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A. Background
As agents of change, students have a role to make changes deemed necessary to
achieve progress. The change itself can be in the political, economic, social and cultural
rights and / or other appropriate to the needs of the nation. In this case, the student is
expected to have a real capability which can be applied in business and public spheres. Only
by studying in college, it was not enough to equip students to have sufficient capability.
There needs to be a real visit
as an applicative experience.
Subject Field Work is a form of practical learning which is a routine agenda carried
out by the Accounting Education Studies Program in the Faculty of Education, University of
Muhammadiyah, Surakarta. This event was attended by students in semester 5 and several
lecturers who accompany them. HSE aims to improve the knowledge and experience of the
world of work so that students can harmonize with the theories that have been obtained at
each visit were made, in addition to the students and then given the task to report the results
of the visit in the form of a report.

B. Formulation of the problem

Based Background described above, it can be the subject matter is as follows:
1. How rangkaiaan activities carried out in the "PT Yakult?
2. How a series of activities carried out in the Pod Chocolate Vactory?
3. How a series of activities carried out at the Secret Garden Village
4. How a series of activities carried out in Enterprenership Krishna?
5. How to travel in Panglipuran traditional village, while culture barong dance
performances, Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)?
6. How Pandavas and Beaches at Melasti Beach?
7. How shopping at Krisna, Gods, Cening Good, and Joger

C. Writing purpose
1. Describes a series of activities at PT. Yakult
2. Describe a series of events in Pod Chocholate Vactory
3. Describe a series of activities inSecret Garden Village (Herborist)
4. Explain tourism in the island resort of Bali
5. Explain shopping activities in Joger and Krishna
6. add insights directly related to the study program in order to improve students' abilities
and skills.

Points and Time FrameField Work Lecture (MPA) Education Study Program
Accounting 2016 (Guidance and Counseling) University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta held on
Thursday, October 31, 2019 until Tuesday, November 5, 2019. Working visit areas of
Accounting Education Program is Surabaya and Bali. Details of the place and time Field Work
Lecture (HSE) activities, namely:


1. PT. Yakult Indonesia Persada
1) Seminar Introduction Company Profile

Accounting Education UMS group of students arrived at the factory Yakult
Mojokerto with a warm welcome from employees with our good welcome briefing
enter the room to visit. Each student orderly entry and given a bottle yakult freely.
Directing for a few minutes. The presentation was delivered by one of the employees
of yakult. He describes how the beginning yakult created. Students listened carefully.
Here are the reviews that we received while receiving guidance from the yakult:

a. Y a k u l t h i s t o r y
Year (1930 a doctor and researcher mycological Yoto University graduate
Imperial Japan and Dr. Minoru Shirota succeed me-nemukan bermanfaat.
Lactobacillus lactic acid bacteria casei Shirota strain is a type of bacteria found
and known benefits to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria found in the
human gut ,
b. Beverage Prebiotics benefits Yakult
B a c t e r i u m Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota life contained in the
beverage yakult have benefits to help:
- Maintaining a Food balance of microrrganisms in The intestine
- Suppresses The growth of harmful bacteria
- Reduces toxins released by harmful bacteria
- Six The digestive System.

c. Production Process
PT Yakult Indonesia has implemented a production process food
safety management standards compliant ISO22000-2005. In quality management.
PT Yakult Indonesia also has won international certificate ISO 900: 2008 for the
no doubt obvious Yakult product is safe and of superior quality. The certificates
do not sertamerta given consideration as much as possible then yakult implement
standards for processing products. Ways that do should be higinies and
environmentally friendly. Not only raw material standard operating procedure for
employees are also highly considered. Before entering the shoes worn workspace
will be automatically cleaned by the tool. Employees must wear a mask and

headgear. if the employee has mensuci both hands then the production room door
could be opened. Besides that, employees must go through the shower water used
to clean the special working clothes from dirt after employees ready in pristine
condition before production machines can be operated. Prebiotic beverage
manufacturing yakult have to go through some tahanpan as shown below:

