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Integrative and Comparative Biology

Integrative and Comparative Biology, volume 56, number 6, pp. 1271–1284

doi:10.1093/icb/icw128 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology


From Teeth to Baleen and Raptorial to Bulk Filter Feeding in

Mysticete Cetaceans: The Role of Paleontological, Genetic, and
Geochemical Data in Feeding Evolution and Ecology

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Annalisa Berta,1,* Agnese Lanzetti,* Eric G. Ekdale*,† and Thomas A. Deméré†
*Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182, USA; †Department of Paleontology, San
Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego, CA 92101, USA
From the symposium ‘‘Functional (Secondary) Adaptation to an Aquatic Life in Vertebrates’’ presented at the
International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM11), June 29–July 3, 2016 at Washington DC.

Synopsis The origin of baleen and filter feeding in mysticete cetaceans occurred sometime between approximately 34
and 24 million years ago and represents a major macroevolutionary shift in cetacean morphology (teeth to baleen) and
ecology (raptorial to filter feeding). We explore this dramatic change in feeding strategy by employing a diversity of tools
and approaches: morphology, molecules, development, and stable isotopes from the geological record. Adaptations for
raptorial feeding in extinct toothed mysticetes provide the phylogenetic context for evaluating morphological apomor-
phies preserved in the skeletons of stem and crown edentulous mysticetes. In this light, the presence of novel vascular
structures on the palates of certain Oligocene toothed mysticetes is interpreted as the earliest evidence of baleen and
points to an intermediate condition between an ancestral condition with teeth only and a derived condition with baleen
only. Supporting this step-wise evolutionary hypothesis, evidence from stable isotopes show how changes in dental
chemistry in early toothed mysticetes tracked the changes in diet and environment. Recent discoveries also demonstrate
how this transition was made possible by radical changes in cranial ontogeny. In addition, genetic mutations and the
possession of dental pseudogenes in extant baleen whales support a toothed ancestry for mysticetes. Molecular and
morphological data also document the dramatic developmental shifts that take place in extant fetal baleen whales, in
skull development, resorption of a fetal dentition and growth of baleen. The mechanisms involved in this complex
evolutionary transition that entails multiple, integrated aspects of anatomy and ecology are only beginning to be under-
stood, and future work will further clarify the processes underlying this macroevolutionary pattern.

Introduction genes, as well as deciduous tooth buds that form early

in fetal development. The geological record (i.e., fos-
Mysticetes (baleen whales) include the largest animals sils and stable isotopes) allows us to test the hypoth-
to have ever lived on Earth. Extant postnatal mysti- esis of a toothed ancestry for mysticetes using
cetes lack mineralized teeth, in contrast to the condi- historical data directly, and an integration of morpho-
tion in the majority of their odontocete (toothed logical, molecular, developmental, paleontological, and
whale) evolutionary cousins, and instead are unique geochemical data elucidates the transition from ances-
among mammals in their possession of baleen, a neo- tral raptorial feeding using teeth to bulk filter feeding
morphic palatal keratinous structure employed during using baleen.
bulk filter feeding. The evolution of baleen represents
a major macroevolutionary shift in cetacean morphol-
ogy and ecology. Although living mysticetes are eden- Anatomy and feeding in extant
tulous, there is both genetic and ontogenetic evidence mysticetes
of a toothed ancestry for baleen whales represented by The key innovation of the unique filter feeding phys-
the presence of functional and non-functional tooth iology of mysticetes is baleen, which functions as a

ß The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.
All rights reserved. For permissions please email:
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Feeding pits

Fig. 1 Mysticete feeding types (from Berta et al. 2015b).

natural sieve to trap prey items during bulk feeding All extant mysticetes share four fundamental func-
(Pivorunas 1979; Werth 2001, 2004, 2013). Baleen is tional components related to bulk feeding: a large
composed of keratin (Fudge et al. 2009; Szewciw et head and mouth, rostral bones that are rather loosely
al. 2010) and consists of a serially arranged row of articulated with the braincase and with each other,
keratinous laminae and bristles that grow as a pair of an elastic mandibular symphysis, and baleen. All of
subparallel longitudinal racks from the right and left those features help to either filter food from water
lateral margins of the palate (Williamson 1973; (e.g., baleen), or to expand the oral cavity to facili-
Werth 2001; Young et al. 2015). Individual baleen tate an intake of large volumes of water.
laminae are roughly triangular in shape and are di- Morphological variations in these general mysticete
visible into main plates, minor plates, and individual features as exhibited by living baleen whales include
bristles. The main and minor plates consist of a cen- further enlargements of the oral cavities, which can
tral, medullary layer of keratin tubules enmeshed in be viewed as adaptations for different strategies of
an amorphous keratin matrix. On either side of the bulk filter feeding (Fig. 1), including continuous
medullary layer is a cortical layer of amorphous ker- ram or skim feeding in balaenids (bowhead and
atin. Each rack of baleen is deeply rooted within right whales) and presumably neobalaenids (pygmy
vascularized gingival tissues (Utrecht 1965). Baleen right whale), intermittent ram or engulfment/lunge
consists proximally of living tissue that receives feeding in balaenopterids (rorquals and humpback
blood from the superior alveolar arteries (Ekdale et whales), and suction feeding in eschrichtiids (gray
al. 2015), and distally of the dead and cornified whales) (see Supplementary Material).
tissue that extends into the oral cavity. As baleen One outstanding question in the acquisition of prey
grows in the mouth, the lingual border of the by mysticetes is how baleen whales detect and locate
plates is abraded and frayed to expose the bristles their food. Our understanding of prey detection in
(Werth et al. 2016). The free bristles on one odontocete cetaceans suggests that biosonar (‘‘echolo-
lamina overlap with the bristles of adjacent laminae cation’’) employing high frequency and ultrasonic
to form a dense, brush-like mat—the baleen filter. sounds is a primary mechanism (e.g., Ketten 2004;
Filter feeding in mysticete cetaceans 1273

