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Por Michael Lenzen

The text "for online education is growing" the author wants to make ourselves known as distance
education of one kind or another has long been the help that people can learn different trades in
his spare time, at this time with the evolution of internet online education is a reality.

Now it is possible to obtain a degree from a good college without attending to this, a survey by a
nonprofit company in its report disclosed as 20% of US college students studying online, a rate
Growth of 32% of people between the age of 25 had completed college, in 2000 this figure
increased to 52% as revenues increased

Online education has been one of the greatest possibilities that has to meet the needs of skilled
labor, this has been achieved with Internet access which only took 7 years to reach 25% of US
households compared to television and radio which were delayed between 35 and 46 for
electricity in homes, leading to higher education moving towards people requiring this service
which provides financial ease and time, plus some universities they are taking problems with their
physical plants due to the growth of the student population is more easily seen in schools online
programs that expand the facilities of universities is promoted.

The conclusion is that more people adults continue their education to build new skills or improve
their chances in the labor market, so as almost 90 million adults are in some form of education to
complete their degree without leaving their jobs remain attractive for people who work


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