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Unit 3: From Magic to Witchcraft

ALCOBERRO, Agustí. “Cacera de bruixes, justícia local i Inquisició a Catalunya,
1487-1643: alguns criteris metodològics”. Pedralbes, 2008, 28, p. 485-504.

BAILEY, Michael. “From Sorcery to Witchcraft: Clerical Conceptions of Magic in
the Later Middle Ages”. Speculum, 2001, 76, p. 960-990.

BLÉCOURT, Willem de; DAVIES, Owen (eds.). Witchraft Continued: Popular Magic
in Modern Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.

BROEDEL, Hans P. The Malleus Maleficarum and the construction of witchcraft.
Theology and popular belief. Manchester; New York: Manchester University
Press, 2003.

CAMPAGNE, Fabián Alejandro. “Medicina y religión en el discurso
antisupersticioso español de los siglos XVI a XVIII”. Dynamis, 2000, 20, p. 417-

CARDINI, Franco. Demoni e meraviglie. Magia e stregoneria nella società
medievale. Bitonto: Edizioni Raffaello, 1995.

CASTELL GRANADOS, Pau. “‘Wine vat witches suffocate children’. The mythical
complex of the Iberian witch”. eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies, 2014, 26,

CLARK, Stuart; ANKARLOO, Bengt (eds.). The Athlone history of magic and
witchcraft in Europe, 6 vol. London: Athlone Press, 1999-2003.

COHN, Norman. Europe's Inner Demons, The Demonization of Christians in
Medieval Christendom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.

CORSI, Dinora (ed.) Non lasciar vivere la malefica. Le streghe nei trattati e nei
processi (secoli XIV-XVII). Firenze: Firenze Univerity Press, 2008.

EHRENREINCH, Barbara; ENGLISH, Deirdre. Witches, midwives and nurses: a
history of women healers. New York: The Feminist Press, 1973.

GOLDEN, Richard M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of witchcraft. The Western Tradition.
Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 2006.

KORS, Alan; PETERS, Edward (eds.) Witchcraft in Europe 1100-1700.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972.

LARNER, Christina. Witchcraft and religion: the politics of popular belief. Oxford:
Blackwell, 1984.

LEVACK, Brian P. The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and
Colonial America. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

MONTESANO, Marina. Caccia alle streghe. Roma: Salerno Editrice, 2012.

OSTORERO, Martine (ed.) et al. “L'imaginaire du sabbat. Édition critique des
textes les plus anciens (1430c.-1440c.)”. Cahiers Lausannois d’Histoire Médiévale.
Lausanne, 1999.

RUSELL, Jeffrey B. Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. London: Cornell University
Press, 1972.

STEPHENS, Walter. Demon lovers. Witchcraft, sex and the crisis of belief. Chicago;
London: University of Chicago Press, 2002.

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