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he follow chapter is a conversion for the D&D

Eberron setting to the Genesys roleplaying Changeling
system, detailing the races of Eberron. The Changelings originated from unions between doppelgangers
people of Eberron make up a rich tapestry of and humanoids in the distant past. Eventually, their
races, including all the common races found in descendants became the changeling race. Like shifters, they
fantasy settings, along with several new races are a unique race that breeds true. Unlike shifters, they have
unique to Eberron. Efforts were made to no distinct community and culture as a species. For most of
capture each race's own flavor and style, matching their their history, they have lived in humanoid settlements, often
original powers and abilities with corresponding effects from mistrusted and rarely at ease. This scattering and dispersion
Genesys or the Star Wars RPG. of populations with no central cultural focus has led to a
This chapter offers a brief conversion for many of the variety of coping techniques, expressed differently by each of
common races in the Eberron campaign setting but should the three major changeling philosophies.
not be considered an exhaustive list. Eberron takes the flavor Changeling Traits
of many of the standard fantasy races and turns them on their
ear. The small flavor snippets provide before each race are
there as a reminder and do not do this setting justice. It is Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
strongly suggested that anyone unfamiliar with the Eberron 2 2 2 2 2 2
setting pick up some of the multitude of books on its history
and people. Bonus XP: 100xp
Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn
In order to capture the feel of the ability heavy races of D&D Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
it was necessary to increase the average power level over Bonus Skills: 1 Rank Deception, 1 Rank Vigilance
those found in the Genesys corebook. While this is a self Minor Shapechange: As an action, a Changeling may
contained system and this change shouldn't impact the game suffer 2 strain to change its appearance. A Changeling may
balance, it is suggested that any races you personally convert change their eye, skin and hair color, race, facial features
or create be created with a 240-250 xp pool. and/or gender but must remain silhouette 1. A Changeling
Lastly, this text is intended as a player aid for casual use may use this ability as part of a deception check to mimic a
only. Art and text have been heavily plagiarized from many specific individual. If they do, they do not require a disguise kit
media property without permission. No part of this document and may upgrade the check twice.
should ever be sold or distributed for profit.

Slam: When making an unarmed combat check, Warforged
Warforged add +1 to their base damage and have a Critical rating of 3.
Created as soldiers for the Last War, warforged are artificial Power Down: Warforged do not take an automatic critical
humanoids who are intelligent and selfaware. Without a war for exceeding their wound thresh hold. Over their WT they go
to fight, freed of their creators, and with no heritage or culture inert and subsequent hits result in critical hits as usual.
of their own, warforged are searching for a place in the world.
Warforged Traits
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
3 2 2 1 2 1

Bonus XP: 90xp

Wound Threshold: 14 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Artificial: Warforged do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe,
and are unaffected by toxins and poisons. A warforged may
have up to six components.
Composite Plating: Armor may be worn but counts
towards component limit, bonus talent: Enduring
Living Construct: Healing Potions [Painkillers] restore one
less wound. Heal [Medicine] checks and Healing spells used
on a warforged have their difficulty increased by 1. Warforged
can be "healed" by using the Craft [Mechanics] skill instead of
the Heal skill.

Variant: Warforged Scout

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
2 3 2 2 2 1

Bonus XP: 90xp

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Artificial: Warforged do not need to eat, sleep, or
breathe, and are unaffected by toxins and poisons. A
warforged may have up to six components.
Composite Plating: Armor may be worn but counts
towards component limit, bonus talent: Enduring
Light Fortification: (Bonus Talent: Durable)
Living Construct: Healing Potions [Painkillers] restore
one less wound. Heal [Medicine] checks and Healing
spells used on a warforged have their difficulty
increased by 1. Warforged can be "healed" by using
the Craft [Mechanics] skill instead of the Heal skill.
Bonus Skill: 1 Rank Stealth
Power Down: Warforged do not take an automatic
critical for exceeding their wound thresh hold. Over
their WT they go inert and subsequent hits result in
critical hits as usual.
Size: Silhouette 0

Light Fortification: (Bonus Talent: Durable)

Shifters, sometimes called the weretouched, trace their Shifter Traits
lineage to distant human and lycanthropic ancestors. Unlike
their lycanthropic ancestors, shifters cannot fully change Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
form. Instead, they can take on animalistic features, an ability 2 3 1 2 2 1
they call shifting.
Shifters are among Eberron's most distrusted and persecuted Bonus XP: 90xp
races. People often hate and fear shifters for their bestial Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
natures, yet some shifters are able to find acceptance within Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
groups of open-minded individuals. Lowlight Vision: When making ranged combat or
Perception checks, Shifter remove up to bb imposed due to
Bonus Skills: 1 Rank Athletics, 1 Rank Coordination
Shifter Heritage: Pick one of the following lycanthrope
heritage at character creations:
Shifting: Once per scene, as an incidental, a shifter may call
on their lycanthropic background to gain the following
benefits based on their shifter heritage. These benefits last 3
rds + Brawn. A Shifter gains +1 rd per 10xp of shifter talents
and +1 use per scene per 20xp. While shifting a Shifter is
granted a b to all checks with a specific attribute along with
one or more abilities. These bonuses are based on their
Shifter Heritage trait. (See Sidebar)

