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Martinez, Kobe Ranier T.


Graduation Plan

Heading into college is a major move a student makes. It takes a lot of courage to start saying goodbye to
your childhood and to have a glimpse of adulthood. College makes a student more responsible which is
very vital in being an adult. In college, students learn how to be a productive human being. College is a
really long 4 years but it's just enough to mold the students' characters. In the 4th year of college, when a
student is all set to face the world, he/she graduates.

To make sure I'll graduate and be ready to face the world, the main thing I need to do is to plan properly.
By planning, I get to know what my next steps should be towards my advancement as a person. It
prevents me from making a grieve mistake that I will end up regretting if I didn't plan. Planning also helps
me to be more practical because I have to avoid those things that will hinder me from graduating. I think
planning properly is really essential and is a must when entering college. Another thing I should do in
order to graduate is to truly understand what I need to learn as soon as possible. When a new concept is
being taught, I'll try my best to plant it in my head already. Sometimes, it's hard to do because of
preoccupation. My mind thinks a lot during the day and it's hard for me to focus. So whenever I'm calm
and I know I'm capable of understanding new concepts, I should do it as soon as possible. I should also
get enough rest if I want to graduate. I believe that there should be a balance in what we do. We shouldn't
work all of the time because we will get worn out. We shouldn't rest all of the time as well because it will
just slow us down and it can also influence our minds not to do a thing anymore. Getting enough rest is a
must because it relaxes our mind. If our mind is relaxed, we are capable of learning again. I should also
remember to have fun and enjoy while all of this is happening. Yes, college is hard. I shouldn't make it
harder by being so serious all the time. It is important to know that behind all of the things that I need to
do in order to graduate, there is genuine happiness waiting for me in the end.

To be honest, I don't know if I'm going to be able to carry out this plan. I shouldn't be intimidated just
because this plan isn't as easy as it looks like. I should believe in myself and know that I can and I will. I
will graduate.

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