Nachtigall et al. 2007). However, mysticetes are likely comparative anatomical studies of fetal specimens
sensitive to low and perhaps infrasonic frequencies (e.g., Ridewood 1923; Dissel-Scherft and Vervoort
(Houser et al. 2001; Erbe 2002; Parks et al. 2007) and 1954; Karlsen 1962; Tomilin 1967; Slijper 1976;
lack echolocation capabilities. Likewise, the eyes of Fudge et al. 2009). Although neonate, juvenile, and
extant cetaceans are not particularly adapted for en- adult mysticetes are edentulous, tooth buds develop
hanced visual acuity (Mass and Supin 1997; Buono et in both the upper and lower jaws in utero. However,
al. 2012; Rodrigues et al. 2014, 2015); however, en- the teeth are resorbed completely and the baleen ap-
hanced visual acuity may have been characteristic of paratus begins to develop before birth. In the minke
some early diverging extinct mysticetes as hypothesized whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), the developing
by Fitzgerald (2006) and quantified by Marx (2011). By teeth pass through three of the typical mammalian
contrast with extinct mysticetes, molecular evidence stages (bud, cap, bell), but they never erupt and

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suggests that the cone-specific phototransduction cas- eventually are reabsorbed (Ishikawa and Amasaki
cade was inactivated in the Oligocene in the ancestry of 1995; Ishikawa et al. 1999; Davit-Beal et al. 2009).
balaenopteroids (Springer et al. 2016a), which suggests Ongoing research by the present authors aims to
that acuity was sacrificed for sensitivity in this rod analyze a large sample of prenatal specimens of mul-
monochromatic lineage. Although vibrissae have been tiple mysticete species to image the developing tooth
examined in detail for gray and bowhead whales (Berta buds, as well as determine the timing of the tooth to
et al. 2015a; Drake et al. 2015), the extent to which the baleen transition during ontogeny. Preliminary re-
rostral vibrissae of baleen whales serve as mechanore- sults from our research indicate that a 63.5 cm long
ceptors during feeding (e.g., detection of water move- humpback fetus (Megaptera novaeangliae – SDNHM
ment or prey movement) is unclear. 25552) has tooth buds within alveolar grooves in
Cetaceans in general have experienced a reduction of each jaw (20–23 per maxilla, 17–19 per dentary,
olfactory receptor genes through pseudogenization, but 74–84 total; Supplementary Fig. S2). By comparing
mysticetes have retained some functionality of olfactory total length of this fetus with published growth data
ability (Kishida et al. 2007; Thewissen et al. 2011; Berta (Tomilin 1967; Hampe et al. 2015), we estimate that
et al. 2015b). Anatomical evidence indicates that fossil the teeth are retained in the humpback to near the
and modern mysticetes retain distinct olfactory bulbs mid-point of gestation (Fig. 2). However, there is no
and a cribriform plate (Cave 1988; Pihlström 2008), evidence that baleen development had begun in this
and bowhead whales in particular have a well- individual, and so the relative timing of the two
developed sense of smell relative to other cetaceans events cannot be determined. In a comparative
(Thewissen et al. 2011; Kishida and Thewissen 2012). study of minke whale fetuses, Ishikawa and
Baleen whales have been observed to orient themselves Amasaki (1995) concluded that tooth resorption
downwind of odor plumes produced by plankton, per- was in progress as initial baleen proteins were pre-
haps also using vibrissae around the blowhole to deter- sent in the gums, suggesting at least some overlap in
mine the direction of the wind (Drake et al. 2015). In the occurrence of tooth buds and developing baleen.
addition, structures typically associated with the vom- Degrading teeth and developing baleen were never
eronasal organ, namely a fleshy incisive papilla and observed in the same specimen by those authors,
paired nasopalatine ducts or pits, have been observed but the duration between total tooth reabsorption
in several mysticete species (Lillie 1910; Schulte 1916;
and presence of baleen, if presence of both organs
Quay and Mitchell 1971; Berta et al. 2015a). The vom-
is separated in time during mysticete ontogeny, is
eronasal organ is usually associated with detection of
likely very short. A preliminary growth curve for
pheromones in terrestrial mammals (Keverne 1999),
minke whales that we construct here using published
although it may also possess other chemoreception
data (Tomilin 1967; Ivashin and Mikhalev 1978;
functions that overlap with the primary olfactory
Ishikawa and Amasaki 1995) suggests that tooth
system (Trinh and Strom 2003). Further detailed stud-
reabsorption and baleen development occur close
ies using histology of the nasal and palatal tissues of
to the last third of the gestation period, when the
mysticetes, as well as behavioral studies, are needed to
fetus is about 1 m in total length (half the birth size,
fully assess and test hypotheses of olfactory and vom-
2.1–2.7 m, Tomilin 1967). Because gestation times
eronasal chemosensory functions in baleen whales.
and body lengths differ among mysticete species
(Tomilin 1967), more developmental data are
Ontogeny and genes needed to determine the relative timing of tooth re-
The ontogenetic development of structures related to sorption and baleen development for most mysticete
feeding in mysticetes has been revealed through species.
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Fig. 2 Growth curves of humpback (M. novaeangliae) and minke (B. acutorostrata) whale species, with annotations on the presence of
teeth and baleen. Total length of fetuses of M. novaeangliae (diamonds) derived from Hampe et al. (2015), Tomilin (1967) and direct
collection of AL. Age of fetuses at different lengths, total gestation time and length at birth from Tomilin (1967). Total length of fetuses
of B. acutorostrata (circles) derived from Ishikawa and Amasaki (1995). Total length at birth and total gestation time from Tomilin (1967)
and Ivashin and Mikhalev (1978). Since these authors did not report a table correlating total length and age of the fetuses, the gestation
time was approximated using the growth curve formula proposed for this species by Ivashin and Mikhalev (1978). Length at birth is an
average (*).