2. Bali Pod Chocolate Factory

Bali Pod Chocolate Factory The Chocolate Makers Pod Unique Brown founded
by Toby Garrit who have a passion for creating the best chocolate in the world. Pod
Chocolate you will find all sorts of unique chocolate that you rarely encounter in a
supermarket or a minimarket normally. Pod Chocolate brown, there are two styles are
classic and nectar. You can menikamti products like the classic chocolate bar, bar nectar,
nectar poches, assorted flavors praline, and more. For classical bar you can sample
flavors such as Peppermint chocolate with dark chocolate, dark chocolate orange, Bali
44% Milk chocolate.
Later on you can taste the nectar chocolate bar Bali Cinnamon, Ginger &
Lemongrass, Chilli Bali, Rosella flower & Casshew, Sea Salt & Casshew Nibs. In
addition you can also taste the chocolate assortment praline flavors like Passion Fruit
Pod, Pod sea salt caramel, Bali Coffe Pod, Pod hearts, Pod Lips, and various other
products. You can visit the Chocolate Pod directly because there are many more types of
unique chocolate products can be found.

3. Secret Garden Village

secret Arden villageoffers educational tourist sites with a contemporary
atmosphere. You not only to obtain a place that educatesBut also can enjoy the beauty of
the natural landscape Bedugul. In addition there to witness Oemah Herborist Herborist
product creation process and shop at the store concept. Here, visitors are invited to tour
visited places The 60 minutes. Like what ?

1.) Nuance Minimalism

The uniqueness of the Secret Garden Village has been felt even before visitors set
foot in the building design thanks to contemporary minimalist style. "The design is
combined with a very strong nature, such as water, wood, iron and concrete," said Haryo.
Andra is Martin, the architect who designed the two-story building. Potato Head, one of
the top clubs in Bali, also includes The fruit of his work.

2.) Admission
In order to enter, visitors must purchase tickets in advance at the counter. Secret
Garden Village enforce the admission price of Rp 50,000 for local travelers and Rp
100,000 for foreign tourists. If the ticket already in hand, a guide to take visitors around
the Secret Garden Village.

3.) Beauty Heritage Museum

The first objective is Beauty Heritage Museum that is part of Oemah Herborist on
floor 2. There are about 20 objects to show off in the form of antique equipment for
dispensing herbal medicine or beauty products in ancient times.

4.) Factory Mini
The tour then continues into a mini factory body and beauty care products
Herborist Oemah. The plant is a replica of the main factory Oemah Herborist in
Semarang, Central Java. Wearing a white long coat style complete doctor with mask and
headgear, visitors can see the process of making up the product packaging Oemah
Herborist all made of natural materials typical of Indonesia.

5.) Beauty Outlet

After watching the story on 'behind the scenes', visitors then guided toward beauty
store where all products Herborist sale. Here, you'll find Fragrance Bar. Not a bar for an
aperitif, but the bar for dispensing perfumes made from natural.

6.) Coffee Museum

Guides then took the visitors to the museum coffee and coffee mini factory. In the
museum, there are antique equipment used for brewing coffee. While in the mini mill is
shown step by step roast (roasting) coffee to packaging.

7.) Coffee Shop

Faced with the museum, there is a coffee shop that sells all types of coffee beans
from across the nation and accessories, even. In addition to selling products, coffee shop
also offers coffee-tasting experience guided experienced barista.

8.) Cafes and Restaurants

To complete tour experience of visitors, Secret Garden Village offers three places
to eat or just sip the best coffee while enjoying a panoramic view of terraced rice fields
and the hills are stunning. There The Luwus to a buffet spread of Asian and traditional
Balinese, and Rice View for menu food grill concept.
Secret Garden Village is located on Jalan Raya Denpasar Bedugul KM 36, exactly
on the right side of the road from Denpasar. Traveling from Ngurah Rai International
Airport takes about 60 minutes.

