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An Intelligent Case-Based Supplier Selection

Customer Knowledge Management Perspective
Alireza Jahani, Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad, Md. Nasir Sulaiman, and Hasan Selamat
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
University of Putra Malaysia
Serdang, Malaysia
{jahani, masrah, nasir, hasan}

Abstract—In any customer driven supply chain, the manufacturers and suppliers results in excessive delays,
acquisition of customer knowledge can help companies to and ultimately leads to poor customer services [5]. Then,
attain a competitive advantage in product innovation. Since there is a need for an automated and integrated system
the existing approaches have not considered this knowledge framework. This paper aims to present such a framework
as a weighted factor in the case based supplier selection
for cooperation and information exchange that can
processes, this paper aims to present an agent-based
framework for supplier selection based on the case-based receive orders and preferences from customers, generate
reasoning approach. This framework uses customer production plans and material requirement specifications,
knowledge to evaluate the price, volume, quality grade, and check the inventory, make a build or buy decision, call
delivery date of supply materials and provide them with suppliers for proposals, receive and evaluate material
alternative products which are closest to their first order if offers, select the best suppliers, negotiate with them, and
it was out of stock. Based on the proposed framework, a satisfy the requirements of the negotiating parties. This
numerical example of the known case study is illustrated for can be useful for all the stakeholders, especially
highlighting the effectiveness of the approach. customers who are more crucial for any company’s
survival. The remainder of the paper is organized as
Keywords — Supplier Selection; Intelligent Agent; Customer
Knowledge Management; Case Based Reasoning
follows: section II discusses the related works. An agent-
based framework for supplier selection is proposed in
I. INTRODUCTION section III. Section IV presents a case study with
Knowledge management in general has been of numerical example and the conclusion and discussion are
interest to companies because they realize that it can summarized in section V.
contribute to their competitive advantage. Therefore, in II. RELATED WORKS
the emphasis on knowledge as a key competitive factor in
global economy, these companies may be overlooking a The benefits of adopting agent technology in SCM
major element, customer knowledge. The knowledge that systems have been recognized in an increasingly wide
the customer has about the issues that are related to the variety of applications. The agent technology facilitates
product or services that he is interested in buying. Since the integration of the entire supply chain as a networked
the firm has a better understanding of the customer's system of independent echelons [6]. Agents are also
expectations and needs, it will be able to improve capable of solving the problem of matching supply to
customer service and thus achieve customer satisfaction demand and carrying out information exchange,
and retention. Better relationships with the customer lead uncertainty resolution, and preferences revision [7].
to increased sales and then new customers [1]. Because a large amount of data is collected and it is hard
to remember every customer's preferences, agents can
A supply chain is a network of organizations and their play a key role to collect and analyze this information,
associated activities like procurement, manufacturing and and then customers could be recognized later and
distribution, that work together to produce value for the presented by a series of alternatives that suit their
customer [2]. Competitive advantage in tomorrow’s preferences [1].
environment will go to those enterprises that can
consistently anticipate and implement customer-winning A number of researchers have attempted to apply
supply chain competencies [3]. On the other hand, agent technology to manufacturing integration, supply
selecting the suitable suppliers has influence on the short sourcing, supply chain management, negotiation,
and long term profits or losses of companies which spend information transfer and knowledge sharing within a
a significant amount of their time and money on supply chain. Saad et al. [8] proposed a Production
purchasing parts. Various selection criteria, weighting Reservation approach by using a bidding mechanism
methods, and intelligent models have been used to based on the Contract Net protocol to generate the
support the supplier selection of organizations [4]. production plan and schedule. Barbuceanu and Fox [9]
However, the failure of coordination between proposed to organize the supply chain as a network of
cooperating agents, each performing one or more supply

