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Response to Reviewers Comments

1. The objectives of the paper are missing in section 1?

We have updated the introduction section by adding definitions such as Key agreement,
Key transport. Also, differentiated between the existing cryptography system i.e
asymmetric and symmetric system. Highlighting the importance of a one-time key.

2. "One-time key" word of the title present in only place (abstract) in the entire paper.?
We have now added the one-time key in different sections of the paper also.

3. Nowhere it is explained what is one-time key and it's differences with the other type of
keys, applications, different methods of generation, sharing, and comparisons?
We have revised the sections and new sections are added.
Section 2 is added to differentiate with the other type of keys, such as types of
cryptography keys that will cover the difference between a one-time-key with other
long-term keys.
Section 4 is added to explain the different methods of generation.
Section 5 is added to compare different one-time-key exchange protocols based on a
property such as key control, key authentication, key confirmation, Attacks, Key

4. What is the meaning of key establishment (3.1), key agreement (3.3)?

These definitions are updated in the introduction section to a better understanding of the
one-time key. These are the methods of a one-time-key generation. In section 4 we clarified
by describing through different protocols based on these definitions.

5. "We have also studied various approaches that have given to these techniques to
overcome various attacks possible in these schemes.", what does it mean?
As pointed out by the reviewer, we changed the sentence.

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