Given that mysticetes possess tooth buds at some (McKnight and Fisher 2009). Genes in the enamel
ontogenetic stages, it is no surprise that they retain matrix proteins domain (AMBN, AMEL) acquired
functional tooth-related genes from their toothed an- inactivating mutations in different exons in all lineages
cestors. Several molecular studies investigated puta- of toothless amniotes, including baleen whales
tive enamel and tooth-related genes in mysticetes (Meredith et al. 2013), but the mutations accumulated
(Deméré et al. 2008; McKnight and Fisher 2009; in different exons among different mysticete species.
Meredith et al. 2009, 2011, 2013, Springer et al. Another gene of the same domain, ENAM, was found
2016b), thereby providing a better understanding of to have become a pseudogene in crown mysticetes, even
the functions and importance of these gene regions if the inactivating mutations are not shared among the
(Fig. 3). A review of those data reveals that loss of genera that were analyzed. Another putative enamel-
enamel specifically and teeth in general was a step- specific gene (C4orf26; Meredith et al. 2011) was
wise process during mysticete evolution that was also found to have a complex evolutionary history—
accomplished via different pathways in different mys- balaenids retain most of the sequence with inactivating
ticete lineages. mutations, while most but not all balaenopteroid spe-
Certain genes associated with teeth/tooth formation cies lack the gene completely (Springer et al. 2016b).
in mammals (WDR72, SLC24A4, FAM83H) have been The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) possesses the
found to be mostly conserved in at least three mysticete gene, but it is inactivated by mutations different from
species, implying that they might serve other important those of Balaenidae. The most parsimonious hypothesis
functions in development (Springer et al. 2016b). to explain the various genetic patterns suggests that the
Similarly, the DPP region of the dentin-related DSPP different mutations are a result of ancestral polymor-
(dentin sialophosphoprotein) gene has been found to phisms and that some of them have been lost indepen-
be conserved at least in the bowhead whale, while it has dently in the extant species (Meredith et al. 2009). In
accumulated mutations in toothless xenarthrans contrast, MMP20 (matrix metalloproteinase) that is
Filter feeding in mysticete cetaceans 1275

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Fig. 3 Phylogeny of extant mysticete species, with tooth and enamel related gene inactivation mapped onto tree. The symbols
correspond to the first shared inactivation of the gene among the species for which sequences are available. Gene C4orf26 presents
three independent inactivations: white stars indicate a shared gene deletion, light gray and dark gray stars signal two different
inactivating mutations. The retention of the inactivated gene in B. musculus possibly indicates retention of ancestral polymorphism
among rorquals for C4orf26 (Springer et al. 2016b). Tree topology after Gatesy et al. (2013) and McGowen et al. (2009). Data for
AMEL, AMBN, and ENAM from Deméré et al. (2008), Meredith et al. (2010, 2013), MMP20 from Meredith et al. (2010), C4orf26 from
Springer et al. (2016b).

involved in tooth mineralization and also has pleiotro- understand the tooth to baleen transition in
pic effects on other organs, has the same inactivating mysticetes.
mutation in all mysticetes, suggesting that the gene lost
functionality only once in the common ancestor of
Integrating neontological and paleonto-
Mysticeti. It should also be noted that the occurrence
of this shared mutation implies that enamel was lost
logical data
once in the common ancestor of crown Mysticeti The fossil record of mysticetes provides direct ana-
rather than independently in different lineages. tomical evidence for the tooth to baleen transition
Most of the current genetic research into the loss suggested by developmental patterns in extant fetal
of teeth in mysticetes has focused on genes related to specimens. This record spans approximately 35 mil-
tooth development, but the genetic basis for devel- lion years of Earth history from near the Eocene–
opment of the baleen apparatus itself is unclear. Oligocene boundary to the Recent (Fig. 4), and
Given the tissue’s keratinous composition, baleen mysticete fossils are well documented across a
genes are likely to have originated from hair genes nearly worldwide distribution. The Oligocene por-
that are expressed in the mouth of these mammals tion of this record includes specimens of toothed
that have lost the body hair cover (Pivorunas 1979). mysticetes from the North and South Pacific
It has been hypothesized that an acceleration in ex- (Fitzgerald 2006, 2010; Deméré and Berta 2008;
pression of genes of the WNT family during devel- Marx et al. 2015; Fordyce and Marx 2016) and
opment can explain both the hair loss and the stem edentulous mysticetes from the Southeastern
growth of baleen in mysticetes (Park et al. 2015). United States, Japan, and New Zealand (Sanders
Future investigations into the genetic basis of and Barnes 2002; Okazaki 2012; Boessenecker and
baleen development will be necessary to more fully Fordyce 2015a, 2015b, 2015c; Tsai and Fordyce,
1276 A. Berta et al.

2 Odontoceti

1 4 Mammalodontidae†

3 6 Aetiocetidae†

5 8 Eomysticetidae†

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11 Balaenidae

stem Thalassotherii†

13 Cetotheriidae†

15 Eschrichtiidae


16 Balaenopteridae
Eocene Oligocene Miocene Plio.
40 30 20 10 0
(Millions of Years) Pleistocene Holocene

Feeding Regimes
suction-aided raptorial feeding baleen-aided raptorial feeding bulk lter feeding
skim lter feeding lateral suction lter feeding engulfment/ lunge lter feeding

Fig. 4 Cladogram of Cetacea with associated feeding strategies in extinct and extant mysticetes. Relationships based on a strict consensus of
cladograms presented by Boessenecker and Fordyce (2015b). Stratigraphic ranges were downloaded from the Paleobiology Database (paleo- on June 9, 2016 by searching for geologic strata through the taxonomic name search form for members of each terminal taxon named
on the cladogram. Illustrations of whales by C. Buell. (1) Cetacea: 28–59% olfactory genes non-functional. (2) Odontoceti: 74–100% olfactory
receptor genes non-functional; biosonar (‘‘echolocation’’). (3) Mysticeti: broad rostrum; thin lateral margins of maxilla; small, wide teeth with
denticles; diastemata in upper jaw. (4) Mammalodontidae: enlarged forward facing eyes (enhanced visual acuity?). (5)
Aetiocetidae þ Chaeomysticeti: small lateral nutrient foramina (presence of baleen-like structure); mandibular symphysis unfused. (6)
Aetiocetidae: enlarged forward facing eyes (enhanced visual acuity?). (7) Chaeomysticeti: low 13C in bones (feeding at low trophic level); reduction
of postnatal dentition; long, flattened rostrum; premaxilla/maxilla kinesis; elaborate lateral nutrient foramina; reduced function of tooth and
enamel genes. (8) Eomysticetidae: vestigial anterior dentition. (9) Crown Mysticeti: definitive presence of baleen/postnatal teeth absent; anterior
extension of occipital shield; lateral bowing of dentaries; reduced function of tooth and enamel genes. (10) Balaenoidea: arching of rostrum; long
baleen; subrostral gap. (11) Balaenidae: extreme arching of rostrum. (12) Thalassotherii: anteriorly convergent baleen racks; indistinct/concave
glenoid fossa; loss of C4orf tooth genes (?) (13) Cetotheriidae: reduced gaping of mouth; semi-synovial jaw joint. (14) Balenopteroidea: loss of C4orf tooth
genes. (15) Eschrichtiidae: slight arching of rostrum; short, coarse baleen; semi-synovial jaw joint; few, short throat grooves. (16) Balaenopteridae:
synovial jaw joint lost; tongue reduced and flaccid; ventral throat pouch; mandibular sense organ; elongation and multiplication of throat grooves.