978-1-4673-1090-1/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

chain functions and coordinating their actions with other buyer agent, and a case-base for keeping suppliers
agents. Maturana et al. [10] have developed a hybrid records. Each agent performs one or more supply chain
agent-based mediator-centric Framework, called functions independently and coordinates its action with
MetaMorph, to integrate partners, suppliers and other agents. This framework is illustrated in Fig. 1 and
customers dynamically with the main enterprise via the major components of the proposed framework are
Internet and Intranets. Min and Bjornsson [11] presented described below:
a conceptual model of agent-based supply chain Seller agent provides an intelligent interface for the
automation, in which a project agent gathers actual customers to place their personal orders. It is responsible
construction progress information and sends them to for acquiring orders and preferences’ weights from
subcontractor agents and supplier agents, respectively, customers, handling order modification or cancellation.
over the Internet. Jiao et al. [12] applies the multi-agent Design agent is responsible to gather all the incoming
paradigm to collaborative multi-contract negotiation in a orders from the seller agent and eliciting relevant
global manufacturing supply chain. Wentao [13] has information regarding customer’s preferences. Another
designed an agent-based negotiation model for the task of this agent is product planning and placing
sourcing of construction supplies based on a new parallel Material Requirement Specification (MRS) into the case
bargaining protocol and Bayesian learning model. structures and sends them to Procurement agent that
Typically, the supplier selection is a multi-criteria decomposes MRS into specific categories to generate and
decision problem [14-15]. The suggested methods in the advertise Call For Proposals (CFP) through the Buyer
related literature can be classified into two categories: agent as an intelligent interface to all the potential
mathematical programming models and weighting suppliers. Buyer agent is responsible for the general
models. The mathematical programming model has a negotiation process that is divided into three consecutive
problem in dealing with qualitative criteria that are very phases: inviting, bidding and awarding. Whenever an
important in the decision making [15]. Chang and Chung order comes to a buyer agent, it invites potential suppliers
[4] develops a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) to bid by sending a CFP to seller agents of suppliers.
model for a manufacturing company to select suppliers Then it collects and evaluates all the bids based on
based on customer order dependent weighting method to Suppliers’ Case-Base and chooses the one with maximal
determine the weights of the supplier selection criteria. utility as a winner, and thus the winner supplier is
This is achieved by modeling the relationship between awarded the contract. A few rounds of conversation may
the customer order factors and supplier selection criteria, take place, where several proposals and counter-
using a knowledge base with if-then rules. proposals are exchanged. The negotiation will end when
However, most of the above works have not applied one party accepts or rejects the other party’s proposal, or
the case based reasoning method with customers’ defined when any party terminates the negotiation process on its
weights in the supplier selection and find alternative own [12]. Suppliers’ Case-Base keeps supplier
supplies due to the stock out. Failure to account for that information files as cases and gathers information on the
may either lead to unsatisfied customer demand and loss past and new suppliers in order to identify alternative
of market share. Therefore, in order to keep customers suppliers. This information includes the name of each
and the multi-criteria decision making nature of supplier supplier, a list of available materials and their attributes,
selection, first, this paper aims to present an agent-based the supplier’s delivery history, the supplier’s quality
supply chain framework in support of selecting the best records, the supplier’s overall desirability, and general
suppliers by means of the proposed case-based reasoning information about the supplier’s plant and management.
approach. CBR is in the subset of weighting models. This
framework is going to evaluate material offers, negotiate
with suppliers and customers on the price and terms of
quotation in the negotiation process and makes successful
agreements with the final supplier. Also this framework
wants to use the customers' knowledge into consideration
and provide them with alternative supplies which are
closest to their first order, if the manufacturer was unable
to supply it. Then, the performance of supplier selection
process will be improved to reach a real “win-win”
situation and the mentioned problems like unsatisfied
Figure. 1. Multi-agent based supply chain framework
customers and then losing them can be reduced and.
III. AN AGENT-BASED SUPPLY CHAIN FRAMEWORK A. Order Management and the Supplier Selection
The proposed agent-based supply chain framework
can generate a flexible, reconfigurable and coordinated Here, the major activities of the proposed framework
approach for supplier selection process both across are briefly described for better understanding:
enterprises and within an enterprise. In this framework, 1. The customer places an order through the seller agent
there is a FIPA-compliant multi-agent system composed to the design agent.
of a seller agent, a design agent, a procurement agent, a