Shifter Heritage
Beasthide: Brawn, Enduring Talent
Cliffwalk: Agility, Free Running Talent
Dreamsite: Willpower, Speak w/ Animals,
Soothing Tone Talent
Gorebrute: Brawn, Gain Horn Attack (+2 Dmg, 4
Crit, Knockdown)
Longstrider: Agility, Gain an additional free
maneuver per turn. They still may not perform
more than two maneuvers per turn, however.
This maneuver may only be used for movement.
Longtooth: Brawn, Gain Bite Attack (+2 Dmg, 3
Razorclaw: Brawn, Gain Claw Attack (+1 Dmg, 3
Crit, Pierce 1)
Swiftwing: Agility, Gain Fly equal to your
movement speed.
Truediver: Brawn, Gain Amphibious
Wildhunt: Brawn, Expert Tracker Talent

Dragonborn stand between the realm s of mortals and those
of the great dragons, at home in neither.
Draconic Heritage
The Dragonborn come from Argonnessen, the continent of the Black or Copper: (Acid) Damage 6; Critical 4;
dragons. While the beaches of Argonnessen are populated by Range [Short]; Blast 3, Slow-Firing 2, Pierce 2
the tribes of the Seren, within the jungles of the continent's Blue or Bronze: (Lightning) Damage 6; Critical 4;
interior lie the great city-states of the Dragonborn. The Range [Medium]; Slow-Firing 2, Ion, Disorient 2
Dragonborn rarely leave Argonnessen, with the exception of a Brass, Red or Gold: (Fire) Damage 6; Critical 4;
large colony of Dragonborn that founded a settlement in the Range [Short]; Blast 5, Slow-Firing 2, Burn 2
Green: (Poison) Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
land now known as Q'barra. [Short]; Blast 3, Slow-Firing 2, Concussive 1,
Stun Dmg
Dragonborn Traits Silver or White: (Cold) Damage 6; Critical 3;
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence Range [Short]; Blast 3, Slow-Firing 2, Ensnare 1

3 1 2 2 2 2

Bonus XP: 90xp

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
Draconic Rage: When a Dragonborn has suffered any
wounds, he deals +1 damage to Brawl and Melee attacks.
When a Dragonborn is Critically Injured, he instead deals +2
damage to Brawl and Melee attacks.
Bonus Skills: 1 Rank Knowledge (History)
Draconic Heritage: Pick one of the following lycanthrope
heritage at character creations:
Draconic Resistance: A Dragonborn’s soak is increased by
2 for elemental damage associated with their heritage. (See
Draconic Breath: Dragonborn have an elemental breath
weapon they can call upon when threatened. Each time the
Dragonborn uses this ability, he suffers 3 strain. The damage
type and effect is based on the Dragonborn's Draconic
Heritage selected and character creation (See Sidebar)

Kalashtar Human
The kalashtar are the children of two worlds, born of a For good or ill, humans are the dominant race on Khorvaire
spiritual symbiosis between humanity and renegade spirits and the most numerous on Sarlona. Adaptable and ambitious,
from Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. The touch of the quori humans have defined history in the recent age, and wherever
subtly altered the physiology of the human host, and thus the Eberron's fate goes in the future, humanity will undoubtedly
kalashtar are a unique species, distinct from both human and be the guiding force.
quori ancestry. The most distinctive element of a kalashtar is
his soul. The spirits of the original quori rebels touch the souls Human culture was born on the continent of Sarlona, with the
of their descendants, and this provides a kalashtar with an first settlers sailing from Sarlona’s western coast to the region
excess of psychic energy and a natural gift for psionic powers. of Khorvaire now called the Lhazaar Principalities. From
there, they spread across the continent of Khorvaire,
Kalashtar Traits disrupting the placid elven empire of Aerenal and leaving
ruined goblin kingdoms in their wake. With the arrival of the
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence Inspired in Sarlona, human dominance on that continent
came to an end. The humans of Khorvaire feel no particular
2 2 2 2 2 2 connection to their ancestral homeland. Indeed, most don’t
even realize their ancestors came from that distant land.
Bonus XP: 100xp
Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn Human Traits
Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
Bonus Skill: 1 Rank Psionics Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
Kalashtar Mindlink: As a maneuver, a Kalashtar can take 2
strain to initiate a telepathic link with a sentient creature 2 2 2 2 2 2
within Medium range. While this bond remains active the
Kalashtar can communicate normally without making sounds. Bonus XP: 110xp
This does not grant any special form of understand if the two Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
do not share a language. This link remains until the end of the Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
encounter. A Kalashtar may only maintain one link at a time. Additional Non-Career Skills: Humans start the game
with one rank in two different non-career skills of their choice.
  Ready for Action: Whether by luck or raw determination,
humans have the ability to shape the world around them like
few others. Once per session as an out-of-turn incidental, a
human may move one story point from the Game Master's
pool to the players' pool.

