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Exercise: in your notebook translate to Spanish.



Chest pain, choking, bleeding, fainting, seizures. If an emergency occurs, how

would you react? Do you know the first steps of first aid?
"People are often hesitant to get involved in an emergency situation," William Walters,
MD, an emergency medicine specialist at Temple University School of Medicine in
Philadelphia, tells WebMD. "It's not so much they don't want to help. They're worried
they won't know what to do."
After all, emergencies can happen anywhere at a game, on a city street, at the grocery
store, at home. What should you do?

The Basics
Call 911. Better safe than be sorry, says Walters. "It's better that 911 get too many calls
than too few," he says. "We routinely hear from paramedics summoned to a residence,
for what neighbors thought was an emergency, to find out everyone's fine. There are
never hard feelings about that. Paramedics expect that as part of the job. We'd much
rather show up and find the person in good health at home than be called too late and
things have spiraled out of control."
Stay calm. We've all heard stories about the Good Samaritan who gets hit by a car
while trying to help someone else. "Creating another accident or another victim
complicates things much more -- almost more than not getting involved. If you can't help
safely, you shouldn't help," Walters tells WebMD. "It's important that you stay calm,
make sure you're not putting yourself or anyone else in jeopardy, then attempt to
Start CPR. "Even people who have never taken a CPR course can be directed by a
dispatcher to do CPR," says Walters. "Many 911 dispatchers are trained to teach CPR
over the phone. You can do chest compressions without even doing mouth-to-
mouth. ... It's better than doing nothing."

5 Common Emergencies
Imagine these common situations. Here's what to do:
Emergency: Dizziness, Fainting. You're sitting at a game, maybe in the airport. A guy
says he doesn't feel well. "If he tells you -- a perfect stranger -- that he feels weak, ill, or
dizzy, you should be dialing 911," says Walters. "He needs medical attention." There
are many medical causes for these symptoms, like a hearth condition, diabetes, low
blood sugar, pregnancy, heart attack, or it could be heat-related.
Exercise: in your notebook, write a story, about a family emergency.

What is called natural disasters?

A natural disaster is a major event caused by the natural processes of the Earth
including extreme. Examples include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic
eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and other geologic processes.


A hurricane is a large, circular storm with strong winds that forms over warm waters
in tropical areas. Hurricanes have sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour and
an area of low air pressure in the center called the eye.


A tornado is extremely strong winds concentrated in one area. A tornado is a type

of storm in which powerful rotating winds form a column, which reaches from a cloud
down toward the ground. ... Such violent winds can flatten buildings and whip heavy
objects, such as cars, into the air. However, most tornadoes are short-lived and do
not cause much damage.


Lightning. Is a flash of light in the sky caused by an electrical discharge between

clouds or between a cloud and the Earth's surface? The flash heats the air and
usually causes thunder. When the lightning touches a building, tree, car, or person,
we say they have been “struck” by lightning.


"Forest fire" means a fire burning uncontrolled on lands covered wholly or in part
by timber, brush, grass, grain, or other flammable vegetation. It is the most common
hazard in forests. ... Forest fires may be caused due to natural or manmade

An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of stored energy in the Earth's crust
that creates seismic waves. In an earthquake, the ground shakes and cracks.
Buildings that are not designed to survive earthquakes are often destroyed.
Smaller earthquakes can also be caused by volcanic activity, landslides, mine
blasts, and nuclear experiments.


A flood occurs when it rains a lot, and the water in a river gets so high that it overflows
the riverbanks and invades surrounding areas.


In a tsunami, the water from the ocean comes in and covers the land. Tsunamis are
caused by an earthquake in the middle of the ocean.


A drought is when there is not enough water because it hasn’t rained for a long time.


A blizzard is a very strong snowstorm.


An avalanche is when a lot of snow falls down the side of a mountain.


A landslide (or mudslide) is when soil, rocks, and/or mud falls down the side of a hill
or mountain.


When the volcano explodes, the event is called a “volcanic eruption”

Exercise: describe what kind of disasters happen in our country and mention one
that you remember.