2015). Given the presence of functional adult teeth The earliest known stem toothed mysticete is
in toothed mysticetes, the genomes of these early Llanocetus denticrenatus from the latest Eocene
mysticetes certainly retained functional tooth and (34 Ma) of Antarctica. However, description of
enamel genes. only a partial dentary and dentition of this
Filter feeding in mysticete cetaceans 1277

important fossil are available, while the skull remains Northern Hemisphere, which represent a monophy-
undescribed. A similar problem involves a series of letic lineage of toothed mysticetes known from
undescribed archaeocete-like toothed mysticetes from Oligocene rocks (31–24 Ma) on both sides of the
the Oligocene (30–26 Ma) of South Carolina, United North Pacific (node 6, Fig. 4) and often described as
States that are based on well-preserved skulls, mandi- bridging the morphological gap between stem
bles, and postcrania. As a consequence, the earliest toothed and stem baleen-bearing mysticetes (e.g.,
well-described stem toothed mysticetes are represented Deméré and Berta 2008). Aetiocetids include five
by fossils from the Oligocene (28–24 Ma) of genera and numerous species: Aetiocetus,
Australia and New Zealand—Janjucetus hunderi, Chonecetus, Ashorocetus, Fucaia, and Morawanocetus,
Mammalodon colliveri, and Mammalodon hakataramea all of which have skulls with closed rostral sutures
(Fitzgerald 2006, 2010, 2011; Fordyce and Marx 2016). between maxilla and premaxilla, maxilla and vomer,

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Collectively, these taxa form a monophyletic group, maxilla and frontal, and premaxilla and frontal as
the Mammalodontidae (node 4, Fig. 4). Janjucetus, seen in archaeocetes and mammalodontids.
like its basilosaurid archaeocete ancestors, possessed Importantly, however, aetiocetids possess an unfused
firmly closed/fused rostral sutures and a rugose bony mandibular symphysis as seen in edentulous, baleen-
mandibular symphysis indicating that the rostrum and bearing mysticetes. This anatomical pattern indicates
lower jaw were each internally immobile (akinetic). that aetiocetids had a kinetic lower jaw, but a rigid,
The upper and lower dentitions of both Janjucetus akinetic rostrum. In addition, tiny foramina and as-
and Mammalodon are characterized by heavily sociated sulci on the palate just medial to the teeth
ridged enamel on both labial and lingual surfaces, in Aetiocetus, Fucaia, and Morawanocetus and lateral
double rooted postcanine teeth, and for Janjucetus to a pair of well-defined major palatine foramina and
multiple accessory denticles on P2–M2 and p2–m3 sulci, are hypothesized to be homologous with the
(Fitzgerald 2006, 2010). Diastemata occur between lateral palatal foramina and sulci in extant mysticetes
the upper teeth whereas the lower teeth are more that transmit blood vessels that nourish baleen
closely appressed. Notably, the upper and lower (Supplementary Fig. S3; see also Deméré and Berta
teeth have strongly emergent crowns, with the roots 2008). Confirmation that baleen receives the majority
well exposed above the alveolar margin of the rostrum of blood from the superior alveolar artery and its
and mandible, and suggesting well-developed gingival associated branches that pass through lateral nutrient
tissue. Dental wear among mammalodontids is vari- foramina in an extant gray whale was recently re-
able, with Janjucetus displaying evidence of cheek ported (Ekdale et al. 2015), and the foramina have
tooth vertical shearing during occlusion (Fitzgerald been used to infer the presence of baleen in aetioce-
2006) and Mammalodon displaying crown-to-crown tids and other extinct mysticete taxa. If aetiocetids
apical occlusion (Fitzgerald 2010). In the latter case, possessed baleen or a baleen-like organ, the structure
apical dental wear (at least in the holotype specimen) of that organ is unknown. The proto-baleen may
is so extreme that the cheek tooth crowns are nearly have merely consisted of short keratin papillae or
completed abraded off, suggesting advanced ontoge- bristles arranged along the lateral portion of the
netic age or perhaps pathology. palate just medial to the teeth and not fully formed
The palates of mammalodontids lack lateral fo- baleen plates.
ramina and sulci, which in later diverging mysticetes The homology of the lateral palatal foramina in
serve as osteological correlates of baleen, but the in- aetiocetids and extant mysticetes, however, has yet
creased rostral width in mammalodontids has been to be determined conclusively. Some researchers
hypothesized to represent an initial step in enlarge- have suggested that aetiocetids likely did not possess
ment of the oral cavity (Fitzgerald 2011), which in proto-baleen (e.g., Marx et al. 2015), but rather these
turn was carried to a further stage in later diverging workers interpret the palate vascularization, emergent
mysticetes. Overall, morphological features of the teeth, and unfused mandibular symphysis of aetioce-
skull, rostrum, dentition, mandible, and sternum tids as being related to a specialized raptorial suction
suggest that mammalodontids likely were specialized feeding strategy that utilized enlarged gum tissues to
for raptorial feeding (Janjucetus) or suction feeding overcome the lateral positive pressure effects of suc-
(Mammalodon) on primarily single prey items such tion feeding. These workers also propose a monophy-
as fish and perhaps squid (Fitzgerald 2010), as op- letic toothed mysticete grouping of mammalodontids
posed to the bulk filter-feeding mysticetes of today’s and aetiocetids—a relationship suggesting that an
oceans. elastic mandibular symphysis evolved twice (or was
Contemporaneous with mammalodontids of the lost in mammalodontids), and that baleen (if present
Southern Hemisphere were aetiocetids from the in aetiocetids) also evolved twice (or was lost in
1278 A. Berta et al.

