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Planning every day in advance so as to bring the future into the present so that I can do

something about it now by which every minute spent in planning saves as ten minutes in
execution, and this can be met by using the 6P formula which means Proper Prior Planning
Preventing Poor Performance

Applying the 80/20 rule to everything to ensure time and life management by which I expect
to complete complex task and experience tremendous results. By applying this rule I expect
20% of my activity to account for 80% of my results.

Considering the consequences of the ability of accurately doing or not doing something
knowing that something that is important has long term potential consequences for me and
the company I am working with

Obey the law of forced efficiency by which my most powerful thinking tool for success is my
ability to discriminate between one priority and another and I will take few minutes each day
to sit quietly and think about my work and activities so that I can get wonderful ideas and

Do my homework by resolving today to become a "do-it-myself" project and learn the key
skills and core competencies that I will need to have in the future to lead my field. Making
sure that whatever they are, I set a goal, make a plan, and begin to develop and increase my
ability in those areas. Also resolve to be the very best at what I do

Leveraging my special talents by continually asking myself these key questions. What I am
really good at? What do I enjoy most about my work? What was most responsible for my
past success? If I could do any job at all, what would it be? Whatever my answers, I get
started today

Identify my key constraints by identifying my most important goal in life today. What is it?
What one goal, if I achieved it, would have the greatest positive effect on my life? What one
career accomplishment would have the greatest positive impact on my work life? Also, why
have I not accomplished the goal by now? What is it in myself that is holding me back?
Whatever my answers, I take action immediately.

Putting the pressure on myself by setting deadlines and sub-deadlines on every task and
activity. Creating my own forcing system by raising the bar on myself. Once I have set
myself a deadline, I stick to it and even try to beat it. Writing out every step of a major job or
project before I begin. Then determine how many minutes and hours it will require
accomplishing each phase. Organize my daily and weekly calendars to create time segments
when I work exclusively on these tasks.

Maximizing my personal powers by making an analysis of my current energy levels and my

daily health habits. Resolving today to improve my levels of health and energy by asking the
following questions

 What am I doing that you should do less of?

 What am I doing today that affects my health that I should STOP DOING altogether?

Practicing creative procrastination by practicing zero-based thinking in every part of my

life. Examining each of my personal and work activities and evaluate it based on my situation
today. If it is something I would not start up again today, knowing what I now know, it is a
prime candidate for abandonment or creative procrastination

Create large chunks of time to concentrate on specific goals or projects by making every
minute count and thinking continually of different ways that I can save, schedule, and
consolidate large chunks of time. Using this chunk of time to work on important tasks with
the most significant long-term consequences. Most of all, keeping focused on the most
important results for which I am responsible

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