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Name : Blandina Patti Peilohy (010118A026) [patient]

Chasna Kamala Annabila (010118A027) [nurse]

[N = Nurse ; P = Patient] BLOOD PLEASSURE

N = ‘’Number five’’ ..
P = ‘’Good morning ners’’
N = ‘’Morning, come in and have a seat’’
P = ‘’ Ok, thank you ’’
N = ‘’ What is your name ?’’
P = ‘’My name is blandina patti peilohy, you can call me dina’’
N = ‘’Can you tell me how you’re feeling?’’
P = ‘’ I have felt dizzy, weak for 2 days and so easily tired’’
N = ‘’ Whether your appetite decreased?’’
P = ‘’Yes, but I still eat even tought a little’’
N = ‘’Dina, I'll check your blood pressure’’
P = ‘’Sure’’
N = ‘’I’ll just rool your sleeve up a little. That’s good. Can you hold youre arm out straight for me ? you
can sit and just relax, you won’t feel any pain. It will just a bit tight around youre arm. that’s 90/75
(ninety over seventy-five)’’
P = ‘’is that normal ners?’’
N = ‘’ Dina experiencing low blood pressure or you can say anemic’’
P =‘’ What should I do now to improve my blood pressure ners?’’
N = ‘’ I suggest to eat foods high in salt and balanced with lots of drinking water. Don't forget to get
enough rest and don't get too tired.’’
P = ‘’Ok, I will eating foods high in salt and balanced with lots of drinking water, and to get enough
N = ‘’There anything you want to be asked again?’’
P = ‘’No, Thank you for ministry’’
N = ‘’ your welcome dina, hopefully soon get better’’

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