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Dear Parents,

An open letter to you all to say thank you for looking after your children and guiding them on their academic journey
during these unprecedented times. What is most important right now is to ensure yourself, your children and your
family remain safe and healthy during this time.

To assist in supporting distance learning, the students have a take home pack to keep them busy and to ensure they
continue to grow their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum. Due to the uniqueness of the world we find
ourselves in, I want to reassure you that you do not need to recreate the classroom at home. Learning occurs
in different ways and while students are at home I would encourage you to build an environment that students can be
themselves and learn in a way that is best for them. I believe creating an environment where you let them play, cook,
clean and help with jobs around the house will be just as important as completing the activities I have provided.

In this pack you will find:
-Student readers (there will need to be returned next term) as long as students are reading- any books are fantastic!
-Think Mental- I will communicate with you what pages to complete and when.
-Handwriting- I will communicate with you and what pages to complete and when.
-Typing Tournament / Maths seeds / Mathletics / Reading Eggs / Phonics Heroes (all logins have been sent home)
- Spelling, Writing and Maths Menus
-Journal (students can use the writing menu to make entries but I have attached instructions inside of each journal)
-Reading activities

If you are already self-isolating and do not have a pack that has been sent home but would like one made please email
me. Alternatively, I can upload most of these things to Seesaw.

Health: We have been looking at resiliency and well-being, this is something you can continue through conversations
and growth mindset activities/ videos.
HASS: We have been looking at History- expand on this by looking at the history of your family, your farm etc.
Science: We have been focusing on living things and how they grow. You could plant something with your child, take
photos and record observations.
Online Learning Platform:
We will be using Seesaw and our learning platform. I will be emailing all of you your students account information and
instructions will be uploaded on the classroom journal to welcome/assist you with navigating the program from home.
I am thinking of you all during this time and missing all of my Room 2 students. If the students would like to speak
with me then I would love to set up a time to speak with them via phone or answer any questions via email/Seesaw.

Warmest Regards,
Madison Jenkins- Classroom Teacher

*Please note that if your child is still attending school, they will not have a pack sent home this term. However, all
students will have a Seesaw account.

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