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1.We use it to ask 2.We use it to ask about 3.

We use it to ask about

questions about time. people or things when there is who the possessor of
a restricted choice. something is.

4.We use it to ask about 5.We use it to ask 6. We use it to ask about
things, animals , actions, jobs questions about places. people, never about things
, time ……..

7.We use it to ask about the 8.We use it to ask about 9.We use it to ask about the
way things are done or reason that led something to
someone’s age.
happened or someone’s happen.

10.We use it to ask about 11.We use it to ask about the 12.We use it to ask about
the frequency of an action. quantity of something or the number for things we
prices. can count.

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