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Kisah tentang tiga ekor babi kecil

Mungkin anda tidak begitu mengenal dongeng ini namun, dongeng yang satu ini sangat populer
di mancanegara dan sering diangkat menjadi kartun. Dongeng ini mengangkat tiga ekor babi
kecil yang menggemaskan yang berpisah dari orangtua mereka. Cerita mulai menegangkan
manakala 3 ekor babi tersebut hendak membangun sebuah rumah untuk melindungi diri cuaca
buruk. Berikut ini, penggalan cerita 3 ekor babi yang bisa anda ambil untuk anak anda.
“Once upon a time, there are three little pigs that decide to leave their house. Those three little
pigs live a happy life by finding any new friends that love them. However, winter will come and
they decide to build a house to protect them for cold weather. Each pig has different idea about
house material. The first pig takes straw as his material, the second pig takes woods for him,
and the last one decides to get brick as his material. While building his house, the third pig is
teased by the other two pigs because, the third spend a long time in building his house
However, the third pig’s house save them later from a wolf that tries to eat them”.

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