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more oxygen fewer people

“it is necessary to lose 85.000 people to reduce 6% of Co2”

The new virus called coronavirus, is perhaps one of the pandemics that has spread the
fastest, we must remember that the world already had similar cases but it did not expand as
the coronavirus did, its origin is still unknown, the researchers have not found the point of
origin, it is only known that it is from the city of wuhah-china, the hypotheses to n this day
indicate that the carriers of the virus are bats.

Taking into account that the virus spreads very quickly and it is too easy to contract it, the
affected countries have not worried much about the subject, this because: for them this type
of pandemic is not fatal and only attacks people who have suffered from diseases such as
pneumonia or lack low defenses, likewise health controls are not the best and allow
infected people to travel to another country, taking the virus inside then.

It is true, around 85.000 people have died from this virus, but this figure is not signification
for the ONU since for them they represent only 2% wich makes them affirm that: the virus
is not deadly and solutions are expected, but all the news about the bacteria is not bad, since
the virus came out in china, 6% co2 has been reduced this has never happened in such a
contaminating country at least 100 million tons of co2 were reduced, in a few words the
ozone layer is being given a second breath, so we do know if the virus was brought by bats
or was a chemical weapon to decontaminate a country.

Finally, the virus is deadly or does not spread very quickly, it will soon be a pandemic, it
has negative effects for the world economy but very positive effects for the environment,
although to can be affirmed that: virus researchers are in a state of neglect, it seems they to
reduce as mucho Co2.

In conclusion, they are many ways to reduce the co2 of a country, the solution is not to start
to get sick in half a country and the world to reduce this, you can see campaigs were
factories stop producing to help but murdering because all life is important and you can not
play with peoples health

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