4. Joger
Holidays in Bali is not enough if you do not visit Joger Bali. Just like a vacation to
Singapore, if you have not visited Orchard road, on vacation in Singapore is incomplete.
Bali Joger known among tourists as a place to buy souvenirs typical of Bali. Especially
souvenir t-shirt with the words Joger unique. Besides the uniqueness of words, the
original Joger products can only be purchased in stores Joger that exist only in the island
of Bali.
Seductive Joger opened in Jalan Sulawesi No 37 Denpasar. But the date of July 7,
1987 Joger store moved to its current location on Jalan Raya Kuta address next
supermarket Supernova.Joger located in the Kuta area highway. To be sure, Kuta Joger
address is Jalan Raya Kuta near supermarket Supernova. Joger very strategic location, and
is adjacent to Bali's Kuta beach tourism. If you depart from Kuta beach, it will take
approximately 20 minutes with a distance of about 1.3 kilometers. The area where the car
park is provided is actually quite spacious, only the number of visitors every day very
much, making the parking lot is often full. Especially during the high season in Bali such
as during school holidays, Eid holidays and New year holidays, shop Joger very crowded
with visitors. Many students from outside Bali who use four-wheel vehicles filling the
parking area. But this is not an obstacle for not visiting the store Joger.
Prices shirt Bali Joger varied, with high quality materials are preferred. Price T-
shirt from the range of Rp. 100,000 - Rp. 250,000. Price Joger shirts and other products
Joger, can change at any time. For price confirmation, please visit the store directly Joger
in Bali. In addition, the original Joger products can only be purchased in stores Joger that
exist only in Bali.Almost every day the place is frequented by local and foreign tourists.
Especially during school holidays, Eid, Christmas, and before the new year. The place is
very strategic with unique products, makes this shop is never empty of visitors. So that
visitors often run out of stock size shirt Bali Joger. You do not have to visit the holiday
season or holidays, so you'll be free to choose a shirt runners Bali, do not run out of size
and do not stand in line at the checkout.

5. As Barong Dance Culture
Percutian you to Bali would not be complete without watching the Barong dance
offerings. Originating than the area of Gianyar, the dance tells the battle between Barong
and Rangda is symbolizing the evil opposite good. Do not watch the show despite the
amazing opportunities Barong and Keris dance and biological story with sound and light
effects. Kris barong dance is one of the many variants of barong dance that developed in
Balinese society. This dance has been packed into a spectacle that attracted the attention
of the general public, especially tourists (both domestic and foreign).
This dance is shown regularly in the Batu Bulan, Gianyar, every morning at 9:30
to 11:30 pm. Despite being a mass show enjoyed by many people, this dance sacred
values remain intact. As barong dance in general, kris barong dance tells the eternal
enmity between the figure who became a symbol Barong Rangda manifests goodness
with badness. Both figures are involved in the battle a draw never ending, another one
can not overthrow each other.
The eternal struggle has a philosophy that in life, goodness and badness will
always be present side by side and balance each other. Kris barong dance resemble the
philosophy in the story of five innings. Kris barong dance opened with the attendance
figure Keket Barong (a mythological creature that is depicted with thick fur lion-headed)
who lives with a monkey in the middle of the jungle. Once, emerging group of people
who then tried to attack Barong suspecting his son had been eaten by the Barong. Fierce
fights occurred between the three men with the Barong and apes. In the end, the monkey
managed to injure one of the attackers.
In the first half, emerged as the two dancers told the followers of Rangda. Both
dancers are looking for followers Kunti who will turn towards patihnya.
In the second half, a follower of Rangda transformed into a devil who changed both
followers of Kunti become resentful. Both of these followers then met with the grand
vizier and together went to Kunti.
In the third round, Kunti appears with his son, Sadewa (Sahadeva), which once
promised to be handed over to the Rangda an offering. Kunti actually can not bear the

