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Beauty and love

Together resided
Heavenly resorts above
And were guided

By the spirits divine

Incited them to always align

Gamboled they hand in hand

Place like a fairy land

Happy like victorious prince

Jealous were the happiness thence

Love, importune for beauty

Forgetting her divine duty

Hovered over like a moth

On the lightened luminous path

Never would they go astray

Promised under the broad day

One night they were making love

The beauty saw shining moon above

The moon light was so sweet

Beauties praised it and too repeat

Love was jealous of beauty infidel

Could not bear the moon rival

Come at beauty with a hard blow

Plucked out love’s eyes glow

Since that day the love is blind

And the beauty does not mind

Love and beauty part the way

Since that day are at bay

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