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Unit 3: Stage 5 - Review and abstrac



Cod: 7716695







Environmental review and toxicology

The world of science is characterized by being constantly evolving, and opening doors in the eternal quest to understand the
functioning of our environment. Basic sciences, such as physics, chemistry and biology, continue to be of paramount
importance to solve unknowns about many aspects of life - from the development of medical treatments to the description of
new chemical elements. Toxicology is responsible for the study of the effects and mechanisms of action of xenobiotics
(chemical and biological agents) in living beings. Then, based on the famous Merriam-Webster dictionary, we can easily
define ecotoxicology as the science that studies the relationship and effects of toxic substances in living things and the
environment. In these cases it is necessary to use different techniques and models to perform toxicity tests. Historically, “in
vivo” models (animal experimentation) have been preferred for providing advantages in the evaluation of whole organisms
and their response to exposure to toxic substances. However, the use of animals, specifically vertebrates, brings about
unfavorable ethical and economic issues. Because of this, there has been a recent approach in looking for alternatives to
animal testing. The development and implementation of “in vitro” (cell culture) and “in silico” (computational models)
models have generated many advances in ecotoxicology, and although there are still many challenges for the exact
implementation of these models, the results so far are Very promising

Summary of stage 4 bioassay

Pyrethroids Cypermethrin The performance of treatments in the seed acts as a safe and prevents the loss of plants or the
reduction of their vigor by the attack of diseases or insects. These should be part of an integration of methods for a good
crop installation, whose objective is to have about 200 healthy rice plants per m2. This management includes the use of
seeds with high physiological and sanitary quality, of disease-resistant cultivars and the proper management of cultural
practices for planting. In addition to their possible use as insurance against possible adverse conditions, the treatment of
Seeds are recommended in difficult farm situations at the time of planting, as in very early times with cold soil or very thick
planting beds. It is also advisable to carry out seed treatment when they do not have good sanitary quality or in cases of seed
introduction from other regions. Future work that jointly assess the improvements in speed and quality of implementation
associated The herbicides are the chemical pesticides for agricultural use most commonly used in this study, followed
closely by organophosphorus insecticides and carbamates; Fungicides are also pesticides widely used in Colombia. It was
determined that carbofuran (carbamate), chlorpyrifos (organophosphorus), cypermethrin (pyrethroid) and thiamethoxan
(neonicotinoid), are the most commonly used insecticides in Colombian agriculture. The presence of endosulfan, an
organochlorine insecticide, whose commercialization is prohibited in Colombia, in accordance with resolutions 1311, 1312,
1313 and 1387 of 2001 of the ICA (84) is notable.with anticipated management of crop fertilization and flooding will allow
a more appropriate assessment of the cost-benefit ratio of seed treatment in the crop. of rice.


The realization of this work is based on the lack of a study in Colombia that characterizes pesticide poisonings in the
occupational sector. There is an Epidemiological Surveillance System in the country that collects information from all over
the country about pesticide poisonings, medications, methanol, solvents, heavy metals, carbon monoxide and other gases,
psychoactive substances and other chemical substances. This information allows to guide and plan public health policies,
make decisions for the prevention and control of poisoning risk factors, optimize the monitoring and evaluation of
interventions, streamline and optimize the resources available for the protection of individual and collective health.
The herbicides are the chemical pesticides for agricultural use most commonly used in this study, followed closely by
organophosphorus insecticides and carbamates; Fungicides are also pesticides widely used in Colombia. It was determined
that carbofuran (carbamate), chlorpyrifos (organophosphorus), cypermethrin (pyrethroid) and thiamethoxan (neonicotinoid),
are the most commonly used insecticides in Colombian agriculture. The presence of endosulfan, an organochlorine
insecticide, whose commercialization is prohibited in Colombia, in accordance with resolutions 1311, 1312, 1313 and 1387
of 2001 of the ICA (84) is notable.

Cypermethrin EXHIBITION

It refers to the place where the poisoning was reported, or the work done during it. Storage: it is the place where the

pesticides are disposed before and during their use. fumigation, or the storage and handling of products in

homes.Preparation and mixtures: this process is usually carried out without taking preventive measures such as the use of

personal protective elements, avoid manipulation by minors and their realization in places inadequate such as housing and

others. Fumigation: is the act of applying pesticides on crops, also of applying herbicides on plots to kill weeds or eradicate

wild plants that compete with the crop for nutrients from the soil.


Acute general symptoms (headache, emesis, dizziness, asthenia) are more frequently presented here, followed
by dermatological and respiratory disorders, abdominal pain and cholinergic symptoms, the latter in smaller
quantities with respect to organophosphates and carbamates

Información bibliográfica

Título Fast and Low-cost Microbial Toxicity Bioassays Based on Electrochromic Electron Acceptors
Autor Ferran Pujol Vila

Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Theory and Practice

editado por Kenrad E. Nelson, Carolyn Masters Williams

Bioassays: Advanced Methods and Applications

editado por Donat Hader, Gilmar Erzinger

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