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Institute of Banking and Finance

Bahauddin Zakaraya University Multan

Class: BBA Hons 2nd semester Course Title: Pakistan Studies Maximum marks: 30
Examination: Mid term Course Instructor: Muhammad Time allowed: 2 hours
Asad Ali

i. Attempt your exam on loose white sheet of paper and only hand written will be accepted.
ii. Immediately after finishing your exam you are required to scan it (or take picture) and send its soft copy within
15 minutes in PDF format to my WhatsApp and email to me ( and to Dr. Irfan
( as well.
iii. Student must write his/her name, roll number, date, signature (on first page) and page number on all pages.
iv. Late submission of exam due any reason will NOT be accepted.

Q no. 1: Write brief note (consisting few important points) on following topics. (2.5 x 6 = 15)
A. Educational Revolution of Aligarh Movement.
B. Suggestions of Nehru Report 1928.
C. Proposals of Allahabad Address 1930.
D. Suggestions about the partition of sub-continent.
E. Proposals of Cabinet Mission Plan.
F. Features of Partition Plan.
Q no. 2: Land of Pakistan is granted with a lot of variations in its regions. Describe all its physical features
you are aware of. (5)
Q no. 3: Quaid-e-Azam is the founder of Pakistan. State his ideology regarding the creation of Pakistan. (5)
Q no. 4: In War of Independence 1857 for the first time in history hindus and muslims stood together
against the British Rule. What were the reasons behind the war and what were the consequences? (5)

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