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Name : kavana kavilun

Nim : 0117049/3B

Comprehension questions

1. What do important considerations to help a woman in emergency delivery?

2. What should a midwives do when she face up to a woman in a emergency delivery?
3. List the items in delivery pack to help emergency delivery in a shelter or other
4. List 3 (three) the substitions that can take over equipment to help delivery!


1. Important considerations for these deliveries include privacy, a clean place for the birth and
measures to protect the mother from infection and hemorrhage and the newborn from infection,
chilling and respiratory distress.

2. The midwives should gather equipment and have it handy.

3. If delivery occurs in a shelter or other facility with a delivery pack, these items should be present :
bulb syringe, cord clamp, scissors, basin, blankets, sheets, towels, pillows, baby shirts, a dozen
diapers, ophthalmic silver nitrate solution, sterile water and eyedropper (to rinse baby’s eyes),
peripads and a sanitary belt. Substitutions must be made as needed. A clean, soft cloth can be use to
wipe the newborn’s face and mouth and dry the hair.

4. 1.A clean, soft cloth can be use to wipe the newborn’s face and mouth and dry the hair.

2.New shoestrings can be used to tie umbilical cord,

3. and a new razor or scicorrs (clean or boiled) can be used to cut it.

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