mammalodontids). These contrasting interpretations more rigid rostrum in Waharoa ruwhenua than in
of aetiocetid phylogeny and function underscore the crown mysticetes. The palatal morphology of
important role that this transitional group plays in Waharoa is also intermediate between toothed and
reconstructing early mysticete evolution and how the crown mysticetes. Unlike basal toothed mysticetes
anatomical features of purely suction-aided raptorial (e.g., Janjucetus and Mammalodon) but similar to
feeders could be co-opted in a step-wise fashion for aetiocetids (e.g., species of Aetiocetus), the palate of
bulk filter feeding in later diverging edentulous Waharoa has lateral palatal vascular features; how-
mysticetes. ever, the palatal foramina and sulci are larger and
Whether or not baleen was present, aetiocetid teeth more numerous than in aetiocetids. Waharoa differs
display a clear and interesting dichotomy between from extant mysticetes in having lateral nutrient fo-
species of Morowanocetus and Fucaia with distinctly ramina and sulci confined to the posterior two-thirds

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heterodont dentitions with caniniform, single-rooted of the palate. Some eomysticetids (e.g., Yamatocetus
anterior teeth (I1–3, C), and closely-spaced, strongly and Waharoa) also possess an alveolar groove on the
denticulate, single- and/or double-rooted postcanine elongated maxilla and more distinct individual alve-
teeth (Barnes et al. 1995; Marx et al. 2016) and species oli on the premaxilla and anterior tip of the mandi-
of Aetiocetus with weakly heterodont dentitions with ble. Putative adult teeth have been reported in at
caniniform, single-rooted anterior teeth (I1–3, C), and least one eomysticetid (i.e., Tokarahia), but their
widely-spaced, very weakly denticulate, single-rooted size and shallow alveoli suggest that they may have
postcanine teeth (Deméré and Berta 2008). The post- not been functional. Nonetheless, the reduction of
canine dentitions of Morowanocetus and Fucaia lack postnatal teeth in these mysticetes indicates reduced
diastemata and consist of relatively large, laterally function of tooth and enamel genes by the Oligocene
compressed crowns with strong lingual and labial (Fig. 4).
enamel ridges in Morowanocetus and only lingual The mandible of Waharoa and other eomysticetids
enamel ridges in Fucaia. In contrast, species of possessed a distinct symphyseal groove and smooth
Aetiocetus have distinct diastemata in both the upper symphyseal surface, indicating well-developed man-
and lower jaws and only the lingual surfaces of the dibular kinesis. There was also a large mandibular
relatively small and laterally compressed postcanine foramen and correspondingly thin pan bone, features
teeth possess fine enamel ridges. In addition, all post- used by some workers to indicate that these stem
canine teeth have emergent crowns and surprisingly chaeomysticetes were unable to lunge feed like
shallow alveoli. This unique combination of cranial, extant balaenopterids, but may have employed a ru-
rostral, mandibular, and dental features suggests that dimentary type of skim feeding reminiscent of extant
aetiocetids were the first mysticetes to possess man- right whales (Boessenecker and Fordyce 2015b). The
dibular kinesis and specialized palate vascularization enlarged, elongate temporal fossa of Wahoroa and
and that some form of proto-baleen was present as other eomysticetids together with a large coronoid
a rudimentary oral filter to complement the more process indicates the presence of large temporalis
traditional raptorial suction feeding strategy of earlier muscles, which may have acted to stabilize the man-
diverging toothed mysticetes (Deméré and Berta dible during skim feeding so that a unidirectional
2008). flow of water was directed through the oral cavity
The earliest functionally edentulous mysticetes (Boessenecker and Fordyce 2015b). Although the
(stem Chaeomysticeti; node 7, Fig. 4) are represented exact form of filter feeding employed by eomystice-
by several extinct lineages. Most are members of tids is unknown, the absence of a functional adult
Eomysticetidae (node 8, Fig. 4) known from the dentition and the presence of baleen (interpreted
Oligocene (29–27 Ma) of Japan and North from lateral nutrient foramina) and both rostral
America, as well as a Southern Hemisphere clade and mandibular kinesis indicate that eomysticetids
that includes Matapanui, Tohoraata, Tokarahia, and were the earliest mysticetes capable of baleen-assisted
Waharoa reported from the Oligocene (27–25 Ma) bulk filter feeding.
of New Zealand (Boessenecker and Fordyce 2015a, In concert with changes in morphology at this
2015b, 2015c, 2016a,b). Rostral kinesis in Waharoa stage of mysticete evolution, there is geochemical ev-
was intermediate between akinetic stem toothed mys- idence to suggest a major shift in diet and feeding
ticetes (and archaeocetes) and fully kinetic crown physiology between stem mysticetes and chaeomysti-
chaeomysticetes. In particular, the premaxilla–maxilla cetes. Results of a stable isotope study (Clementz
suture is unfused suggesting a largely open suture, et al. 2014) revealed that the bones of toothed mam-
while the elongate and corrugated nasofrontal and malodontids and odontocetes carry similar 13C
premaxilla-nasofrontal sutures indicate a somewhat values, which indicates that the earliest mysticetes
Filter feeding in mysticete cetaceans 1279

were feeding at the same trophic level as toothed divergence of chaeomysticetes. That hypothesis is
whales and likely were not filter feeding or feeding based on fossils of Horopeta umarere from the late
low in the food chain as in extant mysticetes. In Oligocene (27–25 Ma) of New Zealand (Tsai and
contrast 13C values for eomysticetids and stem balae- Fordyce 2015). Horopeta is known from a partial skull
nopteroids are lower and significantly different from that is missing anatomically important parts of the basi-
those of toothed mammalodontids or odontocetes, cranium, squamosal, and rostrum. The mandibles are
suggesting that the earliest edentulous mysticetes fragmentary and bioeroded, but preserve just enough of
may have specialized on a diet of zooplankton sim- the horizontal rami and coronoid processes to distin-
ilar to extant mysticetes (Supplementary Fig. S4). guish them from eomysticetids. Tsai and Fordyce
Although aetiocetids were not included within the (2015) used only equivocal mandibular features (a
isotopic analyses, the results of those analyses pro- slightly laterally bowed horizontal ramus and a poster-