2. The design agent will formulate the MRS and make a indicates the name of the product; Price indicates the
case structure for the ordered product and then send it offered price to customers or suggested by customers in
to the procurement agent. an incoming order; Volume shows the requested quantity
3. The Procurement agent checks the inventory of ordered products from customers or bidding quantity
regarding stocked finished products and raw materials from suppliers; Quality Grade specifies the requested
based on MRS structure. If the stock has enough quality for each material; Delivery Time is the requested
resources, then there is no need for supplying. time by customer for each order. For suppliers, it
4. Otherwise, the procurement agent must supply and indicates the possible delivery time for their bids.
provide sufficient raw materials from suppliers.
5. The procurement agent advertises its outgoing orders
through the buyer agent for all the potential suppliers. Case Attribute Attribute Value
6. After receiving the CFPs, the potential suppliers make Product ID Integer, from 01 to n
Product name text
the decision of bidding and then bid on the case base
Price Integer, from 1 to n
of buyer agent. Volume Integer, from 1 to n
7. After receiving all the bids, the buyer agent will Quality Grade Integer, from 1 to 5
evaluate the suppliers in consideration of price, due Delivery Time Integer, number of days
date, quality grade, volume, and so on, and then
chooses the most suitable suppliers. 2) Case Retrieval: Case retrieval is finding the most
8. If some or all supply materials of the customer’s first similar case from the case base according to the features
order could not be found during the supplying of a new case. A CBR method seriously depends on this
process, the procurement agent will try to generate step to find the order’s matches of incoming bids from
alternative product recommendations based on the suppliers. The nearest neighbor algorithm, one of the
received bids and offer them to the customers. methods widely used to identify the similarity between
9. If the customer accepts the new offer, then the buyer cases, is employed here to perform the retrieval task. For
agent will choose the suppliers who bid the alternative the nearest neighbor algorithm, the similarity of two
product’s materials. cases is calculated according to (1):
10. The buyer agent proclaims the award of bid and gives n
necessary replies to the un-chosen suppliers.  wi  sim(Oi , Bi )
11. The supplier who has won the bid carries out similarity(O, B)  i 1 n
manufacturing to fulfill the incoming orders.  wi
12. The supplier delivers its finished products to the i 1
manufacturer. In (1), O is new order, B is incoming bid, Oi and Bi
are the feature i of O and B respectively, wi is the weight
B. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Approach of feature i, and sim(Oi , Bi ) is the similarity function of
One of the most important contributions of this paper feature i. The value of sim(Oi , Bi ) is calculated as in (2):
is showing how buyer agents can check orders with
received bids from its associated case-based and responds Oi  Bi
to requests from the procurement agent. After receiving simOi , Bi   1  (2)
Oi  Bi
all the bids and storing them in the case base, the buyer
agent retrieves from the case base, cases that are identical The weights of the features, which obtained from the
or at least most similar due to the features of the new customers, are applied to select the closest suppliers’ bid
order’s case. According to [10], the process of CBR to the customer’s order. The role of the supplier selection
strategy includes four steps: retrieve, reuse, revise and mechanism is to calculate the similarity of each feature of
retain, which constitute the CBR cycle. However, before the bids during the supplier selection and to rank the
the cycle can be run, another step, case description, alternative suppliers.
should also be performed for both case base construction
3) Case Reuse: Once the same case or the most similar
and application of case knowledge.
case to the incoming order is selected from the received
1) Case Description: The CBR mechanism starts with bids, then it will be offered to the customer. For the same
the description of a new order which corresponds to a cases, the suggested case can be reused by direct copy.
new case. Case description is concerned with deciding But for most situations that have different values in their
what contents are to be stored in a case. It is important attributes, the seller agent can offer the retrieved case as
for the new case to be adequately described so that the an alternative to the customer who can either accept or
retrieval of appropriate previous or newcomer’s cases reject it.
from the case base is possible. By considering order
constraints which contain MRSs for ordered products, IV. CASE STUDY
this research adopts the case structure as shown in Table For illustrating the proposed method of this paper, we
1 to describe each case. Product ID numbers a certain use the case study of Moxober, a leading mobile phone
product for its own and required materials; Product name manufacturing company in Finland which has also been