Elf Drow
The Elves of Eberron are known to be a strange and diverse The drow carve a deadly existence out of the ruined continent
people. Humans will often find Elves to be as strange as they of Xen’drik. The dark-skinned elves believe it is they, not the
find Orcs and Goblins. The Elves who live among Humans are rebels who fled to Aerenal, who truly preserve the dignity and
viewed as approachable as they have integrated with their valor of the elf race. Allied with monstrous scorpions, the
neighbors now having similar ideologies as Humans. The drow battle the fallen race of giants over the ruins of the
Elves of Aerenal and Valenar are distant from other races and mysterious continent. As the most civilized inhabitants of
care little for affairs outside their borders as they view most ruined Xen’drik, the drow are the heirs to both the lingering
other races as short-sighted and petty. Despite their views of might of giant nations and the ancient elven spellcraft once
outsiders The Valenar and Aerenal Elves are willing to trade learned at the feet of dragons.
and interact with other nations though, neither of these Elven
communities welcome visitors. Drow Traits
Elf Traits Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
1 3 2 2 1 3
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
1 3 2 2 2 2 Bonus XP: 80xp
Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Bonus XP: 90xp Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn Bonus Skills: 1 Rank Perception, 1 Rank Survival or
Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower Arcane
Bonus Skill: 1 Rank Perception Dark Vision: Drow can see in almost total darkness.
Lowlight Vision: When making ranged combat or Remove all b imposed due to darkness.
Perception checks, Elves remove up to bb imposed due to Light Sensitivity: Sudden expose to bright light will blind a
darkness. Drow for 1 round and Drow characters receive a b when
Elven Weapon Training: Elves receive a b to all checks acting in bright light conditions.
with bows. Drow Combat Training: Drow receive a b to all checks
Elven Swiftness: Elves do not suffer the penalties for when attacking with a Xen'drik Boomerang, Xen'drik Long
moving through difficult terrain. Knife or Scorpion Chain. Additionally, all incoming attacks by
Elf Subspecies: Geographic isolation and cultural giants upgrade their difficulty by 1.
differences have lead to several distinct subspecies of elves Elven Swiftness: Drow do not suffer the penalties for
developing. These species share all of the traits list but are moving through difficult terrain (they move through it at
unique in the follow ways: normal speed, without spending additional maneuvers).
Aerenal Elves
The Aerenal elves worship their ancestors as Deathless,
lifeforms much like undead but kept alive by the positive
energy of Irian. The Deathless serve as advisors and
defenders and are considered by those who worship them to
be divine as a whole, in the form of the Undying Court.
Bonus Skill: 1 Rank Arcane or Divine
Valenar Elves
The Valenar elves focus their worship only on their Warrior
ancestors. By emulating the deeds of these ancestors, they
believe the spirits can live again. They do not resurrect their
fallen or beloved as Deathless.
Bonus Skill: 1 Rank Ride or Weapon Skill
Khorvaire Elves
The Khorvaire elves are as diverse as the elf race as a whole.
They divide themselves by nation or by Dragonmarked House
and often follow the local customs. A few still hold their own
race's beliefs in ancestor worship, but not to the same degree
as the Valenar or Aerenal. Their half-elven descendents, the
Khoravar, have formed a separate community.
Bonus Talent: Well Rounded

Gnomes are among the most inquisitive of races. They seek
knowledge in all its forms and tend to careers which allow
them to fulfill this thirst: bards, historians, alchemists and
librarians, as well as spies. The gnomes rule the nation of
Zilargo, one of the oldest nations of Khorvaire.
The gnomes’ natural gift for illusion is a manifestation of
their racial bent toward deception; a gnome will rarely engage
in direct conflict when he can strike from the shadows or trick
others into working on his behalf. Most gnomes derive great
pleasure from these subtle games; two gnomes might be
engaged in vicious political feuds with one another and still be
great friends.
Gnome Traits
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
3 2 2 2 2 1