expense of Sadewa, but appeared a devil that preoccupy Kunti and patihnya. Sadewa was
arrested and tied up in the woods - where Rangda is located.
In the midst of these conditions, Lord Shiva appeared before him Sadewa and
confers immortality. Rangda finally emerged and intended to kill Sadewa, without
knowing the power that has given Lord Shiva. Rangda Sadewa repeatedly tried to attack,
but none of the attacks that wounded him. Rangda finally gave up and succumbs to
Sahadev and begged to be freed from the curse so that they can go to heaven. Sadewa
meet demand and save it so that Rangda Rangda was finally able to experience
In the last section, a follower of Rangda called Kalika trying overlooking Sadewa
and also begging to be saved. Sadewa rejected the request Kalika and there was a fierce
battle between the two. To compensate Sadewa, Kalika transformed into a boar and then
into birds. Although several times to change shape, Kalika always defeated by Sahadev.
Kalika was then transformed into a Rangda figure that can not be defeated by Sahadev.
Sadewa also transform himself into a Barong. Strength Barong and Rangda incarnation
incarnation Sadewa Kalika impartial had power, so it can not beat each other.
The followers Sadewa / Barong also tried to attack the Rangda, but one by one
defeated. The will of the Almighty, the followers of Barong given strength so
invulnerable to attack. Barong dance kris closed with thrilling attractions of the dancers
who showed immune to stab a dagger.

6. Pandawa
Pandawa Beach is located in the south of Bali, exactly in the village south Kutuh
District of Badung Bali. When heading to the beach Pandavas we use the buses. The
Pandavas beach can be reached within one hour from Ngurah Rai airport.To go to the
Pandavas Beach, we can take the route from Kuta Beach / Ngurah Rai Airport to the
south towards the street Baran / Ulu Watu, go straight and follow the road until we pass
the tourist spots are well known, namely the pedestal. From GWK us straight through
the intersection, we turn to the left, from the junction, turn left on the fork and follow the
road for about 3-4 km. We found a bend uphill and directions to the Pandavas beach,

turn right and follow the signs for about 3 km and a beach location Pandavas began to
In 2010 an increase in visits of foreign guests, especially those who will be
surfing and it turns out that they are entering the "SECRET BEACH" area through the
information they have to pay to those who provide information, ranging from instructor
village to follow up by forming a management team and set Melasti beach as a tourist
area by combining the potential of seaweed cultivation, which already exists. In 2012,
on December 27 or secreat Melasti Beach Beach Beach Pandavas established through
the implementation of the first festival with the name of Pawa Beach. Given the mention
of the name is very familiar Pandavas and contain full philosophy which, according to
Hindu mythology contained in Bharata epic narrated the life of the five Pandavas in
brackets in the cave putty.
There are similarities with the stories written in bharata epic in fact the fate of
those Kutuh village. So that people agree to give the name of the Melasti Beach (secret
beach) as the Pandavas coast so it can be remembered for all time.Bali island is also
famous for its beautiful beaches such as Kuta or Dreamland Beach.
But there is another one that is no less beautiful beaches on two coasts, the
Pandavas Beach or also commonly called Kutuh Beach. Situated in Kutuh, District of
South Ticks, Badung regency, in the area of South Bali, the beach is being developed
into a tourist destination in Bali. With its location on high cliffs and overgrown bushes,
this beach used to be known as a secret beach. Pandawa Beach is still calm of tourists
visit given access to the beach quite difficult even though the beach is actually only 3
km from Nusa Dua. Pandawa Beach beauty has been recognized by locals and some
tourists. However, because of the difficulty of access to get here, make this beach empty
of visitors. Fortunately, the local government immediately responded to the tourism
potential of this beach. then the access road constructed to facilitate the tourists heading
to the Pandavas Beach.Pandawa Beach is behind the limestone hills. Along the way to
the coast, we will discover the towering limestone cliffs. Among the limestone cliffs is a
sculpture of five points, namely Yudhistira Five Pandavas, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and
Sadewa. So the name is called Pandavas Beach.