used by [12]. Fig. 2 shows Moxober’s product structure related to MRSs in addition to the defined weight by the
at three levels: component parts, subassemblies and the customer for each attribute.
final product. Nearly all the components parts were Here are the defined constraints by [12]:
produced by Moxober, but with the development of C1 : MRS1 .Charger.Volume  MRS2 .Battery.Volume/2,
global economy and booming telecommunication market, C 2 : MRS2 .Battery.DD  MRS3 .LCD.DD  5 (3)
it has changed to a global manufacturing strategy
focusing on key technologies and its core competency TABLE 2. CASE STRUCTURE VALUES
while outsourcing major component manufacturing Case Attribute MRS1 MRS2 MRS3 W
activities such as the manufacturing of peripherals like Product ID O1;013 02;013 03;013 -
batteries and chargers, memory chips and LCD panels. Product name Charger Battery LCD -
Price 20-30 50-80 100-120 2
Mobile Phone
Final Product Volume 600-800 1200-1600 1000 4
Quality Grade 3-5 2-4 4-5 5
Delivery Date 20 15 12 4
Subassembly Software LCD PCB Cover Peripheral
Since that customer defines the range for his order, we
use the best values which are highest for attributes like
Component Part Chip Board Interface Charger Battery volume and quality and lowest for attributes like price
and delivery date to find more suitable alternative
Figure 2. BOM structures of Moxober mobile phones [12]
products. For example, the highest values for MRS1 are:
In Moxober’s supply chain network, customers and Orderhigh  01;013; Charger;20 ;&800;5;20
suppliers are spread worldwide. The mobile phone
company plays the role of the manufacturer. Its direct Now, for the nearest neighbor algorithm which is used
suppliers which are labeled Supplier I provide resources to find the most similar bid, the similarity of highest
like software, PCB, LCD, cover and peripheral. Its values of orders with each bid is calculated as follows.
suppliers’ suppliers which are labeled Supplier II provide For example, the similarity of order 1 and supplier 1's bid
sub-resources like chip, board, interface, charger, and for MRS1:
battery to the corresponding Supplier I. The next issue is
to determine a specific configuration of the global 20  25
sim price (O1High , B1 )  1   0.888
manufacturing supply chain network for each individual 20  25
customer order of a particular product model.
We will analyze the operation of this specific supply 800  1000
simvolume (O1High , B1 )  1   0.888
chain network by means of an agent-based supply chain 800  1000
framework and give a numerical example for using CBR
in the supplier selection process. In fact, actual 55
simquality (O1High , B1 )  1  1
employment of a supplier should be consistent with the 5 5
product fulfillment process of a specific customer’s order
in order to achieve customer satisfaction. 20  20
simdelivery date (O1High , B1 )  1  1
Now suppose a customer’s order from Wenzhou 20  20
China. This customer places his order through the seller
agent of the mobile phone company. Through interaction,  
Similarity O1High , B1 
0.888  2  0.888  4  1 5  1 4  0.955
the customer can configure various ordering parameters
such as product features like quality grade, quantity, Table 3 and 4 show all the results of similarity
price, and delivery date. The order information then goes function calculations for highest values of received
to the design agent for product planning and determining orders and suppliers' bids for each MRS. Table 3 assumes
a set of MRSs for each order along with (3), the defined that the weight of each attribute is equal to 1 and table 4
constraints by the design agent. Then, the MRSs will be assumes different weights for each attribute.
organized into three case structures for LCD, Cover and
Peripheral, and then forwarded to the procurement Agent. TABLE 3. THE SIMILARITY FUNCTION RESULTS FOR W=1
In order to accelerate the delivery, the procurement Weight W=1
agent decides to allocate the final assembly of this order Order & Supplier O S O S O S
to Xiamen plant in China, a process which involves the hi 1 hi 2 hi 3
MRS 1 0.944 0.958 0.736
requirement specification of three material types: LCD,
Order & Supplier O S O S O S
Charger and Battery. The software design and PCB hi 4 hi 5 hi 6
assembly operations are still held in Finland. The buyer MRS 2 0.891 0.969 0.852
agent will broadcast the material requirements to the Order & Supplier O S
hi 7
hi 8
hi 9
potential suppliers who will bid on the platform of this MRS 3 0.966 0.926 0.917
agent to win the supplier selection procedure. Table 2
shows the case structure of an incoming order (ID=#13) The results show that weighted attributes play an
important role in the awarding process which is based on
the similarity function and the satisfaction of MRS

constraints. For instance, if w=1, the bid of supplier 2 customers based on their desires. The results of the
with the highest similarity for MRS1 would be selected, numerical example show that the proposed approach is
else if w=1 to 5, the bid of supplier 1 with the highest robust enough to find the closest bid to the received order
similarity for MRS1 would be selected. Therefore, the and rewards the winner supplier. The improvement and
selected bid is compatible enough to users’ preferences. development of the prototype of the proposed framework
Hence, customers’ loss can be reduced. should be submitted to further studies.


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MRS Bid Volume Price Due Date Utility [12] CBR (w=1) CBR (w=1-5) Winner
MRS 1 Bid11:Supplier01 1000 25 20 0.68 0.944 0.954
Charger Bid12:Supplier02 800 20 18 0.73 0.958 0.948 S1
Bid13:Supplier03 1000 15 22 0.75 0.736 0.854
MRS 2 Bid21:Supplier04 1400 70 10 0.65 0.891 0.906
Battery Bid22:Supplier05 1600 60 16 0.72 0.969 0.978 S5
Bid23:Supplier06 2000 45 18 0.69 0.852 0.826
MRS 3 Bid31:Supplier07 1000 120 11 0.77 0.966 0.975
LCD Bid32:Supplier08 1200 100 10 0.71 0.926 0.913 S7
Bid33:Supplier09 900 90 15 0.69 0.917 0.910


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