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aay) oY Lae ABoo! \ FOCUS: act, aud. PREFIX ROO SUFFIX counter- against, opposite | act do, drive sence stats, quality, act in- in, into, not aud/ hear -ible able tobe A andi inter- detawen sion state, quality, act re- back, again DIRECTIONS: In Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffixes. Match each word to its correct meaning from Column B. 1. countergcd 3, 4, a COLUMN A interaction reaction audience inaudible oP Re « COLUMNB communication between two or more things to act directly against; to prevent from affecting a group of listeners or spectators a response unable to be heard DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for ezch sentence. Use each word only once, Be 3. 4. Her ___ to the surprise birthday party was one of shock. There was a great deal of positive __ among the classmates. Comedians perform best with a live The doctor advised his patient to drink plenty of liquids to __ the dehydrating effects of the medication. 5. The children were talking so quietly that they were almost Woro Fi FOCUS: anim, cred ua PREFIX ROOT SUPFIX, ins in, into, not anim = spizit, life | ate: to make, to act cred believe ence state, quality, act | equ equal, fair -ible able to be city state, quality, act -ulous having the quelity of DIRECTIONS: In Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffixes. Match each word to its correct meaning from Column B. COLUMN A COLUMN B 1.G@nimate a. to give spirit, life, motion, or activity to 2. equanimity b. too extraordinary and impossible to believe 3. credence c. disbelieving: not believing 4. incredible 4. calm temperament; evenness of temper 5. incredulous ___ e. belief; acceptance as true or valid DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence. Use each word only once. 1. The tightrope walker performed the most balancing act we had ever seen. 2. ‘The student's excuse for tardiness received an__ ___ look from the teacher. 3. His was apparent even when things got siressfial 4. The eyewitness gave to the suspect’s story. 5. The clown’s visit to the children’s hospital helped the young patients, Lever ABoos 1 EOCUS: avi, memor PREFIX ROOT ] SUFFIX com- — with, together avi/avia bird -al like, zelated to | memor! remember -ary someone or memori something that belongs to -ate to make, to act . relating to the quality of being able to move 3. mobility E c. able to be taken or carried away 4. promotion __ d. the scene of noisy confusion or activity $.temovable __ e. motionles ; unable to move DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence. Use each word only oace. L. She woke up in the middle of the night because of the outside the tent. His was due to his commitment to his work. ‘The winter coat has & lining that zips out AP KR The cat would have more ____ outside the cage. ov The _ locomotive was in need of repair. \Worp Roors FOCUS: nov, voc XE ABooK | PREFIX ROOT SUFFIX. in, into, not nov new -able able 10 be Te- back, again voc! voice, call ~ate to make, to act peal sation an action or provess| -ferous producing | ice one who, that which | DIRECTIONS: In Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffixes. Match each word to its correct meaning from Columa B. COLUMN A COLUMN B bs nfoye on —— a. to make something like new again 2. novice ——_ b. loud, noisy 3, renovate —— ©, the act or process of inventing something new 4, revocable di. aperson.who is new to an activity; a beginner 5. vociferous —— ©. able to be repealed or withdrawn DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence. Use each word only once. 1. The new coach's contract was _ team, — if he was unable to improve the 2. Owners of very old homes often them so they look exactly as they did when they were first built. 3. Making items from plastic was an of the 20th century. ca The team was when the umpire called their batter out. Everyone could see he was a when he fell off the skateboa ‘Worb Boots FOCUS: pos Ama | PREFIX ROOT | SUBFIX com- with, together pos! place, put sion state, quality, ect ae. waggaaR posit ex: out away, rom im- in into, no: op- against DIRECTIONS: In Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffixes. Match each word to its correct meaning from Column B. COLUMN A COLUMN RB L, exposd _ a. an excessive or unjust burden placed on someone 2. composition ____b, to pnt down or in a safe place 3. deposit —— ©. al arrangement or putting together of parts 4. imposition —— the act of resistance or action against 5. opposition —— @. to place something where it can be seen; to put in an unprotected situation DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence. Use each word only once. 1, She wanted to lift the garbage can lid ta ____ the trash within. 2, The candidate faced strong to his program 3. The storm is expected to _ ____ twenty inches of snow. 4. She won first place for her musical 5. He felt that asking his ibor to take him to work was too much of an Woau Roots EOCUS: scrib = PREFIX ROOT SUFFIX circum- around scrib/ write, written sion state, quality, act | de- away, down, serio | in- in, into, not post- after | | DIRECTLO! NS: In Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots!and then underlining prefixes and suffixes. Match each word to its correct meaning from Column B COLUMNA COLUMN B L.circumGcrib} _____a. to represent with words or pictures 2. describe es b. a written order for medicine 3. inscription ___& anengraving on a coin or other object 4. postscript __ di, to draw around; to encircle 5. prescription ____e._ an addition to an already completed letter, article, or book DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence, Use each word only once. 1. She squeezed ina __ at the bottom of her letter telling the date of her return. 