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An Anger Management lesson from

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w (may the mercy and peace of Allah be upon him) said that the strong
among humanity is not the one with strong muscles who can win a wrestle but the one who
controls their anger and leaves an argument even if they were right. The feeling of being angry
does not necessarily land you in Jahanam (Hell-Fire) but it is what you do with the anger that
could lead you to Jahanam. Thus, people who allow their anger to get the better of them and
control their behaviour/attitudes are in fact, being lead down the dangerous path towards
Jahanam. So it is important to supplicate to Allah to erase our short comings, to have mercy on
us and forgive us our sins and to bless us with a good end in Jannah (an everlasting abode in

The following story is an example of how a companion of the Prophet s.a.w controlled his anger
by remembering his ultimate priorities and goals and fearing Allah.

One day a Jewish man was walking his dog when he passed a companion of the Prophet s.a.w,
he wanted to provoke the companion, so he said: hey you Muslim! what's more purified the
dog or your beard?" the companion could have easily insulted the Jewish man who intended
harm to his emotional state but instead, he remembered Rasullah s.a.w talking about the
promise of Jannah (for the righteous Muslims) to the patient, then he thought of the Day of
Judgment -- standing before Allah, he imagined that he was already there standing at the
beginning of the sirat (bridge), staring straight ahead into Jannah and Jahanam -- he thought of
what will happen if he got angry at the Jewish man and lost his place in Jannah so he calmly
replied to the Jewish man "if I am going to Jahanam then your dog is more purified then I am,
but, if I am going to Jannah then obviously I am more purified then your dog."
This wise and true statement threw the Jewish man off his game so he had nothing more to say
and walked away.
Now imagine you were placed in that situation where someone insulted you. Naturally you will
be standing there offended, but what would your immediate reaction be? In some cases
someone would immediately strike back with an angry response – using harsh language or
insults, while some others would just walk away keeping their anger inside until it eventually
erupts. Fortunately, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w has taught the Muslims how to deal with their
anger in a healthy and halal (permissible and legally Islamic) way.

Some simple ways to prevent or avoid anger arising :

* as soon as the feeling of anger arises a Muslim should say authu billahi minashaitani rajim - I
seek refuge with Allah from shaitan the outcast
* and if they are standing when they’re angry then they should sit down and if sitting at the
time then they should lie down. Or
* a Muslim should go and make wudu and perform a 2 raka'at sunnah prayer
* or busy your tongue with tasbih and zikir of Allah – instead of allowing your anger to rise,
remember all the blessings of Allah upon you and fear His wrath as whoever receives it cannot
be saved from His wrath other than Allah Himself.
* finally, just move from the environment / situation that is making you angry or upset.

Islam is a religion full of all things good and righteous which is pleasing to Allah. Thus, Muslims
are reminded to control their anger in order to attain the ultimate reward of Jannah. But not
only will their attain Jannah, which they will eventually acquire in the end; when someone is
able to control their anger, they will notice positive results within themselves and within their
current and future situations. That is because of the following hadith, which Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w had mentioned that when a Muslim is in a bad situation they say
“Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah) and when they are in a good situation they say
“Alhamdulillah. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w: "it is remarkable that everything turns out well
for a believer while that applies ONLY to a believer. If happiness befalls him, he gives thanks,
and it turns out well for him, and if misfortune befalls him, he shows endurance (patience) and
it turns out well for him.” [Saheeh Muslim]
The Prophet s.a.w also said: “a strong believer is better and is more lovable to Allah than a
weak believer” this means Muslims should continually strive with their lives, their wealth, their
property and body to practice and uphold the manners taught by the Prophet Muhammad
s.a.w wholeheartedly, and not give up or become lazy in doing so in order to attain the ultimate
reward of Jannah. One example of a strong believer which Allah loves are those who control
themselves when they begin to feel angry. Anger is a natural response but the best of those
who get angry are those who control their anger for the sake of pleasing Allah. The Hadith then
continues: and there is good in everyone, cherish that which gives you benefit (in the Hereafter)
and seek help from Allah and do not lose heart, and if anything (in the form of trouble) comes to
you, don't say if I had not done that, it would not have happened so and so, but say Allah did
that which He had ordained to do and your "if" opens the gate for the shaytaan (the devil).”
[Saheeh Muslim]


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