A modal verb is a type of verb that is used to indicate modality – that is: likelihood,
ability, permission, request, capacity, suggestions, order and obligation, advice, etc.
... In English the modal verbs are can / could, may / might, must, will / would,
shall / should / ought to, had better, and sometimes need and dare.
Can He can pass the test.
Can we take this road?
You can’t ask him that.
Could Could you fix the door?
When I was young I could run very fast.
It was so windy we couldn’t even get out of the house safely.
If he lends us his car, we could go to the concert.
May We may have to pay an extra fee.
They may not recognize you after all this time.
If you try it you may like it..
May I open the window?
You may start the test now.
Might We might find the solution.
They might not like it.
He might be the best candidate for the position.
I might get a haircut tomorrow.
They might have made the right decision.
Must He must be crazy to take the plane with this weather.
I must answer every question.
Must I use a pen?
You must not forget these instructions.
Will Will you buy the red dress?
. He will not accept the offer.
They will not succeed without our help.
You will like the hotel
Shall We shall meet again soon..
Shall I take grandma home?
You shall not make that mistake.
Should Should I leave the door open?
You should watch this movie.
The car should work fine now.
He shouldn’t believe everything he hears.
Ought to The children ought to eat vegetables..
We ought to drive slowly.
Would If he asked me out, I would accept.
If we had money, we would share it with the rest of the family..
He would not talk like that to a woman.
Would you believe him if he told you he didn’t cheat in the exam?
Would you like some tea?
I would like a glass of water, please.
Traducir al español en tu cuaderno


Doing more to take care of your health is a big part of growing up. You can
help in lots of ways. To find out which health skills you know well and which
ones you need to learn or practice, see our Health Skills Checklist.

Steps you can take to do more for your health:

• Read about your health issue. One place to find health information is the
Internet. To find online information you can trust, check out these links about
different illnesses and disabilities. Also, check at your school or public library
for books and magazine articles. You can also ask your doctor to suggest
resources. As you read about your health condition, make a list of questions
and bring the list with you when you visit the doctor.
• Keep a record of your medical history. It should include illnesses, dates of
operations, treatments, names of doctors, what the doctors told you to do,
and so on. If your parents have already started a record for you, you can add
to it. Bring the record with you to your doctor visits and show it to the doctor.
• See if you feel ready to schedule your own doctor’s appointments. If you
know that you will have a lot to talk about with your doctor, ask for a longer
appointment so you won't run out of time.
• Prepare for your medical appointments by making a list of the important
issues that need to be covered and making sure to ask about all of them.
• If you start to feel sick but don't need to see a doctor right away, make
a doctor’s appointment for a few days later. That way you’ll make sure you
can get help when you need it. But if you get better before your appointment,
be sure to cancel the appointment right away!
• Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs. If you already do, try to quit.
• Keep your weight at a healthy level. Make sure you follow the doctor’s
advice about the things you should eat and do. For physical activity tips, visit
our Fitness section.
• Make time to do the things you enjoy and spend time with people you love.
Being happy can help your body feel better.
• Ask your doctor, parents, or counselor any questions you have about
sex or puberty. It is normal to have questions, so don’t be embarrassed or
shy. Learn what you need to know to take good care of your changing body.

Finally, follow the treatment plan you and your doctor agree on and work with
your parents to get answers to any questions you have.

Exercise: make a comparative chart of members of your family and describe what
care you need them for health matters, including yourself.

Realizar un cuadro comparativo con el nombre de cada miembro de su familia de

que enfermedad padecen y cual es el cuidado que deben de tener con cada uno
de ellos…



Deacuerdo al numero de los miembros de tu familia…..

Ejercicio: Traducir al español en la tabla que se encuentra en blanco.

AFF. ___________________________________________________________

NEG. ___________________________________________________________

INT. ___________________________________________________________

AFF. ___________________________________________________________

NEG. ___________________________________________________________

INT. ___________________________________________________________

AFF. ___________________________________________________________

NEG. ___________________________________________________________

INT. ___________________________________________________________

Exercise: use the words to write 15 sentences in present tense in affirmative,

negative and interrogative forms.
Escribe 15 oraciones solo utilizando las palabras que están dentro del cuadro en ingles y
español en tu cuaderno.

I-yo- he-she-it we they, Carmen, Paula, Luis, Henry, mother, father, family..
be-go-do-make-swim-call-look-speak-travel-in- on- at-before-after-between,
Hour-Car-house, books, desk, school, shoes, computer, maker, park, market,
English, black, round, interesting, big, small, tall, music, radio, phone, one-
two-o´clock-week-weekend-Sunday- Saturday- Wednesday-the-a-an-this-
station- Japanese-Italian-from-of-holyday-American-Guatemala- city-country-
Mexico- Spain- Spanish- vacations-fall-birds-cat-dog- animal-zoo-day-night-

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