2. ‘The math class was learning to various geometric figures with a compass 3. The on the medallion showed the date of her birthday 4, The nurse called the pharmacy with the __ for the patient's medicine. She asked me to eo _a sea otter because she had never seen one. FOCUS: struct Leva. A Boox 1 PREFIX: ROOT SUFFIX | con- with, together struct — build -ion slate, quality, act de- away, down -ure process, condition | infra- beneath ob- against | a | | DIRECTIONS: In Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffixes. Match each word to its correct meaning from Column B. COLUMN A COLUMN B 1 — a. the act of destroying; a state of damage 2. destruction —- b. to form by putting together parts 3. infrastructure = —__ c. the act of putting back together 4, obstruction —— d. underlying framework of a system 5.reconstruction ___ e, an obstacle or something put up against something olse DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence. Use each word only once. 1. The hurricane that struck the Florida coast caused a great deal of 2. The accident on the highway was a major _ to the Elow of traffic 3, Jeremy kept busy all afternoon with the ___ of his Lego tower from the fallen pieces: 4. The ofa school consists of teachers, administration, and a school beard. 5, He was hoping to __ the new model airplane within a week Worm Roors FOCUS: son, tort CAE BoE PREFIX, ROO! SUFFIX con- — with, together son sound -ance state, quality. act apart, opposite of |_| tort twist -ic like, related to beyond -ion state, quality, act uni- one | DIRECTIO! In Column A, identify the parts af each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suflixes. Match each word to its correct meaning from Column B. COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. dis€ORance ____ a. a twisted shape or position 2, ultrasonic ——_b. asone voice 3. unison ——¢, lack of harmony; discord 4. contortion —— d. toalter the shape or condition of 5. distort e, ——_ & related to a frequency of sound vibrations beyond the normal hearing range; high in frequency DIRECTION word only once. Choose the best word from Columm A for each sentence. Use each 1. The acrobat’s was amazing to watch. 2, Animal trainers have us whistles to train dogs and dolphins. 3. No one wanted to be his friend because he would __ the truth to get his way = The chorus sang the song in The _ the performance. ____ between the sirings and horns made it difficult to listen to Worn Roots FOCUS: speci, vis tee ASoet r PREFIX ROOT SUFFIX con- with, together speci/ look, examine -fy todo, to make | en: injinto spect -ion state, quality, act 5 vis see in. in, into, not | retro. backward DIRECTIONS: In Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffixes. Match each word to its correct meaning from Column B. COLUMN B a. to picture in the mind 2. retrospect 'b. impossible to see 3. specify c. to describe in detail 4, envision d. the remembering of past events 5. invisible sg. the act of examining or reviewing DIRECTION: ‘word only once. Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence, Use each 1. The colorful brochures helped them what Wait Disney World would be like, Pp Marina worked an hour cleaning her room and hoped that it passed her mother’s 3. They asked him to the exact time and place of his arrival at the train station. + It was so vy that the house next door was . In ___, the injured skier wished he hed remained on the beginner's slope. Woe Roars FOCUS: tempor, ver Level A Boot 1 PREFIX ROOT SUBFIX con- with, together tempor dine -acity — the quality of ex- irom ver/ truth -aneous having the quality veri of | | -ary of, related to -fy to do, to make DIRECTIONS: In Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffixes, Match each word to its comect meaning from Column B. COLUMN A COLUMNB L _. 4. lasting for a limited time 2.extemporancous ____b. of the same time; modern time 3. temporary ___c, to confirm; to prove to be true 4, veracity _ d@._ done without any preparation; impromptu 5. verify —— ¢. tmth; honesty DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence. Use each word only once, L. The mayor was known for his speaking ability. 2. Although the mother was upset with her son, she praised him for his after he admitted to eating all of the candy, 3. They called the store to ___ the winning lotto numbe 4. Bad weather caused a delay in their plans 5. He enjoyed both___ __and classical music Word Roors FOCUS: tract, vine mee BBs PREFIX ROOT SUEFIX con- with, together tract = drag, draw out, pull | -ible able to be eX out, away, from vine conquer | lon state, quality ect in- in, into, not | re- back, again DIRECTIONS: In Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffixes. Match each word to its ca Column B. ct meaning from COLUMN 4 COLUMN B 1, unbeatable: impossible to overcome 2. extraction ——_. to persuade by argument or evidence 3. retract ——_&. act of drawing together or shrinking 4, convince _ d. process of withdrawing, pulling out 5, invincible —— —@. to draw or pull back DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for word only once. h sentence, Use each 1, Bridges must be built to withstand the expansion and __ by weather, caused 2. The attorney tried to the jury that the defendant was not guilty. 3. The tooth was done by an oral surgeon. 4. The brave troops were trained to march forth as though they were 5. Cindy wished she could already heard it she said, but her friends had Worn Roors Lave ABoow 4 FOCUS: vers, vert PREFIX ROOT SUFFIX a away, from vers/ wm ion state, quality, act vert extro- outside of intro- within tra- across, through DIRECTIONS: In Column A, identify the perts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffixes, Matca each word to its correct meaning fom Column B COLUMN A 1. avergion — . convert . extrovert introversion . traverse DIRECTIONS: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentes word only once. COLUMNB to move across or turn back and forth across se an outgoing person ° taming inward; focusing on oneself d. to tum into or wansform. e. the act of tuming away from; a dislike of something Use each 1. Native American tribes would __ the plains in search of buffalo, 2. The child Row . He believed his . Vegetarians have an He planned to = giew up to be a famous comedian. ______weeting meat. —___— the garage into another bedroom. came from being an only child.

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