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What’s does it mean to be an INFP?

You type live more in the world of identities posibilites.

You are a little bit of everything:

You’re an introvert and extrovert

You’re an intuitive and a sensor
You’re a feeler and a thinker
You’re a perceived and a judge


I is for Introverts:
- Gain energy or “recharge” through alone time.
- Prefer to maintain small circle of close friends.
- Generally fell most confortable while alone.
- Are perceived as quiet or reserved by other.

N is for intuitive:
- Are a ‘big picture’ thinkers.
- Are quick to recognize patterns and make connections between abstract ideas.
- Are more concerned by with theories than the concrete facts and observations.
- Focus the majority of their attention on conceptualizing future possibilities.

P is for perceivers:
- Enjoy the process of exploring their options more than they reaching decisions.
- Work in bursts of passionate energy (often as a deadline approaches).
- Feel trapped inside of strict plans or routines.
- Feel most confortable when y they have many options open to them.

The truth about type is that Personality times is

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