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The aim of this project is to analyze the current sale acquisition data, identify the specific trends in

the data and act on it by designing targeted campaigns to increase acquisition. Ultimately, it will
alleviate 2 major issues we currently face as a retailer: customers’ acquisition and retention rate.

For the first phase, the following data will be used for the analysis

 Region, Location – The area of the signups

 Time of signing – The period of which the signups are done
 Date of Birth – Age Group
 Housing Type
 Type of plans, plan duration – Different type of plans catered probably for different
customer segments
 New clients? Renewal? – Whether they embark such program first time, or from another
retailer, or renewing its existing plan
 Promotion code
 Channel Partners or Online – Is the sign up done thru Channel Partners or Online?
 Number of customers during specific campaigns – As a measure of success rate
 Efficiency of Channel Partners and media damage – Any feedback regarding Channel
Partners sale tactics?

The outcome from the analysis is to create more alternative channels to capture a larger market

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