7. Jimbaran
Jimbaran is the name of a village in Badung regency, Bali. Located in the south
of the island of Bali, about 15 minutes from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Before
developed into tourist attractions, Jimbaran was once a fishing village, and most of the
population earn a living by becoming a fisherman. But now that it has changed, mostly
locals earn a living Jimbaran involved in tourism. The main attraction of Jimbaran Bali
tourist attraction located on the white sand beach, which is famous for its Jimbaran
beach. Especially in Jimbaran and Kedonganan beach, there is the uniqueness of the
appeal of Jimbaran and Kedonganan Bali. Moreover, the uniqueness of the Jimbaran
beach can not be found anywhere else on the coast of the island of Bali.
The uniqueness is in the cafe located on Jimbaran beach, which specifically serves
grilled seafood (seafood), with special spices Jimbaran Bali. I as a local Bali, also really
like the holidays to Jimbaran beach with the family, especially in the evening while
enjoying this Jimbaran grilled seafood specialties.If you want to see the view of the
sunset, while enjoying grilled seafood dishes. Then Jimbaran tourist spot is one of the
best you can find on the island. There are so many cafes seafood at Jimbaran beach area,
offers a varied menu with prices varied diet.
In the afternoon, Jimbaran tourist crowded with tourists, both foreign and
domestic. The restaurant's parking area is quite spacious and staffed by locals, so you'll
have no trouble finding a parking spot.Most tourists visiting the attractions of Jimbaran,
in addition to seeking Balinese seafood, there is another goal, watching the sunset or
sunset. The sunset while enjoying a delicious sea food, soft swish of the waves on the
beach with white sand, the main attraction of Jimbaran tourist attractions.

8. GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kencana)

GWK, is a tourist park in the southern part of the island of Bali. This park is
located in Ungasan Village, District of South Kuta, Badung regency, about 40
kilometers south of Denpasar, capital of Bali province. In this cultural park area,
landmark or mascot Bali is planned, which is a giant statue of Lord Vishnu riding his
horse, Garuda, height 120 meters. Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park area is located
146 meters above the ground or 263 meters above sea level. In the area there is also a

statue of Garuda Wisnu right behind the Plaza, Garuda Plaza where 18-meter-tall statue
of Garuda temporarily placed. At this time, Garuda Plaza is the focal point of a large hall
carved limestone pillars which covers more than 4000 square meters of open space, the
Lotus Pond. colossal limestone pillars and statues monumental Lotus Pond Garuda made
the room very exotic. With a capacity of up to 7,000 rooms, Lotus Pond has earned a
good reputation as the perfect place to hold large events and international. There is also
a statue of Vishnu hand which is part of a statue of Lord Vishnu. This is one step closer
to complete a full statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana. This work while stationed in the
area Tirta Agung. This is one step closer to complete a full statue of Garuda Wisnu
Kencana. This work while stationed in the area Tirta Agung. This is one step closer to
complete a full statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana. This work while stationed in the area
Tirta Agung.
Height of the pedestal exceeds the Statue of Liberty in the Americas and the
manufacturing process lasts about 28 years. Of course, I Nyoman Nuarta seemed very
relieved to see his work completed. On August 4, 2018, celebration event titled Earth
Swadharma Ning held to celebrate the completion of the statue. GWK has a mixture of
copper and steel weighing 4,000 tons with a height of 75 meters and a width of 60
meters. This statue will be a world bronze statue which involves only a simple welding
techniques and equipment. There are 754 modules are welded and assembled by the
artist to shape the overall GWK statue. GWK statue is the figure of Lord Vishnu in
Hinduism is the God the Preserver (Sthiti) when riding Garuda bird. GWK is a symbol
of environmental rescue mission and the world.

9. Melasti beach
Melasti beach is located on the south coast of Bali precisely in Desa Ungasan,
And is adjacent to Bali Cliff Beach. The location can be reached from Jimbaran
approximately 15 minutes. Because it is located in Ungasan, then we call it Melasti
Beach Ungasan, Melasti Beach Known as the beach is often used for
ceremoniesMelastiby local residents on a particular day, for example before Nyepi.
Currently, access to this beach has been laid out nicely. It proved the existence of an
asphalted road to the waterfront high across the chasm that often becomes a background

where an image, can be 100-150 meters altitude. Just like the Pandavas Beach, this
access opportunities for tourists who visit on holiday in Bali to enjoy the beach
panorama from multiple viewpoints. Here has not appeared any public facility that
signifies as a tourist destination.

