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‘Night Without End’ chapters 9 and 10

Answer the following questions:

1. Who fell over the edge of the ice crack? How did this happen?
Helene fell, because Solly Levin pushed her by accident when someone hit his foot.
2. Who was holding Peter’s gun? Why was he holding it?
Corazzini, at first Peter thought it was because he was also suspecting that someone
pushed Helene and wanted to catch the killers, but then they found out that he was
one of the killers.
3. What happened with the tins of meat? Who had stolen them? Why?
Corazzini and Smallwood were the ones who stole them, but they made it look like it
was Zagero and Levin.
4. What was the ‘sastrugi’?
Waves in the frozen snow, caused by the wind.
5. What was the plane carrying? How important was it?
It was very important, it was a guided-missile mechanism, which was so advanced
and secret that only a few scientists in the United States knew about it. It was the
only one of it’s kind and was being sent to Britain so that it could be studied by
scientists over there.
6. What happened between Zagero and Corazzini? Explain the incident
Corazzini made it look like he was the criminal who stole the tins of meat so
everyone thought he was one of the killers with Levin, so they made him ride with his
feet tied on the front of the tractor sledge with a gun of them all the time. After a
while, Peter was talking with Hillcrest about what the airplane was carrying that was
so important, and Zagero noticed that Corazinni was pulling something from behind
his back, and tackled him to the floor and hit him, making him fall. After that he pulled
the gun from Corazzini’s coat and that’s how they found out that Corazzini was one
of the killers.
7. Who was the other criminal? How do we know this in the story?
Smallwood, the reverend. He was the one who Corazzini hit with Peter’s gun when
Helene fell, to throw suspicion on Zagero. They found out he was the other killer after
Zagero and Corazzini fought and found out Corazzini was one of the killers, and
when Peter remembered there were two killers Smallwood hit Peter’s wrist and sent
his gun flying, and pointed a gun at his head.
8. What was in Corazzini’s wallet? What did the article contain?
The newspaper article that Peter had taken from the dead body of Colonel Harrison.
It was about a disaster in New Jersey, where a passenger train had fallen off the
edge of a bridge and plunged into the waters below, drowning a large number of
passengers. The main fact in the article was that one of the passengers that died
was an army official who was carrying a super-secret guided-missile mechanism.
Corazzini took it because he knew if Peter read it he would have become suspicious.
9. What was the relation between Zagero and his manager? Why didn’t they tell
They were father and son, they didn’t tell anyone because boxers aren’t allowed to
have a close relation with their manager.
10. Who did Smallwood shoot? Who was he planning to shoot?
He shot Mrs Dansby-Gregg. He was planning to shoot Helene for kicking him, but
Mrs Dansby-Gregg pushed her to the side to save her.
11. What do you think will happen next? Why?
I’m not sure, Mrs Dansby-Gregg will probaby die, but they will probably catch the
killers and stop them before they can get to the coast, and save Margaret and Levin.

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