Bonus XP: 90xp

Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Bonus Skill: 1 Rank Arcane, 1 Rank Stealth
The More you Gnome: All knowledge skills are class skills.
Bonus Talent: Bought Info
Lowlight Vision: When making ranged combat or
Perception checks, Gnomes remove up to bb imposed due
to darkness.
Size: Silhouette 0
From a history of barbarism and warfare, the dwarves have
risen to a position of enormous economic might. For eight
centuries dwarves have dominated banking and finance in the
bourgeoning mercantile industries of Khorvaire, leaving their
brutal past behind them. They remain a race of proud
warriors, and they present an appearance of elegant
sophistication, beards cut close, armor trimmed with fur and
brocade, and the fury of an ancient barbarian warrior
simmering deep beneath the fair facade.
Dwarf Traits
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
3 2 2 2 2 1

Bonus XP: 90xp

Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Dwarven Stability: When making an attack targeting the
Dwarf, the advantage required to trigger the knockdown
ability is increase by 2.
Dark Vision: Dwarves can see in almost total darkness.
Remove all b imposed due to darkness.
Dwarven Fortitude: The character may spend one Story
Point to ignore the effects of ongoing Critical Injuries on any
Brawn or Willpower related checks until the end of the
encounter. He still suffers from the injury itself. Dwarves gain
Blooded as a bonus talent.
The Halfling of Eberron varies from nomadic dinosaur riding Halfling Traits
barbarians to wily urban merchants and professionals. With
the broad expanse of the Talenta Plains, the shelter of urban Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
havens spread across Khorvaire and the potency of House
Jorasco and House Ghallanda the halflings are as pervasive as 1 3 2 2 1 3
any other racial group across Khorvaire.
Some Halflings have traded the nomadic lifestyle of the Bonus XP: 80xp
Talenta Halfling for a more urban approach living in major Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
cities across Khorvaire. While many of these halflings are Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
associated with one of the two dragonmarked houses some Bonus Skills: 1 Rank Survival or Medicine, 1 Rank
are simply independent halflings wanting something different Skullduggery or Coordination
for their lives. Some urban halflings have never seen their Fearless: Bonus Talent: Confidence
native homeland, while others (mostly those associated with Halfling Weapon Training: Halfling receive a b to all
the dragonmarked houses) switch between city clothes and checks with slings and Talenta tribal weapons.
nomadic traditions depending on where they find themselves. Uncanny Senses: The character adds b to Perception
There is a fine line between the halflings embracing their checks.
homeland and heritage and remaining truly neutral as all Size: Silhouette 0
dragonmarked houses are charged to be.
The halflings of the Talenta plains maintain the same
traditions that their ancestors of old participated in including
tribal masks and dinosaur mounts. Though physically the
same as urban halflings the native Talenta's strike a much
more imposing figure. Rarely in one place for long the
nomadic tribes traverse the Talenta Plains moving with the
herds they hunt for food. With only one permanent settlement
in the whole of the Talenta Plains (Gatherhold) these nomadic
bands live in temporary camps of tents that are easily set up
and broken down. The Talenta halflings carry few possessions
both as a function of their nomadic lifestyle and as a function
of their beliefs. Their tents are brightly painted, usually with
depictions that tell the story of their tribe's ancestors. Most
important among the halfling's possessions are their hunt-
masks and their dinosaur mounts.

Half-elf Half-orc
Half-elves share the continent of Khorvaire with the other The half-orc are originally progeny of human and orc
common races. When the elves first came to the continent and procreation though half-orcs can mate with either species and
began mingling with the human settlers, the first half-elves create half-orc children. Half-orcs occupy a border in society.
were born. Over time, the half-elves gathered and formed two Although orcs are recognized as a civilized race under the
distinct family groups—the groups that eventually became Galifar Code of Justice they are none-the-less looked down
House Lyrandar and House Medani. For two thousand years, upon by the more civilized races and the half-orc inherits
the half-elves of Khorvaire have possessed a culture and enough of their savagery to discomfort many by their sheer
society of their own. presence though the human ancestory in them craves social
Occasionally, elves and humans still produce half-elves, but structure and comforts. Half-orcs are fairly rare in Eberron
those belonging to the two half-elf dragonmarked houses though the half-orcs of House Tharashk in The Shadow
breed true as a race of their own. Marches have developed a society of their own fueled by their
knack for tracking things down, most notably dragonshards.
Half-elf Traits
Half-orc Traits
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
2 2 2 2 2 3
3 2 1 3 2 1
Bonus XP: 90xp
Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn Bonus XP: 80xp
Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
Additional Non-Career Skills: Half-elves start the game Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
with one rank in two different non-career skills of their choice. Bonus Skill: 1 Rank Survival or Streetwise
Lowlight Vision: When making ranged combat or Finders Knack: Bonus Talent: Outdoorsman or Expert
Perception checks, Half-elves remove up to bb imposed due Tracker
to darkness. Dark Vision: Half-orcs can see in almost total darkness.
Remove all b imposed due to darkness.

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