10. Village Panglipuran

Penglipuran is one of the traditional village of Bangli, Bali province, Indonesia. The
village is renowned as one of tourist destinations in Bali because the people who are still
running and preserve traditional culture Baliin their daily lives. Processing architecture of
the buildings and land is still following the conceptTri Hita Karana, The philosophy of
the Balinese people about the balance relationship between God, human beings and the
environment. They managed to build a profitable tourism throughout society without
losing their culture and traditions. In 1995, Penglipuran also awardedKalpataru of
Government Indonesia for his efforts to protect the Bamboo Forest in their local

After visiting many industry factors that can be used as study materials related to the
corresponding entrepreneurial described by employees yakult.Melihat magnitude yakult
industrial area that spread to almost all countries in the world in more than 22 countries
must have both advantages and disadvantages in production, partnership, or even
pemasaran.untuk more details, then we will explain some of the factors in

1. Selection of Business
Started entrepreneurship is important to review in advance the type of business
that will be developed. Selection of the type of business based on the needs of
individuals or groups to achieve the purpose of the election results of business types.

Many factors need to be considered to be an entrepreneur determines the type of
business that will be developed as the market demand, capital, raw materials used
target market etc. Selection of the type of business, yakult control over one of the
factors that the raw materials used. Yakult raw materials in the form of Lactobacillus
casei strain Shirota penuhdalam economic stake passage of this fermented beverage
business. Dr. Minoru Shirota is able to sniff out business opportunities that do not
have a lot of competitors. Bacteria findings into the development rights to the
business. Good bacteria that have been found through the process of this strain into
raw materials, not easily available in the market and in nature. These bacteria are not
sold freely. Thus, to establish suatuusaha like yakult! it is needed to perform bacterial
strain itself andrethink the processes that will be required to
makesubsequently fermented milk.

2. Production
In the production of an entrepreneurial provide long goods production and
production is an important issue to think about. Fast 1eberapa raw materials are
transformed into products jadidan how quickly workers produce is one of the
successes that can be achieved from the production sector. Yakult only creating one
product. Namely susufermentasi beverages containing live bacteria Lactobacillus
casei. The resulting product retains the original color of the solution and without the
addition of artificial flavors. 1ehingga akanproses concentration of production will
not be divided because it produced only one type of product during a visit of
industrial PT Yakult openly told about the ongoing production process. & Ari penjela
Sanyang we explored the above!
3. Distribution
4. Marketing


Through job training visits (KKL) PT. Yakult Indonesia and in Pod Chochelate
Facn at the Secret Garden Village students are expected to observe all that is done and
learned in the KKL in progress and can apply in the real world, especially in the sphere of
marketing accounting, because through this visit we can know the process from the
beginning to be able to walk in opening a business. Field Work Program has been
scheduled by the university goal to provide the experience and insight into the life of the
community. Implementation of Field Work courses attended by students, namely PT.
Yakult Indonesia Kemidian in Pod Chochelate Facn at the Secret Garden Village
Students are expected to take bermanfat information that can be practiced in the
future so that students already have knowledge in the beginning of the execution of the
right business conducted through the KKL.

Constraints during implementation of the KKL is not too much, the obstacles we
encountered including the efficiency of the time, especially during an industrial research
activities both in business visit, Entrepenership Krisna Bali. So watch very Delayed.


Impression : KKL very memorable for us, which greatly adds a lot of knowledge
with regard of culture in Bali. The beauty of its natural scenery and friendly people, nor
sturdy and firmly maintain the inherent customs since the fathers of the people BALI.


1. Secret Garden Village

2. Krisna

3. Yakult Indonesia (KCU Surabaya )

4. Jimbaran

5. GWK ( Garuda Wisnu Kencana )

6. Pandawa beach

7. Pod Chocolate Factory





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