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ALGD.GADU Gran Logia de Espafia Grande Oriente Espafiol De Nasones Antguos, Libres y Acoptados 1889 To the attention of: A.W.Bro, Rad Balaneseu, Grand Master ‘National Grand Lodge of Romania ‘eeind - grand seerelarsf@ma to Barcelona, 19th May 2020. Dear Grand Master, ‘have learned ofthe latest evens in your jurisdiction, which have eused me deep concer ‘will not comment oa them because it isnot my place to do so. ‘In my many visits to Romania | have always enjoyed the company and friendship ofthe [Brethren of te National Grand Lodge of Romania, who have given me thei wonderful Fraternity and I amhonouredto have among my fiends many Romanian Brathers who arehonest and deoply dedicated to Freemasonry. ‘You. MAH. Rada Balanescu, were kind enough to grant me the honorary rank of Grand Master of Honour of the National Grand Lodge of Romania several years ago, Since then Thave proudly worn this honour. However, ofthe moment, I do sot feel able to continue holding this ile. 1 therfore egret to inform you that [formally WAIVE It with much pain and sorrow.T only hope that in the future will bellowed to recover it under different circumstances ‘wish all the best tothe National Grand Lodge of Romania and to all the Brothers who are member. ILW.o, Osear De Alfonso Omega Grand Maser of the Grand Lodge of Spain ‘crv geou ta "30min om gure

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