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Editors are Ascii formatted files.

these are called text files or flat files.

first editor is QED (quick editor) developed in 1970's for B language
next editor is Fred(friendly editor)
next editor ed (standard editor) - ex extended or advanced editor
vi editor (visual editor) - unix
vim (visually improved editor) - linux
by default this mode is command mode
vi - command mode, insert mode, ex command mode
i - converting command mode to insert mode
w - to save the latest modification
q - quit from the current file
wq - save and quit
ed <Fname> - it will display num of characters in file
ex <Fname> - it will display num of lines and num of characters
Commands in vi editor
j - move cursor down to 1 line
k - move cursor up to 1 line
h - move cursor left one character
l - move cursor right one character
$ - move cursor to end of the line
w - move cursor to beginning of next word
b - move cursor to preceding of next word
i - insert twxt before cursor
I - inser text at the beginning of current line
a - append text after cursor
A - append text to end of current line
o - open and put text in new line below current line
O - open and put text in new line above current line
x - delete single character under cursor
Nx - delete n num of characters
dw - delete the single word under cursor
dNw- delete N words beginning with cursor

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