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vide additional evidence that the transition from olaterally deflected and broken coronoid process) to
teeth to baleen is coincident with a shift from rap- propose that H. umarere was an engulfment feeder
torial to bulk filter feeding. It is no coincidence that such as extant balaenopterids, but the hypothesis does
an isotopic signature suggesting feeding at a low tro- not consider all of the other anatomical features that are
phic level coincides with major anatomical adapta- critical to successful engulfment feeding, such as a non-
tions for bulk filter feeding, such as baleen, flattening synovial, fibrocartilaginous temporomandibular joint,
of the rostrum, and rostral kinesis to allow for ex- a medially buttressed mandibular neck, and a robust
pansion of the oral cavity that are observed in the and posteriorly-directed mandibular condyle.
earliest chaeomysticetes. Within crown Mysticeti (defined as the least inclusive
The evolution of bulk feeding would have allowed crown clade containing Balaenidae, Neobalaenidae,
large consumers to take advantage of short but reg- Eschrichtiidae, and Balaenopteridae; node 9, Fig. 4) are
ular bursts of an abundant food supply and appears several extinct lineages whose membership varies de-
to have been largely driven by tectonic and oceano- pending upon which phylogenetic study is examined
graphic changes in continental and oceanic configu- (e.g., Boessenecker and Fordyce 2015a, 2015b, 2015c;
rations, changes in global and regional ocean Gol’din and Steeman 2015; Marx and Fordyce 2015;
circulation patterns, and changes in the latitudinal Bisconti and Bosselaers 2016; Marx et al. 2016).
position of centers of oceanic primary productivity. Postnatal teeth that have erupted are not described for
These global changes that began with the final any member of crown Mysticeti, and the most recent
breakup of Gondwana during the late Eocene re- common ancestor of the clade may have experienced
sulted in creation of a circum-polar sea in the further reduction of tooth and enamel genes. Most
Southern Hemisphere (the Southern Ocean) and iso- recent phylogenies based on morphology recognize a
lation of the Antarctic continent at the South Pole. fundamental dichotomy between a balaenoid clade
These new conditions, in turn, were responsible for (balaenids þ neobalaenids; node 10, Fig. 4) and a thalas-
growth of the Antarctic ice sheet and initiation of sotherian clade (Boessenecker and Fordyce 2016) (node
Southern Hemisphere glaciation and a global drop 12, Fig. 4). Genetic and total evidence phylogenies re-
in sea level at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary ap- cover a closer relationship between neobalaenids and
proximately 34 million years ago (Prothero and balaenopteroids (e.g., McGowen et al. 2009; Fordyce
Ivany 2003). Establishment of the Southern Ocean and Marx 2012). The taxonomic dichotomy of crown
and growth of the Antarctic ice sheet together with mysticetes reflects an early divergence event that was
other factors combined to alter the fundamental completed by at least the early Miocene (20–18 Ma)
structure of the world’s oceans, which became and established the morphological division between ob-
more thermally stratified and marked by increased ligate skim feeders with narrow, arched rostra (balae-
tropics-to-polar thermal gradients. Cold surface noids) and a more diverse array of generalized and
waters flowing north from Antarctica encountered specialized filter feeders with relatively flat and broad
warmer subantarctic waters to create a major zone rostra (thalassotherians). This later group, the
of mixing, downwelling, and upwelling—the Thalassotherii (Bisconti et al. 2013), underwent dramatic
Antarctic Convergence—with very high primary pro- taxonomic and functional diversification throughout
ductivity. It is in this setting that the earliest eden- the Neogene (23–2.6 Ma) and Quaternary (2.6 Ma
tulous mysticetes are thought to have begun the to present), possibly beginning as early as the latest
impressive adaptive radiation to exploit this rich bio- Paleogene (25 Ma). Two discrete thalassotherian line-
mass as bulk filter-feeding mesopredators. ages, however, are consistently recognized in most recent
Some recent research has suggested that modern studies and include Cetotheriidae (node 13, Fig. 4) and
rorqual-like bulk filter feeding evolved near the Balaenopteroidea (node 14, Fig. 4) consisting of
1280 A. Berta et al.

eschrichtiids (node 15, Fig. 4) and balaenopterids (node laminae; extremely telescoped supraoccipital, and re-
16, Fig. 4). A third group is more problematic, but in duced coronoid process) related to the continuous
general consists of a group of stem thalassotherians that, ram feeding behavior of Caperea. In addition, the
depending on the study examined, represents either an hypothesis suggests that continuous ram feeding
unnamed monophyletic group (Boessenecker and evolved independently within a single lineage of the
Fordyce 2015a, 2015b, 2015c) or a paraphyletic group cetotheriid clade, a clade that only contains suction
(Marx and Fordyce 2015; Marx et al. 2016). In either feeding mysticetes. Clearly, neobalaenids are an ex-
case, this problematic assemblage referred to here as tremely autapomorphic group, but few independent
stem thalassotherians lack the synapomorphies of research groups have been able to replicate this
cetotheriids and balaenopteroids. unique phylogenetic placement of Caperea as a
As expected in such a taxonomically diverse clade, cetotheriid. One exception is the study by Gol’din

