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Research Presentation -very important

Other Colours

There was also a Blue Orpington Duck, which is now very rare or possibly no longer in
existence.  It was reputedly larger than the Buff, and a deep blue all over with a small heart-
shaped white patch on the breast; the drake’s head and neck being a much darker blue.

Black, Chocolate and White Orpingtons followed in the early part of the twentieth century, but
these colours were never standardised.  Both Black and Chocolate had the white bib on the
breast, and the Black was around same size as the Blue Orpington.  The Chocolate variety was
smaller, although slightly larger than the Buff, and equaling it for laying ability.

It is unlikely that any of these colours are still around today, and even if they were it would be
very difficult to be sure of their authenticity.

The following books are available. Links take you to the Amazon or other sellers’ pages for the

 The Domestic Duck – C. & M. Ashton – P.73

 British Waterfowl Standards 2008 – P.86
 British Poultry Standards 2008 – P.434

 Looking for stock? Visit the Waterfowl Section of our Forum
 Please leave a comment below if you can provide further information or have a question
about Orpington Ducks.

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