pair of regular prescription lenses.


For this is highly recommended felt and rubber respirators, this is a new generation of respirators,

which are designed to provide maximum comfort and protection to the person who wears them.

The filter has an ergonomically balanced design that prevents pressure in certain areas of the

face and neck, this type of respirator is necessary to use it in areas of gun paint or in areas where

organic and other vapors are handled.


• To request the use of the laboratory, it is necessary for each person to present their credential.

• All signs with safety signs and warnings must be respected without exception.

• If a practice is scheduled during the course, which may present any potential safety risk, the

teacher will give the instructions and recommendations of the case, but no student will be

authorized to modify, in any way the experiment, unless he has express authorization from his


• When the student is unsure of the handling or operation of a team, ask their teacher or ultimately

the lab manager for help.

• No equipment (oscilloscopes, sources, voltmeters, power cables, oscilloscope tips, monitors

and keyboards in the laboratory can be opened, changed from artboard, disconnected or altered

in any way.

• It is strictly forbidden to run in laboratories, as well as the practice of games, jokes and other

irresponsible behaviors.

• The location of safety elements in the workplace, such as: fire extinguishers, emergency exits,

should be known.

• Eating, drinking or smoking will not be permitted inside laboratory facilities.

• Any type of liquid substances, such as water, soft drinks, alcohol, gasoline, etc. should not be

left near circuits or electrical equipment.

• Avoid the use of metal chains, necklaces, rings and bracelets.

• During the development of laboratory work, make sure your hands are dry.

• Always maintain Order and Cleanliness:

• Keep work tables clean, tidy, backpack-free and free of foreign materials.
• Check the correct assembly of an equipment or circuit before use.

• Place waste and waste in places intended for this purpose.

• Remove from tables and place in place the material or equipment that has already been used


Although it does not seem to the naked eye it is a very important issue, and that we must take

into account at all times. As I mentioned earlier and maybe a lot of people have had the same

thing, until things don't happen to you, and we really shouldn't wait for that, because we may not

have a chance to realize it and it's too late.

From what I have talked to teachers who usually use the laboratories, we have been told that

very rarely accidents have happened, and hopefully it will remain so.

Because once talking to Professor Vivanco and told me that it is really difficult to attend an

accident, first of all you don't have what it takes, and the university is in a place quite far from a

hospital or clinic, the ambulance in a serious case may take about 30 minutes to arrive, time that

can be fundamental to save the life of said student, teacher, teacher or supervisor.

It is a topic that the university should be much more interested in, but more than anything we as

future engineers, protecting ourselves and others, and we must set an example so that more

students in our career and other careers see how fundamental it is.

"No job is so urgent that it must be done without security. None"

Milpo Company.


 Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres. (11 de junio de 2019). ¿Sabes qué es el

Equipo de Protección Personal (EPP)?. 29 de mayo de 2020, de Gobierno de México

Sitio web:

 Ing. Andrés Gordon. (marzo 2017). GUÍA DE SEGURIDAD Y SALUD PARA LAS



29 de mayo de 2020, de SlideShare Sitio web:

 (mayo 1997). EQUIPOS DE PROTECCIÓN PERSONAL. 29 de mayo de 2020, de Real





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