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Taller de inglés

Using good communication skills can help you find solutions.

Practice the suggestions below to improve your communication skills during problem
solving discussions.

The following communication rules can improve problem solving:

State your problem and interests.

• Acknowledge others' problems and interests. Avoid name calling and answering a
complaint with another complaint.

• Listen to the other parties and know their interests. Ask “why,” “why not” and “what if”
questions to better understand. Use silence to demonstrate you are willing to listen or to
help move the other side into a position to listen more effectively to you.

• Offer an apology when appropriate.

• State requests for change in behavioral terms. Don’t ask for changes in attitude or
feeling just to be different.

• Consistently express verbal and body messages. If negative feelings must be

expressed, only use words. Show confidence in the process, relax, use good eye
contact and show interest.
Persuasiveness of a message depends on:
Persuasiveness of a message depends
• Nonverbal communication - includes facial
• Nonverbal communication - includes facial
movementand andgestures.
• Voice communication - includes the tone with
• Voice communication - includes the tone with
• • Data
communication- includes
- includesthethe actual
meaning of words and any supporting
meaning of words and any supporting
You can listen to each other and still
have differences.
These characteristics apply:

• Listen to understand.

• Accept that what the other person is saying is

true for him/her.

• Respect the others’ feelings.

• Repeat for clarification.

• Find a point of agreement.

• State or restate your own opinion.

• Acknowledge another’s statements and state,

“I will give it serious consideration before I
take further action.”
When you receive feedback:
• Listen carefully and repeat what you heard.
• Ask to fully understand.
• Say thank you and state that you will consider their
comments before taking further action.
• Seriously reflect on what you heard before taking
further action.

When you give feedback:

• Separate the behavior from the person. Be specific
and factual about behaviors. Avoid value judgments
and demands for a change in attitude or emotion.
• Describe how you feel.
• Describe how this affected you.
• Be sensitive and respectful. Present this feedback
as a gift, then leave it behind.
¿Qué se pretende con este taller?
What is the aim of this workshop?

✓ Reconocer el papel del lenguaje (positivo y negativo) en la

construcción de paz en la comunidad.

✓ Usar las diferentes estrategias sugeridas para dar solución a las

problemáticas sociales.

✓ Descubrir a través de nuevas experiencias formas adecuadas de

solucionar discusiones o inconvenientes.

✓ Promover el hábito de ofrecer buenos concejos

Debido a la problemática de salud pública actual, este taller no se realizará de
manera presencial; se desarrollará a través de una serie de ejercicios abordados
con la siguiente ruta:

✓ Inicialmente se propuso diferentes formas que podrían ser implementadas para dar
solución a las diferentes situaciones- problemas que se te puedan presentar, tanto
en el colegio como en casa o cualquier lugar en el que te encuentres.
✓ Seguido de esto, tendrás un trabajo práctico para identificar diferentes adjetivos
que puedan ser utilizados para describir los tipos personalidades que afloran en
✓ Luego, tendrás algunas lecturas que te ayudarán a clarificar conceptos e
identificar posibles soluciones de forma correcta.
✓ Y, por último, aprenderás a utilizar distintas estrategias de solución de problemas
que te ayudarán a manejar posibles situaciones a futuro correctamente.
¿Qué se te viene a la mente cuando te hablan de ...?
What comes to your mind when people talk about …?
Para este ejercicio debes responder en inglés en tu cuaderno.

Giving advice…

Freedom of opinion
¿Qué se ha pensado sobre el tema?

What has it been thought about the topic?

Teaching problem solving: Let students get ‘stuck’ and ‘unstuck’

In the real world, students encounter problems that are complex, not
well defined, and lack a clear solution and approach. They need to be
able to identify and apply different strategies to solve these problems.
However, problem solving skills do not necessarily develop naturally;
they need to be explicitly taught in a way that can be transferred
across multiple settings and contexts.
This is what Kate Mills, Literacy Interventionist at Red Bank Primary
School, has to say about creating a classroom culture of problem solvers:
Helping my students grow to be people who will be successful outside of
the classroom is equally as important as teaching the curriculum. From the
first day of school, I intentionally choose language and activities that help to
create a classroom culture of problem solvers. I want to produce students
who are able to think about achieving a particular goal and manage their
mental processes. This is known as metacognition, and research shows
that metacognitive skills help students become better problem solvers.
Teachers aren’t there to solve problems for the students, but to support
them in solving the problems themselves. With that important part of our
classroom culture established, we can move to focusing on the strategies
that students might need.

Here’s one way she says she does in the classroom, let´s do it!
✓ Activity # 1
1. Based on the topic and what you just read about problem solving and getting stuck, go to and search the video called "Broken Escalator"

- Para este ejercicio debes responder en inglés en tu cuaderno.

- After watching the video, write a paragraph (about 100 words) that tells what you think
about the video and how it relates to this workshop.
- _______________________________________________
- ___________________________________________
✓ Activity # 2
As exercise # 1 refers, many people get stuck and they do not try to get off by themselves,
instead the call for help.
Now I invite you to complete this chart using prompts you might use when having a problem.
Saying … Doing …
Example: Are we doing the right thing? Example: Accepting other opinions.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.
✓ Activity # 3
As a complement of this workshop, please do Way to go 8° Unit # 1 module 3 Unit 1..
✓ Activity # 4
As a strategy to start using accurate words to solve problems, Way to go 8° proposes lesson 2
about verbal abuse.
Para resolver conflictos en el aula es necesario saber dialogar y ponerse de
acuerdo. Por otra parte, trabajar en equipo permite practicar los valores, convivir en
armonía con el otro regulando las reacciones emocionales, adquiriendo habilidades
para resolver conflictos hasta llegar a ser ciudadanos responsables y solidarios.

- Para este ejercicio debes responder en inglés en tu cuaderno.

Ahora, ¿Qué tan importante consideras utilizar estrategias de comunicación para

abordar y solucionar los problemas?
Estás llegando al final de este taller y queremos invitarte a pensar en todas las cosas que
has aprendido hasta ahora, para ello responde las siguientes preguntas:

Para este ejercicio debes responder en inglés en tu cuaderno.

¿Qué estrategia de comunicación utilizarás de ahora en adelante cuando enfrentes



¿Sabías que el maltrato verbal es uno de los abusos más comunes en los colegios?

Para gomosos
Enthusiastic person

En estos días de cuarentena, es necesario continuar aprendiendo.

Cada reto y cada actividad que realices te ayudará a adquirir más y
mejor conocimiento. Te invito a continuar realizando las otras
actividades propuestas en el Workbook Way to go 8° module # 3

• Mary Holz-Clause, former co-director, Ag Marketing Resource Center, former associate vice
president for ISU Extension and Outreach
• Kate Mills and Helyn KimTuesday, October 31, 2017

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