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Productivity Challenge

Instructions for Fellows

You have 10 minutes to complete as many tasks as possible. Each task has certain points that
you will gain on completion of the task.
1. The entire team puts their name in the Evidence Document (5 points)
2. Write something in the Evidence Document, such as a poem, speech or song (10 points;
bonus 5 points if the instructor actually reads/sings it)
3. Find out something unique about each person on the team and write it down in the
Evidence Document (10 points)
4. Sing a song together. Record it. Save on your drive and put a link to it in the Evidence
Document (15 points)
5. Make a paper airplane and throw it. Take a picture or make a video of you doing it. Put this
picture in the Evidence Document (or upload the video on the drive and put a link in the
document). The plane should be flying in the picture/video and can’t be touching the
ground. (20 points)
6. Get pictures of signatures of at least 3 team members, and put them in the Evidence
Document (15 points)
7. Count the number of pets owned by your teammates and put that information on the
Evidence Document (5 points)
8. Find out everyone’s middle name or nickname in the group and put that in the Evidence
Document (5 points)
9. Convince a member of your team to do handstand in front of the webcam. Take a picture of
them doing it and put it in the Evidence Document (15 points)
10. Name your team and come up with a slogan, and put these in the Evidence Document (5
points for the name, 5 bonus points for the slogan)
11. Take a picture of the entire team on the screen, and put it on the Evidence Document (10

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