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crown mysticetes display a considerable degree of and Steeman (2015), although their phylogenetic
morphological diversity (disparity) that has been in- matrix was based in part on the matrix of Fordyce
terpreted to represent several functional modes and and Marx (2012).
feeding strategies for extinct taxa. Fossil balaenids As mentioned, extinct thalassotherians were taxo-
pose a special challenge because of the significant nomically and morphologically diverse. As such, they
temporal gap that separates the earliest recognized likely displayed a variety of filter-feeding strategies.
balaenid, Morenocetus parvus (early Miocene [20– Some, such as the speciose cetotheriid lineage appear
18 Ma] of Argentina) from the next youngest balae- to have employed a specialized type of suction feeding
nid, Eubalaena shinshuensis (late Miocene [6 Ma] of (Gol’din and Startsev 2014; El Adli and Deméré 2015).
Japan). In spite of this gap, it appears that very early Probably the best studied cetotheriids are species of
in their evolutionary history, balaenids evolved fea- Herpetocetus, known from the late Miocene and
tures associated with skim feeding (e.g., narrow and Pliocene (6.4–2.5 Ma) of the North Pacific and
dorsally arched rostra, narrow and laterally elongate North Atlantic surviving into the Pleistocene in the
supraorbital processes, anteriorly placed supraoccipi- North Pacific, and species of Cetotherium, known
tal that overlaps the parietals and frontals, and pos- from the late Miocene (11–10 Ma) of Ukraine.
terior rostral elements that minimally contact Herpetocetus morrowi described from the late Pliocene
the frontals). In light of the early appearance of the of Southern California had a unique jaw joint that
balaenid morphotype and in consideration of the would have restricted opening of the mouth to less
deep divergence of balaenids and thalassotherians than 458 (El Adli et al. 2014). This feature, coupled
(Fig. 4) from their common ancestor, it may be jus- with the characteristic kinetic rostrum of Herpetocetus
tified to consider balaenids as living fossils. Until (and closely related Piscobalaena) suggests that these
only recently, the neobalaenid lineage was monotypic long-snouted cetotheriids were able to generate con-
with the only known member being the living pygmy centrated oral suction pressure to draw prey-laden
right whale Caperea marginata. However, the discov- water into their mouths similar to the extant gray
ery and description of Miocaperea pulchra, an extinct whale Eschrichtius robustus. However, unlike E. robus-
neobalaenid from the late Miocene (7.5 Ma) of tus, Herpetocetus had a relatively flat palate with a low
Peru, reveals that this lineage is much older, al- palatal keel and anteromedially-oriented glenoid fossa,
though with a 7 million year temporal gap. as well as a posteriorly elongated mandibular angular
Interestingly, Miocaperea is morphologically very process. These anatomical features and limited gape
similar to living Caperea and possesses many of the suggest that Herpetocetus (and Piscobalaena) likely pos-
distinctive autapomorphies of the extant species. sessed numerous, but very short baleen laminae along
Recently, one research group has proposed a novel the lateral margins of its elongate palate. Cetotherium
hypothesis suggesting that C. marginata is actually a riabinini described from the late Miocene of Southern
living member of the Cetotheriidae (Fordyce and Ukraine is probably the most anatomically complete
Marx 2012; Marx and Fordyce 2015). This hypothesis species of Cetotherium. Like that of Herpetocetus, the
is based on an unusual assessment of cranial, petro- rostrum of Cetotherium is elongate; however, also de-
tympanic, and mandibular morphological characters cidedly narrower and more triangular in dorsal view
that questionably represent homologous character (Gol’din and Startsev 2014). Intra-rostral sutures are
states between cetotheriids and Caperea. However, open and a high degree of rostral kinesis has been pro-
in this scenario the substantial balaenid features of posed for this species. In addition, the mandible lacks
Caperea have to be viewed as resulting from conver- the uniquely elongated angular process and small and
gence including many features (e.g., dorsally arched posterolaterally directed mandibular condyle of
rostrum; long, slender, and numerous baleen Herpetocetus. The postcranial skeleton also displays a
Filter feeding in mysticete cetaceans 1281

high percentage of pachyosteosclerotic bone. A func- correlated with an increased reliance on the neck
tional analysis of C. riabinini suggests that this Eastern musculature.
Paratethyan cetotheriid was primarily a benthic suction Balaenopteridae is the most specious group of crown
feeder intermediate between continuous suction fee- thalassotherians with 8 or 9 living members and at least
ders such as Herpetocetus and intermittent suction fee- 13 described extinct taxa. The balaenopterid fossil
ders such as Eschrichtus (Gol’din and Startsev 2014). record extends into the late Miocene (12–10 Ma)
Extant thalassotherians form the clade and appears to contain several recognizable lineages.
Balaenopteroidea (node 14, Fig. 4) that includes A basal lineage consisting of Miocene and Pliocene
living and fossil members of Eschrichtiidae (gray species from Italy and California (Plesiobalaenoptera
whales; node 15, Fig. 4) and Balaenopteridae (rorquals; quarantellii, ‘‘Balaenoptera’’ ryani, Cetotheriophanes
node 16, Fig. 4). All extant balaenopteroids lack the capellinii) is characterized by skulls with elongate inter-

