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Universidad Mayor de San Andres Ingles Técnico I

Facultad de Ingenieria
Name: univ. Wilmer Quispe Chino

Date: 28 April 2020

Sentences fromed in Passive Vioce

1.- The oil is obtained from pieces of animals and plant.

2.- Oil existed previously from geological year.

3.- was formed from small plants and animals that millions of years ago.

4.- Oil forme don the rocks.

5.- The oil originated in sediments or basins.

6.- Kerosene, diesel, gasolina was obtained from the oil.

7.- Gasolina was a by-product in the destillation of petroleum.

8.- Petrochemical is derived from petroleum.

9.- Asphalt was also obtained as an oil derivative.

10.- Oil is considered as energy in the modern world.

11.- These three energy sources are referred to as fossil fuels.

12.- The first modern oil well at tituville, pensylvania, 1859.

13.- It was a primary resource for industrilized countries.

14.- Fossil are the traces or remains of planto r animal life that existed in previous ages.

15.- Industry revolved between the 18th and 19th centuries.

16.- The pioneer oil well was brought in at a timely momento in the history of energy.

17.- Oil also used to lubricante many different kinds of machines.

18.- Gasoline turned out to be a more efficient energy source for the internal combustion
engine in automobiles.

19.- From petrochemicals different products are obtained such as plastic.

20.- Natural gas is used as fuel in power plants to créate eletricity.

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