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ABSEN : 11


In my opinion corruption is to enrich oneself or others who are done intentionally against the
law and then take other people's property about the sense of responsibility that can damage morale and
improve the spirit of nation building that is just and can mislead others.

Someone who is corrupt is called a corruptor, anyone can just become a corruptor, corruption is
also not about money, time can also be corrupted. so anyone who enriches himself and takes the rights
of others and harms others can be called a corruptor

In January 2020, Indonesian corruption ranked 85 out of 180 countries. Corruption in Indonesia
develops systemically. For many people corruption is no longer a violation of the law, but just a habit.
But until now the eradication of corruption in Indonesia is very bad, and has not been able to stop or
reduce the number of additional corruptors each year.

Then does the death penalty need to be in the Corruption Bill to solve the problem? It might be
biased, because with a threat like that could lead to a fear of corruption, but also for the procurement of
the death penalty also requires a long process and certain requirements, because in my opinion also the
death penalty is a little extreme because it is also related to human rights, too it all depends on the
authority of the legislative body that regulates it all, and it is not as easy as our opinion.

Then what is the most appropriate way? in my opinion by educating yourself and instilling anti-
corrupt education from an early age is very important, because for today's young generation who will
continue this nation must also be equipped with great character education and discipline, such as
holding compulsory military activities for all young people to educate mentally and to form character,
create a love for the country, I think it can bring forth generations of seeds that are far better and
superior. then for criminal penalties it should indeed be tightened and heavier, because this act of
corruption is very despicable and very detrimental to others.

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