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enamel-specific C4orf genes indicating that those orbital regions exposing the parietal and the frontal and
genes were absent in the most recent common ancestor lacking any overlap between posterior rostral bones
of eschrichtiids and balaenopterids near the Oligocene/ and anterior cranial bones. The mandibles have a dis-
Miocene boundary. However, those genes may have tinctly bowed horizontal ramus, a low but well-devel-
been lost in part or in total much earlier in the most oped coronoid process, a small and dorsally placed
recent common ancestor of Thalassotherii (Fig. 4). mandibular foramen, a large angular process, and a
Although there is only one living eschrichtiid (E. weakly developed subcondylar furrow. Together these
robustus), the two early Pliocene (5–3.5 Ma) taxa features suggest an intermediate condition between
have been described: Gricetoides aurorae from stem thalassotherians and crown balaenopterids in
Eastern North America (Whitmore and Kaltenbach which the lower jaw was able to undergo some degree
2008) and Eschrichtioides gastaldii from Italy of alpha rotation during which the laterally bowed
(Bisconti, 2008), as well as several Pleistocene fossils ramus produced limited lateral expansion of the
that can be assigned to the genus Eschrichtius (Barnes mouth but not to the degree seen in modern rorquals.
A more advanced stage of cranial telescoping is seen in
and McLeod 1984; Ishishima et al. 2006; Tsai and
a group of balaenopterids consisting of
Boessenecker 2015). The stem eschrichtiid, E. gastal-
Parabalaenoptera baulinensis, Archaebalaenoptera cas-
dii, possesses several skull and mandibular features
triarquati, Fragilicetus velponi, Protororqualus cuvieri,
that appear to be associated with the suction feeding
‘‘Megaptera’’ miocaena, ‘‘Megaptera’’ hubachi, and
strategy of living gray whales. These include: a short
‘‘Balaenoptera’’ siberi. Although several of these
and steeply sloping occipital shield, low but distinct
Miocene and Pliocene taxa were originally assigned
occipital tuberosities, robust and posteriorly directed
to living genera (Balaenoptera and Megaptera), the
paroccipital processes, short and robust zygomatic short exposure of the parietal and frontal on the
process of the squamosal, posterodorsally oriented vertex, the short overlap of anterior cranial and poste-
mandibular condyle, enlarged angular process of rior rostral bones, and the retention of a large squamo-
mandible, low coronoid process, and a post-coronoid sal fossa indicate otherwise. Features of the mandible,
elevation. Together, these features suggest an in- however, appear to closely approach those in derived
creased reliance on the masseter, digastricus, and balaenopterids, especially enlargement of the coronoid
pterygoid muscles in providing greater precision process, greater lateral bowing of the ramus, a reduced
and control during lateral and medial rotation of angular process, and a deep subcondylar furrow. These
the mandible along its long axis (alpha rotation), features suggest a greater degree of mandibular alpha
and a reduced reliance on the temporalis muscle rotation and lateral expansion of the mouth during
and a reduced degree of mandibular abduction initial delta rotation; actions that are fundamental to
(delta rotation), functional adaptations noted in E. the advanced lunge feeding behavior seen in living ror-
robustus (El Adli and Deméré 2015). A partial quals. A third balaenopterid lineage is represented by a
eschrichtiid skeleton from the early Pleistocene-late late Pliocene (3.5–2.5 Ma) species from California,
Pliocene of Japan appears to represent the earliest Balaenoptera bertae (Boessenecker 2013). Unlike
record of the genus Eschrichtius. Although there is other extinct rorquals, this species can be assigned to
no mandible and the skull is incomplete and lacks Balaenoptera, as it possesses a modern stage of cranial
the frontals and rostrum, the cranium preserves fea- telescoping and configuration of the squamosal (e.g.,
tures commonly associated with E. robustus (e.g., possession of a squamosal crease and very reduced
short and steeply sloping occipital shield with dis- squamosal fossa). Although there is no mandible
tinct occipital tuberosities and robust and posteriorly known for B. bertae, it likely possessed features charac-
directed paroccipital processes) and possibly teristic of the living lunge feeding fin whales.
1282 A. Berta et al.

Conclusions Berta A, Sumich J, Kovacs K. 2015b. Marine mammals: evo-

lutionary biology. 3rd ed. San Diego (CA): Elsevier.
The evolution of baleen assisted bulk filter feeding Bisconti M. 2008. Morphology and phylogenetic relationships
from tooth assisted raptorial feeding is one of the of a new eschrichtiid genus (Cetacea: Mysticeti) from the
greatest and best documented macroevolutionary early Pliocene of Northern Italy. Zool J Linn Soc 153:161–
transitions in vertebrate history. All extant mysticetes 86.
are edentulous in adulthood, but ontogenetic evi- Bisconti M, Bosselaers M. 2016. Fragilicetus velponi: a new
dence of tooth buds in fetuses and genetic evidence mysticete genus and species and its implications for the
origin of Balaenopteridae (Mammalia, Cetacea, Mysticeti).
of both functional and non-functional tooth and
Zool J Linn Soc 177:450–74
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cate that all toothless baleen whales are descended of Isocetus depauwi (Mammalia, Cetacea, Mysticeti) and the
from toothed ancestors. Observations from the phylogenetic relationships of archaic ‘cetothere’ mysticetes.

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fossil record confirm the toothed ancestry of mysti- Palaeontology 56:95–127.
cetes, and the fossil record showcases the step-wise Boessenecker RW. 2013. A new marine vertebrate assemblage
transition from raptorial to bulk filter feeding. The from the Late Neogene Purisima Formation in Central
rostrum is broadened in the earliest toothed mysti- California, Part II: Pinnipeds and Cetaceans. Geodiversitas
cetes (mammalodontids), followed by a loss of fusion
Boessenecker RW, Fordyce RE. 2015a. A new eomysticetid
at the mandibular symphysis and presence of a (Mammalia: Cetacea) from the late Oligocene of New
baleen-like structure in the toothed aetiocetids. A Zealand and a re-evaluation of ‘Mauicetus’ waitakiensis.
complete loss of functional teeth in adulthood in Pap Palaeontol 1:107–40.
eomysticetids coincides with a flattened and kinetic Boessenecker RW, Fordyce RE. 2015b. A new genus and spe-
rostrum, both of which increase the size of the oral cies of eomysticetid (Cetacea: Mysticeti) and a reinterpre-
cavity to allow large volumes of prey-laden water tation of ‘Mauicetus lophocephalus’ Marples, 1956:
into the mouth. In addition, geochemical evidence transitional baleen whales from the upper Oligocene of
of a diet rich in zooplankton coincides with morpho- New Zealand. Zool J Linn Soc 175:607–60.
Boessenecker RW, Fordyce RE. 2015c. Anatomy, feeding ecol-
logical changes that are hypothesized to signify the
ogy, and ontogeny of a transitional baleen whale: a new
transition from raptorial single prey feeding to bulk genus and species of eomysticetidae (Mammalia: Cetacea)
filter feeding near the Eocene–Oligocene boundary. from the Oligocene of New Zealand. PeerJ 3:e1129.
The evolution of bulk filter feeding led the way for a Boessenecker RW, Fordyce RE. 2016a. A new eomysticetid
rapid radiation of the diverse feeding strategies that from the Oligocene Kokoamu Greensand of New Zealand
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Boessenecker RW, Fordyce RE. 2016b. Matapanui, a replace-
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opment, the grand narrative of baleen evolution will Buono MR, Fernáandez MS, Herrera Y. 2012. Morphology of
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